Read Geek Chic Online

Authors: Margie Palatini

Geek Chic (10 page)

BOOK: Geek Chic
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“Here I am! FG #11-288! Good to go with an incredible, cool makeover for one Zoey Zinevich.”

“R-r-r-r-ead-d-d R-r-r-r-d-d R-r-r-ead-d-d-dd-dd-d-d-d-d”

“Ready, Zoey?”

“Jazz? … Jazz!” I should have guessed. Lightbulb Momento: She’s way 21st century.



“Get ready for one La-di-da Incredible, Chic Makeover!”


“J-j-j-j-aa J-ja-aa-zzz-z-zz?”

“J-j-j-j-aa J-ja-aa-zzz-z-zz?”

“J-j-j-j-aa J-ja-aa-zzz-z-zz?”

Tune in tomorrow. (
That’s called a cliff-hanger. It’s very dramatic.



I knew it was all very logical. Connect that dot to this dot to that dot, just like Mrs. Helferich always says.

When you wish for something really hard, it can really, most definitely happen: There is most definitely a limousine in front of my house, 156 days to sixth grade. Ha! Cool Police!

Jazz gets out of the car, and there’s lots of introductions with my parents, blah blah blah, blah blah blah; then good-byes, etc. etc. etc.; and finally Aunt Rootie, Venus, Jazz, and I get into the car.

It’s a hybrid Hummer, so I think I’m still EC.

Our driver, Howard, closes the door. He’s sort of like a Cinderella chauffeur but in a regular suit and tie, with a gray mustache that is very bushy. We all buckle up and are good to go.

BOOK: Geek Chic
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