Finding His Mrs. Right (Mending Hearts Series) (8 page)

BOOK: Finding His Mrs. Right (Mending Hearts Series)
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“I can’t do this with you.” She said, cutting me off, and getting out of the car.

We were at the local park, not too far from my house. It was a nice a quiet place to clear your head. I usually took runs here to start
or end my day. With the life I lead, I definitely needed to clear my head a lot. Sighing, I grabbed my keys and got out, too. Tessa was standing at the front of my car, so I walked over to her.

“I’m sorry.” She interjected before I could say anything.

“Tessa, I know you have to feel at least a little of what I feel for you.” I replied, looking down at her scarce. I was afraid of rejection, and knew I wouldn’t be able to accept it that well.

“Landon, please.” She begged.

“Tessa, you can tell me if I scared you last night. Sometimes I have really bad dreams.” I said, finally admitting what I was scared to say. Grabbing her face gently, I made her look at me. I felt the heat sear through me, just by looking into her beautiful eyes.

“What are you—

Leaning down, I
cut her off as I went to kiss her. My heart was hammering against my ribcage, and for the first time, I was scared of actually feeling something for someone new. My phone buzzed, killing the mood. I groaned as Tessa pulled out of my grip, and moved away. I forgot that I had somewhere else to be right now, but this wasn’t over by a long shot.

“Have you eaten yet?” I asked, looking over to Tessa.

“No.” she answered, and she was blushing.

because I want to take you somewhere special tonight. Tell me you’ll say yes.” I smiled getting in the car. I hoped I wasn’t going to regret this.

“Only if you’ll go out on another date this afternoon.” She offered.

Tessa wanted me to go out on a few more dates, then fine I’d go on a few more dates. After all, I had paid her to send me out with girls, but that was before she weaved her way into my mind. How was I supposed to sit through this mixer after what had happened between us last night? If she wanted to act like nothing happened that was fine. I could play her game. Hell, I was the master of not caring about my feelings.

But there was just one problem.

I wanted Tessa more than I ever wanted anyone.

Why? I didn’t know because I was used to being cold hearted. Just because I was here didn’t mean I had to like it. Tessa strolled into the room, and my breathing got caught in my throat. See? No one had that effect on me, and I wanted to see where it would lead.

“Alright, I’m going to send them in, Landon.” Tessa smiled as she adjusted my suit and tie.

I wanted to pull her into my arms and taste her lips again.

“Tessa…” I muttered placing my hand on hers, but fell short of finishing the sentence. She had gone rigid at my touch.

I didn’t want to push her away any farther. It was apparent that she wanted me to try and date. Nixing the thoughts floating around in my head, I said the next plausible thing.

“I’m ready.” I smiled and she nodded.

Sucking in a hard breath, I watched her as she sauntered over to the door. Opening it, five women walked inside. There was one redhead, two blondes, and two brunettes. Did Tessa really think I was into blondes? I mean I had nothing against them, but I was into dark haired women.

They smiled as they followed Tessa over to me, and I hugged each and every one of them. This was different for me, I was use to one on one dates, not a full on hoard of women. Well a hoard of women that I had to get to know.

this Eliza, Stephanie, Joanne, Maggie, and Fiona. Girls, this is Landon Brooks.” Tessa said, introducing us.

After the introduction, we mingled. Tessa left the room and I was stuck in a group full of beautiful women. Time seemed to ebb by as they yammered on about themselves. Eliza had been a teacher. Stephanie was a caterer; Joanne
was a single mother who was a secretary. Maggie was a student and Fiona was into fashion. All interesting, but nothing that stuck with me because all I could think of was Tessa. I wanted her to come back into this room and send everyone home.

To my surprise, the door swung open and Tessa walked in. Maybe my prayers would be answered. I drank the champagne as Tessa came back over to us.

“Can you guys go sit in the lounge while I chat with Landon?” she asked and I smiled.

The girls hugged me and said their goodbyes before they left the room. Here it was
, Tessa was going to realize the mistake she made by setting this whole evening up.

“So?” Tessa asked, and I frowned confused.

“So, what?” I asked.

“Which one of the girls did you like the best?” she shrugged and my heart dipped.

Maybe I was wrong, maybe Tessa really did sleep with me out of pity or—hell I don’t know, but it was clear she wasn’t interested in me.

“Fiona.” I muttered. I damn well wasn’t going to say “no one” because I’d just be set up with a bunch of other girls.
I didn’t want Tessa to think I hadn’t taken this evening seriously either.

“Okay, I’ll send her back in for your one on one, and if you really like her, you can set up a proper date.” Tessa smiled.

“Great.” I said sarcastically with a smile to match.

Tessa left, and I sat at the table. A few moments later, Fiona sauntered in. She was one of the brunettes,
and she was pretty. Maybe she’d be the distraction I needed to forget about Tessa right now.

“Hi again,
” She smiled, sitting down.

“Hi.” I smiled back.

“I’m glad you picked me. So now that everyone else is gone, do you want to tell me anything about yourself?” she asked.

“Um, what do you want to know?” I asked.

“Have you ever been in love?” she asked.

“Puppy love, so I’m guessing that doesn’t count.” I shrugged.

“Really? So no girl has ever touched you in an unforgettable way?” she asked intrigued.

“I don’t know…I mean there’s one person. She’s amazing. I haven’t known her that long, but there’s instant chemistry. Something I’ve
felt with anyone. She’s smart, funny, sophisticated, and definitely knows how to handle parts of me that would scare away tons of women. Thing is, I don’t think she’s really interested in me and that’s
happened before.” I answered, not realizing I was rambling.

“Sounds like you’ve already found the right woman for you.” Fiona said disappointed.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I realized Fiona was right. Sitting here with other women trying to drown out Tessa wasn’t going to work. Fact was, she had left her mark on me and I was determined to leave my mark on her. No matter what it took.

“I’m sorry.” I replied getting up and leaving her alone.

Going into the lounge, I spot Tessa, and she gave me a puzzled look.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“This whole night.” I answered. “Tessa, I like you and nothing you do will change that. Not setting me up with tons of women…I just—let me take you out.” I practically begged.

This was gettin
out of hand, and it had to stop. I needed to tell Landon that I wasn’t interested in dating him in the least bit. But, that was hard seeing as how my knees got weak when he got close to or even looked in my direction. Don’t even get my started on when we actually locked eyes. See?! Ugh, stupid thoughts that didn’t need to be there. But, he had asked me if I felt the attraction. I’d be stupid not to! But this just couldn’t be. I wasn’t available.

Sitting in his car, I tried to find the right words to let him down easily, but nothing made sense. God, I felt like a bitch. Landon was finally opening up his heart a little, and I was here trying to thrash it.

For some reason, he was worried that he had scared me away the night before. I had no idea what he meant by that because besides him being intoxicated, the night had been perfect. I slipped out before dawn because I didn’t see a future for us. Dating wasn’t on my agenda and neither was love. I just needed to work harder at finding him a match—that wasn’t me. I sat quiet for the remainder of the ride until we pulled up to his estate.

is special?” I asked wrinkling a brow. I hoped that he was thinking we were going to be doing anything that didn’t involve clothes!

“Trust me
, ok?” he asked. Sighing, I rolled my eyes and got out of the car as he did the same.

Heading inside, Landon placed his hand on the small of my back as we stepped into the large living room.
Just being touched by him, sent electrical currents through my body. Boy, I definitely needed to get my hormones under control. It wasn’t like I was a teenager anymore, so I needed to get my hormones in check fast. Seeing the place again, and this time in the daylight, made me realize how gorgeous it was. Landon had really put some thought into his interior design. I felt like I had stepped into an old time Victorian home.

“Come on.” He said, grabbing my hand
, and pulling me towards another room. We entered his huge dining room, and an older woman was sitting at the table with a younger woman.

“You made it!” the older woman smiled brightly. She had a head full of beautiful blonde hair, and was tall
, but not taller than Landon.

“Of course I did, mom.” Landon said, going over to hug her.

My heart quickened as the word “mom” left his mouth. Had he seriously just brought me to meet his mother?! This was too freaking soon. We weren’t even dating, for Christ’s sake. When had one night of hot passion put a stamp on a relationship? Landon hadn’t even seemed like the type to take a woman home to mom. But, if that were the case, why was I here? Jeez, this meant he was serious about finding a wife, but I wasn’t it.

“You look good today.” He replied, as I stood awkwardly behind him.

“And, you look—oh Landon, what happened to your face, sweetie?” his mother asked concerned as she caressed his face.

Landon frowned, before looking at the floor
. That was a question I wanted answered too. I could tell he felt some sort of shame or dismay about the incident.

“Don’t worry about it, mom.
Just a sports injury.” He answered, and I could tell he was lying.

“You have to be more careful, sweetie. Protect that pretty face of yours, who’s she?” his mother asked, finally spotting me.

“This is my friend, Tessa Winters.” Landon smiled looking over at me. “Tessa, this is my mother, Deidre Brooks.”

“Nice to meet you.”
I smiled politely, but I was terrified.

I hadn’t met anyone’s mother, but Dean’s, and even then I
was a nervous wreck. Staring at her, I saw where Landon had gotten his eyes from. Extending a hand to her, I waited for her to shake it. Deidre had bypassed my hand, and gave me a full on hug. I shot a glare over at Landon, who was watching intently. I was going to kill him later.

“Is this the lucky girl, Landon?” she asked letting me go, and my eyes widened as I shot him an evil glare.

“Not yet, mom, but I’m hoping.” He answered, and I suddenly couldn’t breathe. Was he being serious??

“Well, she’s pretty. I hope you’ll make the big move soon.” She said, winking at Landon as if I weren’t standing here. I felt my cheeks heat up, and knew I was blushing. This was insane!

BOOK: Finding His Mrs. Right (Mending Hearts Series)
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