Face the Music (A Brothers of Rock - GONE BY AUTUMN - Novel) (6 page)

BOOK: Face the Music (A Brothers of Rock - GONE BY AUTUMN - Novel)
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Asher spoke into the mic, “Thank you. Thank you all for making my dream real.”

Asher hugged Ryan, then bumped fists - right fists - with JT, and then left the stage. He handed the guitar off and started to jog. He made it three steps before Sam was at his side.

“Regret that?” Sam asked.

“Never, but fuck… I need some ice and a drink, man.”

Asher took a seat and gritted his teeth through the pain. Sam returned with a towel full of ice and a glass of whiskey.

“Cheers,” Sam said. “You crazy asshole.”

“What?” Asher asked. He put the ice on his hand and it felt a little better.

“We can't lose you any longer than we already are, Asher,” Sam said. “This next promotion…”

“I don’t want to hear it. I have to play. That felt good. It only started hurting after I was done. I’ll call the doctor tomorrow.”

“No, you won’t. But I will.” Sam shook his head. “Now stay out of trouble for the rest of the night.”

“Yes, boss,” Asher said.

Five minutes later, his glass of whiskey was empty. He wasn’t sure if it was the ice or the whiskey, but his hand was feeling better. Asher got to his feet and set his sights back to the stage. Not to try to play again, no. Besides, Gone by Autumn was finishing up the set and about to go into an encore.

Asher wanted to keep an eye on Jocelyn. There was no way she was getting away so easily tonight.

Not a chance.




The first time Chad hit Jocelyn, it was a complete and total shock. To the point that Jocelyn actually just froze in place, her mind unable to comprehend the pain in her cheek. She had just stared at him, her eyes filling with tears but none of them streaming down her cheek. A second later, Chad grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her in for a hug.

I’m sorry, I had to. Just to get you to be quiet. For a second. Okay, baby?

Jocelyn didn’t knee him in the balls or scream for help. She simply nodded and promised herself it would never happen again. After the third… maybe fourth… time it happened, Jocelyn stopped keeping count. It quickly became all about how to avoid putting Chad in a position that he felt he had to swing at her.

She knew it was wrong and maybe even a little pathetic, but by then Jocelyn had nowhere to go. She was alone in a world that continued around her, and no one even noticed that she had become a shell of who she used to be. Not even her father.

She was numb to it now.

When she saw the excited look in Chad’s eyes after the Gone by Autumn show ended, Jocelyn turned, not wanting him to touch her. But he put his hand to her back. She stiffened, but didn’t dare pull away.

“This is big,” he growled at her. “They’re thinking of walking away.”

“Why?” she asked.

“Designs. You don’t seem quite enthusiastic.”

Jocelyn slowly looked at Chad. There was still a mountain of tension from the other night. After leaving him passed out in his bed, Jocelyn was bombarded at the office with a million questions the next morning. Jocelyn tried to act like she was doing him a favor and allowing him to get some rest, but as she spoke she spent more time licking her lips than talking. Chad accused her of lying and demanded she give him her cell phone records.

And it had been getting progressively worse since.

Jocelyn didn’t want these people having a say in her business. They were drunk, almost unruly, and nothing they said gave her confidence that their investment was legal or would help the business.

“I’m sorry I didn’t bring more designs,” Jocelyn said.

“Are you getting smart with me?”

“Wouldn’t it be easier to have a real meeting? So we can show everything? Without the music and the people…”


“Hey, Chad, my man,” a hand clamped down on Chad’s shoulder.

Chad turned. “Christen. Talk to me.”

Jocelyn’s nerves pinched when Chad tried to act cool.

“We’re splitting. There’s a wicked party a little bit away. We want to keep this going.”

“We can join you,” Chad said.

“No, man. Take the little lady home. She looks tired.”

“Well, can we at least shake on the idea of…?”

Christen shook his head. “Hey, you’re a man of ideas, right? You’ll get something. When you do, call me again. I’m always up for a few drinks and some talk.”

Just like that, whatever deal Chad had been working on was crushed. And just like that, fear spread through Jocelyn’s entire body.

When Chad looked at her again, his eyes narrowed. The veins in his neck were pulsing. “Let’s talk outside.”

Jocelyn looked around for help, but there was none. In a place with well over a thousand people, there was no damn help. Not unless she screamed and unleashed hell.

But before she could even contemplate having the strength to do something bold, Chad had her by the arm and was pulling her. They went out the same side door from the other night. Jocelyn found herself praying that the guitarist was out there again.


The first thing Chad did was look around.

That’s how Jocelyn knew it was coming.

She tried to step back but hit the wall. Chad came at her, stopping inches from her face.

“You ruined that deal,” he growled. “On purpose. You didn’t want it, did you?”

“Chad… please…”

“Don’t fucking please me.”

“You’re drunk. And angry. The company is doing fine, okay? This quarter we’ll…”

Chad made a fist and hit the side of the building just an inch away from Jocelyn’s head. She stiffened and let out a cry.

“You know how I feel,” Chad growled.

“Stop this,” Jocelyn said. “It’s my company, too.”

“You don’t know what you’re doing. Without me, you’d be broke. You’d be home with your daddy. You know I’m right. So if I say we’re going to get investors, then you shut up and listen. You bring your best stuff and you fucking sell it. Look at what you’re wearing. You look like a bum, Jocelyn.”

Jocelyn swallowed hard. Her bottom lip quivered. “I like… how…”

“Shut up,” Chad said.

“Maybe you should shut up,” Jocelyn said.

She regretted the words as they poured from her mouth. She regretted it even more when Chad’s hand swung at her. The slap was met with a stinging pain. Jocelyn turned and grabbed her cheek.

“Want more?” Chad yelled.

She felt him grab her shoulder and stand her back up against the wall. His hand remained on her shoulder, inching closer to her neck.

He’s never choked me before… but what’s to stop him now?

“What the fuck are you doing?”

It was a third voice, a saving voice.

Jocelyn turned her head and blinked away tears to see who it was.

Holy hell, it was Asher. And he was charging toward Chad.

“Don’t,” Jocelyn said.

“Get out of here,” Chad said. He took his hand away from Jocelyn. “Mind your own damn business. Go play a song or something.”

“Are you okay?” Asher asked, ignoring Chad.

Jocelyn didn’t respond.

“Did you hear me? Asshole?”

Chad grabbed Asher’s shoulder and pushed. Asher turned and threw a right fist, connecting with Chad’s face. Jocelyn had never seen Chad get hit before. He spun, blood spraying, and dropped to his knees.

“Don’t touch me,” Asher said.

He then looked at Jocelyn. When he reached for her, she flinched. She hated being so afraid right now. Asher put his hands up.

“Whoa, it’s okay, love,” Asher said. “Are you… Christ, did he hit you?”

Jocelyn touched her cheek. It burned.


Jocelyn couldn’t stop him. Asher turned and Chad was looking up at him.

“You hit her?” he asked.

“It’s none of your business,” Chad said. “You have no idea who I am.”

“Yeah? And you have no idea who I am.” Asher swung his foot and hit Chad in the gut. Chad let out a growling cry and fell to his side. “You don’t ever fucking touch a woman, asshole. Not like that. If you ever hit her again… I swear…”

Jocelyn caught herself smiling. She found strength and reached forward, grabbing at Asher.

He spun back around. For a split second, Jocelyn saw herself kissing him.

But she didn’t.

“Are you okay?” he asked, again.

“No,” Jocelyn said. “I…”

“Come with me,” Asher said. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

Jocelyn let Asher take her by the hand. When he moved, she moved. They started to head down the side of the building. Jocelyn looked back one time, her hair drifting into her face. She saw Chad getting to his feet, staring at her. Blood on his face, he looked winded and hurt.

Good. You bastard. Hurt. I want you to hurt…

She then turned back around and kept following Asher. To where? She had no idea. All she knew was that a perfect stranger had just shown her with one punch how a real man is supposed to treat and protect a woman. And all she wanted right now was to know more about this man.



Asher never thought a time would come when he’d feel thankful for not drinking too much. But tonight was the night. Truth was that his hand had started to bother him again. The ice had melted and the glass of whiskey had all but worn off. He didn’t want to show any signs of weakness in front of the band so he split outside for some air. He wanted some space to reflect on what he’d done. The insanity of getting on stage and playing long before a doctor would logically clear him. He knew that meant it would be a hell of a fight to do it again.

But Asher always did what his heart told him to do. So when he heard a yell from around the corner of the building, his heart reacted. Finding Jocelyn pinned against a wall with that asshole about to attack, was not something he ever thought he’d see.

Asher loved a good fight. It was actually how he met the guys in Gone by Autumn and ended up in the band. That was a whole other story though. Point being, Asher saw someone in need and he wanted to help. The fact that it was the stunning woman from the other night -
those wild eyes, man
- it sent him into overdrive.

And now he was driving his car, silently nursing his left hand while his right hand was on the steering wheel. His middle and ring finger knuckles were bloody and swollen. Jocelyn was quiet. From what he could see when he glanced over at her, she was biting on her hand, staring out the window.

“Where to?” Asher asked.

Jocelyn finally looked at him. “I told myself it was just once. You know? Probably like most do.”

“What’s that, love?” Asher asked.

He stopped at a red light and looked at Jocelyn. Her eyes, even in the mostly dark car, were still beautiful. They were deep and penetrating. The kind of eyes that could make an honest man out of him.

“What the hell am I doing?” Jocelyn whispered. “Jesus Christ, I'm so sorry. I dragged you into that. Chad is…”

“That guy? His name is Chad?”

Jocelyn nodded.

“Look at me, love,” Asher said. “Look me right in my eyes.”

Jocelyn did. Asher felt a flutter in his chest.

“Chad is never going to do that again. He’s never going to touch you again.”

“That’s what you think,” Jocelyn said. “It’s not that easy. We’re too involved.”

“What? Married? Engaged? Have a kid together or something?”

“Nothing like that,” Jocelyn said. “Far from all that. It’s all business…”

A car horn beeped. Asher looked in his mirror and saw someone behind him waving their hands. He rolled down his window and waved for them to pass by. They did. Along with a second car. But a car stopped at green light attracted attention that Asher hadn't considered.

“Love, you can’t…”

From the corner of his eye, Asher saw a group of people. When he looked, he saw people were starting to come near his car.

“Oh, shit,” he growled. “Hold on. I have to get out of this.”

“Who are they?” Jocelyn asked.

“Fans. Press. Hoping for the next Asher nightmare to share with the world.” He looked at Jocelyn again. “I’m sorry to do this… but you might want to cover your face. So you don't end up in the middle of a tabloid…”

Jocelyn turned her head.

Asher forced his left hand to work as he gripped the wheel with both hands. He gently eased forward and kept moving, making sure he didn’t run anyone over.

When people were close enough, it was a mix of yells.

I love you, Asher!

Great show, man!

You fucking rock!

Asher, how’s your hand?

Whose fault was the accident?

Do you plan on suing?

Asher, will you sign my shirt?

Who’s the woman in the car?

Can I get a ride, man?

Asher smiled and waved a few times, keeping the car moving. When he found a small opening, he took a right turn and then sped up. A few seconds later, the people were out of sight and he and Jocelyn were alone again.

“Hey, sorry about that,” Asher said.

Jocelyn nodded. “That’s okay. I’m sorry I put you in this situation.”

“You didn’t put me in anything. Just give me a destination.”

“I don’t know,” she whispered.

It cut right through Asher. He nodded. “Okay, not a problem. We’ll keep driving.” Asher licked his lips. “Any chance you want to call the police?”


“Well, he hit you, right?”

“Oh, that. Yeah. I mean, it wasn’t… I don’t need to call anyone.”

Her voice was flat, defeated. It made Asher grit his teeth. He wanted to go back and run that asshole over with his car.

“You don’t deserve that,” Asher said.

“How do you know that?”

“Seriously? I don’t give a shit what you could have done to him. Nobody deserves to be smacked in the face, love.”

Jocelyn took a shaky breath and nodded. She played with her fingers. Asher took a chance and moved his right hand toward her, just wanting to comfort her for a second. But when Jocelyn flinched and pressed against the door, he pulled away.

“It’s okay,” Asher said.

“No it’s not. Goddamnit, stop saying that.”

Asher opened his mouth, but then shut it. He focused on the road. There was only one place left to go right now. He wasn’t going to spend the rest of the night burning gas and collecting mileage to nowhere. Although, sometimes going nowhere was a perfect destination.

BOOK: Face the Music (A Brothers of Rock - GONE BY AUTUMN - Novel)
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