Read Extraction Point (Ricochet #3) Online

Authors: Heather C. Leigh

Extraction Point (Ricochet #3) (7 page)

BOOK: Extraction Point (Ricochet #3)
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He wrapped his arms around her back, hugging her closely, but gently to his body. She never felt as safe as she did in Rick’s arms. Her fears melted into the background until she could almost feel normal.

Normal. What’s that?





Rick tensed up, waiting for Quinn to ask her questions. Questions he couldn’t answer. He wouldn’t reveal Mack’s secret— the business hidden behind the façade of a training facility. Not without Mack’s blessing first.

“How did you find me at my dad’s?”

That’s an easy one. And one I already answered.

“I told you in the hospital, doll.”

“Mack told you my dad had a house on the lake, so you went to check it out on a hunch. Just… where was Travis? Did you see him?”

Rick’s heart plunged into his stomach. He
didn’t want to have this conversation. His body tensed when he heard that bastard’s name.

“No, I didn’t see him. Doll, I told you all this already. Don’t you remember our conversation?”

“I know you did. I had a head injury so my memory is fuzzy. It … it feels like I don’t know everything that happened. Can you humor me, please?” Quinn bit her lip, obviously struggling with her next question.

“Just ask, Quinn. What do you want to know?”

Her small frame began to shake on his lap. Rick could feel the tremors as he held her. “Where is he now?” she whispered.

“I don’t know.” Rick admitted. Defeated, he began rubbing his hands up and down Quinn’s back as he tried to give her reassurance. “He wasn’t there and he didn’t show up.” Tucker had tried finding the man, but he had disappeared into thin air.

All I know is that he’s not back in Texas, which means he’s either coming back to try again or he knows he’s being watched. My bet is that the idiot isn’t leaving Georgia without Quinn.

“What if he comes for me?”

was the million-dollar question.

“He won’t get near you, Quinn. I won’t allow it.”

She snuggled in closer, making herself even smaller as if that were possible. Rick wanted to kill that motherfucker for what he did to Quinn. If Travis were to come anywhere near the gym or his girl, Rick had no problem putting a bullet right between his eyes.


“No. It’s not healthy for you to stress out thinking about that asshole. I’ve got it covered. He. Will. Not. Get. You. Not without going through me.”

Rick pulled back so Quinn could see that he was serious.

Another shudder wracked her body, but she nodded dutifully, putting her faith in Rick and his ability to protect her.

I won’t fail you, doll. If I have to kill him with my bare hands, I will.

He rocked her back and forth, knowing that as safe as he could make her feel, he still couldn’t erase the memories of what she already suffered. And that was the most frustrating part of this whole fucked up scenario.





Rick entered Sanctum the next day, clasping Quinn’s hand in his. He didn’t want her left alone, and she seemed somewhat better when they were together, so it worked out perfectly. Except for days like today, when he had a meeting with Mack.

“I don’t need a babysitter, Rick.”

They had been over this again and again. “Quinn, please, not today, doll. Humor me and stay nearby.”

He took her silence as a grudging consent, so he left it at that.

Rick dug in his pocket, removing his key card, giving her a sharp look that dared her to argue with him. They passed the empty front desk to enter the main area of the gym. He swiped his card and held the door open for her to pass through first.

“Rick! Quinn! Good to see you.”

Clint stood next to one of the treadmills. He was wiping his face and chest with a towel before he shrugged on a threadbare T-shirt.

“Hi Clint.” Quinn gave him a peck on the cheek.

“Hey stud.” Rick shook hands with his friend, who rolled his eyes at Rick’s ridiculous nickname.

Clint looked back and forth between Rick and Quinn. “You here for the meeting with Mack?” he asked Rick.

“Yes. Quinn is going to hang out in here until we’re done.” He heard her huff of annoyance and ignored it. She would just have to get used to him watching out for her. Rick spotted Xavier on the far end of the room, covering his fingers and wrists with bright yellow hand wraps. “Xav!” Rick left Quinn with Clint to jog over to where Xavier was sitting.

“What’s up, Ricochet?” He didn’t stop wrapping as he spoke.

“I have a meeting with Clint and Mack about that asshole ex of Quinn’s. She’s going to sit in here or hang in the break room. Is that okay?”

Xav looked up at him. “Yeah man. My new trainee, Devin should be here soon. We’re supposed to spar.”

Rick frowned. Quinn wouldn’t want to watch the men fight but he had no choice. “Don’t mind her then. She’s been real jumpy since… you know… so don’t make any sudden movements or act weird.”

Xavier stood and punched Rick’s shoulder—hard. “Shut the fuck up, Rick. I’ve been training the girl for months. I know how to act around her.” Rick could see the insult on Xavier’s face.

“Alright, fine. Just keep an eye out, that’s all. She doesn’t want to be here, but it makes me feel better.”

“You got it.”

Rick turned and walked back to where Clint and Quinn were discussing something about Mara, a new cocktail she invented, and the aftermath the next day. Quinn was laughing, a wide smile on her face. It took Rick’s breath away to see her happy again. After what she suffered through, he didn’t think it would happen again for a long time.

“Okay doll. Clint and I have to go meet with Mack. We’ll be in the conference room. You’re good here, right?”

“Yes. I’m fine. Go. Work. You’ve missed too much as it is.” She tried to physically push Rick towards the hall, but he was too big for her to maneuver.

Rick snickered at her attempt to manhandle him. “You’re adorable.” He bent over and stole a quick kiss. Then another. “See you in a little while.” He lingered, not wanting to leave her side after spending nearly every minute together for three straight weeks.

“Go!” Quinn said, exasperated at his stalling.

“Stay here,” he said one last time. She rolled her eyes, making him grin.

“C’mon lover boy.” Clint grabbed Rick’s arm and yanked him down the hall. “See you later Quinn!” he called out over his shoulder.

“Bye Clint!”

Rick tugged his arm out of Clint’s grasp. “I can walk, stud.”

“Uh-huh. Maybe in between making lovey-eyes with Quinn.”

Faking annoyance, Rick shoved Clint through the conference room door. Clint hit the table, nearly upending it with his massive height and weight. Taking up the challenge, he lunged for Rick, who ducked out of the way just in time.

“Are you two done?”

Both men turned towards their boss, huge grins on their faces. Rick couldn’t believe how good it felt to act normal again, laughing and joking around. Then he noticed the file on the table in front of Mack, with a photo of Travis Hardy on top, and his good mood evaporated instantly.

“Yeah chief. I’m ready.”

Rick dropped into the chair next to Mack. Clint took the seat opposite, on Mack’s other side.

“What’s the plan, Mack?” Clint took his copy of the file, opening it up and riffling through the pages.

“That’s what we’re here for,” Mack said, making eye contact with Rick, “to make a plan.”

The three men exchanged glances.

Clint spoke first. “Let’s nail this fucker.”





“I’ll show it to you again, alright?”

Quinn watched intently as Xavier grabbed the other fighter’s arm, pretended to knee him in the stomach, and shoved him to the ground in one smooth move.

He stopped and focused his dark eyes on Quinn. She shivered at the sheer power of the tall, muscular man. “Think you got it?”

The other fighter, a guy named Devin that showed up a few minutes ago for a session with Xavier, stood up and smiled.

“I think so.” Quinn nodded.

“Here, come try.” She felt her pulse begin to flutter rapidly, unable to control the anxiety that raced through her when confronted with her worst fears. Facing down a large, dangerous man. Quinn licked her lips nervously, but forced her feet to move forward.

Gently, Xavier coaxed her over to stand in front of the other fighter. “Right here, okay?” He maneuvered Quinn so she was standing just inches from Devin. His presence was intimidating, but he was smaller than Xavier and Rick, and he was smiling kindly at her. It was hard to be afraid when he seemed so nice.

Quinn swallowed loudly, sure that both men could hear it.

“Devin is going to pretend to grab you. You do the moves. Don’t worry about hurting him, he’s tougher than he acts even though he’s just a big softie.”

That actually made Quinn laugh, because Devin seemed pretty tough. The young fighter smirked, looking away as his cheeks turned red.

He’s blushing? Wow. He really is a big softie.

The fact that this big, scary looking guy could be embarrassed gave her the confidence she needed. Quinn stood up tall, her muscles tense and ready for the attack.

Xavier backed up a few steps. “Go!”

Devin pretended to grab at Quinn. She reacted, pulling his arm down so his abdomen met with her uplifted knee. Then she imitated kicking him in the balls and shoving the heel of her hand in his face.

“Great!” Xavier was clapping, his grin wide and radiant.

“That was awesome.” Devin smiled down at her, clearly impressed that such a tiny woman could attempt to fight him.

“Thanks. I had a good teacher.” She glanced over at Xavier as he beamed like a proud parent.

“Nah, she’s a fast learner. You just need to keep up your skills so you don’t lose them. We can set up regular times again once you’re feeling better.”

Quinn frowned. She didn’t want to think about what had happened with Travis. The reminders, especially the way Rick hovered over her, were sometimes overwhelming.

“We’re going to spar in the cage now. Will you be okay?”

She woke from her daydream to find both men staring at her. “Yeah, I’m fine.” Suddenly, she felt suffocated. There were too many eyes on her all the time, reminding her of the horrors she suffered through. Every pity filled look, whether they realized it or not, brought her back to her father’s house, back under Travis’ cruel fists.

“I’m just going to grab a book from my apartment. I’ll be right back.” She said it quietly, so they wouldn’t stop her. Quinn had to get out of here before a full-out panic attack started. A bead of sweat was forming between her shoulder blades and her breath was becoming too fast. Quinn glanced over at the two men, who were busy getting ready for the ring, not paying her any attention.

As she ducked out, she heard Xavier telling Devin, “We’ll start with some kicks, okay?”

Freaking out, she sprinted out the door, through the lobby, and burst out into the warm sunshine. Quinn took several deep breaths, trying to clear her head of her demons.

Will I ever be able to forget? Or not panic from my thoughts?

At this point, she didn’t think she would.





“Well, it’s not much of a plan,” Rick said, leaning back in his chair.

“What do you expect, Rick? We have no idea where the man is.” Clint glared at the photo in his hand as he spoke. “Bastard fell off the face of the earth.”

Rick smiled, a wicked sense of satisfaction building in his mind. “What’s the chance that he went and offed himself, saving us the effort?”

Mack grunted. “None. Men like him don’t commit suicide. Not unless they’re taking out the one they blame their misery on at the same time.”

A chill swept up Rick’s spine, making the fine hairs on his neck stand up. “You mean a murder/suicide? And Quinn, right?”

Neither man said a word as Rick flicked his gaze back and forth between them. “You think he’ll come back to kill her. That’s what you’re saying?” Distressed, Rick balled up a piece of paper from his file, squeezing it in his hand.

“It’s the most likely scenario, and you know it, Rick,” Clint said. “She escaped from his abuse, then slipped out of his grasp again. He wants revenge, and it’s clear who he blames for his unhappiness.”

blames Quinn for
unhappiness!” Rick shoved his chair back, shouting in disbelief. “The man kept her prisoner in her own home for two years! She was raped and beaten on a regular basis—by her husband! And he fucking blames her?”

“Calm down, Rick.” Mack’s sharp tone made Rick snap his head in his boss’s direction.

Rick slapped his hands on the table top, glaring at his boss— more than a boss. Mack was a friend, and a good one. “I’ll fucking calm down when he’s dead and buried, preferably by my hand.”

“Maybe you’ll get your chance, Ricochet,” Clint said as he stood to leave the room. “We can only hope.”

Rick watched the big man exit and turned back to Mack, who was scratching the grey stubble on his chin thoughtfully. “I want to speak to Tucker about what he’s found so far. Is he in Mission Control today?”

“No. We don’t have any active ops right now, so he’s working remotely only as needed.” Mack continued to rub his beard. Rick got the impression that the man was doing some hard thinking.

“In that case, I’m going to head in there and do a few searches. That alright with you, chief?” Rick was eager to get into Mission Control without Tucker hanging over his shoulder.

Mack didn’t respond.


Finally, the older man dismissed Rick with a wave of his hand, never looking his way. “Go ahead.” Rick’s brow wrinkled up at Mack’s inattention.

“Alright then,” he whispered to himself as he punched in the code to open up the secure door.

Rick settled himself down in Tucker’s big comfy chair, logging into the system with his password. He began his virtual hunt for Travis Hardy, his fingers tapping on the keyboard. “Where are you, you sick mother fucker?”

As he typed, he imagined putting a bullet between the man’s eyes and smiled.

BOOK: Extraction Point (Ricochet #3)
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