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Authors: Arielle Lewenhart

Furever After (3 page)

BOOK: Furever After
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“Hello,” he said. “My name is Mason.”

“I’m Katya,” she said, taking his hand. Mason marveled at how tiny her hands felt compared to his own; how fragile she felt in the face of his power. A sudden urge welled inside him to protect her. “Thank you for inviting me here.”

“It was no problem at all,” Mason answered. “Please, sit down.” He gestured to a chair in his office, waving at Jackson to follow them inside. Jackson had a way with people that put them at ease; the exact opposite of what Mason was good at. It would be helpful to have him stay in the room.

“Did Jackson explain the situation to you?” Mason asked, looking at Katya with what he hoped was a disarming smile. He was more used to ordering around his club members than he was to disarming a beautiful woman.

Katya nodded, a strand of golden hair falling into her face as she did so. “He said you were looking for a wife, but didn’t have the time to do it yourself.”

Mason laughed. “Something like that. Our tradition states that I have to marry soon, but because of my duties here, I can’t exactly go out and spend my evenings trying to meet people. That said, I’m not very good at it either.”

Katya nodded thoughtfully, and Mason wondered what was going through her head.


I was surprised when I first met Mason. He was equally as handsome as Jackson, but in a completely different way. Rather than being blond and expressive, he was dark-haired, dark-eyed, and conducted himself in a manner that screamed authority. It was clear that he was the leader here, and it was easy to see why.

Mason was
. He dwarfed even Jackson in sheer size, and every step he took sent muscles rippling underneath his clothing. If I had met him under other circumstances, he would have been incredibly intimidating — but with Jackson here, I felt much more at ease.

Mason explained the situation to me; he was head of a business here, and his tasks keep him occupied late into the evenings. However, according to his culture and traditions, he had to marry before he turned 30. I thought it a little strange; I’d never heard of a culture like that before, but I supposed it wasn’t outside the realm of possibility.

Mason told me that I would move in with him into his home, and act as his wife in public. Beyond that, he wouldn’t ask anything of me — unless, of course, feelings did develop between us. He seemed like an incredibly kind man, but Jackson was right in what he told me — there was a certain intensity to him that I couldn’t quite place.

His eyes sparked with ambition as he spoke, and I could tell he was striving for a goal beyond what I could understand. I also got the sense that he wasn’t telling me everything about his business here, and I couldn’t help but feel uneasy at the thought.

We finished our conversation, and Mason bid me farewell, an easy smile on his face. He nodded to Jackson, and then I was shown out of the building and back to the car from before. Once again, Jackson slid in beside me. “Would you like to see more of the city, or go straight to your hotel?” he asked. “I know you must be tired.”

I pondered it a moment. While I was excited to see New York, after everything that had already happened that day, I was ready to kick back and take it easy for a while. “Why don’t we go to the hotel and rest up, then you can show me around. Is that okay?”

Jackson smiled. “That would be fine.” He gestured to the driver, who pulled away and carried us through the streets. “So what did you think of Mason?” he asked.

“He was…an interesting person,” I answered truthfully. “But he seemed like he wasn’t sure what to do with me.” Mason was devastatingly attractive, just like Jackson, but of the two, I was more attracted to Jackson…and that just wouldn’t work, not when I was in the country to marry Mason. If I liked him, that is.

Jackson laughed. “I figured you would say something like that. Mason is so used to being in command that I’m not sure he knows how to have normal interactions anymore. But I’m sure he’ll warm up to you in the mean time. Hey, here’s your hotel.” He gestured out the window, and I turned to look.

A building so tall it blocked out the sky towered in front of us, and I realized we were on Times Square. I turned to look at Jackson, my eyes wide with surprise. He laughed. “I thought you would appreciate being close to everything while you’re here in the city. This gives you a chance to check out all the touristy-stuff. Just make sure to keep an eye on your purse, okay?”

I nodded. “Thank you!”

His only answer was a smile. “Let me help you with your bags,” Jackson said, taking it from me. He ushered me out of the car and through the front door of the hotel, managing the reservation and walking to my room with me. It was one the 23
floor of the building, just a few steps from the elevator. I’d never been in a place so high before. As soon as the door opened, I rushed to the window, staring out at the city below me.

Jackson stepped inside, setting the bag down on the floor, but keeping a polite distance. I beckoned for him to come closer. “Look at this view!” I said.

He stepped up beside me, admiring the view. “It’s beautiful,” he said. “There’s no city in the world quite like New York.” His hand brushed against my waist, and I felt a strange rush course through my body.

Apparently Jackson felt it too. He turned towards me, and our eyes met. I could almost hear the electricity running between us. Was this what attraction felt like? I’d never been around enough men to know.

All I knew was that strange sensations were flooding my body, and I wasn’t sure at all how to react to them — but my gaze was drawn to Jackson’s lips, and to those wonderful eyes.

And in a moment, those lips were on mine.


Jackson pulled back from the kiss, his face flushed. Oh, fuck, he thought. She was here for Mason. He couldn’t make out with his best friend’s future wife.

It was wrong. He was violating so many different ethical standards that he couldn’t count them all. But at the same time, he didn’t want to stop. He wanted to kiss Katya again, to feel those soft, tender lips against his, to feel that pliant body in his hands.

Katya stared up at him, her cheeks flush after the kiss. Even so, Jackson noted, she didn’t look away. No words were spoken between them, and he fought desperately to suppress his impulses.

He would rather take her in his arms, toss her on the bed, and rip every last shred of clothing from her body than leave the room. Jackson felt his cock grow rock-slid between his legs, and he tried his best to ignore it — but his body knew what it wanted, and that was to slide between Katya’s young, soaking wet thighs.

Jackson turned away and pretended to investigate the room, trying to hide his arousal from her. His mind was racing; how could he have done that? His job was to find a mate for Mason, not take her for himself. Jackson felt as though he had betrayed his friend, but at the same time, he couldn’t deny that he wanted more from this girl.

In the end, she made his mind up for him. Katya came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his stomach, hugging him from behind. Jackson felt another surge of lust rip through his body, his hands balling into fists as he tried to fight against what he knew he wanted. “That was the first time I’ve ever kissed anyone,” she said, her voice soft, the adorable accent assaulting his senses. “But I’m glad it was you.”

That was it. Jackson couldn’t fight anymore, He turned in her grip, facing Katya, and put his hand underneath her chin. “I am too,” he said, leaning down to kiss her once more. This time, the kiss was much more passionate — she pressed her lips hard against his, and his tongue fought to gain entry into her mouth. Although she wasn’t an experienced kisser, she seemed to know just what to do, trusting instinct to be her guide.

Jackson’s hands roamed across her body, sliding down her sides and cupping her ass. As he pulled her tight against him, he couldn’t ignore the feeling of his member pressed against her stomach — and neither did she, as small moans escaped her lips as their kiss deepened.

Before he knew it, Jackson felt her hands tugging at the hem of his shirt, pulling the fabric up and over his head. As he met Katya’s eyes, he recognized the look in them: she wanted him, whether she herself realized what she felt.


Jackson’s shirt lay discarded to the side, and I could only stare at the marvelous, sculpted body in front of me. He looked delicious — like a movie star. He resembled every star-studded actor I’d ever seen on television. I didn’t think people actually looked like that in real life…

A fire burned between my legs. Although I’d felt my body’s impulses before, I’d never faced them in a circumstance quite like this. I wanted him to touch me all over. I wanted those tender, soft lips to caress more than just my neck. I wanted those large, strong hands to cup my body.

I had felt his member pressing against me. I knew how much he desired me. Unlike women, a man could not hide what his body wanted — although I wasn’t sure I was doing so great a job of hiding what I wanted. It was embarrassing, a bit; I’d never been alone with a man before, and I wasn’t sure what to do.

Jackson certainly seemed to know what steps to take next, though, and he guided me through the process. My hands trailed over his rock-hard pectorals, then down to his abs. I could trace each individual muscle with the tip of my finger. I found myself wanting to follow those muscles down to where they met his jeans…

My heart raced at the thought of what lay underneath. I could see the outline of Jackson’s cock through the fabric, but I’d never felt the touch of a man before. I’d never been with someone in so intimate a situation before. I knew I was here for Mason, but my body ached for Jackson. I wanted him to touch me.

I leaned up to kiss him again, and our lips met. I couldn’t believe how soft they were; I took one into my mouth, suckling gently on his lower lip, feeling my nipples harden underneath my clothing. His hand slid up my thigh, along my stomach, and cupped my breast, giving it a tight squeeze.

I gasped involuntarily, unable to ignore the desire that coursed through my veins with every touch of his hands. Jackson didn’t waste much more time; his lips trailed away from mine, and I could feel his hot breath on my face as he took an earlobe into his mouth, nibbling gently on it.

His other hand cupped my ass, pulling me hard against him, our hips grinding together as he kissed my neck, his lips leaving a wet trail across my sensitive skin. The sounds coming from my lips were unfamiliar; soft moans and gasps I’d never before made. I barely recognized it as my own voice.

But I did enjoy the sensations coursing through me. Everywhere Jackson touched felt like it was on fire; his hands had moved south, and he slid his hand up my thigh, under my dress, to the inside of my leg. His hand sent the most delicious sensations through me as it crept up, higher and higher, to come to a stop inches from my most sensitive region.

I could feel my panties growing wet; I knew he must be able to feel the heat radiating from my pussy. His lips had reached the crest of my breasts, where the cleavage was prominently displayed over the top of my dress. I gasped as his breath washed over me.

And then he moved his hands.

Jackson’s fingers brushed against my pussy, pressing lightly against me through my panties. I tensed up, nearly doubling over as the pleasure shot through my body. He made light circles with his finger around my clit, and I couldn’t believe the reaction I had to it.

My body clenched. My pussy flooded with wetness and heat. My heart did flip flops in my chest. I wanted him so badly; I wanted him to take his jeans off, to slide that rock hard member between my legs and rob me of my maidenhood. I wanted him to dominate me.

Jackson took the bottom of my dress in both hands, pulling it up and over my head. I didn’t object, although a brief moment of embarrassment passed over me as I realized he would see me almost naked. Instead of commenting on that, Jackson stepped back, staring at my body.

I could feel his gaze like a physical force raking over me, scorching hot, like the sun in the middle of a desert. His eyes burned with equal intensity, undressing me as he went. “You’re beautiful,” he breathed, his voice strained. I could see his cock getting even harder through his jeans.

Rather than undress myself further, I dropped to my knees, unbuckling his belt as I did so. I wasn’t sure what I was doing, but I knew I wanted to try. As his jeans came down, his cock fought against the restraints of his boxers, the outline clear.

I tugged the boxers down, freeing the beast. It sprang forward, long and hard and thick. Bulging veins pulsed along its length, and the head was purple and swollen, as though ready to explode at any moment. Thick precum oozed from its tip, dribbling down his length, preparing him for the journey into me.

The sight of it both excited and frightened me. I wasn’t sure how it would fit inside me, but I knew I wanted him to. I took his cock gently in my hands, relishing the hissing sound he made as I did so. I wrapped my lips around the tip, gently sucking on the swollen head.

Jackson’s hands twined themselves through my hair, guiding my head along his shaft. The thickness of his cock was hard to fit in my mouth, and I couldn’t take all of him; when I could fit no more inside, I began stroking what remained. He groaned again, leading my head up and down, his hips gently thrusting forward.

I kept up the gentle suckling on the head the entire time, making sure to use my tongue. It was a strange feeling, but also very natural. It seemed right. And from the way Jackson reacted, I didn’t think he had too many objections. Suddenly, he groaned more loudly than before and thrust himself as far into my mouth as he could, before unleashing a torrent of cum.

I almost shouted in surprise, but clamped my lips down tightly and swallowed every last drop. I had read that men liked that, and I wanted to make sure Jackson enjoyed what happened tonight. I gave his cock a few more strokes before looking up at Jackson, and his eyes met mine. The lust burning in them was incredible.

BOOK: Furever After
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