Forbidden Attraction [The Callens 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (12 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Attraction [The Callens 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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When he asked so politely, how could she say no? “Okay.”

He dipped his finger into her pussy again and dragged up more juices to her hole until he slowly eased open the muscles. She knew she wasn’t supposed to clench, but her body had a mind of its own.

He only played with her for a bit, but it was enough to get her used to the idea of having something back there. He removed his finger and got up. In two steps he pulled open the desk drawer and extracted something shiny.

Her heart sank. “Do you always bring your women up here?” She hadn’t meant for her voice to quiver.

“No, I swear to God I’ve never brought another woman to the observatory. Jackson and I discussed bringing you up here, and I thought to be safe, I’d stash a condom.”

She believed him. “Okay, then get down here and kiss me.”

He pulled a tissue from a box and wiped his fingers before returning. This time he crawled on top of her and rested on his elbows. He cupped her face and kissed her sweetly. “You are so lovely and so perfect.”

She never thought Taylor to be anything other than the bad boy, and here he was spouting romantic nonsense at her.

“Are you going to talk all night, or am I going to get some action?” She reached between their bellies and grabbed his cock. He stiffened in more places than one.

“Oh, you’re going to get some action. Trust me.”

She giggled. “Roll over.” Being in command for once thrilled her.

Taylor slid off her, and this time she’d get to decide on the speed and thoroughness of her kisses and touch. With her body perpendicular to his side, she hovered over his cock and ran a finger down his length, admiring his thickness. Leaning closer as if to inspect it, she lifted his cock off his stomach and kissed the top.

“Suck on it.” Taylor’s normal control seemed to have disappeared.

“It’s not so easy being on the receiving end, is it?”

She couldn’t understand what came out next since it sounded more like a gurgle than an actual word. To be nice, she opened her mouth and captured the mushroom-shaped head. Instead of taking all of him in it at once, she rested there, running her tongue around the rippled edge.

His fingers clasped her upper arm. She couldn’t help but smile. With her left hand, she cupped his rigid sac and lightly pressed. He groaned. How much fun was this? As slowly as she could, she slid down his length. His back slightly arched as if he wanted to pound his cock into her mouth. Keeping the suction as tight as she could, she lifted up. She repeated the action a few more times until Taylor sat up.

“That’s enough.” His voice cracked.

He reached around her and grabbed the condom. He had the foil torn and the condom removed before she had a chance to offer her services. He rolled the condom down his cock and flipped her on her back. He then lifted her head to make sure she was centered on the pillow.

He straddled her again and leaned close to her ear. “I’m about to blow, so don’t make any sudden moves unless you want me to come before you do.”

He slid down to her pussy and began an unbelievable assault on her senses. This time, he combined his mouth with his fingers. Her clit seemed to fascinate him, and he focused on driving her crazy. He sucked hard on the little nub and then nipped at it. With each touch, her tiny bud swelled and pulsed. Her pussy gushed with desire. When he slipped his fingers into her, she lifted her hips off the floor. He’d wiggle his fingers a few times then drive them in over and over again.

“I need your cock.”

He must have decided that he, too, needed his release, for he slid up her body. She imagined the moment when they would be joined, but instead of giving her what she wanted, he tugged on her nipples once again. The sensitivity was already heightened, and the added pressure heated her whole body. She pulled his shoulders forward for more contact. That action must have been the deciding factor, for he finally impaled her with his cock.

She lost her breath as she tried to accommodate his massive size. He stilled, waiting for her to accept him. Her pussy was sore from just having had sex with Jackson, but that wasn’t going to stop her from making love to Taylor. She hissed out a breath when he entered her.

“You okay?” He nuzzled her neck and inhaled as if he loved how she smelled.


Holding onto his biceps, he withdrew slowly then plunged in again. Their pace might have started out slow, but with each kiss and each touch, their need grew. Their breaths mingled, and she urged him on. She wrapped her legs around his waist to get a different angle. On the next thrust, his cock scraped across her clit and drove her sanity away. She lifted her ass and met each attack with one of her own. They kissed. They panted. They desperately clawed at each other until a violent climax rolled up her body and claimed her.

His cock slammed into her for the last time. He held still as his orgasm jettisoned out of him. Eyes closed, she felt every pulse and throb. Never in her life had she had sex with two men in one day, but it had been amazingly wonderful.

He collapsed on top of her then rolled them over in one smooth move. She lay on top of his body. Legs spread, she placed her cheek on his rising chest.

He patted her ass. “You are something else.”

Coming from someone like Taylor, that was high praise indeed. “You aren’t so bad yourself.”

He chuckled. “I’m not sure I can walk after that.”

She appreciated his effusive praise. With much effort, she rolled to the side and dragged a forearm over her eyes. He got up and padded out the door. Taylor returned a minute later with a wet cloth and cleaned her.

“Your underwear should be quite dry by now.”

“Yes.” Even saying one word took effort.

Taylor helped her up. “Let’s get you dressed.”

Now that she’d crossed that invisible line of sleeping with roommates, where would she be going from here?

Chapter Ten


Jenny didn’t get home until close to midnight. Hopefully both of her parents would be sound asleep and they’d have no idea she’d come in so late. On the drive home she thought it might be time to get a place of her own. April said that when she moved out last year, her life had improved. No longer did she have to worry about observing the imaginary curfew. Her sister said she was able to spend the night with Randy and Blake anytime she wanted and not have to worry about their mom getting upset.

Not that Jenny was thinking about spending the night anytime soon, but one never knew. Tonight, for example, even it were for only a few hours, she would have loved to snuggle in Jackson’s bed waiting for him to get home. Maybe it had been for the best. Taylor would have insisted she sleep with him. If, and that was a very big if, she ever decided to share the men, would they get jealous if she had more sex with one than the other? Even if she had the courage to ask either of her sisters, Jackson and Taylor were probably very different from any of their husbands.

Once safely in her room, Jenny brushed her teeth and crawled into bed. Tomorrow she planned on spending the whole day with her study group because on Tuesday they were taking a mock exam to see how well they might do on the real MCAT. The practice test didn’t count, but if she failed it, the stress level would be out of control.

To her surprise, she actually got some sleep. At first, it had been difficult since she kept thinking about the sex she and Jackson shared in the workroom and the sex she and Taylor had in the observatory. She expected some remorse to sink in, but it never did.

The next morning when she came down for breakfast her mom was ever so cheerful. “How was the art show?”

“Wonderful.” She told her about the metal sculpture and the subsequent pool game.

“You lost?”

“I’m afraid so, but in a way I won. I got to go up in an acrobatic plane. We even flew over the house.”

She smiled. “Well, this Taylor sounds like a nice young man. He’s Jackson’s roommate, you say?”

“Yes.” Her mom had taken to Jackson, so perhaps she’d like Taylor just as much.

As her mom picked up the breakfast dishes, she glanced at the clock. “Don’t you have to meet your study group?”

She had a few more minutes, but getting into any more details about her date would be too embarrassing. “Yikes. I’m late.” She ran upstairs to get her notebook and came back down. She kissed her mom good-bye and raced out.

By the time she’d spent eight hours cramming with her group, she was exhausted, but she needed some help sorting out her issues with being with two men.

Though it was close quite late in the afternoon, she called up her sister Sam hoping she’d have a few minutes to spare.

“Sure, come on over. Believe it or not, Wade is out showing a few of the clients how to shoot. I’m home.”

“Be right over.” Since Sam lived on the other side of the property, Jenny darted over there instead of heading home.

She knocked and entered. Sam greeted her with a hug. “You look a bit stressed. Can I get you a glass of wine?”

“I’d love one.”

While Sam ducked into the kitchen, Jenny looked around. “I love the feminine touches you’ve added to the living room.” There were vases filled with flowers and photos of the family.

“Thanks.” Sam came out with two glasses of wine. “So what’s up?”

Jenny drank some of her wine, having no idea how to begin the conversation. “I’m dating my boss at the bar.”

A smile filled Sam’s face. “Since you’re here getting advice from your big sister, I’m guessing there’s another man involved, too. Or are you worried about dating a bar owner?”

“Both of those might be an issue, but the more pressing one is the fact that I like two men.”

Sam leaned back on the sofa. “So what’s the problem?”

Her sister wasn’t going to make it easy on her. “What’s it like?”


Sam seemed to be working hard to keep a straight face. “Yes. Having sex with two men.”

“It’s wonderful and fabulous, though I often have sex with one at a time if either Wade or Heath is busy or out of town.”

Jenny leaned forward. “Do they ever get jealous?”

“Maybe you should ask them.”

She wasn’t willing to cross that line. “I’m asking you.”

“Okay. I don’t think so. They love me and want me to be happy. As long as I’m myself and am open to all our needs, everything is fabulous.” Sam watched her for a moment. “Are you afraid it’ll hurt or something?”

“I’ve never had a cock in my ass before, let alone one in my ass and another in you-know-where.”

Sam burst out laughing. “You-know-where? You’re studying medicine. At least call it a vagina if you don’t like the word pussy.”

“I like the word pussy. I was trying to be delicate in front of you.”

Sam lowered her chin and raised her brows. “Since when have I seemed like the delicate one to you?”

That was true. Sam had always been the ballbuster of the family. “Okay. What’s it like to have two cocks in you at the same time?”

Sam put down her glass. “Wonderful, but words can’t describe it. I think you need to experience the sensations and judge for yourself. If you really care for these men, and they treat you like a princess, then I say go for it.”

Getting Sam’s approval and opinion meant the world to her.

She finished off her wine. It was getting late and missing one of her mother’s meals would be a sin. She stood. “Thanks, Big Sis.”

She chuckled. “Anytime. If you need any other counseling, you come on over.”

They hugged and Jenny floated back to the car. Knowing that she wasn’t being stupid or irresponsible meant the world to her.

By the time she got back home, her mom was putting dinner on the table. Did the woman ever stop cooking? Maybe having seven kids did that to her.

“You’re just in time for dinner.”

“Good. I stopped over at Sam’s to catch up.”

“How is she?”


“Good to hear.” Her mom walked over and lifted Jenny’s chin like she used to do years ago. “You’ve got bags under your eyes.”

“It’s the stress.” Another contributing factor was adding in Jackson and Taylor to her already busy day. The lovemaking tired her out.

“You need more rest.”

“Don’t I know it.” Her erotic dreams kept haunting her.

After dinner she went upstairs to shower and read. Maybe a good romance would take her mind off the men, though after conferring with Sam, being with both seemed the right thing to do.

She finally fell asleep around midnight, but when she woke up, her pussy was wet thinking about them.

Today her goal was to do a bit of studying then relax. After lunch, her dad suggested a game of chess. She could never turn down a chance to be with him. They were nearing the end of the first match when her cell rang. Her pulse skipped a beat at the caller ID.

“Hey, Jackson. I’m in the middle of something. Can I call you back?” Her dad winked and smiled at her comment.

“I won’t keep you. I wanted you to know that I won’t be at the saloon tonight. The band needs something done to their guitars.”

BOOK: Forbidden Attraction [The Callens 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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