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Authors: Rachael Orman

Fiend (5 page)

BOOK: Fiend
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“Let’s go inside and I’ll show you.” I once again placed my hand on her lower back and urged her toward the club.


Chapter 5






Spending time with John outside of the club had been much different than I thought it would be. He was still completely dominating, but he smiled and took care of me in ways I hadn’t expected. If he hadn’t bound my arms, I doubt I would’ve seen the side of him I had been lucky enough to glimpse. He was sweet and caring while still being incredibly sexy and in charge.

When he pulled his hand from my panties just before I came in the parking lot, I wanted to stomp my foot and demand he continue, but I knew it would get me nowhere with him. If anything it would only have gotten me a punishment. Instead I was left wondering what he had in mind for me that had to do with
. I didn’t know why I picked that one over the other option. Maybe because the absence of my orgasm was gnawing at my mind. I needed to get off from all the foreplay at dinner and then him putting that damn vibrator in me and letting it sit there with a low humming sensation since he’d gotten in the car.

As we walked toward the club, the vibrations made me walk with jolting steps, since they were pushing me slowly toward release without my control. John’s firm, warm hand on my lower back told me I didn’t have a choice but to continue inside. The harness anchoring my arms was in clear view since he’d removed the scarf, not that he seemed worried about it. I tried not to think about the fact that other people would be able to see it, but I still had butterflies in my stomach over it. I didn’t like when people stared at me, judged me.

The bouncer at the door opened it for us without a word and we stepped into the small reception area. As usual, there was a finely-dressed woman waiting there.

“Nothing to hand over,” John said to the woman before ushering me past the curtains, which he held out of the way for me.

I turned to walk down the hall toward the room John and I always played in, but with his hand, he told me that wasn’t where we were going. Instead he directed me into the main room. There weren’t many people there, which was a first for me. Every time I had looked in, it had been practically overflowing.

John led me to a chair wide enough to easily seat two. Once he sat, he pulled me into his lap so my legs crossed over his and my back was against the armrest.  One of his arms wrapped around my shoulders to play with my hair while the other draped over my lap to rest on my outer thigh. “Since you decided absence would be the punishment, you are not allowed to come for the rest of the night. If you do, you will be punished immediately. Understand?”

“Yes, sir.” I swallowed the lump in my throat. There was only so much I could do to keep my body from giving in and I was already on the edge. I knew then and there I would be getting at least one punishment because it was inevitable; I could only hold off so much longer, especially if he built upon the vibrations still coming from the toy in my pussy.

“Good, then stand and strip,” he demanded.

I hesitated, since I didn’t think it’d be possible to get the tight dress off while having my arms bound the way they were.

John bounced his leg underneath me and, oddly, the vibrations grew stronger from the toy. “That’s the only warning you’ll get tonight. Do as I say, Precious.”

Clenching my teeth, I managed to maneuver myself off his lap. After wiggling my shoulders to see how much room I had, I sighed and lowered my head.

“Sir, I can’t do it on my own.” I looked up through my lashes at him, in hopes he would understand, while trying to ignore  my growing arousal.

“Exactly. You need me to help you. Turn around,” John said, spreading his thighs so I could step between them. His hands were quick to unhook the harness and release my arms. To my surprise, he helped me rotate each shoulder a few times, making sure the circulation was okay after such a long time being restricted. “Now, do as I said.”

Facing him again, I immediately pulled the top down to my waist, exposing my breasts to him and the rest of the room. A brief glance around told me no one appeared to even notice. Pushing the material off my hips, I revealed the garter belt, thigh highs and black silk panties that had been underneath.

“Sexy,” John breathed as his hands came to rest on my hips. Lifting me, he moved me back onto his lap. “That’s much better. So much easier to play with.”

His arm wrapped around my back as his head lowered to a breast, sucking the nipple into his hot mouth. Clenching my thighs together, I tried to hold back the orgasm that threatened. It didn’t help since it only pushed the toy deeper and made the vibrations more pointed; whatever was rubbing against my g-spot moved to be right where I needed it.

Squeezing my eyes closed and biting my lip, I dropped my head back and the orgasm washed over me as John sank his teeth into my tender breast tissue. When I opened my eyes again, I was light-headed and breathing hard… and John was looking right into my eyes.

“You know what that means, don’t you?” His voice was deep and sinful; his accent had gotten thicker. Standing, he set me on my feet as well. His hand wrapped around the back of my neck as he forcefully showed me to one of the empty little stages. “Bend. Now.”

I lowered my chest to the cold wooden table, which reminded me of the first time John had brought me to this room, but I’d been blindfolded then.

“Tell me why you are here,” John barked.

“I came,” I said, closing my eyes. I’d known it was going to happen, but it didn’t make it easier to admit I hadn’t followed his instructions. I hated disappointing him.

“And what happens when you come, Precious?”

I heard the tinkling of what sound like a belt buckle.
“I get punished, sir.”

“Exactly. This time you will only get five. Count out loud for everyone to hear.” John’s hand ran up my back before slithering down again.

I could tell from the position of his hand that he’d stepped to my side, but I refused to open my eyes to know for certain. I had no other warning before the loud slap of leather meeting skin filled my ears. The intense burning sensation immediately followed from where his belt had landed on my ass.

“One, sir,” I gasped. Tears instantly sprang to my eyes from the pain.

Again the loud clap and the burning sensation, only lower on my ass.

“Two, sir,” I said, digging my fingers into my palms, fighting the urge to move. It wasn’t the most intense thing John had done, but there had been very little warning which made it seem worse some how.

, and burning sprang up on the very bottom of my cheeks.

“Three, sir,” I shouted as anger sprouted in me. I hadn’t been allowed enough time to prepare myself.

Fingers dug into my hair, yanking my head back before I felt cloth against my ass making me whimper. John leaned over my back, digging his hips into my ass. “You don’t get to be angry. This is your punishment. You were told the rules. You broke them. You want it to stop, say the word. Hell, tell me to stop and I will. Is that what you want? You want me to stop? I stop now, you walk out of here by yourself.”

“No, sir. Sorry, sir,” I groaned when he sucked my earlobe between his teeth.

“That’s what I thought. Watch your anger, Precious, or I’ll give you a reason to be angry.” And just that fast, he was gone again. Sucking in a deep breath, I pressed my head to the lacquered wood.

The next two slaps were harder than before and over the first ones, which made them burn worse, but I managed to utter the numbers even as tears rolled down my cheeks.

As soon as my punishment was over, he helped me stand before scooping me into his arms and returning to where we’d been originally. Sitting, he placed me on the leather next to him. It was cold and felt amazing on my hot skin. His thumb and forefinger pinched my chin, turning me to face him.

“Do you understand why I had to do that?” he asked, keeping his eyes on mine as his palm dropped to rest on my thigh.

“Because I went against your rules,” I answered, but it was halfhearted. I wanted to leave. Things had taken an unexpected turn and I didn’t like where it was going.

“Yes and no. What we have between us is more than rules. It’s
much more than that. Don’t you get it? It’s about learning to control your body and its reactions. It’s not about coming when I told you not to. It is about being able to know when enough is enough and voicing it.
Let me know
when things are too much or when I’m pushing you too hard.
Speak up
if I’m doing something you don’t like.” Pulling me so I was straddling his lap, he put in me a position where I was looking down at him. “Did I think you wanted to be spanked? No, but you needed a reminder of who is in charge and why you listen to what I tell you. It’s not just about when you can come, but everything. It is my job to take care of you and I take it very seriously. Sometimes, though, it is your job to protect yourself. As much as I want to always be with you, I can’t. It’s just not possible, so I need to know that you will be okay without me right there.”

“I can take care of myself.” I stiffened my back. I felt like we were having two different conversations. How things went from spanking and coming to taking care of myself, I didn’t quite understand.

“Control, Precious. Learn to control your body and you don’t have to worry about that part of life anymore. You can be more free. You can stop worrying about what other people think because it doesn’t matter. Me and you.
are what matter.” John lowered his forehead to my chest as he breathed deeply. “Now that you are mine, I worry someone will try to take you. That someone will try to use the S and M relationship we have to pry you from my arms.”

It made me smile as I ran a hand through his hair. “Master, that’s not going to happen. I don’t always understand what we have, but I can tell you it’s not as flimsy as you worry. The connection we share is much more than most people ever experience once in their life. At this point, you should worry I’ll never let you go.”

A rumble vibrated from his chest before he leaned back in the chair. “You are too perfect. Take off my shirt.”

“Gladly, sir.” Happy to seemingly have gotten through an awkward conversation, I rapidly pried the tiny buttons on his dress shirt open. My anger at having been disciplined was gone. Once I reached the top of his pants, he moved to shrug out of his jacket before stopping and looking as if he was in thought. I nearly yelped in surprise when he put me at his side again on the cool leather.

“Change in plans. Come, Precious,” John stated as he snatched my dress from the floor.

I rushed to stand and follow him as he swiftly moved toward the way we’d come in. My heart started to flutter in panic at the thought of him taking me outside while nude, but thankfully, he turned to go down the hallway. When I made it into the room, I was surprised to find him undoing his own cufflinks as he stepped out of his shoes.

“Everything off.” He barely looked up at me as he proceeded to strip himself.

Following directions, I carefully removed my garter belt, panties and thigh highs.

John approached me with calculated steps before reaching out to grab the only thing I had left on. My pearl necklace. Hooking a finger in it, he led me to the dresser next to the bed.

“Open the second drawer,” John said as he released my necklace and took a step back.

Slowly, I raised a trembling hand to the drawer’s handle. I had never seen inside any of the drawers so it made me scared to think exactly what I was going to be retrieving. The further open I pulled the drawer, the more calm I became. There was nothing I hadn’t at least seen before.

“Pick up the nipple clamps.”

Carefully, I grasped the small metal clamps between a finger and thumb of each hand. There was a long metal cord between them. I turned around to face him and held my hands out toward him.

“Mmm, yes, I think these are exactly what we need. Now get on all fours.” John took the clamps from me, clenching them in one hand.

I didn’t know what to say. I’d never played with anything that looked like those. They looked painful and I’d already experienced enough pain for the night. My mind was spiraling out of control, trying to stay caught up with all that was going on. Sure, he’d done worse, but it was so much different to have my sight to go with the experience.

I did as he asked, lowering myself to all fours and closing my eyes. Instantly, I felt a rush of calm come over me. I was hyping myself up, twisting things into something they weren’t, all because I was afraid.

To my surprise, Master’s fingers slipped into my body. Unfortunately, it was only to retrieve and remove the small toy that was still vibrating. Master tossed it onto the bed before returning his attention to me. “On your knees only, Precious.”

I pushed off the ground to rest my butt against my crossed feet. As much as I dreaded what he had in mind, I wanted it. He never failed to make sure I enjoyed our time together. It was me who had to remember nothing had changed.

John stepped in front of me, the chain dangling between his spread hands. He dropped to his knees in front of me, making my eyes widen since I’d never seen him on his knees.

I thought he was going to kiss me as he closed the distance between us, but at the last second he dipped his head to suck a nipple into his mouth. Once he got it perked up and begging for more, the bite of the metal clamp came; I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to mentally push away the pinching sensation. Thankfully, it only seemed to last a few seconds, but he was already teasing my other nipple to a peak. Clamping down on my second nipple, he stood again and held a hand down to help me to my feet.

BOOK: Fiend
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