Read Gilbert Online

Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Gay, #Occult & Supernatural, #Romance, #General, #Erotica, #Fairy Tales; Folk Tales; Legends & Mythology, #Contemporary

Gilbert (6 page)

BOOK: Gilbert
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Gilbert slanted a glance to make sure the little boy was still sleeping. He was, so Gilbert cupped Jihu’s jaw and nuzzled the smooth, hairless skin there.

“Oh,” Jihu sighed, his thrusting growing a little less frantic. “That’s…that’s nice.”

Nice wasn’t exactly his aim, so Gilbert sucked on a particularly tasty spot beneath Jihu’s ear. That slender body vibrated with Jihu’s moan, and Gilbert grinned against his skin.

“Got some things that need to be done before we go any further,” Gilbert pointed out. “And I want you to be sure. My body is going haywire, or my hormones are, I don’t fucking know if it’s one or both of those things and it doesn’t matter. I know that’s our mate bond and my leopard demanding his mate. It’s purely physical. Logically, the man in me knows you probably need some time.”

“No,” Jihu said with a shake of his head. “I
I need to release this…this tension inside of me. I haven’t since—” He looked at the baby.

Gilbert hoped his eyes weren’t bugging out. “That’s a long time.”

Jihu hitched up a shoulder. “I couldn’t. This didn’t happen until I saw you.” He scooted back enough to cup his bulge. “Now it won’t go away and it

“Okay, I bet it does. I sure as shit don’t feel much better.” Gilbert’s entire groin ached with his need. “Have you ever done anything with a man?”

“No,” Jihu panted, squeezing his cock. “Just t-the one time with t-the woman—”

Gilbert wished he could use the mental link to see what Jihu was capable of handling. How messed up was he from the forced breeding? Gilbert couldn’t just ask, but he could give Jihu some relief, some that shouldn’t, hopefully, make their situation worse. As hard as Jihu was, as filled with want, squirming with it, in fact, Gilbert knew he’d come in seconds.

“Turn around,” he said, holding his arm out. Jihu didn’t question him, just whined slightly and gave Gilbert his back. Gilbert wrapped his arm around Jihu’s hips and pulled him back until his ass was nestled against Gilbert’s cock. Gilbert bit his cheek to keep from whimpering at the delicious weight in his lap.

“I’m just gonna touch you, okay?”

Jihu’s answer was a wordless keen that had him undulating on Gilbert. Taking that for a yes, he slid his hand right into Jihu’s sweats and fisted his cock. Thick, hot, veiny, and a good length, Jihu’s shaft was perfect and Gilbert shuddered, wishing he was feeling it in his ass instead of his hand. The tip was slick with pre-cum, and he found the slit, broad and seeping. Gilbert pressed against it and Jihu gasped and jolted.

“Feels good, don’t it, honey?” Jihu thrust his hips up and Gilbert grinned. “I’ve got you.” He palmed the fat head and smeared the pre-cum around, then down Jihu’s length. “Gonna kiss you again, mark you like I did on the other side of your neck.” Gilbert licked a salty strip of skin as he pumped Jihu’s cock.

“Please,” Jihu whined softly, arching his neck and pressing the back of his head against Gilbert’s shoulder. He curled his fingers around Gilbert’s forearms and Gilbert felt the sharp bite of nails stinging his skin.

“Anything you need,” Gilbert said right before he sucked up a mark on Jihu’s neck. Jihu’s breathless shout, the bow of his back and jerk of his cock as cum spurted from the slit, was the most erotic thing Gilbert had ever experienced.

Jihu’s spunk had a tangy scent to it that made Gilbert’s mouth water for a taste. Jihu shook and gyrated, his ass rubbing against Gilbert’s cock just so, and Gilbert didn’t see any reason to deny himself pleasure.

He moaned as he sucked another spot further down Jihu’s neck, wishing he could bite and mark his mate like his leopard wanted to. Hot seed shot from his cock at the thought of it, and Gilbert had to fight his leopard to keep from sinking his teeth deep into tender flesh.

After several minutes, Gilbert lifted his head and, keeping his eyes closed, nuzzled Jihu’s hair. He held Jihu until he started to squirm. Gilbert reluctantly loosened his hold and even though he was afraid to open his eyes, was afraid of the look of fear or regret he might find on Jihu’s face, he made himself do it. There would be no hiding from his mate.

But Jihu’s expression was void of any negative feelings, and while his cheeks were tinted a ruddy brown, he seemed more contemplative than anything else.

“Jihu?” Gilbert wasn’t sure what to ask, but he needed to hear something from Jihu, some clue that he was okay with what had happened between them.

Jihu moved off him completely and stood beside the bed. He gave Gilbert a slow and thorough look-over before meeting his eyes and smiling just the tiniest bit. “I didn’t know it could be like that between lovers.”

“Mates,” Gilbert corrected gently, the warm tendrils of happiness spreading in his chest. “We’ll be lovers, true, but we’re also mates, and that is a bond unbreakable, except by death.”

Jihu’s smile vanished and he quietly tucked his cock away before speaking again. He watched his son sleeping peacefully. “Bae needs to know that his father, and possibly his brother Ye-sun, are in danger. It’s also likely that Chul is dead.” Gilbert saw Jihu’s eyes well but he blinked away the tears and took a shaky breath. “I am afraid Bae will blame me for it, for whatever bad things have happened to his true family because of me.”

Gilbert was up and reaching for Jihu, bringing him to his chest to hold and soothe. “I know you don’t know Bae, but he is a wonderful man. He won’t blame you for anything. He’ll love you and be a brother to you, just as my brother Isaiah will. And you’re gonna get my other siblings, too. My whole family, really.”

Jihu didn’t speak, and without the mental bond, Gilbert was left guessing at his thoughts. He could tell Jihu was worried, afraid, and hurting inside. Gilbert would do his best to allay all of those issues, but first he had to contact Bae then check Jihu over for any wounds that needed tending. He knew Jihu was basically physically okay, but he wouldn’t relax until he’d inspected every bit of the man.

Gilbert put a few inches between them and smiled at Jihu when he looked up at him. “I need to call Bae, then we can figure out how to set up a bed for this sweet little guy. Then I want to take care of your cuts, check you over, okay?”

Abbie and Zeus began yapping then, as if reminding him he had more chores to do. Gilbert sighed and looked up at the ceiling. “And take care of the pups. God, those two are gonna drive me batty.”

Jihu snorted and Gilbert decided he’d do anything to hear him laugh. He’d bet it’d been a long time since Jihu had been free to simply enjoy something. Gilbert made it his goal to make sure Jihu had plenty of love and laughter in his life. The love would come, being mates as they were. The laughter would come, too, because Gilbert was going to make sure his mate was safe and free and able to live his life without the fear of his lepe coming for him, or his son.



Chapter Five




As it turned out, neither Bae nor Isaiah had answered their phones. Gilbert had been loath to leave a voicemail saying Bae’s father was probably dead—that seemed cruel and tactless—but he did have to settle for texting both men and asking them to call him as soon as possible regarding a Warren family emergency.

“Okay, Abbie and Zeus…” Gilbert studied the pups who were in their usual bouncy mode. “Outside first. I don’t know how you two will do with a baby, and I can’t risk you jumping up and hurting him. This is going to be fun.” He unlatched their boxes and their nails clacked as they scrambled for the back door. “Don’t dig,” he chided, grinning despite his concerns about the dogs. He hoped they would behave around the baby and not jump all over whoever held him. Gilbert didn’t think the pups would deliberately harm anyone, but their enthusiasm could be a little much at times. They were just too cute, and he still had no idea what he was going to do with them.

“They’re adorable,” Jihu said from behind him. Gilbert turned and found his mate holding his son. “Daniel Lee.”

Gilbert frowned and literally scratched his head as he tried to make sense of that. He just…couldn’t. “What?”

Jihu gave him a half smile and held the baby up a little higher as he looked at him. “Daniel Lee Warren. What do you think?”

Gilbert walked over and caressed one soft, tiny cheek. His heart flipped over as love for the small child filled him. Gilbert had always been a big softy, and looking at the son of his mate, it was easy to love such an innocent being. “I like it. It’s a beautiful name.”

“A strong name,” Jihu whispered, as Daniel opened his eyes. “He’ll be a strong boy, a strong man. No one will raise him up telling him he’s inferior and only good for one thing. No one will hit him or—” Jihu broke off, sucking on his bottom lip.

Gilbert was beginning to put together a whole list of people he wanted to throttle, beginning with Chung-Hee and encompassing, it sounded like, just about everyone in Jihu’s past. He was going to be a busy man if he ever got the chance to dish out some payback.

To Jihu, though, he nodded. “That’s right. We’ll protect him and make sure he’s able to defend himself. He’s going to be just fine.”

Jihu glanced at him then. “I’m afraid. I know we’re mates. The desire that keeps my body burning is proof enough, as is the way my leopard keeps urging me to mate with you. It’s just in here.” He rolled his eyes up as if he could see his brain. “I’m scared, and what we did earlier felt great, but I don’t think I can, you know…”

Gilbert didn’t know, not for sure. “No, I don’t. Please, there’ll be no secrets from me. If you know about mates, then you know we will be together until we die. No one will come between us, and our bond will grow every day. Fate has found us the person we are best suited to, and that’s a shortcut a lot of people don’t have. So please, don’t be afraid to speak your mind or ask me anything.”

Jihu huffed, blowing his breath out and up with a curve of his lip. The shaggy fringe on his forehead fluttered up and out before settling right back on his brow. “I just mean, I don’t think I can fuck you, okay? I…I really didn’t like it when I had to do that to Daniel’s mother, even if she seemed to get off on it. I think she enjoyed knowing I hated it.” Jihu flapped a hand in the air before shoving at the lank of hair. “But that’s in the past. We can do other things, right? You could…you could fuck me. God.” Jihu blushed and Gilbert ran hot with those words.

“We don’t have to do that,” he rasped, his cock going erect so quick he could barely think, much less speak. It took him a couple of tries to continue, because now all he could envision was his big dick spearing into Jihu’s tiny ass.
Talk about a tight fit…
“We can do other things, whatever you want to try. It doesn’t have to be anal.” Maybe it was a good thing Jihu couldn’t share his thoughts, otherwise he’d know how much Gilbert wanted to feel Jihu’s ass caressing Gilbert’s length.

Jihu’s dark eyes burned with a need that matched Gilbert’s own. “I need for you to be inside me.” His voice cracked on the last two words, and his cheeks went darker as his embarrassment battled with his need. “I want, Gilbert. I want everything you can give me, everything you can teach me. I want it enough to beg, if I have to.”

“You don’t have to,” Gilbert uttered as he tucked a finger under Jihu’s chin to tip his head up for a kiss. Keeping his body back enough not to press against Daniel, Gilbert lowered his mouth to Jihu’s. He found him open, waiting, and eager.

Gilbert slipped his tongue into Jihu’s mouth and placed his hands on Jihu’s narrow hips. He kissed Jihu tenderly, a thousand promises of pleasure in each stroke of his tongue. He’d do everything he could to make Jihu float on ecstasy, to wipe out the memories of a forced breeding that had traumatised him. And somehow, Gilbert would find a way to ensure Jihu and Daniel would never be endangered by any lepe seeking to take them from him.


Jihu broke the kiss before he begged Gilbert to take him. He was holding his son, for Heaven’s sake. Now was hardly the time. As if in agreement, Daniel began to fuss. “Diaper and bottle,” Jihu guessed. He smiled at Gilbert then at Daniel. “And maybe some kisses, too.” Jihu raised Daniel up and kissed one plump cheek then the other. He inhaled the scent of warm baby and sighed. “He smells so good, despite the whole dirty diaper stuff.”

Gilbert chuckled and leaned over to kiss Jihu’s cheek. “Babies do, as far as I know. My sister’s kids always smelt delicious when they were babies. Now they smell like holy terrors.”

Jihu surprised himself with a short bark of laughter. He hoped he didn’t look as shocked by it as he felt. “Holy terrors?”

Gilbert nodded. “Yup. The youngest, Jill, is three and into everything. Then there are her two brothers, Solomon and Raul. They’re nine and eleven, and I swear those boys roll in dirt.”

He said it so fondly, Jihu knew he was exaggerating. Jihu wondered what those children’s lives were like. Happy, he’d bet.

“You’ll have to meet them, once we get everything settled. You’ll actually have to meet everyone,” Gilbert said. “Let me get the diaper bag from the living room. I think I’ll have to run to the store. I don’t have any of that water for baby formula.”

“That needs special water?” Jihu asked, feeling over his head suddenly with the parenting things he didn’t know. “I can’t just use tap water?”

“Nope,” Gilbert called out from the other room. “And not bottled water like we drink, because that’s spring water. There’s water just for babies, you buy it in gallon jugs. I’ll show you when I get some.” Gilbert went back into the kitchen and plopped the diaper bag on the counter. “Yup, there’s only two bottles left in here. I need to make a list.” He mixed up the formula and after shaking it, handed it to Jihu. “I was thinking, and it seems best for you and Daniel to come with me to the store. If anyone figures out to look for you here, Abbie and Zeus won’t be much protection.” Gilbert’s eyes widened comically. “Shit!” He spun and ran to the back door, pulling it open and hollering, “Abbie! Zeus! Aw, damn it!”

Jihu came over and peered past Gilbert to see the two puppies digging away at the ground. In fact, there seemed to be more holes than not outside. “Wow. That’s a mess.”

BOOK: Gilbert
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