Finding Eternal Peace (6 page)

BOOK: Finding Eternal Peace
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“Oh…oh…oh.” Her arms quivered.

Balls-deep and filling every womanly bit, Joe held himself steady, slapped her ass, and pulled his cock almost out of her pussy. “Come for me, Red.” He plunged into her depth. “Milk the cum out of me.”

He fucked her hard, and she met each thrust. She groaned and bucked up against his pelvis. The hold on her hair pulled her head back and brought her more pleasure-pain than she could stand.

She let her control slip and rode the sensations inside her womb. Higher and higher, she gave up and let the feelings flow, catapulting her over the edge into an orgasm. She groaned long and deep between clenched teeth. Her pussy spasmed around him. Every bump of his ball sac against her clit during his inward thrust sent her into another convulsion of delight.

“That’s it.” Joe gave two more quick strokes of his cock, held himself tight to her ass, and moaned. “One more time, Red.” He moved his hand across her ass, circled his finger around her anus, and inserted the tip of his little finger. “Oh, fuck, yes.”

Her pussy seized again, and Joe’s cock pulsed inside of her.

“Aw…” His body shook with release.

Unable to hold herself up on her arms, she laid her head down on the bed. Joe removed his finger, pulled his cock out of her pussy, and collapsed beside her on the bed. A happy, exhausted smile curved her lips.

“That was amazing.”

He chuckled. “Maybe that’s what Lord Stephen meant by eternal peace.”

Chapter Six


“I’m nervous.” Meg squeezed Joe’s hand.

He let go and placed his arm around her shoulders. Leaning down, he kissed her temple. “I know. Pretend we’re the only ones in the room. Push out any thought of the others.”

The lounge room was decorated with huge throw pillows scattered in the corners, bare tables, and a few couches thrown into the mix. Sexually explicit pictures dotted the room, and lamps covered with a dark fabric cast shadows against the walls. Meg shuddered. How could she be expected to relax with the knowledge that they were here to have sex with everyone else?

“It is up to the couples to set good examples for the singles.” Lord Stephen stepped out into the middle of the room. “I have left you all alone to find the comfort, the familiar, and the love for too long.” He gazed around the room, making eye contact with each one of them. “From now on, I will join you periodically to bring you deeper, higher understanding into the pyramid of Eternal Peace. As we grow in numbers, I will ask for your help in training the newcomers to our commune.”

Megan scooted closer to Joe.

“Carry on.” Lord Stephen motioned for them to continue. “Let me study you in various throes of passion. Give me the chance to help you as you have helped me.”

Joe turned Megan around and cupped her face. “Breathe, Red.” He inhaled and gazed down. “Stay alert, but damned if I want you to shut out everything around you. We’ve got to pull this off.”

“Joe?” She licked her lips. “What if he wants to…?”

“I’ll do my best to make sure that doesn’t happen.” He laid short, soft kisses around her mouth. “Trust me. The thought of him touching you kills me.” He pulled back. “Let’s find a corner. Maybe we’ll escape his notice tonight.”

Joe led her through the bodies sprawled across the floor, hanging off couches, and entwined in an assortment of positions, already getting in the mood. Hands reached out and stroked Meg’s body as she passed. Her heartbeat raced, and she strained to visualize Allison’s face. She’d do this for her.

In the darkened corner, Joe placed Meg’s back against the wall and pressed himself against her. “I’ll shield you the best I can.” He opened his robe and let it fall open. “Now yours, Red.”

She gazed around his body first.

“No, Meg. Don’t pay them any attention. Look at me. It’s just us. Only you and me, no one else.” He nuzzled her neck. “We have the upper hand. Remember that.”

She nodded. Closing her eyes, she slipped her hands underneath his robe and held on to his waist. His lips nibbled at the tender skin at the crook of her neck. She caught her bottom lip between her teeth. Despite her nerves, she relaxed in his embrace.

Arching her hips forward, she pressed against Joe. The contact had him growing against her lower belly, and everything else fled her mind. This was Joe, her one ally in this place. He’d shown her a passion she’d never found before, and never expected to encounter in a place like Eternal Peace.

“Damn, Red. Even with this shit going on, you make me hard.” He slid his hand down her side, lifted her leg, and wrapped her thigh around his hip. “I can feel your warmth.” He groaned and thrust against her, but held back from entering her moist heat.

Megan lifted her hands to his shoulders, rose up on her toes, and urged him to make that connection that would sweep her away into another world where Lord Stephen and all his believers couldn’t enter. “Joe…Joe…”

“Are you sure?” he whispered.

“Yes. Do. It.” She gasped. He’d entered her fast and smooth. Her pussy soaked with juice, she accepted every inch. No longer hollow, but connected, filled. “Take me.” She moaned. “Where only…” She arched her neck. “Yes. There.”

The pleasure built up and exploded, taking her breath away. Joe claimed her mouth and muffled her cry. Warm shots of cum filled her pussy. She relaxed against the wall, cradling Joe’s head against her cheek.

“I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m not.” His rapid breath tickled her ear. “Fuck this place. I can’t wait—”

“Very well done, Joe and Kathy.”

Joe’s cock slipped out of her at the sound of Lord Stephen. Megan stiffened. Her grip on Joe tightened.
Not now. Please, not tonight.

Joe remained in front of her, staring into her eyes. “Thank you, Lord Stephen.”

“If you’d permit me…?” Lord Stephen asked.

Meg gave a short nod and dropped her arms. Joe pulled her robe together, turned, and smiled.

“Excuse me?” Joe stepped forward, but Meg sunk her nails into the side of his hip.

“What can we do for you, Lord Stephen?” She stepped up beside Joe and leaned her head against his arm. “My partner has blessed me tonight.”
Stick that in your ass, loser.

“Seeing that you just found pleasure in each other, I would like it if Joe would dip his fingers inside your vessel. Show the others how much your love has grown since coming to my place.” He stepped toward Joe’s side where he could view the task he requested, and yet allow the others to watch too.

Joe, blocking the others’ observation of her body, dipped his finger into Meg’s pussy and raised his hand. Meg blinked and kept her eyelids closed a few seconds longer. Heat crawled up her neck and settled on her cheeks. Why would someone want to see the juice they had created together?

“This is peace, my lovers.” Lord Stephen wrapped his fingers around Joe’s wrist. “Open her robe, and gift your partner with pure peace.” He dropped his hold and nodded. “Go on. Spread it over her breast and her nipples. Let me enjoy watching them peak, and the way her body responds to the power that can be found here at Eternal Peace.”

Rooted to the spot on the floor, Megan hid her fists in her robes and willed her body not to respond. A shiver washed over her and, despite her fight to keep from reacting to Joe’s touch, her nipples hardened into small nubs.

“Let me also take from your breasts the peace that you share.” Lord Stephen leaned over.

The brush of breath on the oversensitive nipple created a shudder that came from deep in her soul. She groaned at the way his tongue swiped the curve of her breast. Biting her lip, she concentrated on the moment he’d leave and give his attention to one of the other women instead.

“Thank you, my follower,” he whispered and moved away.

Her legs gave out. Joe caught her and held her cradled against his chest. His heart drummed against her ear. She swallowed. Tears she’d held back the whole time spilled out, wetting Joe’s robe.

“Shh…Red. You did fine. He’s gone.” He rubbed her back. “I’ll get you out of here, but you’ll need to calm down. Everything is going to be OK.”

Meg inhaled, blew the breath out, and drew in another lungful of air. Wiping her eyes, she mustered enough strength to hold it together. “I’m OK. Take me out of here, Joe. Please?”

He drew her close and strode across the room. Staying out of Lord Stephen’s sight, he managed to get them both through the door without anyone stopping them. Relief flooded her body, and she shook her arms. “Shit. That guy gives me the creeps,” she hissed.

“Come on.” He pulled her along the hallway.

In front of the kitchen doorway, he slammed to a stop. She stumbled and hurried back to search for what drew his attention. Not understanding, she tugged on his sleeve.

“What?” She stepped forward to get a better look.

He pulled her back. “Run to our room. Hurry. There’s a cell phone underneath my side of the bed. Hide it in your robe and come back. I’ll be in there.” He peeked through the doorway again. “The cabinet holding all the bottles of drugs is open. I need a picture.”

She nodded and ran.

Seeing the hallway empty, she put all her energy into making it into the room without anyone catching her. Shutting the door, she rushed to the bed and shoved her hand between the box springs and mattress.
Oh, God, where is it?

Her pinky skimmed the phone, and she grabbed their only lifeline to the outside world. She pushed the ON button before hiding the cell in the folds of her robe and hurrying back out of the room. Not seeing anyone about, she sprinted down the hall, coming to a stop at the kitchen entrance.

Joe leaned against the counter, moaning in apparent discomfort, playing that he was sick. Two women now stood, one on either side of him, peppering him with questions. Meg understood he had planned the distraction to give her enough time to get inside the kitchen.

Meg stepped inside, skirted around the end of the counter and moved in beside Joe, squeezing between him and one of the women. “Joe!” She gazed into his face. “Is it…?”

He nodded.

“Please, can you get him some orange juice? He’s diabetic and needs sugar.” Meg tugged at the brown-haired woman’s gown. “It’ll help him. I don’t want him to pass out.”

The woman ran into the back room. Meg silently screamed in frustration. The other worker remained beside Joe.

He moaned and swayed, clutching his head. Meg pushed her way in between him and the woman. God, what was she going to do? She couldn’t whip out the phone and take a picture with the other woman witnessing it.”

“K-Kathy. Need…candy bar. Quick.” Joe tried to straighten up, but flopped back down on the counter.

“Please. A candy bar is faster. The simple carbs will enter his system faster than orange juice.” She gazed over her shoulder. “Hurry.”

The woman immediately ran out of the room. She squeezed Joe’s arm. “She’s gone.”

He grabbed the phone out of Meg’s hand, checked to make sure she’d turned it on, and snapped a few pictures.

Just as Joe slid the phone inside his robes, the first woman rushed back into the room, a full glass of juice in her outstretched hand. “Here you go. I got the juice.”

“Thank you so much.” Meg transferred the cup to Joe’s hand. “Slowly now. You don’t want to make yourself sick.” She turned to the woman. “Thank you again.” She ducked her head. “We were…um…a little busy during lunch, and he didn’t eat. It happens if he skips any meals.”

She nodded and backed away. The other woman approached, holding out a Snickers bar. Meg heaved a sigh and accepted the food.

“Bless you.” The woman stepped back beside the other worker.

“May we take these back to our room? He should probably lie down until the sugar hits his system and restores the balance.” Meg rubbed Joe’s arm.

Both women nodded in harmony. She smiled. “Thank you again. You’ve saved his life.”

Once out in the hall, Joe grabbed her hand and strode down the corridor to their room. Meg shut the door behind them. She stood staring at Joe. His hands were planted on his hips, his brows pulled down.

“What’s wrong? Didn’t they come out?” She sat down on the bed.

“Oh, they came out.” He tossed the phone on top of the mattress. “I’d like to kill that filthy bastard for everything he has done. I swear, if he ever lays another hand on—” He punched his fist. “He needs to pay for what he’s done.”

BOOK: Finding Eternal Peace
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