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Authors: Amanda K. Byrne

Fracture (29 page)

BOOK: Fracture
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     Definitely not his type, and she seemed to need the reassurance she wasn’t. So he’d sat back and watched the movie, kept his head down when she’d made up her little bed on the floor. Staying quiet and observing was instinctive to him, and apparently it had the additional bonus of keeping her from freaking out.

     A soft snuffling noise drew his attention to the floor on the opposite side of the bed, and he eased over. She’d curled into a tight ball and was huddled under the blanket. He shook his head. Stupid. It was snowing outside, and she was sleeping on the floor with nothing more than a blanket. She needed a quilt.

     He watched a shudder work through her. Fuck this, fuck the chivalry. It was too damn cold, and she’d looked completely worn out by the time the movie ended. They both needed a good night’s sleep. He slid off the bed and stalked around the end of it.

     She jerked, then stilled, as he placed a hand on her shoulder. One eye cracked open, and he swallowed a sigh. “It’s too cold for this shit, Sara,” he said quietly. “Get in the bed. I won’t bite.”

     Both eyes open, she stared at him a while longer, watching him with a weariness he felt echoing in his bones. She struggled to sit up, kicking aside the blanket. The pillow went back on the bed, and she crawled under the covers, curling into a ball once more as she shivered with cold. “Thanks,” she mumbled.

     “Nothing to thank me for.” He wasn’t some kind of monster. He circled the bed and slid in, listening for her breathing to go deep before he lifted his hips and pushed his sweats down, then eased into a sitting position and yanked off his t-shirt. He wasn’t going to touch her, but he wasn’t going to make himself uncomfortable, either. She’d have to deal with his boxers.

     As he waited for sleep to come, he wondered who’d made her so afraid.



never would have made it out into the world if it hadn’t been for Liv Rancourt’s absolute faith that this story needed to be heard. So thank you, Liv, for your feedback and your unwavering support, even when I went all whiny and self-doubty.

     To my editors, Rhonda Helms and Rebecca Weston, for helping me turn this into a gem of a book. You’ve both made me a better writer, and I loved working with you.

     Whitney Fletcher, for your valuable feedback and your cheerleading — I’m so glad to have you as a friend and CP. Shannon O’Brien — you rock. Thanks for coming up with a fab title and for being an awesome friend.

     And finally, thank you to my friends and family for cheering me on as I slogged through the process of putting out this first book. And to the world’s greatest BF, Aaron, your support means the world to me. I love you!

About the Author

    When she’s not plotting ways to sneak her latest shoe purchase past her partner, Amanda writes sexy, snarky romance and urban fantasy. She likes her heroines smart and unafraid to make mistakes, and her heroes strong enough to take them on.

     If she’s not writing, she’s reading, drinking hot chocolate, and trying not to destroy her house with her newest DIY project. She lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, and no, it really doesn’t rain that much.


Books by Amanda K. Byrne

One Night in Buenos Aires 


Hidden Scars
(Hidden Scars, book one, available September 2015)

Broken Down
(Hidden Scars, book two, available Spring 2016)

(free erotic short story)

©Amanda K. Byrne, 2015

Published by Radiodemon Publishing, 1st edition April 2015

Cover Design by Cover Your Dreams

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BOOK: Fracture
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