Read Filthy Beautiful Love Online

Authors: Kendall Ryan

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #IDS@DPG,

Filthy Beautiful Love (10 page)

BOOK: Filthy Beautiful Love
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He kisses my neck, my lips, the tops of my breasts all while rocking his hips against me and nudging his wide tip against me.

"Can't wait…" he says. "I've been dreaming of this moment since I first saw you on that stage. Your beauty, your courage…you are so damn sexy, baby."

"Fuck me, Colton," I groan in frustration.

He reaches between us and grips his cock, sliding it through my wetness and positioning himself right at my opening. Knowing we're not going to make it to the bedroom is a huge turn-on.

"This might hurt a little at first."

"It's okay." I'm ready. I've wanted this for far too long. I'm not going to let a little discomfort ruin the experience. I can't wait to be filled with him, to see what kind of lover he is. I've imagined it for so long, I'm dying to see how he fucks. Hard and fast or long, slow strokes.

"Shit," he curses.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't have a condom."

His house is too damn big and there's no way I'm waiting while we traipse through his mansion in search of protection. Plus I realize with absolute certainty that I don't want anything between us for my first time. I want to feel him. Just me and him, without any barrier between us. "No, no condom. I want to feel you. Please, Colton."

His gaze snaps to mine and I can read the indecision in his eyes. "Are you sure?"

I nod. "Yes, just take me."

I'm sure he knows I'm not on any birth control, but I can see the exact moment he decides it doesn’t matter. His eyes soften and his deep blue gaze settles on mine.

"Kiss me, sweet Sophie," he murmurs.

I do.

He widens his stance, bringing one hand under my butt and with the other, he positions his throbbing cock against me. I cling to him with my arms wrapped tightly around his neck and my mouth fused to his.

With gentle strokes, Colton begins to move, teasing my opening with just the tip of him. I gasp when I feel him finally thrust forward. His face is a mask of concentration, like all his focus is on controlling himself so as not to hurt me. I know he's big, but in that moment, I just don't care. I want to be filled with him, to be overcome with sensation and know it's because of this man. Even if I scream out in pain, even if I bleed, it will be worth it, because it will mean he is finally making me his – a moment I've waited a lifetime for.

"Are you ready?"

I give a tight nod.

"Don't hold your breath."

I didn’t know I had been, but I draw a deep inhale and Colton rocks forward, the blunt head of him penetrating me just slightly before he retreats again.

"Was that okay?" he grounds out.

"It feels good," I confirm.

There's the sensation of being stretched and just the slightest sting. It's incredible and despite the discomfort, I never want him to stop.

His tongue strokes mine as he presses inside me in tiny increments.

"God, baby…" He inches forward again, my body stretching around him.

"Colton…" I moan. "I like it."

"Good. I'm trying to make it good for you."

Realizing I'm pinned against the wall and he's holding up my entire weight, I suddenly worry that he's not enjoying this as much as I am. "Am I too heavy?"

"Don't worry about that." He inches forward again and kisses my lips. "I like holding you while I fuck you."

Oh. I like it too. I feel small and possessed by him in a way I never knew I craved. But I know he's taking it easy on me, rocking forward ever so carefully and then easing back every time I feel him begin to sink deeper. I know how big he is, so I thought there would be a feeling of him deeper inside me. "Does it feel as good for you?"

"Better," he confirms and a hot shiver races down my spine at the low way the word rolls off his tongue. He's so sexy and in complete control, and those two little things are my undoing.  "You're clenched so snug and tight around me. Your warmth feels incredible."

I let out a groan of bliss as he inches forward again, rocking deeper this time. I've never given thought to what it would feel like to him, but I love the way he's described it.

"Fuck, you're so tight baby. This next part might hurt a little. Stay with me, okay?"

I nod and met his eyes. I can instantly see that he's been holding back. But I also know that I trust him.

He slams his hips forward into me, filling me so completely, he steals my breath. Only a weak groan escapes. This moment is everything I've been waiting for and it's even more meaningful than I could have ever imagined. A twinge of pain deep inside dissipates after a moment.

"Fuck," he grunts. "Breathe for me, sweetness."

I pull in a deep gasp of air and cling to his shoulders as Colton pounds into me in long hard strokes, taking whatever was left of my virginity.

His steady pace continues, pushing into me and pulling back. Soon the sting subsides and I'm left with a warm pleasurable sensation, like a vessel being filled after a long drought. It's a long awaited moment that I'm incredibly glad I've saved just for him.

I squeeze my inner muscles around him, teasing a raspy groan from his throat. A few more deep thrusts that link his body deep within mine and I feel all his muscles tighten.

Done holding back, his grip tightens on my hips and he thrusts forward in fast hard strokes.

Colton brings his lips to mine and his warm, humid breath comes in fast pants as he releases a short moan of pleasure that I know must mean he's climaxing. He sinks even deeper inside me and I feel the rush of hot semen erupt within me and moments later Colton is lowering me to my feet, kissing my mouth, telling me how perfect I am. And in that moment, I feel perfect. I feel like a fucking sex goddess who just rocked her man's world. And the sleepy, satisfied look overtaking his face is beautiful.

"Sorry that was so fast. You were too much for me to handle myself properly." He kisses my neck, nuzzling into me. "Beautiful girl," he murmurs against my throat.

"It was perfect, Colton." I didn't come, but I hadn't expected to my first time.

"It wasn’t perfect. But it will be. I'll train your body to come with mine," he says, dropping another kiss to my lips.

A warm shiver runs through me at the thought of orgasming in tandem with him. The image it conjures is incredibly erotic.

Before I can question what he's doing, Colton drops to his knees, brings his hot mouth to my core, and his lips latch on, sucking against my clit while his fingers push deep inside of me.

Oh dear God.

"Colt! What are you doing?" My legs tremble as my body reacts to his hot mouth owning me. "You just came in me and now you're..."

"Baby, I need to taste what's mine."

Unable to resist, I watch him with wide-eyes, and my mouth hanging open. He is beautiful. Dark messy hair, eyelashes that flutter against his cheeks, a full lush mouth that is currently devouring me... I'm swollen with arousal and his mouth is hot and greedy, licking and sucking against me as I moan and grind myself against his face. "Colton," I murmur, my fingers sinking into his hair.

The vision of him dropping to his knees after sex and eating at me greedily is one I'll never forget. He doesn't seem to care that his own juices are dripping from my body, his only concern is my pleasure–it's incredibly hot. I draw in a shuddering breath, continuing to watch his mouth against me.  His tongue lashes brutally against my clit and teases it repeatedly.

He presses two long fingers inside me, and the sight of his semen coating his fingers as they pump in and out of me is my undoing. I begin to shake and I know that my climax is close.

He grunts and nips at my clit with his teeth, coaxing a low moan from my throat. I tighten around his fingers as my orgasm builds and I come with a shout, my legs almost giving out. Colton keeps me from collapsing in a heap, his hands locking onto my hips keeping me steady while he finishes, softly kissing my lower lips until I stop shaking. Then he rises to his feet with a smug look of satisfaction on his face.

He takes my hand and leads me from the den that I'll forever remember as the first room we've christened.

Colton doesn’t stop touching me once as we make our way up the stairs and into the master bath, keeping his hand in mine, or resting innocently at my hip, or not so innocently against my backside. He only releases me to turn on the faucet to begin filling the big tub that I've missed in my time away.

"How about a relaxing soak?" he asks, kissing my lips.

"Only if you're planning to join me."

He smiles at me wickedly. "Absolutely."

We're both still as naked as the day we were born and I can't help but steal glances at his body. He's like a solid stone wall of muscle built for maximum pleasure. Deeply cut abdominal muscles that lead down into a V at his sides. My gaze drifts lower and I see his manhood is hanging heavily between his powerful thighs. Even in its relaxed state, it's impressive. The times before – when I'd pleasured him orally, he was hard again in an instant. Perhaps this time I've actually satisfied him. Quenched his thirst, so to speak. My lips twitch in a smile.

"What's so funny?" he looks down at his soft penis and back up at me with a frown.

"Nothing." I straighten my mouth, losing the smile.

"Sophie," he chastises. "You were looking down at my dick and laughing."

"I didn’t laugh," I correct him.

"Fine, then you were smiling at him like the two of you were sharing some inside joke. Everything good between the two of you?"

"Very much so," I confirm.

"Then tell me what he did to make you smile."

"He's soft."

Colton frowns and lets out a sigh. "That tends to happen after a man ejaculates, Sophie."

I giggle, unable to stop myself. Hearing Colton say the word ejaculate has brought out my inner twelve-year-old boy. Pulling myself to together, I explain, "Yes, I know that. But the times before, the times I, um, used my mouth, he was hard again right away."

He watches me closely, his face impassive, but I can tell he's thinking about how to answer. "I tend to have a pretty quick recovery time, but you're right, with you it was insane. Honestly, I think it's because I wanted you so badly that I was constantly ready to go."

"And now, because of what we did downstairs you're satisfied?"

"For the moment."

Oh. I chew on my lip, realizing that just because we've already had sex once tonight doesn’t mean it won't happen again. A pang of nerves hits me, as I contemplate if I'll be able to keep up with this man sexually.

"Get into the bath, sweetness," he says, drawing me from my thoughts.

Accepting his hand, I step into the tub and lower myself into the deliciously hot water. It's almost too warn, but it feels good against my overused and achy muscles. I scoot to one end of the oblong tub and Colton gets in and sits down in the water directly across from me.

"How do you feel?" he asks, his tone is soft and tender and his toes are touching mine underneath the water.

My inner tissues feel slightly swollen and tender. But in the best possible way, I decide. "Like a woman," I smile.

He laughs out loud at me. His laughter is the best sound. He's a serious man, often quite thoughtful and composed, so hearing his burst of masculine laughter in the quiet room fills me with a deep sense of happiness. 

We settle into the warm water, each of us sinking down to our shoulders and just watching the other quietly. It's a heavy moment, but in a good way. Everything we've shared, everything that's ahead of us leaves me feeling happy and secure.

"I shouldn't have come inside you, Soph. I was being careless," Colton says, finally breaking the silence.

My little happy bubble is momentarily burst. "I wanted you to."

"But you're not on birth control, are you? You could get pregnant."

"I know." I stare right back at him, waiting to see how he'll respond.

His answer is a lazy smile that lights up his entire face. "Understood."

My body floods with endorphins and warm sensation spreads over me. He and I are on the exact same page. This is not some fling. This is not something fleeting or temporary. There is meaning and depth and complete clarity to what we are doing.

"Come here," he commands, his voice low and gravelly.

I practically swim across the tub to reach him and Colton grins as he watches me. I climb into his lap, settling against him. I open my legs and place one on either side of his hips, resting my arms on his shoulders. He cups my cheeks and brings his mouth to mine in a sweet kiss.

"Thank you for tonight. For believing in me. For giving yourself to me."

I nod slowly, letting the weight of this moment, and the deep meaning behind his words sink in. 

"You were so trusting to come home with me that night. So strong," he says, nuzzling his mouth against my throat.

"I knew out of all those men there that night that I was meant to go with you," I say.

"You belong with me. Always."


There are no games, no playing coy or denying our feelings and I fucking love it.

As we kiss and cuddle in the warm water, I can feel Colton's manhood lengthen and grow.

I slide up and down on him, teasing us both with the thought that he could so easily sink into me with the aid of the water.

Letting his hands drift down, he squeezes my breasts, caressing them with light touches.

"I'll never tire of this," he says.

"Of what?"

"Touching you, knowing you're mine."

I feel the exact same way and I never want this moment to end.








The first time we made love we were a tangle of limbs, desperate and fighting to get closer. This time, I'm holding her in my arms, both of us stretched out on my bed laying side by side, and I vow to take my time.

I sweep her hair back from her eyes and peer down at her. "I shouldn’t have taken your virginity like that." I felt badly that our first time was a quick hard fuck against the wall. I'd never felt so out of control with lust before like I did with her.

BOOK: Filthy Beautiful Love
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