Read Forced Handfasting Online

Authors: Rebecca Lorino Pond

Forced Handfasting (9 page)

BOOK: Forced Handfasting
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Before she knew what happened, Jahan engulfed her in a hug so tight it took her breath away. He swung her around in circles until she had to beg him to put her down. She had to laugh at his crazy antics, but the look on his face had been totally worth it.

“Thank-you, Sam.”

The way he spoke her name with his deep accent made her toes curl. For the next year, this enormous man from another world would be her husband.
Does he still want me to have his child,
she asked herself.
I don’t want to think about that right now because if I have his child I will never want to return home.




“I want to move up our plans,” Rahman announced to those present in his office. “I am sick of waiting for Jahan to do as he is told. If he doesn’t cooperate then we will take the planet by force.”

“By force?” Cion, the second oldest member of the council, asked. “Do you think we have enough troops to carry the plan out?”

“The last report I was handed said we have over ten thousand who are willing to side with us. The armory is stocked full of everything we need, and we are gathering more supplies by the day. I believe we are more than ready to implement our plan, and take control. Jahan is not fit to be the supreme ruler, and neither was his father! He exhibited his rebellion by not taking my daughter as his wife as agreed upon by his fucking father before he died. He thinks that by taking this human whore as a wife that we will be satisfied with his choice.”

“Jahan was always the rebellious child out of the three brothers. How many times did his father have to bail him out when he got into trouble?”

“And now he brings us more trouble by marrying that human scum! He wants to mix our blood with that of a different species, and I for one will not tolerate it! Kioto would have been the perfect wife for him. She would have had first-hand knowledge of Jahan’s plans, and what would have gone on in his home. Now, we are almost back to square one.” Rahman paced back and forth in front of the table where the other four members of the council sat. Ten members in all were on the council, but half were now turned against the ruling house of Uxslore. Rahman lead the cause for the takeover mainly because he wanted to be the supreme ruler! For too long he had watched as Jahan’s father, and grandfather pushed his family around as if they were a herd of wild beasts. Rahman had come up with the idea of taking over after Jahan’s grandfather passed away. He, and Jahan’s father had grown up together and were close friends up until the time of his death, the death that he had ordered.

It had taken Rahman several years to convince Jovian to set up the council. He finally relented when he started to fall ill. If Jovian only knew that he was the one responsible for his sickness, he would laugh in his face! The poison he used was slow to take effect but as it built up over time, Jovian grew sicker, and sicker. After a couple of years of slowing introducing the poison, Jovian became almost incapacitated which pleased Rahman to no end. It was at this point he had started to take over control of the council, and made a push to have Jahan ousted. Everything was falling into place just as he wanted it to until Jahan brought home a human mate.

“What are you going to do about Jahan’s mate? We can’t exactly walk right on in, and steal her. He will be watching, and guarding her like his life depended on it.” Cion asked as he too began to pace the room nervously.

“Oh, don’t worry, she will die right alongside Jahan. Contact Romean, and find out if everything is ready to be set into motion. I don’t want to delay much longer. We have to act soon or risk the chance of discovery.”

“Perfect. I will go see to it now, and I will contact you as soon as I know something.” Cion walked to the door to leave then turned around. “What about the rest of the council?”

Rahman faced his main counterpart. “Leave them to me.”

Cion left his office to bid Rahman’s doings. The three council members left, Broviff, Vandoran, and Hercran, remained seated after Cion departed.

“What would you have us do?” Hercran asked Rahman.

“For the time being, just lie low. Don’t draw any kind of attention to yourselves. As soon as I hear from Cion I will contact each of you on how we will proceed. The time has finally arrived gentlemen, for us to take over Uxslore, and make it our own.” Rahman stood in front of the window that looked out at the mountain range where Jahan’s home, and most of the residents’ homes were located. Soon, very soon, he would be the one taking up residence on the mountain, after he wiped out the scum that currently lived on it.

The war he was about to start would be well worth the devastation that was sure to happen. Out of the devastation he would rise up, and make Uxslore his planet, and rule it like it should have been ruled. The House of Riaz would cease to exist, and the House of Rahman would be the one to go down in the history books.





















Chapter 8


A week after Sam’s ordeal in the market, her health had greatly improved, and she was getting around the house, and the grounds surrounding the house a lot easier. Jahan stayed close to her side and saw to her ever need. The few times he needed to leave the house he would have Niko or Harro come, and sit with her until he returned.

Over the course of the last week, Jahan had learned about his wife and her about him. He was fascinated to hear about her planet Earth, and how she grew up. They talked for hours, and hours whether it was in bed at night, out in the garden or sitting on the balcony, there was never a lack of things to talk about. It had saddened him greatly to find out that Sam’s parent weren’t a big part of her life, rather they had left her to fend for herself in a world she said could be very violent. When he asked her how she came to be at the slave market, he felt his anger rising again. If he ever got the chance to get his hands on the ones who had kidnapped her from Earth, he would surely kill them.

Sam spoke often about her life as a new teacher. He watched as her eyes would light up as she spoke about the young children she was in charge of, especially a child called Ronnie. His mind would conjure up an image of Sam teaching their children with the same amount of love she exhibited for those who were not her children.

When it was his turn to talk about himself, he didn’t hold back. He wanted his wife to know everything about him, the good, and the bad. It touched his heart when he saw her tear up when he told her about his father and his sickness. A few times he choked up, and had to take a few moments to fight back the emotions that were surging to the surface. He answered any, and all questions she asked of him with the absolute truth. There was nothing he wanted to hide from her even if it embarrassed the hell out of him.

As the days sped by, and their relationship grew, he could feel the goddess’ bond between them growing. He had been honest with her when he told her about his encounter with the goddess, and not once had she ever made fun or not believe him. Sam was a beautiful female inside, and out, making him thank the goddess every minute of the day for leading Sam to him.

The healer had stopped by a few times throughout the week to check on Sam’s progress, and was pleasantly surprised to find that Sam’s body was recovering quite nicely. In another few weeks the healer assumed she would be back to her old self, and would be released from his care.

The nights were a special time for him because Sam would allow him to hold her in his arms while she slept. Several times he had been so tempted to claim her body as his, but he was afraid it would scare her off, and set them back in their relationship that was still fragile. He would often lie awake long after she fell asleep just listening to the steady rise, and fall of her chest as she breathed. He would run his fingers through her golden locks or lightly rub the skin on her back. Luckily, he didn’t require an enormous amount of sleep or he would have been in a lot of trouble.

It was late in the evening on the ninth day after Sam had arrived at his home. They were sitting outside on the balcony off the bedroom watching as the suns of Uxslore set over the mountains. Sam was leaning on the railing watching silently when he got the urge to hold her in his arms. He walked up silently behind her and wrapped his arms around her. To his ultimate amazement, Sam turned in his arms and looked up at him. Her fingers played with the buttons on the shirt he wore while she gazed up at him. The smile she gave him stole his heart away.

Without thinking any further, he lowered his head until his lips touched hers. It wasn’t a demanding kiss, but rather one that would see how she would react to his touch. When she didn’t pull away or try to stop him, he deepened the kiss a bit more. Her lips were so soft beneath his as they began to move against his. Her tiny hand tightened into a fist as she held onto his shirt. He ran his tongue along the seam of her lips asking for entry into her sweet mouth. He was ready to burst at the seams if he didn’t get another taste of her. His first taste of her when she had first arrived at his home had been one of hunger, and need. Now, he wanted to let her set the pace. He wanted her to accept him of her own free will.

As soon as her lips parted he sought out her flavor. She tasted better than he remembered. Her tongue slid alongside his in a sort of tango as they each tasted each other. His hand, of its own accord, slid up her side to caress her breast that was pressed up against his chest. Sam’s hand let go of his shirt to meander around to his butt, giving it a squeeze, causing his cock to surge. He pressed his cock into her so that she would know how much she was affecting him. A moan from her was quickly swallowed up by him. He forced himself to pull back from her lips.

“I want to make love to you, Sam.” His eye skimmed over her face as he waited nervously for her to respond. Her smile told him all he needed to know. He scooped her up into his arms, marched into the bedroom, and deposited her on the bed. He eased her back onto the pillows and reclaimed her mouth as he came up over her. Her arms wrapped around his neck to tug him down on top of her. He feverishly reclaimed her mouth while his hand slowly drew up the dress she was wearing. His rough fingers grazed over the soft skin of her thigh, belly then breast. He raised his body up slightly in order to pull the dress up over her head, tossing it to the floor.

“Gods, you are beautiful,” he said as he gazed down at her flushed body. His hand moved to cup her breast. Her nipple was hard, and begging to be touch by him. “I want to make you mine in every way. No one will ever doubt who you belong to.”

His words caused a shiver to run through her. He took this as a sign that she wanted the same thing as he. As his hand caressed then squeezed her plump breast, and nipple, he kissed her again to let her know how much he truly wanted to claim her. As a reward, she moaned into his mouth as she arched her back to bring her breast deeper into his grasp. He couldn’t contain himself then. He had to explore every inch of her, taste every part of her.

He moved his head down to suckle on the hard nipple that was pressing into his hand. He flicked his tongue across the stiff, and puckered skin causing her to gasp in pleasure. He paid close attention to each of her naked breasts at the same time his other hand lightly trailed down her slightly rounded stomach to reach the triangle of golden curls that covered her sex. Her scent from her excitement met his nose at the same time his cock hardened to an almost painful degree. He cup her pussy as he continued his administrations to her breasts. He was so tempted to pull her legs wide apart, and sink into her wet pussy, but he wanted their first time together to not be rushed.

He used two fingers to slide along the slit that hid her sex. Her moisture coated his fingers when he dipped them into the heat of her lower lips. He gently stroked her lips before he drew them up to find her clit. His first touch on her clit caused her to buck her hips as her fingers dug into his shoulders. He repeated the motion, this time though he slipped his fingers downward until he found the entrance of her pussy.

He let go of her nipple with an audible pop then said, “Open your legs for me, my heart.”

She obeyed instantly, giving him the perfect access to her core. He could feel her juices slipping out of her pussy to coat his fingers even more. He slowly trailed kisses down the sensitive skin of her belly as his fingers brushed lightly over her swollen clit. Using one finger he slowly circled the bud as he listened to the small sound Sam was making. He smiled when he not only felt but saw her stomach flutter as his finger pushed her closer to climax.

Without giving her any warning, he stopped moving his finger. She made a frustrated sound as he moved to kneel between her spread thighs, and quickly resumed his actions on her clit, but this time he used his mouth. He sucked the plump bud into his mouth, and gently sucked. Sam let out a cry of pleasure as her hands fisted in the sheets near his head.

“Oh God! Jahan, please!” she breathed out harshly as she lifted her hips to meet his mouth.

He lifted his head for a moment. “Not yet, my sweet.” He flicked his tongue once over the tender bud then moved farther down. He closed his eyes as he breathed in her feminine scent. No other woman had ever smelled as good as she did. Using his two thumbs, he spread her lips to reveal the hidden treasure he sought. Her pussy was soaked with her juices as it prepared to accept him, but he had to taste her honey directly from its source. Using his tongue again, he made a long, slow swipe from the bottom of her slit up to her clit. He repeated the motion until he slipped his tongue into her hole. He chanced a glance up at Sam who was thrashing her head back, and forth on the pillow cradling her head. He smiled to himself as he delved into her pussy, thrusting his tongue in, and out of her hot, wet core.

He sensed when she was about to cum when her inner muscles tugged at his tongue that continued to thrust into her. His thumb moved up to make small circles on her clit, causing her orgasm to hit her hard, and fast. She arched up off the bed as her climax ripped through her. Her juices coated his tongue as he continued to pump in, and out of her pussy until she lay spent on the bed.

But, he wasn’t about to give her any rest. He slithered back up her sweat soaked body to claim her mouth again. He wanted her to taste herself on him before he claimed her with his cock, making her his forever. He pulled himself away from her luscious lips in order to kneel on the bed again.

“Sam,” he called out to her. “I want to see your eyes when I take you. I want to watch your face as I fuck you.” He used his hands to press her thighs as far apart as they would go without hurting her. He positioned the tip of his cock at her entrance but stopped before plunging in. “Watch me,” he commanded of her.

She did as she was told, and opened her eyes enough for him to see her pupils. She was still breathing hard as she came down off her high, but he didn’t want to let her come all the way down. He knew she had to be as sensitive as all hell which would heighten her next climax even more.

With her eyes on his, he pushed forward until the tip of his cock breached her entrance. He immediately stopped for fear of cumming right then, and there. He took a deep breath to calm himself somewhat before he pushed forward again. He didn’t stop this time until he was totally sheathed inside Sam. He could feel the muscles in the walls of her pussy stretching to accommodate his large girth as he strained to keep hold of himself. He watched as Sam’s face scrunched up as if she were tolerating the pain he might be causing. He waited until he saw her relax then raise up her hips to urge him on. That was the only hint he needed in order to start moving inside her.

Her pussy clutched his cock each time he withdrew, begging it not to leave her warmth. He pulled all the way out until only the tip of his cock was still embedded within before he slammed back into her. He lost his self-control and preceded to pound into her soft folds. He kept up the pace until he felt her muscles gripping him tighter in preparation of her release.

“Say my name!” He shouted to her as he never lost pace. “Say my name!”

“Jahan! Oh god, don’t stop!” she begged him.

“Who do you belong to?” He picked up the pace as he felt his own release on the verge of washing over him. “Answer me!”

“You! I belong to you!” Sam shouted at him right as her second orgasm hit her.

Her release triggered his orgasm. Hot spurts of his hot seed spilled forth from his cock, coating the walls of her pussy, and the entrance to her womb. He pumped into her until he was exhausted then flopped down on top of her, careful not to crush her under his weight. Their sweat soaked bodies clung to each other as they lay within each other’s arms waiting for their breathing to return to normal.

When he felt he was able to speak again he told her, “You are mine now.” He bent his head to gently kiss her puffy lips. “You are mine, now, and forever.” He rolled off of her then pulled her until she lay with her torso on his chest.

“Yours,” she whispered with a big yawn.

“Sleep now, little one.” He lightly rubbed her back as she fell into an exhausted sleep. Again, he lie awake for quite some time listening to the sound of her breathing. This tiny creature was his to protect, and care for. He understood now why the goddess had led her to him, for she was his perfect match.




Sam stretched lazily the next morning, reaching out to touch Jahan, but he wasn’t there. She looked over to where the indention of his head had lain during the night was still pressed into the white pillowslip. A moment of disappointment washed over her until her thoughts travelled back to the previous night.

Jahan was an amazing, and very skillful lover. She hadn’t been with a lot of other men before Jahan, but she was positive that he had forever ruined her for any other man once she returned to Earth. She had lost count at how many times he had made love to her during the night, but her sore muscles vouched for the unknown amount of times.

She wasn’t ready to get out of bed just yet, so she lay there thinking about the words Jahan had whispered to her after making love her to time, and time again.
You are mine, now, and forever.
Did he really mean that? Was she prepared to stay on Uxslore with him forever, and never see her world again? Her feelings for the man had changed over the course of her time spent in his home so far. After her mishap in the market, Jahan had changed back to the man who had rescued her from the slave block. He spoke of a goddess, and of the goddess leading her to Jahan, but was she willing to believe in such fairy tales?

BOOK: Forced Handfasting
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