Read GAME MISCONDUCT (The Dartmouth Cobras) Online

Authors: Bianca Sommerland

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica

GAME MISCONDUCT (The Dartmouth Cobras)

BOOK: GAME MISCONDUCT (The Dartmouth Cobras)
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The Dartmouth Cobras

Bianca Sommerland

Copyright 2012, Bianca Sommerland

Kindle Edition

Edited by Lisa Hollett
Cover art by Reese Dante

License Notes

This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Amazon and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The characters are products of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.


This e-book contains material not suitable for readers under 18. In also contains scenes that some may find objectionable, including BDSM, ménage sex, bondage, anal sex, sex toys, double penetration, voyeurism, edge play, and deviant use of hockey equipment. Do not try this at home unless you have your very own pro-athlete. Author takes no responsibility for any damages resulting from attempting anything contained in this book.


Les Canadiens. Je me souviens 24, J’espere pour 25.


A BIG thank you to my fabulous crit partners Cherise Sinclair and Cari Silverwood. You saw the potential for this book when it was just a dream of sexy bodies and hockey sticks and let me know loud and clear when it became more. To Sonya Grady, who knows the sport and nudged me away from spoon-feeding jargon—her only fault is rooting for the wrong team!

To my beta-readers: Ebony Mckennie, who’s always ready to kick my butt when my confidence falters, Stacey Price, who gave me whiplash with her quick and decisive response, and Genevieve Trahan, who shares my love for the
team. Without you, I wouldn’t have had the guts to hand my baby off to the public. Rosie Moewe, thank you for making sure my baby didn’t go out there all dirty!

To Riane Holt for reading, rereading, getting on my case, threatening not to take out the whip . . . you are a great friend, and I couldn’t have done this without you!

Most importantly, to my family, who puts up with my obsession for writing and hockey and dusts me off every so often when I’ve been immobile for too long.

This e-book contains a complimentary sneak peek at the next Dartmouth Cobras book,
Defensive Zone
, a short excerpt from
The Dom Who Loved Me
by Lexi Blake, and a short excerpt from Eliza Gayle’s
Midnight Playground


Table of Contents

Title Page

License Notes





Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter Thirty-Five

Excerpt from
Defensive Zone

Excerpt from
The Dom Who Loved Me

Excerpt from
Midnight Playground

Defensive Zone


About the Author

Praise for Bianca Sommerland’s Books



he players on the flat screen above the hard liquor skated in reverse as the bartender rewound the game.
. Piss-drunk fans crowded around the bar cheered as though watching the winning goal live and thrust their empty glass mugs out for refills. Tap beer was on the house whenever the home team won. First time in a while the
policy would cost the Red Claw’s owner a dime.

“Perron passes to Vanek. Vanek winds up, shoots . . . Scores!” the announcer shouted as cheers erupted from the stadium crowd. “The Cobras win!”

Max Perron lifted his beer in acknowledgment as strangers slapped his shoulders and yapped about his wicked setup. Finally, they backed off him to surround Tyler Vanek, rookie extraordinaire.

“Naw, Thornton don’t scare me!” Vanek laughed and thumped his chest with his fist, his tone dropping as he aped the Wild’s enforcer. “‘You wanna go? You wanna go?’” He paused to accept a beer from the pretty young waitress who’d been hovering and took a swig. “Sure, man, just let me drop this off in your net.”

Freakin’ mouthpiece.
One corner of Max’s mouth crept up. Maybe he should remind the kid he’d be gumming his buffalo wings if their good buddy Dominik Mason hadn’t dropped the brute like a bag of manure.

He’s got their attention. Why ruin a good thing?
Max fished in his pocket for his cell phone to check for missed calls.
Maybe I’ll have a reason to slip out early.

The scuffing of shoes at his side brought his head up.

“She won’t call, Perron.” His captain and best friend, Sloan Callahan, gave him a grim smile. “Her and Coach have been together for three months—they won’t be breaking up any time soon.”

“Coach Stanton’s a dick. Oriana will figure it out eventually.” Max gulped some beer to wash down the bitterness clogging up his throat. “We talked before the game. She didn’t sound happy.”

Sloan sighed and rested his forearms on the shiny, black bar top. “Paul’s good at smoothing things over with her. They’re probably having make-up sex as we speak.”

Make-up . . .
his stomach clenched like he’d gotten a good gut-check. He groaned as he pictured her soft body laid out on the bed she shared with Coach, her beautiful eyes squeezed shut as she rose to each hard thrust.

“Fuck, man!” He slammed his bottle on the bar and stood. “
You really think I need to hear that?”

“Yeah, I do.” Sloan nodded toward the back door of the bar. “I got Roxy for the night. Why don’t you join us—have a bit of fun? You haven’t had any since you got hung up on that girl.”

Rolling his eyes, Max finished his beer. He had plenty of fun—just the other night he’d swapped Vanek’s equipment with the goaltender’s. Pranking the rookie was worth a couple of laughs.

You fixin’ to tell Callahan messing with the kid is enough for you?
He smirked and considered. Might throw the man off for a second . . . His lips tightened.
The man’s dealt with all my kinks so far. I doubt that would faze him.

Across the packed bar, he spotted Roxy, illuminated by the bright red exit sign. Her pouty, crimson lips curved when she caught him looking. She flipped her sleek, blond hair over one shoulder and tipped her head toward the door. The invitation alone was enough to make his dick swell against his thigh. He adjusted his jeans to give it some space.

Roxy slipped two fingers in her mouth. Her cheeks drew in as she sucked hard.

Naughty little whore—and damn proud of it too.

“Turning tricks just does it for me,” she’d told him once. “Being with different guys every night, sneaking around . . . I’m careful, I’m clean, and I’m expensive enough to be picky. I don’t see nothin’ wrong with it. Do you think I’m a freak?”

“No, I don’t think you’re a freak.” He’d indulged in a rare moment of postcoital cuddling with the hooker in the backseat of Sloan’s classic ‘stang. Inhaling the hot scent of sex mixed with Roxy’s spicy perfume, he’d felt so at ease, he’d made a confession of his own. “I just wish I could find a girl like you who’d be mine—a girl who’d be okay with

“You’ll find her, Max,” she’d said. “But until you do, I’m perfectly happy giving you everything you need.”

And she really was. So, after their intimate little chat, Max gave up looking for “that girl” and decided to enjoy all Roxy had to offer.

Then he met Oriana Delgado.

Beautiful, sweet, easy to talk to—hell, he’d started falling for her the moment she’d stuttered his name. He had a feeling she’d
him . . . only Coach got to her first. And the bastard had her daddy’s stamp of approval, which mattered way too much. From what she’d let slip, Coach didn’t treat her good.

I would treat her like a queen. I could give her so much more . . .

But not tonight. Tonight, she was in the arms of another man. A man she’d made it clear she wanted to be with. Nothing Max could say would change her mind. He couldn’t force her to leave the man, and pining over her made him look like a fool.

The skin over his biceps tightened as he clenched his fists. He turned to Sloan. “Motel or parking lot?”

Sloan grinned and gestured for Max to lead the way out. “How ‘bout the alley behind the bar? Someone might see us, but the thrill is worth the risk.”

Max shuddered and nodded. He weaved through the throng of drunks, then paused beside Roxy. In a black fishnet shirt and a leather micro-mini, Roxy looked ready to be fucked. Nothing new; she always did. But this time was different. Something in her blazing, blue eyes was almost tender. Sloan must have told her about his . . . predicament.

A pity fuck.
He snorted and rolled his shoulders. Not that it mattered—unless sympathy came with a discount?

Roxy frowned at his snort and reached for the metal door handle. “Shall we?”

“Yeah, we shall.” Max put his hand on the door and held it open for her. “After you, ma’am.”

“Uh—” She blushed and ducked out. “Thanks.”

Once they’d cleared the door, he shoved her against the brick wall and braced an arm across her throat.

She let out a surprised squeak.

“Last time we were all together, you mentioned a scene you wanted to try.” He bared his teeth in a ruthless smile. “Still game, babe?”

Her eyes widened, and she shivered. Her gaze flicked from him to Sloan. Then she closed her eyes and nodded.

Sloan snarled and lurched to grab a fistful of Roxy’s hair. “Say it, Roxy. The money ain’t worth the pain if you’re not enjoying yourself. You know how rough I can be.”

“Yes, Sloan.” Roxy whimpered when Sloan released her. “I’ve been fantasizing about this for so long—I wouldn’t have told you otherwise.”

“Good girl.” Sloan gave her a tender smile and plucked a switchblade from his pocket.

Heart hammering in his chest, Max inhaled deeply as Sloan opened the knife. He’d seen Sloan scene with knives before, knew the edge was dull, but he still felt an instinctive rush of adrenaline. Logic insisted he protect the defenseless woman from the psycho with the knife. But something deep and dark reveled in Roxy’s reaction to the threat. As Sloan touched the blade to her throat, her thighs shifted. The sweet musk of her arousal mingled with her floral perfume and Sloan’s cologne. Under pale flesh, a thick blue pulsed against the blade.

“What do you say if you want me to stop, Roxy?” Sloan’s tone was dead calm.

The tip of Roxy’s tongue flicked over her bottom lip. “Pay up.”

BOOK: GAME MISCONDUCT (The Dartmouth Cobras)
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