Gale, Avery - Katarina's Return [The ShadowDance Club 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (8 page)

BOOK: Gale, Avery - Katarina's Return [The ShadowDance Club 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Well, it seems you are enjoying this new position, love. You’re a natural submissive, you know. Your body knows what it wants, as you learn to embrace your submission, we’ll be able to bring you to climaxes that you’ll think are going to shatter your soul. There will be a freedom in submission that will let you soar to the peaks of the highest mountains. And by letting us lead you into ecstasy, you’ll take us right along with you.”

Running a finger along her slit to coat it with her juices, he used it to circle her puckered rosette, pressing just enough at its center to get her attention. At her quick intake of breath, he leaned over her and said, “Someday soon, not tonight, you’re not ready just yet, but soon, we’ll fuck you here. You are going to love having us both inside you at the same time, baby.”

“I–I don’t know, I’m afraid it’s going to hurt too much. You are both so big; I don’t think you’ll fit.”

“Oh, we’ll make sure you’re ready. It will hurt a bit the first couple of times, but I promise you, that edge of pain will make the pleasure so much greater. Now relax and let me love you.” With that, Alex lined his cock up with her soft entrance and began his slow slide into heaven. He had known she’d be tight, but he was not prepared for the feeling of perfection as he slid into her wet heat. He knew with absolute certainty he would remember this moment for the rest of his life. Entering Katarina was unlike anything he had ever experienced, it was like coming home, but at the same time the adrenaline rush was intoxicating. He stilled, just absorbing her warmth and the pleasure of being inside her; they’d waited for so long, and right now, he had no idea how he’d ever been so stupid to push her away. He couldn’t fathom why he was being given a second chance, but in this moment he only knew how eternally grateful he was for it.

* * * *

Kat was trying to hold still, she really wanted to, but oh God, the feel of Alex sliding his cock into her from this different angle was beyond description. She could already feel her pussy fluttering; she just needed him to move, right now! When she tried to push back against him, his hands gripped her hips, stilling her. “Oh no, love, hold still, I’m not going to be rushed. I have waited forever for this moment, and I’m going to savor it. I feel your pussy pulling me in, I don’t even know words to describe how incredible that feels. You’re wet and tight, your sheath is squeezing my cock so tight the pleasure/pain is mind-numbing. At this moment, the only thing I can think about is this. I want you to let go of all thoughts and just feel.”

Feeling every ridge and vein of Alex’s cock was sending tiny sparks of awareness coursing through her entire body, and Kat was lost in a bliss she didn’t even know existed. She had no idea she could feel so possessed by a man when he wasn’t even face-to-face with her. She’d been able to see Zach’s expression while he’d loved her, but with Alex, it was all about losing herself in the timbre of his voice and the depths of his words. He slowly began to move in and out in long, slow strokes; it was a tortuous ride to paradise. Each time she felt herself nearing the edge, he’d shift ever so slightly, and she’d start the slow climb again until every bit of her consciousness was centered on the mind-numbing pleasure he was bringing to her. Then without warning, he leaned over her and spoke directly in to her ear. “Come for me, Katarina.” And her world was instantly awash in brilliant colors, and she felt as if she’d free fallen over the edge into oblivion. She felt him still and heard him shout her name before he pulled her close, clutching her to his chest in a grip so tight she wasn’t even sure she’d be able to draw in a breath. And then she let her eyes slide closed, she couldn’t ever remember feeling this complete or this exhausted.

* * * *

Alex had rolled to his side, taking Katarina with him after what had been the most powerful orgasm of his life. He had known he wanted her, that his need to protect and keep her was stronger than anything he’d ever known he could experience, but this? This was something entirely foreign, this experience was life changing, and he had been unprepared for it. Sure, his father had always told him the right woman would change his life in a heartbeat, but he’d always thought that was poetic gibberish, not a factual description. He held her close until he heard her breathing even out and knew she’d fallen asleep. Gently pulling from her body, he used the cloth Zach had given him to gently clean his seed from between her thighs and covered her with a soft blanket.

Moving to the bathroom to clean himself up, he leaned against the counter and was lost in thought when he heard Zach at the door.

“She’s ours…We have to make sure she knows it, feels it to the bottom of her soul and that she believes she belongs here, with us, always.” Zach’s words echoed Alex’s own thoughts as they often did.

“I agree. I don’t even think there are words to describe the power she has over me. In some ways, it is almost frightening.” Then with a small chuckle he added, “I’m pretty sure this little bit of a sub is going to own us. Hell, she already holds our hearts in her hand.” Looking into his brother’s eyes, he knew Zach felt exactly the same way. “We have to make sure she is safe, eliminate the threat against her before we can fully pursue the life we want to build. And we need to deal with our sister dearest. I can’t tell you how frustrated I am with Jenna. I understand her need to honor Katarina’s request for confidentiality, but Jenna knew what efforts we’d gone to in order to find Katarina. What on earth was she thinking, keeping this from us for so long?”

“I don’t know, but I agree, we have to deal with her. Honestly, I’m half tempted to let Colt deal with her. He’d have more options, hell, our only recourse is lecturing her, and God knows she is immune to that.” Smiling at the thought, he said, “When is she supposed to arrive? I was hoping she’d wait until after the beach party because I know it’s going to be a battle to keep her out of it. And she wasn’t always the best influence on Kat.”

“I agree, but I think she is scheduled to be here late tomorrow night, so we’ll need to pull security from the party to keep an eye on the two of them. Keeping them away from the party is going to be difficult; telling our little sister she can’t do something has always been like waving a red flag in front of a bull.” Stepping back into the bedroom, they both watched Kat sleeping peacefully for a few moments before switching off the lights and closing the door quietly as they left her room.

Chapter 11

Jenna was glad to be home, even though the house she’d grown up in looked very little like it had when she was a kid, the mountains and forests were the same, and it was comforting to be surrounded by nature again. Living in the city was beginning to wear very thin, there was constant noise, the air smelled awful, and nobody knew or cared anything about you. She was so tired, traveling had been one of the greatest things about her job in the beginning, now it just seemed like she was wasting so much time waiting in airports, hotels, lobbies, hell, everywhere, when she should be out living her life. And she was worried about Kat; her last e-mail had been odd, cryptic like she really hadn’t been herself. When Jenna had asked about how her prick boyfriend was treating her, she hadn’t gotten her usual graphic description of his latest “the whole world revolves around me” antics, the answer had been so odd, Jenna had actually wondered if it had been written by someone else. And now all her calls to Kat’s phone just kept going straight to voice mail, and Kat was always diligent about keeping her phone near her.

Two days ago when she had called Alex to confirm her travel arrangements, she’d told him that she was thinking about stopping in Las Vegas to check on a friend. His response had surprised her, he had been adamant that she return straight to ShadowDance, he hadn’t seemed to care that her unnamed friend might be in trouble, hell, Mr. Up in Everybody’s Business hadn’t even asked who she’d be visiting, and that was mighty odd for sure.

Having two older brothers would probably be a pain in the ass no matter what, but having two older brothers that were twins, and ex-Special Forces—like anyone was every really ex once they’d been a member of “The Teams”—and then the icing on the cake, they were both Dominants. Lord, save her from her loving siblings. Not only did they always know what was best for her, how she should dress, who she should associate with, now they had a whole security team to enlist in their efforts to micromanage her life. As she pulled up to the front of the house, the hair stood up on the back of her neck, and she briefly considered just turning her car around and heading back to the airport. She had always had great instincts when it came to trouble with the “Dynamic Duo,” as she’d often referred to her brothers. And for some reason her internal alarm was pinging off the chart now.

Sighing, she decided to put everything out of her mind for right now, she’d try to contact Kat again tomorrow. But right now, she was just going to enjoy the peace and quiet and enjoy letting her brothers pamper her; heck, that’s what big brothers were supposed to do, right? Jenna got out of her car and headed up the wide stone steps but knew the minute she saw both Alex and Zach standing with their arms crossed over their chests scowling at her with what she had always called their “death glares” that all was not well in Wonderland.

Jenna stopped a few steps below them and adopted a similar stance and said, “Well, I’m sure glad to see you both. Oh, yeah, welcome home, Jenna, we’re just thrilled to see you, too. Thanks, big brothers mine, I’m thrilled to be here, too!” She thought she might have seen just a twitch on Zach’s lip, but Alex’s expression didn’t change. Looking past them, she saw Colt Matthews leaning in a deceptively casual pose against the railing surrounding the wraparound veranda. “Oh joy, joy, looks like the backup enforcer has come out to play as well.”

Jenna waited just a couple of seconds for a response and when they all continued to glare at her, she just skirted around them saying, “Well, I’m going to find Selita, I’m starving. Catch you all later.”

“Jenna Beth. Office. Now.” Alex’s growl might frighten terrorists and all those international criminals they didn’t think she knew they were still taking missions to track down, but not this little sister, nope, so not going to happen. She turned on him in a flash and stood with her toes up against his, shaking her finger up at him.

“Don’t you try to intimidate me, Alexander Lamont, I’m not one of your little soldier boys or one of your Club flunkies or a sub you can just order around. You want to speak with me, you ask me like the gentleman Mama raised you to be. I don’t take orders from you, remember that, big brother. That goes for you, too, Zach; and it goes double for you, Colt Matthews. This is not going to end well, let me tell you. I’ve been traveling for the better part of the past twenty-four hours, I’m worried sick about a friend, tired, grimy, hungry, and just plain bitchy. So you might want to choose your battles carefully.” Boy, she was on a roll; she didn’t often let loose on them, usually she found it easier to just work around their silly mandates. But this needed to stop, she was tired of everybody telling her what to do, cripes, mostly she was just tired.

Colt stepped forward and grasped her elbow, pulling her back until she was facing him. “Well, princess, let’s take this discussion into the office; there is no reason to involve the entire staff.” He began leading her down the hall.

Alex and Zach watched momentarily, surprised that Colt had actually seemed to be finally taking Jenna in hand, and that she’d allowed it. Alex was sure Zach was thinking the same thing he was, hell, this might actually be fun to watch. This would be a battle of wills of epic proportions. Oh, they were both still seven kinds of pissed off at her, and they were damned well going to make sure she knew it; but, now that it looked like they might actually have some real help handling Jenna, they could get back to their first priority, protecting Katarina.

Jenna let Colt usher her into the office and sat her next to him on the sofa while her brothers each stood leaning against the fireplace, watching. Their careless poses were betrayed by the set of their jaws and narrowed eyes.

“Okay, now tell me what the hell this is about so I can get something to eat and crash.” Jenna was just about to get up and leave when Colt put his hand on her knee and squeezed. His message was clear,
Don’t you dare move
. Well, this was sure fun.
Welcome home, Me!

Chapter 12

Colt turned his full focus on Jenna and watched her eyes dilate and a nice rosy flush color her cheeks. Well, well, it would seem the lady wasn’t as immune to him as she wanted him to believe. Interesting. Alex and Zach had asked him to take the lead with Jenna because they didn’t think they’d be able to do it without losing their tempers and they were neither one willing to give her the paddling she so richly deserved. Colt went straight for her throat. “When is the last time you had any communication with Katarina McKay?” Oh yes, the joy of a surprise attack, Jenna stiffened just slightly, she blinked her eyes and glanced down for a split second, but it was enough, he had her. “Don’t even think about lying to me, Jenna.” Colt’s voice was low and menacing; he wanted her to know he’d tolerate nothing but the truth.

BOOK: Gale, Avery - Katarina's Return [The ShadowDance Club 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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