Read Forty-Eight Hour Burn Online

Authors: Tonya Ramagos

Forty-Eight Hour Burn (4 page)

BOOK: Forty-Eight Hour Burn
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“Were you given permission to come?”

Her eyes lowered, and she shook her head.

“Do you know what that means?”

She met his gaze, glanced at Gavin, and nodded. “You’re going to punish me.”

“We won’t go easy on this one, Georgia. You knew the rule this time.”

Something in Gavin’s tone told Randy he missed a vital part of the conversation. “This time?”

“She masturbated three times last night.”

“Georgia, Georgia, Georgia…” Randy tsked as Georgia looked back at him. “Three times, huh? Were you hot, sweet thing?”

“I couldn’t help it,” she said in a small voice that made him want to cuddle her close and tell her everything would be okay. It would, of course, once she was trained to control herself, trained to serve them as they expected of her, trained to prolong her release so they could bring her insurmountable pleasure.

“You will.” He allowed himself a tender kiss to the tip of her nose. “We’ll teach you. Gavin is right, though. We can’t go easy on you for this one.”


* * * *


Georgia didn’t mean to come. How could they expect her not to when her channel vibrated like an off-the-scale earthquake? Add to that the feel of Randy’s stiff erection pressing into her rear, his mouth and hands working her breasts to a point of pure ecstasy, and she experienced one of the best orgasms of her life. Now, they wanted to punish her for the pleasure she took.

Anger and trepidation warred for paramount emotion as Gavin preceded her through the front door of his house. Her unease got a moment’s reprieve as she walked inside and stopped. She had seen the house from the outside many times through the years, always admired the ranch-style, rustic red wood trimming the brick, the oak fence that surrounded the tidy yard. Inside, she found the same country theme with leather furnishings, animal fur rugs over hardwood floors, and trophies of game mounted to the paneled walls.

“I know what you’re thinking.” Gavin’s slightly amused words splintered through her thoughts.

Georgia snapped her head around to find he stood barely an inch in front of her. “I’m sure you think you do.”

“Bambi over there got in the way of the bullet. There wasn’t much I could do to save him.”

Georgia bit her lip to keep from laughing. “White-tailed deer, I take it. Yeah, not much you can do to save one after you’ve blown a hole clean through him. My father used to say the only thing left is to bring him home, skin him, and eat till your belly pops.”

Gavin smiled, a slow curve of his lips that kicked her heart into double-time and milked a stream of cream straight from her pussy. “I always loved your father.”

“So did I.” She looked away, unable to hold the gaze. She had loved three men in her life. One of whom, her father, spent years attempting to shield her from the dominance of the two who now stood in front of and behind her. “It’s not what I expected. You’re house,” she clarified. She started to take a step further into the living room but realized the men closed the distance between them so securely they sandwiched her. “I figured it would be more, well, messy.”

Randy chuckled but didn’t say anything.

“I’m not a pig, darlin’.” Gavin’s lazy drawl sounded a bit wounded.

“No, but you’re a man, a bachelor,” she pointed out. “I spent enough years cleaning after Dad to know how sloppy you guys can be.”

“And I spent enough years listening to my mother to know better than to let my house get out of hand.”

Georgia grinned. “Good woman.”

“She is.”

“I would love to meet her.” She knew Gavin’s parents lived in Montana, though exactly where she couldn’t say.

“I’m hoping you don’t change your mind about that before sunrise.”

Georgia blinked at him, stunned that he allowed even a speck of insecurity to show. Silence fell between them and, for the life of her, she couldn’t think of a thing to say to break it. Randy’s fingers glided down her arm, and he moved in closer at her back.

“Are you hungry?”

The warmth of his breath to the sensitive flesh of her ear brought goose pimples to the surface of her flesh even as her hormones danced another jig for release. Her stolen orgasm in the truck proved as ineffective as the three she gave herself last night. Until she got their cocks inside her, she knew a true release, one that would bring her real satisfaction, would not be found.

Yes, she was hungry all right, but not for food. Still, she answered, “A little.”

“Lets grab a shower, and then we’ll rustle up some breakfast.” Gavin took a half a step back, his attention focused over her shoulder. She knew he and Randy were exchanging one of their wordless looks that conveyed all the conversation the two men needed for understanding.

“I could cook while the two of you get cleaned up.” She liked to cook, especially when she had a man to cook for, or in this case, two.

Gavin shook his head. “You’re going to join us.” He didn’t take her hand, didn’t gesture for her to follow, but spun on his heel and walked away.

Georgia stared at his retreating back, getting lost in the delectable view of his tight ass clad in second-skin Levi’s. Her palms itched to curve around the muscular cheeks of his ass as he drove his thick cock in her aching cunt over and over until she begged to come. She never begged for anything in her life, but she wouldn’t be too proud to plead with Gavin if that’s what he wanted of her.

“You might want to go after him.” Amusement laced Randy’s words, proving he knew exactly what captured her thoughts.

She tore her gaze from Gavin’s ass and shot Randy a look over her shoulder. “I’m working on it.”

Randy chuckled, a low, rumbling sound that sent prickles of sensation traveling through her even as it stroked her funny bone. “Come on.” His hand moved to the small of her back, and he propelled her forward with a gentle push.

He led her down a long hall to a bedroom where she stopped short. Quite possibly the largest bed in the world, draped in black satin sheets with blue throw pillows, occupied the center of the room. An oak dresser hugged one wall, while a high-back chair took up space in the far corner. The walls, painted a utilitarian white, were bare save for a mirror hanging above the dresser. Thick, dark blue curtains covered the single window, cutting out any outside light. Gavin stood beside that bed in front of an open doorway that obvious led to a large bathroom. Her mouth watered and perspiration gathered along her body as he started to undress.
Sweet baby Jesus
. The man did sumptuous things to her insides when clothed. As he removed his shirt to reveal an impressive array of corded muscles and tanned flesh, she felt herself start to drool. Wiry, dark hair speckled his chest, circling his flat, hard, male nipples. Georgia licked her lips, wanting to flick her tongue over those tight points. She wanted to lick her way down the path that led to his six-pack abs and flat stomach before disappearing beneath the waistband of his jeans.

“Enjoying the view?”

Georgia pulled her attention back up to Gavin’s strong, confident face. “I’m starting to. That bed is huge.”

“I’m a big man.” He shrugged and reached for the button of his jeans.

Her focus fell down, her thoughts scrambling over the combination of his actions and words. Yes, she could tell how big through the straining denim attempting to contain his cock. Her womb convulsed with the need to feel that thick wedge of heat and hardness.

“I like room to move without worrying about falling off,” Gavin added. “I also needed a bed large enough to comfortably accommodate three.”

Georgia wondered how many threes the bed accommodated before they brought her here. She didn’t ask, but decided her expression gave her away when Gavin spoke again.

“No, you don’t want to know. I will tell you only that from here on out, if you want us, it will only be us, me, you, and Randy.”

Georgia turned enough to see Randy and caught the same promise echoing in his gaze. She nodded. “Thank you.” She looked back at Gavin. “Both of you.”

He left his jeans unbuttoned, the fly spread to reveal a thick patch of dark curls. Apparently, Gavin didn’t do underwear. The realization made Georgia’s mouth water. The intense craving to put her mouth on his cock made her weak.

He moved to the master bath doorway and held out a hand.

Georgia went to him without hesitation. The first real contact he gave her all morning zinged through her center before striking her clit and moving on to her nipples. She breathed deep to steady herself and caught a whiff of dark male lust that sent her mind reeling and her pulse soaring.

“How about that shower?” Gavin squeezed her hand, his tone husky and heavy with desire.

Georgia nodded and allowed him to pull her into the bathroom. It didn’t surprise her in the least to find the room designed in a way to provide enough space for three the same as the bed. A double sink and spacious countertop separated the toilet from the enormous, glass enclosed, standup shower. A mirror spanned the wall behind the sinks.

The reflection drew her to the treat of watching Randy undress for the first time. Erotic power sizzled in his eyes as his gaze locked with hers in the mirror. He fisted his shirt in his fingers, wrenching it over his head, and teasing a moan out of her at the play of muscles the movement created.

She licked her lips.

He paused, his fingers halting on the waistband of his jeans. “Thirsty, sweet thing?”

“Parched.” Georgia swallowed, realizing the truth of her answer. Her mouth went from drooling wet to desert dry in an instant. She knew of only one way to quench this thirst. “But don’t let that stop you. Continue, please.”

One sexy brow lifted as he worked the button of his jeans free. The sound of his zipper lowering reverberated in the silence of the bathroom. The easy way he shucked his pants down his strong thighs to hug his ankles captivated her attention. She nearly swallowed her tongue at the sight of his rigid length barely contained by his briefs, the engorged head peeking out the elastic waistband.

A bead of pre-cum glistened on the slit. Her tongue parted her lips, but stalled in the act of licking again. It rested on her bottom lip, that droplet of tantalizing semen offering up the only antidote for the sudden paralysis.

“He’s hard for you.” Gavin’s breath fanned the fine hairs just behind her ear as he leaned in to whisper. “That’s what you want, isn’t it Georgia? You want to feel that cock ramming inside your hot, wet hole?”

Unable to speak, Georgia simply nodded. Her pussy clinched at the image Gavin’s words created in her mind, the picture of Randy between her legs, his cock lodged impossibly deep in her slick channel. Her mouth tingled, giving evidence to another hot, wet hole that wanted to lay claim on his thick meat.

“Take off your dress for me.” Randy kicked off his boots and jeans, his briefs following in rapid succession, but his gaze never left her body.

Georgia watched him watching her, noted the appreciation that swam in his eyes, mingling with the lust as she untied her dress and let it fall in a pool of material around her feet. It made her feel empowered, seeing that level of want overtake his expression. She might submit to the desires of these men, but she held a strength of her own that would bind them to her. She could only hope that force she wielded proved intense enough to gain her all she wanted.

“Jesus, you’re beautiful,” Randy said softly.

The way his gaze skimmed her body felt like fingers of passion to her breasts, her belly, the apex of her thighs. Her head raced with ecstasy as arousal gathered along the folds of her sex.

“Such a sultry mouth,” he murmured and growled when she dared to lick the pad of the thumb he glided over her slightly parted lips. “That’s what I want. It’s what you want, too, isn’t it?”

“As if I haven’t given you enough of a hint already.”

“Hints are nice, but I’m not a man to read between the lines. Tell me.”

Georgia fought the urge to drop her gaze. She met his head on. “I want to taste you. I want to feel your stiff cock in my mouth, down my throat.” Carnal hunger turned his eyes a vicious ebony. She rode on the power it gave her and yearned for more. She turned her head, finding his thumb and licking it into her mouth, closing her lips around it as she wanted to do his cock.

“Christ, that’s enough.” He jerked his hand away, his expression as tortured as his tone, and backed toward the shower. A bench jutted from one inside wall, and he sat down, his cock fully erect and pulsing with life. “Come here, and drop to your knees.”

It didn’t occur to Georgia to hide her smile. She did as he bid, sinking to her knees between his parted legs. Her smile faltered at the hardness of the cold tile to her tender knees.

“Spread your legs wide,” he instructed her. “I want you to feel the cool air slipping inside your hot pussy lips. You are hot, aren’t you, Georgia, horny and ready for a hard cock to replace that toy?”

The toy
? She'd actually forgotten about the silent egg in her channel. Her attention focused solely on the man in front of her and the magnificent specimen he meant to give her.

“You know I am.” Her pussy felt blistered with need, slick and pulsing. Her inner muscles contracted, reminding her now of the object inside her and ramping the need for the vibrations Randy denied her. He turned it off the moment she reached orgasm in the truck. What did he do with the control box?

BOOK: Forty-Eight Hour Burn
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