Read Flicker Online

Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

Flicker (2 page)

BOOK: Flicker
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Chapter Four



“Nar of Mathi, how have you been?” Seval took her place across from her host, letting her hands appear so he would know where she was.

“Srrah is driving me mad with the preparations for the wedding, but other than that, all is well.” Nar set up and began to pour tea for them. It was a Mathi tradition. It symbolized that only men could continue their world as it was.

It was the ironic portion of the Mathi biology. The men had to come to the wedding beds as virgins, and on the first consummation, would eject an ink, which changed the PH balance of their mate’s womb so that it would become receptive to their sperm. Without the ink, the women remained infertile, and even with the ink, only their mate could trigger reproduction. Nar, at this moment symbolized both the power and the domesticity of his virginity.

“What exactly is your plan regarding negotiations with the psycho?”

“I am going to get in and get out. The same thoughts I had about the wedding.” He gave a rueful laugh and they sat in companionable silence. It was good to be with someone who was as restrained by his body as she was by hers. And nice to know that the concept of bridezilla was common in the universe. She had been terrified that they were confined to Earth.

“How has she been about you coming here? I mean, once she figured out that I was female, she was a little angry.” Another sip of tea administered by her disembodied hands was a soothing bridge for the question. Srrah had been furious and demanded that Nar be checked to verify that his virginity intact. He had refused. She had eventually calmed, or so Seval assumed. She had never seen the harpy again.

“Angry didn’t even cover it. She was in a fury. We have been betrothed for twenty years and she never even visited me, until I returned from that trade assignment with you. I don’t know why all beings seem to assume that you are male. You have lovely manners and a very soft voice.”

“Very kind of you to say, but I know that the pitch and tone do not please all races. Nor does my lack of scent. Ben just figured it out today when I was playing dress-up.”

“What’s that?”

“Ah, I was trying on some clothing that one of his companions had left behind. I had a feminine moment. Unfortunately, it outlined a few of my female assets.”

“Ah. I can see how he may have noticed that. I have seen you out of your suit and you are very well put together.”

She was so relieved that her invisibility hid her blush, but she couldn’t stop the telltale sign of her hands disappearing.

Nar laughed. “You are so afraid of anyone noticing that you are an attractive female that you hide yourself away far more hours than any other in your line of work.”

“How do you know that?”

“As a Representative of Mathi I have access to all information on my security detail. That includes you. I learned quite a bit about you, Seval Wythin. You don’t socialize after work. Two of your partners have tried to assault you while on assignment and, after that, you ceased to be visible in any official capacity. You even sleep in your invisibility mode.”

“Wow. You did get a lot of information.”

“I certainly did.”

He was prim, but an attractive and confidant man. She had always liked him, from the moment they met. She respected his boundaries and he hers. It was funny to her that she had to come across the galaxy to make a true friend.

“How are you enjoying your time with the new one, Vorabenik?”

“Yeah, Ben. He is a good guy, and when I had a flicker earlier, he wanted to do nothing other than help me. It was very refreshing.” And extremely attractive. She knew that Azon mated by scent so unless she was retired, they would not be getting together any time soon.

“A flicker?”

“A moment of lost concentration. I lose my shield for a moment. It usually means I am ill, but in this case I was just distracted.”

“Really? What distracted you? You have one of the most tenacious attention spans of any being I have ever met.”

She set her tea down and folded her hands in her lap, dropping her shield for a moment to face her friend. “He touched me. No one has touched me with gentleness in years. Since before I left Terra actually.” She knew that he could read her loneliness in her eyes. She stared into his burgundy orbs for a long minute and then wrapped herself in her protective cloak once again.

“I see. I didn’t realize that you have been alone that long. Even Srrah and I have been able to seek forms of companionship, in our differing ways.” He reached out and unerringly laid his hand on hers. Then he blinked in surprise.

She had flickered. “Well, it goes with the territory. I signed up for this, but I didn’t know what I would be missing until I saw it. And he has no idea that I am attracted to him.”

“Well, if what you are saying is true, then he thought you were a male up until this afternoon, he may need some time to adjust.”

Another voice broke into their conversation, “Indeed I might. It is a bit of an adjustment.”

Ben was awake, dressed and standing right behind her. How could she have missed hearing the door opening?

Nar was the consummate host. “Would you care to join us? We were talking about old times and sharing some tea.”

“Thank you. It would be most welcome. Seval, it is your shift to sleep.”

“What? You have to be kidding.” She checked her chronometer. He was right. She and Nar had been talking for hours. Nar wouldn’t sleep until after his mating, so it was proper for Ben to arrive to keep him company.

“I am not kidding, I am relieving you on watch. You may go and sleep.”

Ben seemed nonchalant, but the gleam in Nar’s eyes told her that her companion was going to get an earful the instant she was out of the room. And there was nothing she could do about it.

“Fine. Good evening.” She stalked out of the room and then closed the door soundlessly behind her. Sleeping while irritated was a skill that she thankfully possessed. She used it a lot.








Chapter Five



The boys had bonded while she slept. Ben and Nar were engaged in a video game and it seemed that it was the tail end of a championship. She had fallen asleep immediately.

“Seval, did you know that you snore? It is ever so light, but it is detectable. You may want to stop it if you are doing any more undercover work.” Nar forwarded that bit of wisdom and Ben snickered.

“Thank you for pointing it out. Nothing like a self-conscious moment to make you feel like a real lady. What have you boys been up to?”

“Just engaging in character assassination and playing a few games. The usual.” Ben smiled at the point where her voice was emanating from.

She took up one of the chairs and watched them both.

Nar began to shift a little in his seat and soon lost the game. “Would you care for tea Seval?”

“No, thank you. I believe that it is time to leave for the first meeting.”

They checked their chronometers and leapt to their feet. The cursing was all very masculine and completely useless.

Seval was calm, alert and ready to get to work. “Ben, don’t forget your nose filter. She will be pumping pheromones fast and furious. You don’t need to be her first casualty.”

“Yes, Agent Seval. Whatever you say, Agent Seval.” Ben snapped a salute in her direction and Nar snickered.

Fine, he could make fun of her all he liked, he just had to do what she told him. She watched to make sure that he inserted the filter, then turned her attention to Nar who had grabbed a quick sonic shower, clothing and all. “And you, be on your guard at all times. She is a wily woman who doesn’t like rejection. That makes her dangerous.”

“Yes, Agent Seval.”
He was ready. A stunning specimen of Mathi masculinity. Boots, trousers, tunic all gleamed in the artificial daylight of the station. His clothing was made of the very minerals that he was fighting for. The ice that Mathi could offer Olanka was the stake that they would negotiate. One had water, one had the minerals so they were here on Kalish Station to make a trade.

She and Vorabenik were here to make sure that no one got hurt in the process.

A chime rang on her chronometer. “Okay. It is time to move. Everybody to the door. Ben you follow, I will take point. Communicators on.” She turned her repulsion field up to high and opened the door. Show time.

Kalish Station came alive during the day of the planet below. It kept its lighting in time with the rotation of Kalish and the people of Kalish loved the daylight. The halls of the station were bright, the colours cheerful and the people wild. It was a fantastic place to be stationed.

Walking in front of her charge, she parted the crowds with her energy field. To anyone looking, it would seem that the crowds were parting for Nar. It would lend personal power to his negotiations to be seen in a position of control so that was all part of the service.

They swept into the Trade area, a wide path opening for Nar and Ben. She glanced back once and almost giggled at the regal and solemn appearance of the men. It was hilarious that they could be so serious after all those video games.

Xara of Olanka was standing at the table when they glided into the room. The perpetual sneer on her face was substituted by grudging admiration as she had obviously watched them cross the trading floor. Her guards were standing on either side of her and the men looked both impressed and distressed to be stuck guarding the Slut of Olanka.

As predicted, Xara was pouring out pheromones. The gauges inside Seval’s costume gave her a readout on her inter-ocular display. The room was swimming in them. Nar broke a light sweat after the ninth hour of negotiation, but held firm. It was only when Xara leaned forward to touch Nar that Ben intervened. He put himself between Xara’s hand and Nar’s arm. The instant she touched Ben’s hip, something happened.
The sizzling look the Ambassador gave her partner had Seval on alert.

The Slut had just changed her target. Oh shit.


When a break in the proceedings was finally called for sleep and nutrition, Seval wasted no time in getting her charge and his guard back to his quarters. Gone was the stately procession of the morning. This was a deliberated stride for a conference.

The instant that they were in Nar’s private quarters, she turned on them both. “All right. Nar, you are no longer her target. We will not change our operational procedure, but you will notice that her incessant flirting is no longer focused on you. She wants Ben.” Now she rounded on Ben. “Vorabenik, if you take those filters out of your nose before she leaves the station, I will personally kick your ass all the way down to Kalish proper.”

“Why, Agent Seval, I didn’t know you cared.”

“Shut up. I am taking the first nap.” She moved into their room and closed the door behind her. Sleep was the last thing on her mind, but keeping up her invisibility for an extended period in these conditions was wearing on her. She was exhausted. She lay down on the bed and tried to rest. Her mind in turmoil, she didn’t hear the small slide of the opening door, but she did feel the dip in the bed when someone joined her on it.

“Seval. Are you willing to talk?” He slowly trailed his hand along the bed until he found her thigh. Then he moved his hand up until it was embracing hers.

“What do you want Ben?”

“You don’t need to worry about me. I will maintain all of the protocols necessary to keep Xara from getting control of me. Or Nar.”

“Fine.” She sighed and looked into his earnest and ridiculously handsome face. He was meeting her eyes and she looked down to see her hand holding his. Hells. She took a deep breath and prepared to reinstate her invisibility.

“Don’t.” He reached out to touch her face. “I like seeing you when we talk.”

Parts of her were shivering at his touch. “It is inappropriate. We are still on duty.” Her hormones were making themselves known in a wild and obvious fashion. This was the one man she wanted to see her at all times. Unfortunately, he was figuring that out.

“Nar is in the next room, the doors between us are open and one word from him will bring us both running.”

“I can hear you.” The dignitary in question popped his head in for a moment, smiled and then wandered away.

“What did you two discuss last night when I was out?”

“Oh, just a bit about you and your first assignment with Nar. Including his fiancée’s reaction to seeing you.”

“Yeah, she wasn’t too happy.”

“He also mentioned your lack of social interaction.”

“It is a little tricky.” His conversation was relaxing her and she was gearing up for a shift and a getaway. He must have read something in her face because his hand tensed on hers and he moved his head in for a kiss.

It was the first kiss that she had had in ten years and it was way better than she remembered. Ben smelled fantastic and she wanted nothing more than to hold him close. Her free hand was tangled in his hair when he pulled away, his lips shining in the artificial light of the station.

She flashed back to his last statement and went transparent. “If that was an attempt to increase my
social interaction
, you can save it for the next woman that you seduce. We are partners. Nothing more.” The shock on his face caused a pang of regret to slip through her. It was easier to be harsh when he couldn’t see her so he couldn’t see the lie as it crossed her lips.

He drew back as if scalded. “As you wish.”

While he crossed the room, she fought the urge to call him back.
was her wish, and nothing else. Aw hell.

BOOK: Flicker
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