Read Faith (Hades Angels #1) Online

Authors: Elizabeth Hayes

Faith (Hades Angels #1) (5 page)

BOOK: Faith (Hades Angels #1)
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Chapter Ten



My alarm clock went off and I sat up in bed reaching out to shut it off. Today was Saturday, and with being so distracted from thoughts of Bryce, I forgot to turn my alarm off. I lay back down and pulled a pillow over my face.

“Ugh, seriously,” I screamed into my pillow before tossing the pillow across the room and laying back down, hoping to fall back asleep. When I realized that wasn’t going to happen, I got up and changed my clothes. I needed coffee and fast. I pulled out my wad of money from the night before and counted out a twenty, stuffing the rest into an oversized hat box in my closet. I pulled on a beanie and made my way to Cups.

The line was out the door. I put my ear buds in and hit play on my favorite distraction playlist. I got lost in the music and before I knew it I had made my way through the line. I took my ear buds out and before I could say anything the barista was already asking.

“Your usual?”

“Yes, please.” I smiled and handed over a ten dollar bill.

“Okay, Laura, it will be just a few minutes.” She handed me back my change.

I walked over to the other side of the counter to wait for my drink. I put one ear bud in and turned my music back on. When the barista handed me my drink, I put in the other ear bud and made my way outside. I found an empty bench across the street from Cups and sat down.

People watching was one of my favorite pastimes. When I was sick and couldn’t really do much, I would sit and stare out my window. Today there weren’t many people out yet, mostly just morning joggers, but it was still early on a Saturday morning.

I set my coffee down on the bench next to me and started scrolling through the apps on my phone. I had become addicted to a few of the games and they proved to be a nice distraction from everyday life. Then I looked up and noticed the same pair of eyes staring back at me that I had seen yesterday.

He was walking toward me. I swallowed a lump in my throat. I didn’t have the security blanket of work, my wig, make-up, or the cloak of normalness. I could only hope he didn’t recognize me without those things. The closer he came, the hope of him not recognizing me went out the window.

“Faith?” he questioned me, now standing right in front of me. He held a brown paper bag in one hand, and a cup of coffee in the other.

It took a second before I could answer him. Do I pretend I’m not me, do I tell him my real name, or do I confirm his question?

“Yeah, it’s me. Bryce, right?” I smiled, knowing that was his name but trying to play it off.

“Yeah, I almost didn’t recognize you, but your eyes were a dead giveaway.” He smiled. “Do you mind if I join you?” he asked, waiting for me to answer him.

“Ah, yeah…sure.” I stumbled on the words as I moved my coffee for him to sit. He sat down next to me.

“So, why is a girl as beautiful as you sitting on this bench all by yourself?” he asked.

“I couldn’t sleep, so I went and got some coffee and now I am just enjoying the morning.” I smiled back. “What about you?”

“All the guys from last night are still passed out at my house. I didn’t want to wake them so I left to pick up some breakfast before I head back home.”

“I hope the bachelor isn’t feeling too horrible today.” I laughed, remembering how shit-faced he was.

“Yeah, well, he has a couple of weeks to sleep it off before his wedding.” He laughed.

We sat on the bench together, and talked and laughed to the point where I was completely comfortable with him.

“Shit. I’m sorry, Faith, I completely lost track of time. I need to get back home. Hey, you want to do this again sometime?” he asked.

“Sure.” I smiled at him.

We exchanged numbers and both went on our way after we had talked for over an hour. Mostly about random things, from the joggers who passed, to what our favorite drinks were.










Chapter Eleven



I spent the short drive home thinking about what just happened. I couldn’t recall the last time I actually felt something deep for someone. Bryce was different, though. He made me feel things I thought the chemo had robbed me of. By the time I made it home the smile I wore vanished. Bryce was hot and he made me feel things I hadn’t felt in a while, but reality sank in. Being friends with a guy was one thing and maybe I was jumping the gun on this, but I wanted more than just a friendship with him.

Just the thought of him made me think of things like walking hand in hand, waking up next to him, and his hands on my body. Things I told myself I would never let happen.

When I walked in my front door, I threw off my sweater and placed my phone on the docking station. I turned the music up loud and pulled out my cleaning supplies. If I can’t sleep and my mind is working overtime thinking about the things I can never have, then I would try to turn my mind off. So, I scrubbed, dusted, and danced around my apartment removing every last speck of dust. I vacuumed, swept, mopped, and disinfected every last inch of floor space.

I sat on my brown microfiber couch and glanced around my apartment. It was only three so I had a few hours before I needed to get to work. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through the contacts. When I found the one I was looking for, I hit call.

The phone rang twice before she answered.


“Hey, Melody, are you busy?” I asked, figuring I would just get right to the point.

“Nope, just finished getting dressed, why? What’s up?”

“Want to go with me to the animal shelter? I’m thinking about getting a cat.”

“Ohhhhh, kitties!”

“So is that a yes?” I laughed.

“Sure is. You want to pick me up on your way?”

“Yeah. I will be there in fifteen minutes.”

I hung up and quickly changed out of my clothes that now smelled like cleaning products, then slipped on a pair of shoes and headed out the door.

The animal rescue center was about a fifteen-minute drive from Melody’s apartment. I had never been inside where she lived, which looked to me like a rundown building, but this was her place and as long as she was comfortable then who was I to say anything? This would hopefully prove to be the perfect distraction for us both. Melody and I drove with the windows down, singing along to the radio as we pulled up to the rescue center.

We walked up to the desk and asked where the cats were.

“Oh, you ladies are in luck. Today we have a special. You can adopt two cats for the same price as adopting one.” She smiled and ushered us to the cat area.

We slowly walked through the room, looking into each cage. Now was the hard decision of choosing just one or maybe two. Melody was running around talking to each cat in baby talk.

“Oh, Faith, look at these two. He is so cute!” I walked over to the one she was ogling. One was a black cat with white paws. The other one was all white.

“These two would be perfect. They are complete opposites. I love it.”

“Oh, you could name them Salt and Peppa.” Melody laughed. “Or Duke and Daisy. Oh, I got it, Burt and Ernie.”

“No, no, and no.” I laughed with her as we waited for them to bring the cats into a room so we could play with them, before we decided if I wanted to adopt them.

“Okay, so one’s a boy and one’s a girl so I could name them Luke and Leia, or Anakin and Padame.”

“Really, Faith, Star Wars?” Melody asked.

“What’s wrong with Star Wars?”

“Nothing, but I say you come up with better names like Bonnie and Clyde, or something awesome like that. But I still say Salt and Peppa is my favorite.”

While we were arguing about names, they brought in the pair. “This here is Hansel,” she said, handing me the black cat. “And this one is Gretel.” She handed the white cat to Melody. Both were purring as we held them. “If you have any questions, I will be out in the hallway. Let me know if you want to see any of our other cats.” She left us alone in the room.

“I think these two are perfect.” I looked over at Melody.

“You know what? I think you should keep their names.” She smiled, cuddling with Gretel. “You like your name, don’t you, little kitty?” She asked the cat in baby talk. I laughed.

“You know what, I think you are right. Let’s get you guys to your new home.”

“Now we need to head to the pet store and get these guys a litter box, some food, food dishes, and some treats.”

“So what do you guys think?” The lady came back in the room.

“These two are perfect.” I smiled at her.

“All right, let’s get the paperwork done and then we can send you on your way.” She smiled and placed both cats into pet carriers. She ushered us back to the front and handed me the paperwork I needed to fill out to make it official.

“I need a copy of your driver’s license, so I can do a quick background check. It should only take about ten minutes. If everything looks good, you ladies can be on your way with your new cats.” She smiled as I fished my wallet out of my purse. My phone was vibrating as I searched my purse so I pulled it out along with my wallet.

I handed her my license and checked my phone. It was a text from Bryce.


The guys and I are going out for drinks Monday you should stop by.


I looked over at Melody. “Hey, want to go out for a little bit Monday night?” I asked her.

“Monday? Sure, why not. Oh, we can make it a girls’ night. Do you care if I ask Jade?”

“Sure.” I smiled as I texted Bryce back.


Maybe, where?


I put my phone back in my purse as I finished filling out the adoption papers.

When I was done, I handed them to the older lady at the desk. “It will be just a few more minutes.” She smiled at me.

“Okay, everything looks good. You are now the new owner of Hansel and Gretel.” She smiled, handing over the two crates and a folder filled with their shot records. I took one and Melody grabbed the other. “Want to hit the pet store with me?” I asked her as we walked to the car with my new roommates.

“Of course.” She smiled as she held up Gretel’s cage. “You are going to just love your new home, pretty kitty. Your mommy is going to take good care of you.”

I just shook my head as we placed the two cat carriers in the back seat.










Chapter Twelve



I dropped Melody off at home along with her new pet she purchased on our visit to the pet store. A betta she named Fishy and a three-gallon aquarium with a bright pink lid. I had purchased everything two cats could possibly need. A cat tower, litter box, litter, toys, food, treats, new collars with fish shaped tags that had their names on them, and food and water dishes.

It took a few trips to get everything inside my apartment. Once I got everything in, I let the cats out of their crates. Both looked a little bit nervous. Hansel was out of his crate first and looking around as I got everything set up. I put the litter box in the bathroom and filled it up with litter. The cat tower I put up in the corner of the living room. I found a spot in the kitchen to put their food and water bowls. I even got a mat to set their food dishes on. It was black and white and had little fish around the border.

Gretel took a little longer to get accustomed to her new home. Hansel had already found the cat tower and had perched himself right on top. I took this opportunity to put his nametag and collar on him. The collar was blue and had a little blue bell attached to it. The collar had one of those nifty little clasps on it so that it would break away if he got it caught on anything. When I was done with Hansel, I found Gretel hiding behind the couch. I attached her collar. It was hot pink and had a little black bow and bell.

I left the cats on their own, I needed to get myself ready for work. I jumped in the shower and shaved my legs. When I was done I found both cats had made themselves right at home in the middle of my bed, curled up together. They were lucky they were so damn cute. I smiled to myself and quickly got dressed before loading my workbag with clean outfits. I pulled the hat box out of my closet and counted out enough to cover my house fee before returning the nearly full box back to its spot.

As I was headed out the door I stopped. I wanted to make sure the cats had everything they needed. I checked their food and water bowls to make sure they were full, checked the bathroom door to make sure it was open for them to use the litter box, and made sure the basket of toys was where they could find it. After double-checking everything, I headed out to Hades. On the short drive I found myself worried about Hansel and Gretel. Thinking that maybe I should have stayed home with them to make sure they were adjusting to their new environment. I was going to end up a crazy cat lady if I kept this up. I laughed as I pictured myself sitting in a rocking chair with a room full of cats as I knitted a blanket for them. Yeah that was so going to be me in a few years. Maybe I should learn how to knit now; then I’ll be ahead of the game.

I pulled up to Hades and went inside. Making my way to the dressing room, I sat down at my station.

I busied myself with make-up and getting ready, the whole time wondering about Bryce and the cats. For a while, the cats had managed to distract me from thinking about Bryce. Shit, did I really agree to meet up with him for drinks on Monday? And why did I agree to make it a girls’ night out? What was I thinking? I don’t even drink. The last time I went out dancing or for a girls’ night I was eighteen and my friends and I had fake IDs.

“Faith!” Melody plopped down in the seat next to me.

“How’s Fishy?” I asked her, not looking up from gluing on my fake eyelashes.

“Awesome! How are the kitties liking their new home?” she asked, pulling out her make-up kit and emptying it on the counter in front of her.

“Making themselves right at home. So, about Monday, you know we don’t have to go out for drinks or anything if you don’t really want to.”

“What, are you serious? I already have my outfit picked out, and Jade is on board. You are not getting out of this. It was your idea and we are so going.”

“Fine.” I smiled at her.

I finished my make-up and went into the bathroom to attach my pasties. When I returned, Melody was done with her make-up and straightening her hair. “So where are we headed Monday? Any ideas?” she asked.

I pulled my phone out of my purse to see if Bryce had replied to my text.


Shelby’s 7ish?


“What about Shelby’s?” I asked her, as I went through my bag trying to decide what to wear.

“Oh, I haven’t been there in forever. And they have live music. That will be perfect.”

“Awesome,” I said as I pulled a gold, glittered, tube dress over my head, and slipped my feet into a pair of black strappy six-inch heels. “Now, hurry up and get ready. I am going to go pay my house fee and see how busy it is.” I smiled at her as I adjusted my wig into place.

“I’m almost ready.” She laughed, knowing damn well it would be another twenty minutes before she was finally done.

“Uh-huh, sure you are.” I walked out of the dressing room.

The club was full and normal for a Saturday night. I made my way to the bar and paid my house fee.

“How’s it going, Faith?” Katy asked as I sat down at the bar.

“Good, how are the guys tonight?”

“We have actually been pretty busy tonight. Can I get you your usual?”

“Yes, please.” I smiled at her, before turning around to check out the crowd. Ebony was on stage with Sunny. Sunny flipped her long blonde hair all over the place as Ebony seductively danced around the pole. Not a single seat was empty around the stage.

“See, told you I was almost ready.” Melody smirked as she took the seat next to me. “Oh, I forgot to show you!” She squealed as she pulled out her phone. “Look at Fishy in his new home.” She shoved her phone in front of my face.

“Fishy looks very happy,” I told her as she flipped from one pic to the next. I realized I hadn’t taken the time to snap any pictures of my cats, making me feel like a bad mom.

“Hey girls.” Jade greeted us as she joined us at the bar. “Monday night at Shelby’s, huh?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Melody answered.

“Does this mean tomorrow we need to do some shopping to find ourselves something to wear?” she asked, reaching over the bar to retrieve tonight’s list.

“Oh, definitely.” Melody nodded.

“Shall we meet for lunch around eleven and head to the mall after?” Jade asked.

“Works for me.” I smiled.
Shit, I didn’t even think about a new outfit. I am so behind when it comes to going out

My wardrobe consisted of yoga pants, t-shirts, and hoodies, maybe a few pair of jeans, and a couple of mother-approved dresses—along with a few evening gowns that were worn only to functions with my parents that I couldn’t get out of. None of these would be appropriate for a night out.


BOOK: Faith (Hades Angels #1)
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