Read Fire's Ice Online

Authors: Brynna Curry

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Paranormal

Fire's Ice (9 page)

BOOK: Fire's Ice
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Unlike his cousin, he knew when to retreat, not to mention he was particularly fond of that part of his anatomy. He let his sword fall to the ground. “I yield, for now, but this isn’t over, McKenna.”

The other man vanished again only to pop up in front of him.

“Good. So you aren’t stupid. A wise man knows when to retreat.” McKenna shouted back to Daemon, “He has skill and power. I’ll train him,” and picked up Devin’s sword and handed it to him. “We start an hour before sun-up, pretty boy. Don’t be late.”

Devin stood motionless and for once speechless as Kail flashed out of sight. “I could kill you for this. You brought that demon changeling onto my lands to kill me. I trusted you, Daemon. Leave.” He flipped a lock of dark wet auburn hair out of his eyes and rounded on the other man.

“I did.”

“I should kill you.”

“It is for the greater good. I do not wish to see you lying on the battlefield without your head, Devin. He can help make you strong enough to withstand the coming invasion. There’s nothing more I can teach you.”

“You will leave my lands immediately and never return here. Your actions are treason against the laird.”

“Hard-headed fool. Two years from now your father and brother will fall in battle to MacGavin’s sword. Without Kail’s help, you will die as well. Your clan will be no more. Women and children will suffer for your idiocy. MacGavin’s men will rape your mother and sisters, then kill them. Do you want to see that? I’m trying to help you. I turned my back on the fey to teach you.”

“You lie.”

“You know I do not. Look for yourself. I will leave at first light. If you change your mind, you know where to find me.”

“If you aren’t gone by first light, I will destroy you.” Turning, he walked away from the battlefield back to Glen McLoch. Just trying to save his skin. He would never let MacGavin’s dogs get that close.
I don’t need help from anyone.

Lowering his sword, the same he’d hefted in battle and kept for a thousand years, Devin breathed deep. He had been wrong then and his father and brother had paid the price. Daemon hadn’t left with the light. Instead of running while he had the chance, the faerie had spent the hours talking with Lady McLoch, trying to convince her to speak with her husband and son. His mother had failed to sway them from the task.

At dawn, he had ridden out with his father, hungry for blood. The murderous dog Daemon had invited inside the castle walls had vanished, but the faerie remained hidden in the forest surrounding the keep. With his magic, Devin had been able to get closer than the other warriors, and still the horrible power Daemon possessed kept him at bay. And it was why after centuries he still trained every morning with his blade and magic.

He sensed her power first–the dark nature of her gift–before Ari’s scent drifted over him. Desire lanced through him. He’d thought to give her a little space, but here she was, watching him. The clay man threw a fireball at his head. Countering, he beheaded the poppet in one fatal strike with his blade.

* * * *

Ari watched sweat trickle across Devin’s bare back as his muscles bunched and stretched with the force of his movements. He prowled around the training room, sword thrusting into obstacles made to take the damage, fighting invisible demons in the mirrored walls. Steps light. Stance graceful. Senses aware. Lethal. She watched him shift to avoid the poppet’s strike.

Ari slid into the corner and took a seat on the weight bench out of the way. He was beautiful. Raw power in its purest form. And he probably wouldn’t like for her to think of him that way. Her body didn’t agree. Lust for him was a living, breathing beast walking inside her. She loosened the top button of her red blouse. Wanting another taste of him, his touch. “I could disarm you in thirty seconds.”

Devin turned toward her, his smile dangerous, eyes that were cold and deadly only moments before twinkled with laughter and heated with longing. “Could you really? You’ve trained with a sword, then?”

“Merely enough to defend myself if necessary, though I am a skilled archer. As long as you know your opponent’s weakness, training is just a bonus.”

“And you think you know my weakness?” The corded muscles of his arms rippled as he sheathed the sword and crossed his arms over his chest.


“Well, then. Care to prove your theory?” Devin crooked a finger, inviting her to join him in the center of the room.

“I’d love to.” Walking to the weapons case on the far wall, she took her time selecting a sword from his collection, a light, thin blade that would break under his. Then, she took a stance a few feet in front of Devin. “You look so fierce. Wild, even. You wouldn’t hurt me, would you?”

“Of course not. Clock is ticking,
a ghra
. Ten seconds.”

She moved closer, raised her sword to strike, and then tossed it aside.

“Your strategy needs work.” He laughed. “Five seconds and you’ve thrown away your weapon. Kind of hard to disarm me without it.”

“Mmm. Have I?” As she loosened another two buttons, Devin’s eyes fell to her gaping shirt. His sword hit the mat as his hands reached for hers. She closed the distance between them. “Everything is a weapon, lover.” Claiming his mouth, reveling when he returned her kiss, Ari pulled him down to the mat.

“Point taken.” His lips moved to her throat. “You unleash something in me that’s safer locked away.”

“I like that I do.”

Tinkling music interrupted them. “Cellphone. It may be Jack.”

“Okay. Make sure Raine is all right.” Reluctantly, she sat up on the mat and waited while he took the call. As he walked back to her, he offered her a hand up. “Everything all right?”

“Yes, but we have company coming for dinner in about two hours. I invited them over yesterday morning before I came to see you.”

“Then we had better prepare for the invasion.” Laughing, she gave him a quick kiss and sailed out of the room.



Chapter 11


Devin checked the place settings at the end and right-hand seats of the heavy oak table large enough to accommodate all the Corrigans. The great hall had been recreated to look much the same as the room in his childhood home. Stone walls. Huge fireplace, but the floors were a smooth blue grey slate. Tapestries hung on the walls to add softness to the stone, rather than to block out the chill of Scottish winters. It was a mix of old and new and suited him well. Three white tapered candles stood unlit in each of the candelabra set down the table.

Where was she? He would have to leave soon to help Allie flash the others here. He waited ten minutes more. Finally losing his patience, he started up the open staircase to see just what was taking Arianne so long.

Dark boots froze in mid-step as he took in the impossibly high heels cupping slender feet, traveling slowly up mile long legs until they reached the hem of Arianne’s flirty red dress just above her knee. He let his eyes travel up the soft, barely there straps holding up the silky material covering her breasts. He only had to brush her shoulder and the dress would slide to the floor, if he dared. Did he? Hell, yes. He groaned out loud before he could stop himself. “You are the devil.”

“I could say the same, but instead I’ll just enjoy watching you fall into a pool of lust at my feet. Do you like it? I think red is my color. Don’t you?” Her smile was confident–daring even–but her eyes were unsure, worried she’d made a mistake.

And there he found solid ground. “You look lovely,
a ghra
.” He met her on the staircase, his hand steady when he reached for hers and led her across the great hall to the dining table. Waving toward the candles, Devin watched them burst into flames. “Especially in candlelight.”

“You do that so effortlessly. I wish I could create fire.”

“Can’t you?”

“No. I can conjure almost anything, control air, earth and water, but fire escapes me. I can manipulate what is already in existence.” She crooked her fingers and the flame he’d created to light the candle lifted and flew toward the fireplace, catching the logs in the hearth. “Control is my one true talent, it would seem. Briella possessed more magical ability. It came so easy for her.”

“You try too hard.” Devin glanced at the now unlit candle, the wick turned black until a small flame flickered, replacing the one Arianne had taken to start the fire. “I’ll teach you.”

“What else would you teach me, I wonder?” She trailed a fingertip across his hand and up his bare arm.

“Many things. Everything.” He brushed a curl out of her eyes and kissed her forehead. “Time for the horde to arrive. Allie will be flashing in soon and I’ll have to go. It takes both of us to flash so many from that far away. One or two, we can manage safely. Any more than that would be dangerous.”

“I wondered how she would manage the task. She’s a special young lady.” She leaned in, wrapped her arms around his waist. “Everything is ready, but what if–”

“Hey, now. Don’t worry so much. They are going to love you as much as I do.” Dipping his head to meet her lips with his, Devin tasted her mouth, savored the feel of her soft body pressed against him and regretted not being able to finish what they’d started in the training room. “I want you, Ari. Again and again. Right now. I wish we had time.”

“We can make time. Flash us upstairs.”

No time. Then Ari cupped him. Growling, he let his body take over and flashed them to his room. They’d make time.

“We’re going to get caught.” She laughed softly and yanked his t-shirt out of the waistband of his jeans.

“I don’t give a damn. We’ll lock the door.” He spun her against it now, flipped the lock, and slid his hand under the red silk. She was bare underneath. “Naughty witch.”

Her smile was crafty, but her answer breathless. “I vanished them. Hurry. I want you inside me. Now.”

Vanishing his own clothing, he took her hips in his hands and lifted her. Her legs wrapped around his waist and he plunged into her. Pounding his need and hers into a frenzy.

“Oh, yes. Faster, Devin. I need you.”

So close already. “I want you all around me. With me, Ari.” Lost completely, he leaned in and caught her cry of bliss. Exhausted, he let the door hold them up. His legs felt like jelly, but the sweet sound of her sighs washed the ache away.

* * * *

“Allie’s here,” Devin commented from the chair by the bed as he watched her put herself back together. Already dressed, he enjoyed the picture she made fidgeting with her clothes.

“How do you know?” Ari straightened her dress and finger-combed her hair back into place.

“Her magic crossed my circle.” He stood and took her hand.

“Do you think she heard us?”

“Soundproofed walls.” Devin turned her into his arms. “You okay? I was rough with you.”

“We were rough with each other. I feel amazing.” She smoothed his t-shirt back into place. “One more kiss.”

“It’s cliche, but never enough. I’ll never have my fill of you, Ari.” He heard Allie shout out for him. “We’d better go downstairs before she comes looking for us.” Taking Ari’s hand, he flashed them downstairs.

* * * *

Allie sat in one of the huge plush armchairs close to the hearth. Tessa lay purring in her lap. “Took you two long enough. Geez. I’ve been here for ten minutes. Hey, Ari.” She gave a little wave and flipped her long black hair behind her shoulder. “Whatcha you been up to?” Tonight she wore black jeans, sneakers and a bright blue t-shirt that read
Mustaches are epic

“Hi.” Flustered, she said, “We were discussing dinner.” Looking to Devin, she realized he enjoyed watching her squirm.

“Sure you were.” The kid winked and wiggled her eyebrows up and down. “I know you both too well. He’s important to me, so you better not hurt him. And you better take good care of my friend, Dev. I’m all kinds of awesome and can kick your butt any day of the week.”

“There’s my Allie cat.” Devin kissed Ari chastely on the mouth, then moved to take Allie’s hand. “Back in a flash. Literally.”

“Counting the moments.”

“Let’s go already, Dev. You can play kissy face later.”

They made an odd sight, the ancient man who wasn’t, with dark auburn hair, tawny eyes, and the teenage girl with a mischievous air surrounding her. The bond between Devin and his apprentice was strong. He was a man who inspired loyalty and love in those he protected. Seeing them together, Ari wasn’t surprised Allie had been able to cross into the dance. As they flashed out of sight, she turned toward the vacant chair by the fire. Taking a seat, Ari patted her knee and Tess jumped up into her lap. “Looks like it’s just you and me for a bit, Tess.” The cat’s purring did nothing to ease her nerves.

BOOK: Fire's Ice
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