Read FriendlySeduction Online

Authors: Gillian Archer

FriendlySeduction (9 page)

BOOK: FriendlySeduction
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After finishing their burgers, Rob and Marc took turns with
her on the dance floor. Sara had never been one for dancing. She always felt
self-conscious, as if everyone was staring at her, wondering how the hell that
chubby, awkward girl thought she could dance. But in Rob’s arms, she felt like
a small, dainty woman.

He whirled her around the floor and she was comfortable to
follow his lead. He directed the action and was so surefooted and confident,
Sara never had to wonder if she was being a klutz. And if people were staring,
it was probably because of the sparks that flew between them.

“I really love those breathless little whispers you make
just before you come,” he whispered in her ear.

Every couple steps, Rob would do that—lean down and whisper
something particularly naughty.

Sara groaned in response.

“Yeah, kind of like that.” He bit down on her lobe before
pulling away.

She shuddered and tried to keep her knees from locking. More
than anything, she wanted to lie down and just let Rob have his way with her.
All this teasing and rubbing of bodies was getting a little hard on her

You’re in public. You’re in public. You’re in public.

“Ah, looks like Marc is eager to have his turn around the
dance floor.” Rob pulled away with a sigh.

Sara swallowed a groan. She didn’t want Marc to think she
wasn’t eager to dance with him. She was. She just didn’t think she could take
much more of their torment. And judging by the look on Marc’s face, he was very
excited to treat her to his own special brand of torture. Sara resigned herself
to at least a few more minutes of foreplay before they could go home and get
down to real fun.

“May I cut in?” Marc asked in an exaggerated drawl.

“Certainly.” Rob inclined his head to Marc. They stood
staring at each other for a brief moment before a wolfish smile crossed Rob’s
face. He bowed to her and Marc then left them alone.

“My lady.” Marc held out his hand as if they were at a

Sara ducked a quick curtsy, which was difficult to do given
the tightness of her miniskirt. She took his hand but couldn’t contain the
giggle that escaped at their outlandish manners.

Her giggle quickly turned into a groan as Marc drew her in close
and proceeded to perform a bump-and-grind number against her that left her with
zero doubt he was quite happy with his choice of dance partners. Happy and

Sara wanted to make him
excited. She performed
her own version with a little added shimmy that soon had Marc groaning too.

“Honey, you can’t do that to me. We’re in public, remember?”

“Hey, I didn’t start this little dance-off. But I’m sure as
hell going to finish it.” Sara pulled his head down to her level to breathe
hotly into his ear, “Unless you’d rather finish this at home?”

She tilted her head to the side as she waited for his

“Uh, home. Yeah. Definitely.”

“Great.” Sara pulled back to leave but Marc yanked her into
his arms and against his body again. “I thought we were—”

“Uh, in a minute. I’m not exactly safe for public viewing

Sara looked up at him, confused. “What?”

He ground his hips into hers. His very evident arousal
cleared up her confusion. “Oh!”

“Yeah, oh. Let’s finish this song and then we can head out.”

Sara bit her twitching lips and nodded her agreement. She
let her head fall into the hollow of his shoulder while they enjoyed their slow
dance. All around them the latest hip-hop song blared and the gyrating bodies
bounced in rhythm with the tune. But Sara and Marc swayed slowly to their own
beat, lost in the moment of being in each other’s arms.

Marc took a deep breath then pulled away from her. “I’m
going to go pay our bill then we can get out of here.”

Sara knew her face betrayed her eagerness to get going but
still she tried to play it cool. “‘Kay. I’ll go find Rob.”

“Meet you guys at the car.”

Sara grinned as Marc raced from the dance floor. Someone was
a little eager. She turned and tried to make her way through the tangle of
bodies over to their table.

“Ooomph.” She stopped short as she ran into a wall of a
body. “I’m so sorry. I—” Sara looked up and stopped her apology in midsentence.
Her brother Jason stood in front of her, a disapproving wrinkle marring his
brow. “I-I… Jason! What are you doing h—”

Sara watched open-mouthed as her own brother curled his lip
and walked away without a word. The back of her eyes burned and a tingling
sensation swept across her scalp. How could he? Sara ducked her head and swiped
at her eyes. She wouldn’t cry. She certainly couldn’t cry here. Her gaze flew
around the room.

God, did anyone see that? Judging from the stares back at
her, very few people had missed her brother’s burn. She registered a few
pitying gazes and a few disdainful ones before she looked away, unable to take
anymore. Suddenly she felt naked. As though everyone in the room had seen her
at her most vulnerable and judged her wanting.

She couldn’t get out of the room quick enough.

Once she got into her car, Sara sat behind the wheel,
staring blankly ahead. She knew this would happen after her horrific
conversation with her mother. Jason didn’t have it in him to stand against
their mother. The only thing he had ever done in his life against her was a
teenage rebellion he was still paying the price for. It didn’t matter that
Jason was a good dad, that he had done the honorable thing and married Emma’s
mother. Their own mother would never let him forget that he’d sinned. Sara
didn’t know how he put up with it.

Maybe he put up with it because he believed it too. He
probably sided with their mother because he felt what Sara was doing was wrong.
Her eyes filled with tears as she thought of her life without her family in it.
Without little Emma. God, that one really hurt. She loved her niece. And to not
be able to see her would tear Sara up inside.

But this was the road she had taken. This was the choice she
had made. Sara swiped at her cheeks. There was no point in crying over it now.
She was strong. She could handle it.

Sara jumped as the passenger door opened.

“There you are. We’ve been looking for you everywhere.” Rob
took the front seat and leaned across to give her a quick peck.

Sara cleared her throat. “I, uh, couldn’t find you, Rob. So
I thought I’d wait for you guys out here.”

“Sorry about that. I met up with one of the guys on the
force and had to set him straight about a few things.”

Sara bit her lip at the hard tone to Rob’s voice. “Does this
have anything to do with us—with our relationship, I mean? Are the guys already
on you about it?”

Rob chuckled. “It’s nothing I can’t handle.”

“It’s nothing
can’t handle,” Marc tossed in from
the backseat.

Sara put the car in gear and pulled out of the parking lot.
How were they going to make this work? Their town was so small and the people
here really didn’t like anything unusual. And the three of them—together—was
about as new and unusual as it got in Helios. Sara worried her lip between her
teeth. Should she bring this up now? Call her greedy but she really didn’t want
this to come between them just yet. She wanted to get laid.

Besides, the drama would still be there in the morning,

“Why are you so quiet all of a sudden, Sara? What are you
thinking about?”

Sara met Marc’s eyes in the rearview mirror. “I was just
wondering what delightfully depraved thing you guys had planned for this

His confident smile set Sara’s heart racing. “Oh, we have a
few things up our sleeves.”

“Yeah, I think you’ll be very happy with what we have
planned for you.” Rob chuckled wickedly.

Sara couldn’t get home fast enough.

Chapter Twelve


They raced through the house toward Marc’s room, giggling
like children. Sara hopped as she tried to get out of her miniskirt and still
keep pace with her guys. Giddiness filled her. This was right. This felt just
like it should.

She squealed and ducked as Marc, jogging backward, ripped
off his shirt and threw it at her. Sara stumbled when her miniskirt tangled in
the stilettos still on her feet. She began to tip and would have gone down if
not for Marc’s quick reflexes. He swooped in to grab her with one arm around
her waist.


She nodded, panting.

“Let me give you a hand.” There in the hallway, Marc knelt
and tugged her tangled miniskirt free of her shoes. One hand on his shoulder,
Sara bent to take off her heels but stopped at Rob clearing his throat.

“Uh, would you mind keeping those on for now?”

Sara raised an eyebrow. “What, like a porn star?”

“No, like a sex kitten. It’s gorgeous.”

Sara shrugged. “Yeah, I guess.” She really didn’t understand
the allure. But if it made her guys happy then she could go with it. “Uh, I’m
going to need help with—”

Before she could even finish the thought, Rob knelt next to
Marc and began to tug her panties down her legs.

Sara stared down at her two guys. Totally at home in her
skin, she couldn’t resist the urge to strike a provocative pose. Arching her
back and splaying her legs, she looked down at her guys. The reverent look on
their faces stole her breath. Never again would she complain about her ample
chest or hips. Having two hot and horny men at her beck and call did amazing
things for a woman’s self-esteem.

As she carefully stepped out of her panties, Sara tried to
get her breathing under control. Rob reached up with one hand to part her and
blew gently on her sex.

Sara gasped at the sensation.

“Do you have any idea how incredibly sexy you look?” Rob

She tried to answer but her head swam at the overwhelming

Marc, attuned to her vulnerability, stood and grabbed her by
the shoulder. “I think we need to move this party somewhere more comfortable.
And horizontal.”

Rob stood to lead the way into Marc’s room.

Sara was thankful for Rob’s guidance as she tottered on
unsteady legs into the bedroom. She stopped at the side of the bed and bent to
remove her heels.


She jumped at their combined yells and looked up, unsure.

“I said leave them on.”

Sara looked between Marc and Rob, baffled by their demand.
“What, in bed?”



“But the sheets will g—”

“I don’t care and neither should you.” Marc crawled onto the
bed and pulled her down next to him.

“I think she needs to occupy herself with something else,”
Rob murmured as he watched Marc wrestle out of his jeans.

“Something like this?” Marc asked in an innocent voice as he
fisted his erect cock.

Sara licked her lips as she watched his hand. She had never
really been eager to give blowjobs before but with Marc and Rob, she craved
them. Loved watching her men lose control. Loved pushing them to the edge.

Sara crawled to Marc and burrowed between his legs. She rose
up on her hands and knees and bent her head toward his straining cock.

“Uh-uh. Ask for permission,” Rob growled.

She looked over her shoulder at him in confusion. Was he
kidding? His serious expression made her think he wasn’t. She looked up at
Marc, who watched with an amused smirk.

She could play their game. And win too. She looked up at
Marc, blinked dramatically and asked in a breathless, husky voice, “Please,
sir, may I suck your cock?” She bit her lower lip in an exaggerated pout.

Rob groaned behind her.

Marc cleared his throat. “Yes,” he answered in a raspy

A smug grin curved her lips as she bent forward to lick his
cock. She ran her tongue from the base to the tip, pausing to lick the ridge on
the underside. Marc jumped in response. She fondled his balls in one hand while
she held his cock in the other. Moving her lips over his cock, she learned
every curve and vein. Finally, she took him into her mouth, just the head, and
tickled the sensitive ridge with her tongue.

She jumped as she felt a touch on her ass. Rob slowly ran
his hand up and down her flank, reminding her of his presence. That just made
it all the naughtier—giving a blowjob while Rob looked on.

Sara growled and wiggled her hips at him.

Rob responded with a quick, sharp spank.

Sara gave a muffled squeal.

“Dude, lighten up with that shit. She’s kind of in a
delicate position here.” Marc glared at Rob behind her.

Sara wasn’t sure how Rob responded but it apparently wasn’t
very pleasant, given the look on Marc’s face. She endeavored to make him happy
again. She took him into her mouth as deep as he would go and swallowed around
him. Darting a look up, she saw his lowered eyelids and smiled smugly.
Tightening the hand holding his cock, she slowly slid back to the tip, her hand
following her lips. She gave the head a quick tongue bath, flickering the ridge
beneath before diving back as far as she could go again. She tried to keep a
regular rhythm going but Rob’s caresses made it a difficult task.

Rob nudged her knees farther apart and knelt between them.
She felt something thick and hard probing between her thighs. She parted her
legs even wider as the probing turned into a fluttering caress.

Sara gave a sigh of relief—she wasn’t quite ready for the
main event. Rob’s fingers slowly ran up and down her pussy lips. He dipped into
the seam and teased her clit in a circling stroke. Sara moaned and rocked back
into him. She loved Rob’s magic fingers but she just felt empty. As if he heard
her unspoken request, he pressed his fingers into her pussy while he teased her

Sara squirmed. She knew she was close. She soon forgot every
thought in her head as Rob grew rougher in his caresses. He flicked at her clit
while he plunged his finger in and out of her. She panted around Marc’s cock,
unable to do anything else. So close, just a few more… She gave a muffled groan
as her body splintered apart. Tears filled her eyes as spasm after spasm shook
her body.

Marc lifted a hand to brush the tears from her cheeks then
pushed her off his cock. “Are you okay, babe?”

Sara swallowed and nodded before leaning forward and taking
Marc back into her mouth. She didn’t want him to feel as though he got the bad
end of this arrangement. Her orgasm gave her a clearer purpose—she had to make
him come. She was going to give him the best blowjob he’d ever had.

“Hey, man, where are your condoms?”

Marc gestured vaguely to his left, never taking his gaze off
hers. Brushing the hair out of her eye, he rested his hands lightly on the
sides of her face. Sara didn’t feel coerced or controlled by his gesture. She
held all the power and knew it.

What the hell?

Marc’s cock tumbled out of her mouth with a pop at Rob’s
enraged shout.

“You want to explain this?” Rob help up a
blue-and-green-spotted condom.

Sara didn’t understand. But Marc apparently did, given the
way his shoulders shook as he held back his laugh.

“What?” he asked in a trembling voice.

Rob gritted his teeth. “Never mind. Don’t think I’m going to
forget this.”

Sara looked between them in confusion.

Marc leaned down to whisper in her ear, “I think you might
want to watch this.” He waggled his eyebrows.

Rob shook his head as he rolled the condom down his
impressive length.

Sara let out a shriek of laughter. The novelty condom made
Rob’s cock look as if it were a scaly, menacing snake. The tip of the condom
reservoir became a tongue jutting out of the snake’s mouth.

Her shoulders shook as she tried to hold back her laughter.
“I-I don’t know what to say. It’s…impressive.”

Marc howled in laughter.

“All right, buddy. I get it. We’re even.” Rob looked over at
Marc and shook his head ruefully before his eyes turned serious. He inclined
his head in that way men had that acknowledged the other as an equal.

Marc returned the nod then winked at Sara and nodded at his
swaying erection. “I think you still have a job to finish here, sweetheart.”

Sara’s heart melted at the exchange between her men. The
three of them could make this whole crazy thing work after all. She swallowed
hard at the emotion clogging her throat before diving back into Marc’s lap. She
soon worked back into a steady rhythm. She wiggled her hips at Rob. All their
mirth hadn’t decreased her arousal. She wanted him inside her.

A sharp slap on her ass had her swallowing convulsively on

She pulled back and panted, “What the hell was that for?”

“That was for laughing at me.” Rob positioned himself behind
her. “And this is for being so damn sexy.” He thrust into her, burying himself
balls-deep in one go.

Sara’s eyelids drooped. God, that felt so good.

Rob slowly withdrew. Her pussy clasped him tightly, begging
him not to leave. He soon built up a pounding rhythm. Sara dug her fingers into
Marc’s thighs and went along for the ride.

“Open up, baby.” Marc drew her attention back to his
forgotten cock.

Sara obeyed, opening her mouth wide. At this point she
didn’t have the ability to concentrate on giving Marc the best blowjob ever.
Between Rob’s pounding cadence and his tantalizing fingers on her clit, she
couldn’t focus. But Marc didn’t seem to mind. He thrust into her mouth,
creating a counterbalance to Rob’s tempo. Sara found herself bouncing between
two hot, hard cocks.

The finger that had been flicking and circling her clit
disappeared. Sara tried to focus on the cock in her mouth and the pounding pace
Rob had set but the sensation of probing around her asshole had her tensing.
Her entire body froze, suspended between her two guys. She had never
. She had never thought about doing that. How could
he—why was he?

“Just relax, babe.”

Sara huffed around Marc’s cock.
Was Rob
kidding? She was bouncing between two cocks and she was supposed to relax when
he wanted to probe her ass?

“Just open yourself up to it. You’ll never know if you like
new things unless you try them.”

Sara barely held back the eye roll. Like Rob had ever tried
With a deep breath, she concentrated on loosening her shoulders to ease the
tension from her body. And she gave herself up to the sensation. She trusted

Soon she lost herself in the gripping cadence of their dance
again, Rob continuing to softly probe her behind with his lube-slickened
fingers. Sara was climbing, reaching toward her climax. Just when she hovered
on the edge, Rob plunged his thumb inside her.

Sara broke. Her body trembled as wave after wave rushed over
her. Her skin tingled from the electricity racing through her veins. In sensory
overload, she moaned around Marc’s cock still buried in her mouth.

Her surrender and the vibrations from her moaning must have
made Marc’s thin control snap, she decided as she swallowed the pulsating jet
of his climax. It was either swallow or drown. Marc’s fingers buried in her
hair and she couldn’t summon the energy to pull back. Finally, Marc sagged
against the headboard, his hands flopping uselessly at his sides.

Sara panted as she tried to catch her breath. She felt Rob
still inside her but motionless. She squeezed down on his cock with her Kegel

Rob sucked in a breath.

She squeezed again.

“Fuck me. Are you doing that voluntarily?”

Sara squeezed again. “What?” she asked innocently.

“That,” he groaned as she squeezed him once more. “Ah, baby.
The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Us guys need a little recovery

“Oh, you’re done?”

“Like I could hold back from your vise grip.” Rob’s hand
brushed her hip as he held on to the condom before pulling out of her and
flopping down on her other side.

Sara snuggled between her guys and wiggled like a contented
puppy. She looked over at Rob’s limp snake. “Uh, what was it you said about
recovery time?”

Rob shook his head. “I think we’ve created a monster.”

BOOK: FriendlySeduction
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