Read Forever Love (Fghter Club 1) Online

Authors: Marie Dominique

Tags: #erotica, #tattoo, #ruth cardello, #melody anne, #fighter romance, #fighter erotic romance, #tattoo bad boy

Forever Love (Fghter Club 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Forever Love (Fghter Club 1)
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OH MY GOD! I can’t
believe I actually own a dance studio! Finally after years of
struggling, thanks to my mother I finally have my dreams come
true,’ Alexia said smiling.

Well there’s one piece of
the puzzle missing,’ Tracy said.

What?’ Alexia looked at

A man! Not just any
man….James.’ Alexia went to argue but Tracy jumped in first, ‘I
mean if the past was different and you two had still been together,
all your dreams would have come true today because you have your
children, your house, your dad back in your life and now your dance
studio. He is the missing piece. He is and always will be the love
of your life. And after what happened with him in his office I
think you’re going to see him a lot more because you’re going to be
trying to avoid him. Just one of those things, the more you try to
avoid someone, the more they pop up.

That’s what I’m afraid of
now I’ve moved here. Him upsetting the kids and the fact that I
just can’t get over him. He’s going to hurt me too. But I will
cross that path when it comes, now how about we go shopping for
shit food and lots of wine so we can celebrate?’

PERFECT!’ Tracy and Sarah
shouted at the same time and they all laughed.


Alexia got the keys on time. She
agreed with Tracy and Sarah that this was all about them learning
everything they needed to know and got a list together of things
they wanted to make their own which was actually quite small as it
place worked just nicely. Alexia was glad for the distraction as
she still couldn’t get James out of her mind.

The second week they really
focused on the up and coming show and everyone was feeling the
pressure with knowing there could be a big contract in it. Tracy
was sat on her computer and looking at the shows schedule for
Friday night and froze as she saw nothing else but the words “Mike
Hudson V James Taylor.” She slowly got up and walked over to Sarah
and Alexia who were making a cup of coffee.

Hey, are you ok? You look
like you going to pass out,’ Sarah said.

I think I am,’ she said
in shock.

Why? What's the matter?
Do I need to call the doctor?’ Sarah jumped up.

No no, nothing like that. know the fight club we’re going to on


One of the main event
fighters is James.’

Alexia froze and just
stared at her friend
she thought to herself.


Friday evening they arrived at
the fight club and Alexia was on edge, not only because James is
there but because the kids are there too. She knew it was his own
fault that he didn’t see them but every birthday they wished for
him to come back to them, so the thought of them seeing him and
getting their hopes up of him wanting to have anything to do with
them, only for him to walk away and break their hearts was too
unbearable to think about. Matt and Sam were doing their security
checks when they saw Alexia walk in with Tracy and Sarah. Tracy and
Matt and Sarah and Sam had dated at the same time as Alexia and
James but with going to different universities they had to split
up. They couldn’t avoid them as they were approaching.

Well hello ladies, long
time no see.’

Alexia turned round and squealed
in excitement and she threw her arms around both of them. Tracy and
Sarah stood shocked and couldn’t take their eyes off them.

Matt had long hair down to his
shoulders and brown eyes. He had muscles that every woman dreamed
of in a man and a toned torso under a tight t-shirt. Tracy was very
impressed by her ex-boyfriend and was fixed on him like she was in
some daze, as soon as his eyes met with her she felt butterflies in
her stomach and her heart started racing.

OMG I haven’t seen you in
ages....well apart from the other day, sorry about that,’ Alexia
felt her face flush.

No no, no need to
apologise, It’s nice someone can stand up to James other than us
two,’ said Matt giving her a knowing smirk and she flushed even
more. He then walked up to Tracy and ran a hand down her face to
which she melted into. ‘And how have you been? Still as sexy as
ever I see.’ For the first time in forever Tracy was speechless and
after a few moments finally managed to speak

Thank you Matt, you’re
looking very good yourself.’

Good?’ He said with his
eyebrows raised, ‘I’m looking good? Oh Tracy baby, I know that’s
not what you're thinking about me. The sexual arousal is pouring
off you,’ he said with a smirk.

A bit full of yourself
aren’t you? She snapped.

When it comes to you
yes!’ he grabbed her face and kissed her deeply.

Alexia and Sarah stood there
gobsmacked and couldn’t take their eyes off them even though they
knew they should.

Sarah soon managed to pull her
eyes away as she noticed Sam had walked up to her and her eyes went

Hey stranger, how’s
everything going?’ Sam said with a smile.

Yeah fine thanks, how are
you? You're looking really good,’ she said, eyeing him up and down.
He had short blond hair which had a messy style on top. He was a
lot broader than Matt and much quieter, more gentlemanly. His
fitted t-shirt defying every muscle in his arms, chest and abs,
under her breath she whispered, ‘really good.’

He pretended not to hear and
smiled at her, ‘I’m fine thanks and you’re looking great too,’ he
then gave her a hug, however it was more of a “god please never let
me go again” hug rather than a quick friendly “hello” hug. As they
pulled away from each other they knew there was something still
there and they had both felt it.

Alexia watched the exchange
between them and made a mental note to grill Sarah later about the
hotness that practically oozed between them and Tracy for the very
sexual hotness that was oozing off both of them.


It was time for them to do their
performance and little did they know that James, Matt and Sam were
watching. Their attention never left the girls the whole time they
danced to the music, watching them in awe as they danced around the
ring and loving every moment. That was until the last song when
Amber, Ben and Ellie started singing and dancing to Disney’s “A
Star is Born.” The guys all looked at each other in disbelief and
back again at the ring. It was like looking at Alexia, James and
Sarah when they were nine so there was no denying who they belonged
to. All they could do was stare at them.

What the fuck? Alexia and
Sarah have children? Matt said in shock. ‘Oh James man, there’s no
denying they are yours, shit me.’

Rachel came and stood next to
James trying to look every inch the perfect wife and wrapped her
arm around his waist, as they’re in public he puts his arm around
her shoulder, an awkward exchange considering he can see Alexia
right in front of him and two children who look suspiciously like
him. As they pulled away from each other she looked up and gasped
in shock. She can see who’s on stage and panic strikes her.

Excuse me but Alexia has
a lot of explaining to do!’ he said and stormed off to his changing
room, Rachel followed him.


Alexia turned round and watched
James storm out thinking he’s mad that she has brought the children
after he told her he wanted nothing to do with them. After the
performance has finished Tracy tells her and Sarah to get the kids
home as she saw the whole thing and she will finish off. Alexia
grabbed the kids as they came out of the changing rooms and Sarah
grabbed Ellie to take them home.


Back in his changing room James
was angrily pacing the floor with Rachel sat looking up at him. He
punched the mirror, ‘HOW THE FUCK COULD SHE KEEP THEM FROM ME!!!!!’
he shouted so loud it was almost a roar. Glass flew everywhere and
Rachel screamed. She went over to him and put her hand on him,
‘Baby please stop, you're scaring me.’ He looked at her and she had
tears running down her face. ‘Oh fuck this, I need some air.’ With
that he walked out.


Rachel thought she had got away
with what she had done all those years ago. She knew he only
married her could've been anyone quite
frankly he only ever loved Alexia and Rachel hated that fact and
was so very jealous. They slept in separate beds and he had never
had full on sex with her, they only ever did oral, which annoyed
her because she was hoping to trap him even more by getting
pregnant but at least she got one over Alexia and got to call him
her husband. Rachel started to pick up the broken glass and caught
herself on a piece splitting her skin. She pulled her finger to her
mouth and sucked on it whilst trying to find a plaster in her bag,
she caught a glimpse of herself in a broken piece of the mirror.
She was the image of Hayden Panettiere and knew she looked

I deserve
better than this, I deserve James and she is NOT going to take him
away from me”
she thought to


Later that evening James
was waiting backstage trying to focus on his fight but was still
reeling from discovering Alexia had his children. The next thing he
knew his music started for him to go out and the crowd were going
wild chanting his name. He walked out and focused on getting to the
cage. As he walked past the fans they were shouting things at him:
“Knock him out man, you can do it” from the men and “I love you
James” from the women as they all tried to get a little touch of
He stood at the cage entrance whilst
one of the officials checked his mouthpiece, checked his gloves and
then searched him before allowing him to go into the cage and stand
in position and warm up. The process was repeated on his opponent
Mike Hudson. Whilst James waited for him to join him in the ring,
He took a few minutes to look him over. He was the same build as
James although a couple of inches smaller than him. He had dark
hair which he couldn’t tell if it was dark brown or black due to
the lights and he had brown eyes. He watched him as he got into the
ring and waited in his position, smirking at James.

Yeah, you can
smirk now pal, I’m in a bad fucking mood and can’t be arsed with
this shit tonight so you’re going down,”
James thought to himself as he continued to watch

Once they were both in the ring
ready to start a guy walked in wearing the most ridiculous gold
sparkly jacket carrying a microphone.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
this is the main event oooooooffffff the evening!’ His voice boomed
around the club making the crowd go wild and start chanting James’
name and stamping their feet and clapping their hands.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for, ARE YOU READY?’ he
shouted and the crowd went wild with more cheering and chanting, “I
said... ARE YOU READY!!!’ he shouted again and the crowd cheered
and screamed even louder. ‘Alright then iiiiiiiiIIIIITTTTTTSSSSS
fffiiigggghhhhtttttt TTTTIIMMMmmmeeeee! Introducing first, fighting
out of the red corner, this man is a mixed martial arts fighter and
is still undefeated, it’s our home boy JAY TAYLOR!!’ The crowd go
wild screaming and cheering and James raised his arms to
acknowledge them as he paced the floor, adrenaline pumping through
his every muscle.

And now his opponent,
fighting out of the blue corner, this man is a mixed martial arts
fighter with a record of eight wins, nine loses and one draw, It’s
MIKE HUDSON!’ There’s a small crowd cheering for him but the boo’s
from James’ fans are louder by far. The ref now moves into the
middle and asks both men to move in as well. The announcer stood
behind the ref and bellowed into the microphone once

Here we go guys, three
fights. Any questions for me?’ They both shake their heads to
answer no, ‘Protect yourselves at all times, and listen to what I’m
saying at all times. If I say stop, you stop. Touch gloves and
let’s get ready for war.’

Both fighters touched gloves,
stood back in their places and put their fists up. The ref asked if
they were ready and they nodded their heads in agreement. The ref
shouted “round one” and the bell rang. They both moved towards each
other and James immediately started punching Mike in the head
forcing him back again the cage before kicking him in the side and
continuing to punch him.

As James got ready to throw
another punch, Mike all of a sudden grabbed him to swing him round
and slammed him into the cage, ending up in the clench position.
After several attempts James managed to get Mike off him and gain
control, as he pushed him away he kicked out and got Mike right in
the side. They scuffled to the floor and Mike wrapped his legs
round James to try to stop him but it was no good, James continued
to punch him. Suddenly James jumped up and kicked Mike whilst he
was trying to stand up. The ref stepped in and put his arm out in
front of James to allow Mike to stand up. Once Mike was back on his
feet James wasted no time going for him again, punching him up
against the cage. James then looked for the take down and got it.
He got Mike into the triangle choke and after several seconds the
ref stepped in and James got his victory. After the fight, he
didn’t speak a word to Rachel on the way home to their £3.5 million
mansion. He got out the car and went straight into his office and
locked himself in. Rachel walked passed the office door and
shouted, ‘Good Night then my darling loving husband,’ with the most
sarcasm she could find within her. James opened the door and glared
at her.

BOOK: Forever Love (Fghter Club 1)
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