Read Family Values Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #bdsm;cowboy;kink;menage and more;second chances;small town;erotic;polyamory;brothers

Family Values (7 page)

BOOK: Family Values
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He opened his arms, and she cuddled against him, rubbing the hardened tips of her breasts against the hair on his chest. She didn’t care what she looked like, how much of her was exposed to the other two. She was wild with desire. Ready to come. If only he wasn’t holding her so tightly against his chest.

And then she felt someone else move in behind her. Her nerves jangled and her breath hitched. Nate bent over her back and licked his way up her spine. The tip of his cock tapped her tiny puckered hole, shocking her.

“Like that?” he whispered in her ear. “I’m gonna take you there one day soon. I’ll be all the way up you, your little hole grippin’ me tight.”

Eli cupped her face and forced her gaze to lock with his. “We’re going to take you together, baby. Might hurt a bit at first. You let us know. We’ll go slow.”

“Together?” she said, her voice choppy from her ragged breaths.

“Both of us inside that tight pussy,” Nate said.

She groaned. “How?”

He laughed, his breath gusting against her cheek. “We’ll fit. Promise. But if you can’t take all of me this first time, you tell me.”

Her wide gaze didn’t leave Eli’s. His face was reddening, his mouth pursing as he blew hot breaths while Nate slid a finger inside her vagina, sliding it over his brother’s cock.

“Careful there,” Eli gritted out.

Nate laughed, and hooked the finger to pull up, making a small space.

She felt the added tightness with just his finger inside her, and shook her head. “I don’t know… I don’t know…”

But then the blunt tip of his cock pushed into the space.

She gave a high-pitched bleat and buried her face against Eli’s neck as Nate worked his way inside, sliding over Eli’s cock to fill her.

The pressure was immense, and she rolled her face on Eli’s shoulder, muttering and groaning as his brother slowly pulsed inside.

More liquid heat spilled from inside her and Nate chuckled again. “That’s it, baby. Make it slick. Fuck, nothin’ ever felt this good.”

Stretched beyond her limit, surrounded by heat above and below, she bit Eli’s shoulder and then licked his skin, mewing like a kitten. “I can’t take it.”

“You already are,” Nate said, his voice tight. He moved slowly, but with determination, raking Eli’s cock and her channel with his thrusts.

A wave of heat swept over her. “I’m coming!”

“Yes, fly, baby. Do it,” Nate whispered, moving faster but still with so much care, his fingers biting into her hips to hold her still.

She exploded, screaming, “Nate!”

He shouted behind her, jerked his hips and then held still, arresting her orgasm. Slowly, he withdrew and moved away, then Eli rolled, tucked her beneath him and rutted hard toward her center.

Again, she climbed, her fingers raking his back, her thighs clasping his hips as she met his thrusts. Their bodies slapped together, making slick, percussive sounds that echoed against the walls.

When she came, she arched her back and dug her nails into his ass, holding tight against him, keeping him deep as she felt his cock empty its load.

When he slumped against her, he wrapped his arms around her and cradled her close to his chest, his face buried in the corner of her neck. “
.” He drew a deep breath and raised his head.

She attempted a smile, but she was done in. His kiss was sweet, a soft rub of firm lips. And then he moved off her and rolled to his back beside her. He held her hand as they both drew deep breaths.

Her gaze went to Brand, still sitting in his chair, his cock standing high against his belly, his hands holding the arms of the chair in a white-knuckled grip.

And even though she was a little raw, even though she was spent, she rolled and crawled toward him and climbed onto his lap to lower her pussy down his uncloaked cock. They’d promised her satisfaction. She’d not leave any one of them wanting.

The moment was more than a simple giving of pleasure. They’d all exchanged silent vows. Promising pleasure and redemption. Nothing was easy. Sharing required trust and a generous spirit. Certainly taking his thickness inside her wasn’t easy. She was sore, but she needed Brand inside her. Eli and Nate had sated her, shown her their love, but she needed something else from Brand.

When he was deep inside her, she cupped his cheeks and kissed him with everything she had. Brand was the one who’d held the family together all those years. The one who’d shouldered the greatest burdens. For him, she’d provide pleasure, but she’d also give him solace and devotion.

There was movement behind her.

“Don’t leave,” she said softly, holding steady with Brand’s gaze.

“We’ll shower and be back,” Eli said, kissing her cheek. He clapped Brand’s shoulder and strode away.

Nate tugged her hair, forcing her head back to give her a deep, smacking kiss. His gaze slid to Brand. “Your turn, bro.”

Brand gave him a blistering glare, but Nate only laughed as he left.

Angelina slid her cheek against Brand’s. “He always says the most inappropriate things.”

“He doesn’t mean anything by them. He respects you, Angel.”

Surprised by his insight, she leaned back. Brand’s expression was taut. But it was probably just because he was so aroused. His cock was rigid and throbbing inside her.

“Are you too sore?”

“I’m a little raw, but I wouldn’t be
if I didn’t want this.”

“No bad moments? No worries about how this will work?”

She grimaced. “When Nate was pushing inside me, I was having second and third thoughts, but…” She met his steady gaze with honesty. “I liked it. I’d like it even better if you tried it sometime.”

He grunted and let out a slow breath. “I’ll get there.”

She leaned forward and kissed his mouth. “Are you having second and third thoughts?”

His mouth tightened, but he shook his head. “You’re here. That’s all that matters.”

The roughness of his voice betrayed the depth of his emotion. Angelina snuggled against his chest. “I love you,” she whispered. “You know that, don’t you? I always have. You’re everything to me, Brand—friend, brother and now lover. I’ve never felt so loved.”

He wrapped strong arms around her, and they stayed like that, locked together, for several long moments. Then he kissed her forehead. “I’d like a bed beneath us. Something soft.”

“That would mean I have to move,” she said, smiling against his shoulder.

“You won’t have to lift a finger.” He rose, never losing his connection to her, and strode toward the bed. Then he crawled toward the center, cupping her butt to keep her close.

When she was beneath him, covered head-to-toe by his heavy body, he winced. “I should have thought this through. I’m still wearin’ my boots.”

Angelina laughed and tugged at his open shirt, pushing it down his arms until he pulled free of it and tossed it away.

“Can’t do a thing about your boots,” she murmured, but she slid her hands over his buttocks and pushed his jeans farther down his thighs. “That good enough?”

“I’ll make do.”

When he began moving, it was like riding waves, gentle swells, at first, then deepening troughs.

And when they both approached the peak, he wrapped his arms around her and held her as though she was something precious, something to be treasured.

Eli and Nate didn’t return until the early morning hours, when they woke her with whispers and led her to the bath they’d prepared, filled with scented Epsom salts. Not that they left her. They joined her, washing her, letting her rest against them as they pampered her.

“This will work,” Nate said as he gently rubbed her breasts with a soapy cloth.

Behind her, Eli massaged her shoulders. “Face it, you’re gonna be spoiled rotten.”

She kept her eyes closed and merely smiled. “Be warned,” she murmured. “You’ve created a monster.”

With their laughter echoing against the tiles, she peeked across at the bathroom door. Brand stood there, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest, wearing just his jeans and crooked smile. “Don’t think any of you are getting out of work today.”

And although she was tired, Angelina gave him a wide smile. No doubts lingered. There was enough love inside this room to make sure they made it.


Brand tugged at his tie again. The damn thing was so tight he felt as though he was choking.

“Not getting cold feet, are you?” Nate whispered beside him.

Brand grunted and gave him a swift glare.

All three brothers were lined up, their gazes on the hallway leading from Angelina’s old bedroom.

The living room was packed. Amid the clutter of a Christmas tree and holiday decorations, bright red blooms and rows of folding chairs draped in white damask—he knew, because he’d approved the order—were their neighbors and friends. The mood in the room was festive and without a single judging stare.

The brothers had made up the guest list and then divided it, issuing the invitations in person to make sure that anyone who came did so because they wished them well, not because they were curious. Today, there’d be no clouds to darken their joy.

Among the rows of well-wishers were Dani and Justin Cruz, Rowe Ayers beside them, bouncing a blond baby girl on his knee. Dani’s brother, Cutter Standifer sat beside them with his pretty wife Katie, his son cradled in his arms.

In the next rows, the multitude of Two Mule’s other polyamory marriages—the Kinzies, the Logans, Cam and Joe from the ranch next door, and their girl, Stormy—were living proof that love and commitment could come in varying-sized packages. Maybe he’d stacked the deck, but today, Brand didn’t want Angelina to have even one doubt.

Not that he expected her to hesitate. Since the weekend of her return, she’d thrown herself into life at the ranch with him and his brothers.

Whispers started. And Brand turned again to the hallway, smiling as Mama Amelia walked arm-in-arm with her daughter.

One glance at Angelina and his breath caught. Her dress had been the only arrangement they’d allowed her to manage on her own. So the sight that greeted him rocked him to his toes. She’d foregone a veil, and her long hair curled softly around her shoulders. Her dress was a simple, silky confection with white flowers embroidered around the bodice. The soft drape of the fabric showed her rounded belly to perfection. She’d never looked prettier. Or happier. Already, he could see tears welling in her eyes.

Without a thought for his brothers, or the laughter of their guests, he stepped eagerly forward and took her hand, bending quickly to kiss her mother’s cheek.

Amelia laid her palm against the side of his face. “I give her into your care,

Brand smiled and tucked Angelina’s hand in the crook of his arm and led her the rest of the way toward his brothers, who both wore gentle smiles for their beautiful bride.

Angelina darted a glance at their guests, then eyed Brand, Eli and Nate. “We’re really going to do this?” she whispered. “Last chance to run.”

Nate frowned. “Not funny, sweetheart.”

Eli patted his pocket and muttered under his breath, “I spent a month coming up with my vows.”

Brand reached out and manacled her wrist. “We’re never letting you go.”

Angelina sighed. “It doesn’t seem fair.”

Brand understood, and the last of his doubts that he could share Angelina for the rest of their lives melted away. Fair had nothing to do with love. Love just happened. Once upon a time, he’d dreamed of having her for his own, but this was…richer, better. He’d never worry that she’d be left alone. They’d share their joys as well as disappointments. They’d build a stronger future.

Glancing down at her belly, he felt complete. Satisfied.

“Well?” she said softly.

Brand slipped his hand into his pocket to retrieve the three slender bands he and his brothers would slide onto her finger. “I’m ready.”

About the Author

Delilah Devlin is a
New York Times
bestselling author of erotica and erotic romance with a rapidly expanding reputation for writing deliciously edgy stories with complex characters. She has published over a hundred forty erotic stories in multiple genres and lengths, and she is published by Atria/Strebor, Avon, Berkley, Black Lace, Cleis Press, Ellora’s Cave, Grand Central, Harlequin Spice, HarperCollins: Mischief, Kensington, Montlake Romance, Running Press and Samhain Publishing. In May 2014, she added Grand Central to her list of publishers when
Her Only Desire

You can find Delilah all over the web:

Or email her at:
[email protected]

Look for these titles by Delilah Devlin

Now Available:


Stone’s Embrace


Lone Star Lovers



Four Sworn

Breaking Leather

A Four-Gone Conclusion

Reined In

Delta Heat

Five Ways ’Til Sunday


A Perfect Trifecta

Twice the Bang

The TripleHorn Brand

Laying Down the Law

In Too Deep

A Long, Hot Summer

Beaux Rêve Coven

Once in a Blue Moon

Under a Blue Moon

Firehouse 69

Burnin’ Up Memphis

Hotter with a Pole

Sweeter Than Honey

Coming Soon

Beaux Rêve Coven

Wolf Moon Rising

Firehouse 69

Rapid Entry

Don’t Miss the other titles in Delilah Devlin’s Lone Star Lovers series!

Who says a cowgirl can’t have it all?

Lone Star Lovers,
Book 7

Stormy is a rancher’s daughter through and through, and although she went away to college, her soul is firmly rooted in home ground—and the cowboys she grew up tormenting. When she hears her father might be selling the ranch, she packs her bags and high tails it for home, terrified she might never get another chance to lasso the heart of one of her cowboys before the hands scatter to the four winds.

For Cam and Joe, foreman and wrangler on the ranch, Stormy was a pain in the seat of their Wranglers. But when she roars back onto the ranch, the spoiled brat they remember emerges from the cloud of dust in skin-tight jeans and spike heels and all grown up.

It only takes a hot second to figure out she’s hell-bent on seduction. But if she thinks they’re going to make it easy for her to pick which cowboy she wants most, she’s sadly mistaken. And who says she has to choose one?

Warning: Contains cowboy-style spanking, flogging, and hog-tying. And a cowgirl who loves every minute of it.

BOOK: Family Values
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