Read Flipped Off Online

Authors: Zenina Masters

Tags: #Adult, #Erotic Romance, #Fantasy, #Fey, #Paranormal, #Shapeshifter, #Magic

Flipped Off (3 page)

BOOK: Flipped Off
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Lorai stared at him. “Just like that?”

“I have been looking for over a decade. There is nothing about you that will send me running.”

She cocked her head and looked at him. “Bonding with me would change you. You might not just be a dolphin anymore. What would you do with having your beast changed?”

He paused. “I hadn’t thought of that.”

“You might want to give it some thought. The balance ceremony is permanent. I get half of you, you get half of me.”

“I want all of you.”

She reached up and stroked his cheek. “Be careful what you wish for.”

He caught her hand and kissed her palm. Against her skin he murmured, “Care for a swim?”

Lorai chuckled weakly. His determination was not hidden behind his boyish charm. “If you insist. Shall we enter the water from my dock?”

“I believe that would be appropriate.”

They turned and continued toward the Isthmus. In all of her centuries at sea and beneath it, she had never felt this nervous flip at the thought of getting into her natural form.

He definitely was something special, but he didn’t fit into her plans.


Knowing shifters like she did, she wasn’t surprised when he stripped without more than a moment’s hesitation.

She pulled off her cocktail dress and kicked off her shoes. Her bra released with a snap, and she pushed the panties down, stepping out of them. A few short pulls and the pins holding her hair in place came out, leaving her hair to tumble down around her shoulders.

Adam looked even better naked than clothed. His body had the hard, compressed muscle that she was familiar with from being around professional divers.

Her fingers itched to touch the curls on his chest, wanted to trace the trail that led to the curve of his cock. Instead, she turned to the water and jumped.

She treaded water until he splashed in beside her. They faced each other for a moment, naked and grinning, and then, they dove under the dark water and shifted.

Lorai felt her skin swell and stretch, using the water around her to expand her body into its tailed form.

She felt the change of the shifter next to her and watched as Adam was encased in tough, shiny grey skin.

The first flick of his tail sent him soaring into the currents, and she followed.

Her webbed hands were held near her waist, and she used them to steer as her tail propelled her into the darkness that embraced her and pulled her in.

The water magnified the energy around them as they played in the sparse light of the distant moon.

When she held his dorsal fin, he pulled her through the waves, and her tail moved them faster than either of them could have gone alone.

After hours that felt like minutes, they returned to her home and shifted back into human at the dock.

She laughed. “You are very fast.”

He inclined his head. “You are very powerful. We make a good team.”

Lorai sighed. “You are in for a load of trouble if you insist on this.”

“Tell me that you don’t feel the same and I will leave right now.” He coasted closer but didn’t touch her.

She thought a thousand answers, but she looked into his eyes and saw the moon reflected there. “I am not going to lie.”

His smile was soft, and he eased toward her until he could kiss her. Sparks flew between them. She used her tongue to escalate the contact, and soon, they were slipping under the surface, their limbs unable to untangle in order to keep them above the water.

He wrapped his arm around her and kicked upward. They shot out of the water, and he landed on his feet with her still against him.

She leaned back and laughed. “Very nice. Do you practice that?”

He gave her a serious look. “Do you really want to discuss my technique?”

She smirked. “Not that one.”

“Is your door locked?”

“Nope. You can let yourself in.”

“Oh, I intend to.”

He held her against him and crossed the deck to open her door. Whispered instructions told him where to go after that.

It was time to test for compatibility.


Chapter Four



The mermaid cover quilt was thrown back, and he settled her against the sheets.

She looked up at him and stifled the grin that wanted to well up. Dolphins mated belly to belly, so it was no surprise that he wanted to start with the traditional positions.

Adam parted her thighs and knelt between them.

Lorai watched as he stroked the skin of her inner thigh with no hurry in his touch. She raised her knees in invitation, planting her feet flat on the mattress.

She shivered and enjoyed the building arousal as Adam’s fingers drew closer and closer to her wet slit. Each touch of contrasting magic sent sparks rioting between them. It was delicious.

Just when she was lifting her hips to meet his fingers, he reversed his path and moved down to stroke the backs of her knees.

“This form is lovely. Your skin is so soft.” There was wonder in his tone.

She chuckled. “Thank you. I moisturize.”

He dragged his fingers through her honey. “You certainly do.”

It took a lot to make her blush, but his touch against her made her feel like a young woman again. The centuries of loneliness fell away.

She watched him as he lifted his fingers to his lips and tasted her. He closed his eyes and leaned back on his heels. It looked like he was memorizing her flavour.

Lorai felt a surge of wetness at the image he was giving her. His muscles were tense, the cords of his neck distended and her juices were gleaming on his lips. His tongue darted out to clean away the remnants, and when he opened his eyes, they were glowing with intensity.

He returned his hand to her slit and eased two fingers into her.

He leaned over her and braced himself on his left arm while his right delved into her. He nuzzled her breast before sucking on one nipple then the other.

Lightning shocks of pleasure ran between them, carried on the clash of magic.

She stroked her hands over his arms, caressed his chest and ran her fingers down his abdomen, wrapping her hand around his cock and stroking him.

His hips jerked forward and moisture seeped out of his erection as she smoothed her fingers along the length of him.

He groaned in the valley of her breasts. “Oh, god, that feels good.”

Lorai chuckled. “That is the idea.”

He lifted his head, and they resumed their kiss, but this time, it took on a growling and passionate tone as she released his cock, gripped his hair and raised her hips into his hand.

He thumbed her clit, and her moaning turned to whimpers as her body tensed in anticipation. Her inner muscles clenched on his fingers, and she mewled in disappointment when he pulled his hand away.

He settled in the cradle of her thighs, and she tensed as he pushed the head of his cock against her.

He moved in, and she waited until he was inside her before she rocked her hips upward to take him deep.

Adam groaned against her mouth and rocked his hips in an undulation that stroked every internal inch of her.

Lorai let herself get lost in the moment, the feel of his heat inside her as he thrust and retreated in a slow and steady pulse that mimicked the rhythm of the ocean.

She released his hair and moved her hands feverishly over his neck, shoulders, and finally, she slid them down his back, digging her fingers into the groove of his spine and pressing to increase his pace.

He lifted his head from hers, his eyes still glowing. Power was still moving between them, around them, but it was another stimulation, another touch to overload their senses.

Lorai felt the tension inside building to a critical point, and a small circle of his hips snapped the coil of sensation into a wave that sent shards of energy streaming from her skin to skate and crackle along his limbs.

Adam shuddered as her power spiked at him, and he paused until the spasms of her channel eased.

His smile was slow when he began to move inside her once again. His abdomen pressed against hers, and their skin rubbed in delightful friction as he sought his own release.

Lorai felt the prickles of electricity as he approached his climax. She lightly clawed up and down his back, cupping his buttocks with her nails digging into him.

He pounded into her with a flurry of hard thrusts before he threw his head back and shook. Every muscle was tensed and each vein distended as his hips jerked in reflex rhythm.

Bright silver magic corkscrewed around him, and the moment that he came, she felt the magic seeded inside her.

Lorai held him close as he lowered himself to lie on her. She wrapped her limbs around him and stroked her hands through his hair as their heartbeats slowed into a normal range.

The smell of the sea was still on them both, mingling with the scents of sex, and it was the perfect end to a very intriguing night.


Adam was behind her with his hand on her belly. “How old are you anyway? There is a lot of power in you and that takes time.”

She chuckled. “You don’t want to know the answer to that.”

“Rough estimate?”

“I pre-date maps. Humans passed me in fishing vessels made of skins, wood and reeds. I guided explorers and confounded pirates. Under the waves, I have had a very active life, but with the modern era of fey acceptance, I was only too happy to return to the land.”


“I spent some time on land learning the nature of my magic. I am water and stone, land and sea. It is a contrast that doesn’t always get along, but eventually, water wins.”

He chuckled and ran his fingers across her navel. “So, my beast is in love with your other form; I am enthralled with this one. Will you be my mate?”

She threaded her fingers through his. “I wasn’t counting on this, so I am going to have to say something I never thought I would.”

He was silent.

“I have to ask my mother.”

Adam was quiet at her back. “Your mother?”


“The giantess?”


“I am sorry. With your description of your age, I assumed your parents had passed on.”

“My father has. My mother is still around. Sort of.”

He sighed. “I am sorry, and you can invite her to the wedding.”

“She isn’t really mobile. I will have to go to her to ask her.”

He nibbled her ear. “I will wait for you here.”

She turned to face him. “I would not advise it. She may take months to respond. I am not really sure what to do in this situation.”

He kissed her softly. “Now that I know who my mate is, I am willing to wait for formalities.”

She smiled. “I am positive she will give her authorization, but she is my only direct relative, and I could not bear to wed without her approval.”

“I understand. I will go back to my boat and look for treasure. A few months with nothing but my buddies will make you into more of a goddess than you already are.” He kissed her with a smile.

She laughed. “I will have to talk to the guardians to find out how to manage my shop. Perhaps one of the beavers can take it over.”

“So, that is a yes?”

She grinned. “Provisional yes.”

He shouted in delight and hugged her tight, rolling with her until they were not thinking about anything but being together.


Lorai looked at Melwiss and smiled. “Can you do it?”

“A handfasting? Sure. What do you want built in?” Melwiss was gnawing on a toffee apple and focused on it with an intense look.

Adam was looking at the mage with amusement. “I think that a light emotional exchange would be good. I would like to know if she was in danger.”

Melwiss finished the apple and tossed the stick and core to one side. “Simple enough. When will you come back for the full balancing?”

Lorai shrugged. “I honestly don’t know. My mother is difficult to reach, and talking to stone takes time.”

Melwiss nodded and brushed her hands on her velvet and embroidered patchwork jacket. Her multi-layered skirt foamed around her ankles, and her brightly coloured running shoes peeped out from under the waves of gauzy cotton.

Melwiss reached into her jacket and dug out a crimson ribbon and a small vial. She smiled at Lorai and Adam. “I need each of you to pluck out one hair at the root.”

Lorai reached up and yanked out one of her long hairs. She handed it over to Melwiss, and the mage juggled what she was holding to fish out a tiny set of scissors.

The hair went into the vial with the excess being trimmed by the tiny scissors. One of Adam’s followed suit.

Melwiss pricked her finger and put a drop of blood in with the hairs before she corked it. She handed it to Lorai. “When you are ready, mix it with salt water and the balance will take place. It is going to have a lot of power, so I would make sure that you are in a safe area.”

Lorai tucked it into her cleavage and asked, “Do we have to be together?”

“It would be a good idea. You are going to be seized with an overwhelming urge to consummate your balancing, so if you are any distance apart, it will be difficult if not torture.” Melwiss tucked her scissors away and straightened the ribbon.

Lorai looked at Adam and smiled. “If you are sure?”

“I am sure.”

Melwiss smiled. “Okay, right hand to left hand.”

Lorai gave Adam her left hand, and he held it securely in his. Melwiss tied the ribbon around the hands and held her hands over and under the clasped grip.

“Lorai, do you handfast to Adam with the intention to wed him? Do you promise to cleave to him for the next year when you are together? Do you give up carnal involvement with any other beings aside from your mate during the handfast?”

Lorai smiled. “I do.”

“Adam, do you handfast to Lorai with all the conditions I mentioned to her?”

Adam chuckled. “I do.”

Heat surged through their grip, and the ribbon melded and sank into their skin.

“Great. Now, Lorai, do you give up all that you are and all that will be to your mate if your mother approves?”

“I do.”

“Adam, the same thing if her mother approves?”

“I do.”

BOOK: Flipped Off
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