Read GetOn Online

Authors: Regina Cole

GetOn (10 page)

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“Sometimes, yeah. I do. You’re a big, handsome,
testosterone-addled idiot.” She marched closer and stabbed a finger into his
stomach. “And if you get yourself killed because of this, I will never forgive

He glared at her. She glared back, never dropping her finger
from where it was pressing into him. Slowly, Garrett raised his hand and pulled
it away, lacing his fingers through hers as he did.

“I should beat you.”

“You’d never get away with it.”

“I would, because you’d like it. You haven’t used that safe
word once yet.”

“I haven’t needed to.”

He bent and kissed her, wondering what in the hell was going
through his head. And hers. And what the hell he was going to do about it.

Because right now, he didn’t have a blessed clue.

Chapter Fifteen


A few days later, Mia woke late and poured herself a cup of
coffee. Blowing on the steaming brew to cool it, she stared out Garrett’s
kitchen window.

Rain. Again. She could have sworn she was in Georgia, not
Great Britain. But the way the drops were falling, it was tough to tell.

Garrett’s voice rumbled low from the other room, and Mia
smiled as she took another hot sip of strong coffee. Third phone call in less
than twenty-four hours. He and Trent seemed to be talking civilly now. Good
thing too. She’d thought she would have to knock both their heads together
before they could play nice in the sandbox again.

A trilling ring echoed through the kitchen and Mia padded
toward the source. Her purse lay on one of the dining room chairs, and her cell
was buzzing and ringing its little heart out.


“May I speak with Mia Bartholomew?” The voice was brusquely
familiar. Mia’s grip tightened on the phone.



“Oh.” Mia set her coffee on the table. Ugh, this wasn’t
going to be fun. “What’s going on?”

“I was calling to talk about the job.

“I don’t have one anymore.”

“You do if you want it.”

Mia gave a stunned laugh. “You’re kidding.”

An exasperated breath blew through the phone. “No, I’m
serious. Matt’s been doing the piercing, and he’s fucked up on like three
people. I’m getting complaints and I’m going to get sued if I don’t get someone
back in here soon. So are you coming back or what?”

She actually thought about it for a minute. Well, more like
five seconds. “Nope, I’m good. Thanks for the offer though.”

“You can’t seriously be turning me down. I’m telling you
that I forgive you for missing the convention. I’m desperate here, otherwise I
wouldn’t be calling you, of all people.” Mia ground her teeth together as Jules
continued. “There’s no way you’ve already found another job. You need me as bad
as I need a piercer. Admit it.”

“I’m doing just fine without you and your drama. You never
even gave me a chance to explain, you stiffed me for my last paycheck, and
you just expect me to waltz back in there and fix your problems? I’m sorry, but
that’s not going to happen. You’ll have to find someone else.”

Garrett cleared his throat and Mia instantly cut the call.
He arched a brow at her. “Everything okay?”

“Of course.” Mia shoved the phone back into her purse and
grabbed her coffee cup. “Just a quick business discussion, nothing to worry
about. How’s Trent?”

He didn’t look like he was buying it. He stepped toward her,
a serious expression on his face. “Listen, I know you lost your job, and that’s
pretty much my fault. If you need help, I—”

She slammed the coffee cup down and threw herself at him,
locking her arms around his neck and kissing him as if her life depended on it.
Not because she felt particularly passionate at the moment, or even gratitude
for his generous offer.

It was to shut him up.

She didn’t want to talk about Jules’ offer, or what she was
going to do for money when her savings ran out. She wanted to be with Garrett
and forget all this was happening.

And bless the man, he sure as hell didn’t mind responding.

He gripped her ass and brought her hips tight against his.
That delicious, thick cock between his legs pressed into her belly, already
hungry for her. She rubbed her stiffened nipples against him.

His tongue made long, hungry sweeps between her lips,
dancing with hers, tasting her. He smelled so good, fresh from a recent shower,
all soap and light cologne, his skin still holding a whisper of dampness. She
rubbed against him greedily, her problems all but forgotten as his hands delved
beneath the boxer shorts she’d liberated from his dresser drawer.

His fingertips dug into the flesh of her ass, and her core
dampened as his index finger dipped into the cleft. She was torn, wanting to
push her hips forward to be closer to his groin but needing to press back, let
his hands explore her ass. It was a delicious conundrum, that was for sure.

He lifted his head and smiled down at her.

“Come with me.”

Hand in hand, they made their way to the living room. Mia
had thought their destination was the bedroom beyond, but Garrett stopped at
the low couch.

He pulled her down with him, jerking the shirt over her
head. His followed, then his pants and her boxers. Naked, Mia all but purred as
Garrett’s touch roamed all over her flesh.

She couldn’t help but laugh at herself. Now she was
completely unashamed of her body in front of Garrett. It was hard to even
remember any embarrassment. He’d spent so much time worshipping her curves, the
parts of her she’d thought were flawed, ugly, that the way she’d felt before
and the reality of now seemed to be on completely separate planets. No part of
her was off-limits to him. They’d played, he’d teased, she’d submitted more
than she’d thought was possible. But still she wanted more.

She was falling in love with Garrett, and she couldn’t be
happier with the descent.

“Straddle me,” he ordered between kisses, and she complied.
A knee on either side of his hips, she stared straight into his eyes.
Skin-on-skin with him was so delicious, so tempting, that her pussy wept. She
rose to bring his blunt head to her entrance, but he stopped her.

“Not yet.” At her raised height, her breasts were at his eye
level and he took full advantage. Sucking a tip into his mouth, he began a
deep, sensuous torture with lips and tongue. Mia gasped, looking at the ceiling
and arching her back to give him greater access. His hands spanned her ass,
squeezing, kneading, massaging as he sucked. Licking from one breast across to
the other, he drew the second nipple into his mouth.

Mia’s hand crawled between them, rubbing across the ring at
her clit, gathering some of her wet desire, then down farther, her slick
fingers gripping his cock. She pumped him up and down, in time with his sucking

She cried out as his teeth clamped gently on her painfully
erect nipple. Her clit throbbed, her pussy ached, begging her to sink down on
his hot, thick cock.

But he stopped her once again as she tried to poise him at
her entrance.

“No, I’ve got something else in mind.”

She wanted to scream in frustration, but she knew better.
Garrett had the best ideas when it came to this.

She trusted him, god help her.


This sofa was just the right height for what he had in mind.
Mia was almost growling in sexual frustration. He knew what she wanted, and she
was going to get it, but it had to be on his terms.

This time. Maybe sometime soon, she could have things her

“Turn around.” He smacked her ass lightly and she moaned.

She pushed to her feet then slowly turned, lifting her hair
off her neck as she did so. Garrett fisted his cock as he watched her move. Her
curves drove him crazy. She was soft all over, and she fit against his hardness
so perfectly.

Ideal. Everything about her fit him to a T.

“Is this what you wanted?” She wiggled her bare ass at him.
She squealed when he smacked her cheek, leaving a light handprint.

“Almost. Come here.”

He grasped her hips and pulled her closer, spreading his own
legs wide. “Here, put your hands on my knees.” She did so, and he almost came
at the sight of her pussy from behind, pink and bare and glistening with want
for him. In that moment, he thanked whatever deity had recently been looking
out for him that they’d compared medical notes and decided her birth control
was enough protection.

He wanted to feel her—all of her—wrapped around his cock.

“Now. Down slowly.”

He gripped himself, rubbing at her damp slit as she lowered
herself gradually. He slipped inside, both of them sighing as she settled
farther onto him, taking him in by degrees until he was seated to the hilt.

“Don’t move.”

Garrett leaned back into the soft cushions behind him, his legs
on either side of her generous hips, and took in the view. Her narrow waist
made the flare of her hips more appealing, her full buttocks resting on his
groin. And her pussy, good lord, her pussy gripped him, the heat of her body
only making his cock swell further. His hips gave a small thrust of their own
volition, and she gasped.

“Ride me,” he commanded, and she raised up just a bit, only
to lower slowly. He grunted his approval and she repeated the motion, a little
quicker. Within seconds she was riding him hard, her full buttocks bouncing
with the movement, her long curly hair tossing around her shoulders like a
violent ocean wave in a storm.

He met her thrust for thrust, rubbing along her back,
gripping her ass, reveling in the feeling of her hot, slick pussy clutching his
nude cock. It was a little slice of heaven, right there on his couch.

“Oh my god,” she moaned as he parted her cheeks. “Please,

“You want this?” He dipped his finger into her cleft again,
running lower, down the split of her buttocks.

“Please.” The word was drawn out on a long breath as she
quickened her rhythm.

With a wicked grin, Garrett complied. His index finger
dragged down, down, deep into her cleft, then across her tight hole. Her inner
muscles clamped as he circled with his finger. Her moans grew louder as he wet
that finger with the fluid that coated his groin, the liquid evidence of her
desire, and then he pressed against the ring of muscle that barred his

Her hand shot between her thighs and she rubbed her clit
furiously, hips pumping up and down while her pussy gripped his cock. His
finger slipped inside and she screamed, her orgasm shuddering through her body,
breaking her rhythm and strangling her cries.

With a hoarse roar, he came then, the delicious spasms of
her cunt around him too much to take.

Their breaths were loud in the now-silent room, and Garrett
wondered if he’d ever be able to see straight again.

“Good god,” Mia breathed, her head hanging down between his
legs. He wished he could be hard again immediately, because damn, what a
beautiful view.

“Let’s do that again tomorrow.”

“The day after too,” she agreed, looking over her shoulder
and smiling at him. He caught himself smiling back. Was this what love felt
like? He was beginning to wonder.

Several minutes later they were in his shower, lathering up
and sharing small kisses, when his phone rang. It was on his bedside table, but
with the way Trent had been calling him so often over the last day, he’d kicked
up the volume on the ringer.

It was probably Trent again. Probably important.

“I should get that,” he said between kisses.

“Probably,” she agreed. But he kept kissing her anyway.

When they’d finally emerged, the phone rang again. With an
apologetic wave, Garrett walked into the bedroom to answer it.

“Trent,” he said in greeting, rubbing a towel over his head.

“I tried to call you half an hour ago.”

“Sorry, I was tied up. What’s going on?”

There was a lot of background noise beneath Trent’s voice,
and Garrett had to listen hard to understand his friend. “Ford is arranging
another race. It’s supposed to be tomorrow night. Arborvale this time. Against

Garrett slammed his palm against the nightstand, a smile
spreading across his face. “Good. I’ve been thinking about this ever since that
first race. With a little time to plan, I think we can do more than just sneak
in and watch for whatever goes on. We can get much closer than that.”

“How?” Trent’s voice was incredulous, but hopeful.

Garrett glanced over his shoulder into the bathroom. Mia had
wrapped her hair in a turban and was now rummaging through his linen closet for
his hairdryer.

“Give me just a minute, okay?”

He lowered the phone and walked into the bathroom. Mia
looked up at his approach and scowled.

“Seriously, do you have to hide the dryer from me every damn

He pulled it down from the upper shelf and she grimaced.

“Damn tall people.”

“You go ahead. I’m going to go into the other room, so I can
hear Trent better.”

She arched a brow at him as she began to untwist her towel turban.
“Everything okay?”

“Yeah, fine,” Garrett nodded, hoping his expression was
benign. He didn’t want her getting anywhere near this plan of his. “Just a
little discussion, nothing to worry about.”

“O…kay.” She scowled at him just a bit, but he smiled and
left the bathroom.

He went to his office, shutting the door behind him and
waiting until he could hear the faraway whir of the blow dryer. “Okay, we’re
good. I just didn’t want Mia catching any whiff of this. I think you know as
well as I do she won’t stand on the sidelines for anything, and this has a good
amount of risk.”

“Then spill, Garrett. We don’t have much time.”

Garrett nodded, drumming his fingertips on his desk in
nervous excitement. “This is the setup. You call Redmond and organize a drop.”

He outlined his plan, got his partner’s begrudging approval,
and with plans set for later that afternoon, Garrett cut the call with a sigh
of nervous anticipation.

Things were heating up. This thing would be over soon, one
way or the other.

He just hoped that he made it out alive and eliminated the
threat that Ford posed to his happiness. He wouldn’t be able to relax, either
alone or with Mia, until Ford had been arrested.

After all, Ford had vowed to kill Garrett and everyone he
loved if he interfered with his business again.

And right now, Garrett had a love to lose. He wasn’t about
to give Mia up for anyone.

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