Read Georgia's Daddy Online

Authors: Dinah McLeod

Georgia's Daddy (15 page)

BOOK: Georgia's Daddy
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“Stand up.”

Grumbling, she did so, playacting the part of the brat. He grinned at her, because they both knew where that would end up. She was obviously trying to make sure he had a
happy birthday.

“I’d rather see that pretty tail in your cute behind than spank it.”

“Okay.” She brightened considerably and the would-be brat disappeared at once. Georgia leaned over the table, sticking her adorable rear out at him and he relished the sight of it. “There’s a small tube of lubricant in the bag.”

“Well, didn’t you just think of everything,” he commented, truly impressed.

“I tried. Next year I’ll have more money and—”

He put a finger to her lips. “Don’t you dare. This is perfect. I love it.”

She smiled and wiggled her bottom at him, the little temptress.

“You don’t have to tell me twice.” After he’d fished the lube out of the bottom of the bag, he slid her thong down until it fell around her ankles. Then he popped the cap and unwrapped the tail from its plastic package. He spread a generous amount of lube on it and smeared it along the entire plug. “Spread your cheeks.” He didn’t know why, but watching her do it was so much more enticing than doing it himself. Perhaps it was her submission, her clear desire to please him. What man wouldn’t love that?

Georgia obeyed, only wincing slightly when he began to insert the plug. It was bigger than the ones he’d used on her before, and though he went slowly, it pinched and made her moan as she took it all in.

“You took that like a pro,” he murmured, giving her a kiss once it was in.

“Anything for you, Daddy.”

“Just what every man longs to hear. You look adorable. Go lie down on the bed,” he ordered, giving her a slap to the rear that had her scampering off to obey his command. He’d planned on enjoying the sight a little longer, taking his time to ravish her with his eyes, but his cock just couldn’t take it anymore. He unzipped his jeans the minute he got into the bedroom and shucked them clear off.

“Do I get to come this time, Daddy?” She batted her eyelashes at him from where she lay splayed on the bed.

“You better come,” he growled. “You better come so loud that I need earplugs.”

“Yes, Sir,” she purred obligingly, spreading her thighs a little wider.

The temptation was too much and he lunged for her, pulling her underneath him and kissing her mouth so hard that she mewled. “I love you, Georgia Miller,” he whispered into her ear.

“Happy birthday, Daddy.”

Without another word spoken between them, he thrust his cock inside her, making her cry out. With the plug inside her, her pussy was even tighter than usual. He loved the way it hugged his cock. He grinned at her in the darkness and began to ride her with hard, quick thrusts, just the way she liked it. She writhed underneath him, practically purring and it wasn’t long before he felt her pussy grasp his cock moments before she came.

His smile growing, he pumped in and out harder than before. He’d meant what he said—he wanted her to come, and often. He wanted her dripping with sweat before they were done.

“Oh, oh, Sam…”

His thrusts grew closer together and he could feel the pressure building in his balls. Just as he was about to explode, he was gratified to hear her cry of pleasure. With a satisfied grin, he spurted his seed inside her and then fell beside her, pulling her close.

“I love you, too, Daddy,” she murmured.

He kissed the top of her forehead, and just like that, she was asleep. With gentle fingers, he turned her and removed the anal plug from her tight hole. Georgia didn’t so much as stir.


* * *


One minute, she was sound asleep, safe and loved in the strong arms of her daddy, and the next thing she knew, a huge bellow of thunder had her sitting up in bed, her heart pounding wildly. It was quickly followed by another, loud enough to shake the tin roof on the house.

“Sam!” she hissed, shaking him. “Sam, wake up.”

“Hmm?” he mumbled, turning over in bed.

“Sam! You have to get up!”

“Georgia? What is it? What’s wrong?” Finally, he sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes.

“Can’t you hear it?” Almost on cue, the sky shook with another roar of thunder.

“Hmm? It’s just storming, sweetheart. Now lie back down and go to sleep.”

“I can’t,” she whimpered.

“What? Are you afraid of a little thunder?”

She nodded sagely, forgetting that he couldn’t see her in the dark.


“I can’t sleep
. Please, Daddy.”

“All right.” He sighed and sat up, his voice still thick with sleep. “Come here.”

Gratefully, she crawled into his lap and clung to him.

“What can we do to help you get back to sleep? I promise I’ll protect you from the big, bad thunderstorm.”

“It’s not funny,” she whimpered.

“You’re right, honey.” He kissed the top of her head. “You’re right. How about a story? Will that help?”

“Yes. But you’ll have to tell a lot of them. I’m not even a little bit sleepy now.”

“Why don’t we start with one, and see how things go from there?”

She snuggled deeper into his embrace, calming down as she listened to the rhythmic thumping of his heart.

“Once upon a time, there was a daddy, and he was looking all over for a little girl that he could love.”

“I think I like this story.”

“Are you going to let me tell it or not?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Good. Well, this daddy had found a few little girls before, but they weren’t right for him…”

With a happy sigh, Georgia settled in and listened. She was fast asleep before the daddy had even asked the little girl to become his. But that was okay—she had an inkling that she knew how this one ended.


* * *


That afternoon when Sam came home for lunch, he announced to Georgia that she should pack the sandwiches she’d made. They were going on a picnic.

“You’re taking the rest of the day off?” she asked in surprise. “Don’t you have work to do?”

“None that can’t wait,” he grinned. “Besides, there’s something I’ve really been wanting to show you, so come on. Get that picnic basket loaded up while I get changed.”

Excited by the surprise, she eagerly packed up their lunch while she waited for him. When he came out, he was wearing fresh clothes and a smile.

“So, where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.” He pulled her close and gave her a quick kiss. “How are you at riding horses?”


“Don’t worry,” Sam chuckled. “I’ll ride with you.”

They hopped into his truck and rode a few miles with the windows down, yelling to each other about their days. Georgia didn’t have much to report, other than the fact that orientation was coming up for the next semester. But she still had the afterglow from a night of delicious sex and the heady feeling she got every time she was around him—the feeling of being utterly adored.

“I’ve never been to a stable before,” she commented as they climbed out of the truck.

“I used to come here a lot when I was young.”


“Yep. My grandfather was a big horseman. He loved everything about horses—raising them, riding them, even betting on them. ‘Course, Gran wasn’t so fond of that last part.” He winked.

“Why did you stop?”

“When he got sick, he couldn’t get out as much. We stopped coming every weekend, instead it was every month. And then… well.” His smile was tight as he shrugged.

Georgia reached out and took his hand, giving him a squeeze. “I’m sure he was a very special man.”

“He was something, all right.” Sam chuckled at memories he didn’t share. “Come on. We’re going for a ride.”

She followed him patiently as he rented them a horse for the afternoon. Then he walked her through the stalls, telling her breed names and other facts that she likely wouldn’t remember past the afternoon.

“This is the one I’d recommend,” he said, stopping in front of a beautiful dappled gray mare with a white mane.

“Why does her hair look old?”

“She’s a special breed. She’s actually not more than three years old. It says here her name is Sunshine. Now, I’m letting you pick, but what do you think?”

What did she think? She thought she wasn’t qualified to pick horses, that’s what she thought! “Sure. Looks good.”

Sam grinned at her, almost as though he knew what she’d been thinking. In no time, he had her saddled up and helped Georgia to sit in the saddle. “Don’t be nervous, now. I’m going to be right here behind you the whole time,” he said as he joined her in the saddle.

She sagged against him in immediate relief when she felt his sturdy, comforting weight behind her. “Thank God.”

“There’s nothing to it. I’ll make a horse lover out of you yet, just wait.”

Though it took a few minutes to get used to, soon Georgia wasn’t bothered by the ground moving beneath them as the horse walked.

“If you can drive a car, you can handle riding a horse,” he said, bumping her shoulder playfully from behind.

“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to disappoint you; I just don’t like to see the ground move when I don’t know how to make it stop.”

“Relax. I’m a pro at this, remember?” He kissed her cheek. “I won’t let anything happen. And I’m not disappointed. You’ll get used to it. It was hard for me the first couple of times, too.”


“Absolutely. Just relax. Sunshine needs to stretch her legs.”

Georgia tried to follow his instructions and found that if she focused on the scenery—it really was a beautiful, cool day—she could forget about her nerves.

“Ready to try a canter?”


“Up to you, baby-girl.”

“I guess so. As long as you’re—”

No sooner than she’d spoken, Sam somehow signaled to the horse and they were off.

“Sam!” she squealed, the wind making her hair fly as it whipped in her face. She could hear him laughing behind her. She turned her head to get a look at him and saw that the look on his face was one of childish delight. She’d never seen him look so relaxed, so
before, and she decided that that alone made stinking of horse and being afraid for her life well worth it.

She even managed to get into the rhythm of the movement and found herself leaning forward with the horse. She was almost sad when Sam stopped them and helped her down. Until she remembered she’d have to remount and do it all over again, that is.

“Whoa!” Sam chuckled as she wobbled in his arms. “You have to get your sea legs back.”

“What does that even mean?” she asked as she leaned against him. “Isn’t that a pirate thing? I thought you were a horseman.”

“Aye, matey,” he growled. “I’m a man of many talents—and don’t ye forget it!”

“Like I could.”

For her sass, she was rewarded with a quick swat to her bottom, but they were both smiling at each other. It was a perfect day to be in love.

“How far do we have to go to get to what you wanted to show me?”

“We’re here.”

Georgia looked up and saw nothing but a fenced-in field. It was lush and green and spread out farther than the eye could see. “Here where?”

“This is what I wanted to show you.”

She turned to him, her brow wrinkled. “What? There’s nothing here.”


“Am I missing something?”

Sam grinned and held her close. “You’re missing everything. But let me help—close your eyes. Yes, that’s it. Now, imagine what could be here. There could be a big brick house over there, near all those trees? And there could be pens for pigs, and sheep and a stable for horses…”

“A ranch?” she guessed. “You want to build your own ranch? But what’s wrong with the one you have?”

“It belongs to my gran. And the things I have in mind for it, well…”

“I’m sure she’d give it to you, if you asked.”

“I know. But the thing is, I want something that’s mine, from start to finish. Something I can build with my own two hands. Does that make sense?”

“Well… no, to be honest, but I’m not a rancher.”

“That’s true. How could I forget?” He tickled her side, making her dart away, giggling.

“What did you mean? What do you have in mind for it?”

Sam’s grin widened. “Okay, I’ll tell you, but you need to close your eyes again. You’ll have to visualize.”

“Do I

“You sure do, little girl.”

She rolled her eyes, but obeyed.

“Now, just imagine that inside that house there are three floors with lots and lots of bedrooms.”


“And those bedrooms are full of—”

“Children?” Her eyes flew open. “You want two
worth of children?”

“Hang on, now,” Sam chuckled. “Close those pretty eyes and let me finish. What if, instead of traditional children, the way you’re thinking of, what if those rooms where filled with littles?”

Her eyes popped open again, and this time she was frowning. “What, one little girl isn’t enough for you now?”

Sam reached for her, but she darted away, her eyes narrowing. “I don’t know who you think you’re talking to, little girl, but you get back here,

She didn’t look happy about it, but Georgia slid closer and reluctantly let him take her hand.

“That isn’t what I’m saying at all. Georgia, and if you’d let me finish, you’d know that.” Seeing that the scowl she hadn’t been wiped from her face, he gentled his tone. “I only want
little girl and I’ve found her.”

She titled her head up at him, her eyes searching his face. “You mean it?”

He squeezed her, hard. “Of course I do. You keep my spanking hand busy enough all on your own, thank you very much.”

Georgia rolled her eyes, but he’d wrung a smile out of her, however reluctant. “Okay. Then why? What would it be for?”

“For littles to have a safe place to be themselves. Where they don’t feel like they have to hide who they are; where, for however long they’re there, they can have their needs met before they have to return to reality.”

She gave him an appraising look. “It sounds like you’ve thought about this a lot.”

BOOK: Georgia's Daddy
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