Exposed: New Adult Sport Romance (The Boys of Winter Book 5) (22 page)

BOOK: Exposed: New Adult Sport Romance (The Boys of Winter Book 5)
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Mandy says, “Oh, my God. You two are so cute.”

It’s good she spoke because I was about to attack Neal, having forgotten she was here. “Mandy, I’m all set if you want to go.”

“Sure thing.” She walks toward the office to get her coat.

Neal flips his palms up and wraps his fingers around my hands. “I thought we could go to my apartment. I have some wine and cheese, and we can watch a movie if you’d like.”

I smile at him, but TV is the last thing on my mind. “The wine and cheese part sounds nice.”

Neal’s eyes crinkle as he grins, and I guess he’s fine with skipping the movie too. I pull away to put on my jacket. The soft nylon lining of my wool swing coat slides easily over my arms as Neal flicks off the lights.

He takes my bag as we walk toward the door. Cold air soothes my flushed cheeks when we get outside, and I fumble with my key to lock up Ruby Raines. I giggle when it takes me three tries to get it in. “Sorry, I’m a little nervous.”

“Me, too. The wine should help.”

I snort, remembering what I was like the night we had dinner at Stone Soup. “Yeah, it will.” I snake my arm around the one he holds out to me.

“Right this way.”

Strong winds are blowing snow flurries around, and they’ll probably turn into a storm tonight. The walk to Neal’s is quick, and he stops us before a door I never noticed before. It’s tucked between two stores, and I roll my eyes at myself because I can be so clueless sometimes.

Neal is cleverer with a key than I was and lets us in on the first try. The stairway is narrow, and our feet clunk up wooden steps in time with the pounding of my heart. When we reach the top there’s a small landing with a door to the right and one to the left where we turn. I wonder who lives in the other apartment as a lock clicks open.

We enter to a living room with a large-screen TV on the far wall. A brown leather couch and matching chair are set before it. The kitchen is a tiny efficiency on the left with a small counter that can seat two separating it from the rest of the space.

Neal takes my coat and hangs it on a hook below a large blackboard that covers the right wall up to a point I can’t reach.

Neal’s arm sweeps out as he says, “Welcome to my current home.”

I wander into a living room done in dark shades of blue that scream bachelor. A small hallway is off to the right beside the TV wall, and I assume it leads to the bathroom and bedroom. I hope I’ll find out.

I turn to face the kitchen where Neal is opening a bottle of wine. The corkscrew squeaks as he twists it. I say, “It’s wonderful. You’re awfully neat, aren’t you?”

“I confess, I cleaned earlier.” Red liquid glugs into a goblet, and my mind immediately envisions him changing the sheets on his bed.

I take the wine he offers and wait for him to fill his glass too. He asks, “Hungry?”

I take a sip and shake my head. Holding the liquid on my tongue, I let the flavor soak in. “This is nice.”

Neal comes around the counter toward me. “Yeah, it’s Italian and—” He stops when he gets to me and takes my hand. I sway a little toward him when he does, and he says, “I don’t think you care right now, do you?”

I shake my head and lick my lips as he lowers his mouth toward mine and whispers, “Neither do I.”

His kiss is tender, and he breaks away, leaving me wanting so much more as we move toward the couch. Our glasses thud softly on the wood coffee table, and Neal wraps an arm around my waist to pull me against his body.

Threading his fingers through my hair, he takes my mouth with purpose and I melt into our kiss. Our tongues dance with each other as desire burns low in my stomach. Neal breaks away and lowers himself to the couch. He pats his lap. “Can we pick up where we left off?”

I nod as I lift my skirt and straddle him. The moment I make contact with his hardness I know I want all of him tonight, and my anxiety fades. I reach for Neal’s shirt, and the plastic button is smooth in my fingers when I begin to undo it. Words fail me as my shyness takes over, and I rely on body language to make my intentions clear.

He gets my message and tugs the fabric out of his pants to make things easier. I lean down and taste his neck as I push starched cotton off his shoulders. His skin is smooth under my fingers, and I move my hands down to his chest as my kisses make him moan.

Neal’s strong hands have reached under my layers and are on my lower back. I want him to touch more and break away to take off my blouse. Letting my gaze take in his well-defined chest, I sigh. “You’re beautiful.”

“I think I’m the one that’s supposed to say that.”

My shirt lands on the floor with a soft whoosh, and Neal grips my arms lightly as he begins to kiss my neck. Shivers of desire race through me, and I arch my back, offering myself to him.

As Neal’s hand cups my breast, his mouth moves lower, and I can’t take it. I grab the hem of my tank top and pull it off over my head to reveal my demi-cup bra. My nipples are hard and poking against the thin silk. I’m suddenly aware just how thin the material is when his finger flicks across one.

My gasp seems to spurn Neal on, and he reaches behind my back to unhook the band as his tongue darts under the silk to taste me. I practically tear it off to get his mouth on my tender peaks. “Oh, God. Yes.”

He sucks on my breast, and my core pulses with need. I savor the sensations and cradle his head to my chest. As much as I want Neal inside me, I enjoy foreplay and let him give me pleasure.

Neal kisses his way back up to my neck. Hot breath sets me trembling when he says, “Can we move this to the bedroom?”

I stand and reach for his hand. “Yes.”

Both of us are topless, and I embrace brazenness as he leads me down the hall. At the edge of his king-sized bed, he orders me to sit and pulls off my boots. Once he’s done I stand and lower my skirt.

Metal clinks as Neal removes his belt, and I’m about to pull my panties off, too, when he says, “Don’t. I want to reveal that secret part of you slowly.”

Neal is in just his briefs and lowers himself to his knees. Strong hands grip my butt and he places his mouth on my stomach to begin nibbling his way down. When his fingers slide under the elastic of my underwear, I take in a shaky breath, understanding his intentions.

I grew to like oral sex with Trevor, but I haven’t been comfortable with it since then. I would let it happen but count down the seconds before I could push the guy away to move on.

Glancing down at Neal he traps me in his gaze as moisture pools between my folds. He whispers, “Are you okay with this?”

I nod as my stomach twitches from his tongue moving lower on my belly. Neal says, “On the bed.”

I perch myself on the edge and fall back when he lifts my legs to place my thighs on his shoulders. A thick comforter cuddles my body, and the moment his mouth takes me I clutch the soft fabric in my hands.

Neal definitely knows what he’s doing, and I’m mewling like a kitten within moments. My orgasm crashes through me instead of building slowly, and I’m deaf to my cries as I let Neal keep me there longer than I knew possible.

I’m still quaking when he stands to remove his briefs. I sit up to watch and don’t bother to hide my fascination with his erection. It’s thick and long, jutting up against his stomach. I reach out a hand toward him. “Come here. It’s my turn.”

Neal steps forward, and I grip his cock to lower my mouth onto it. My usual trepidation is gone. Trevor would push to get me to swallow and often pulled my head to bump himself against my throat. I would try to determine when he was about to come so I could pull away in time.

But I trust Neal won’t do that to me and relax as I enjoy the smooth skin on my tongue and the primal noises of pleasure coming from the man I’m with. His body tenses, and he pushes my head gently away. “Your mouth is incredible. I’ll be fantasizing about it now.”

I grin. “Spoken like a true man. I think if you guys could have just that and nothing else, you’d be in heaven.”

Neal shakes his head as we crawl onto the bed. “Oh, no, that’s just the appetizer. I like multiple courses in my meal.”

As if to prove it, he pushes me down on the bed and moves over me. He says, “And I want you to have multiple orgasms, or I won’t feel successful.”

“You’re such an overachiever.”

“Lucky you.” Neal reaches under a pillow, pulls out a condom package with one hand, and moves his other between my legs. He finds my tender nub with his finger, and I flinch at the sensation his touch creates.

He mumbles against my neck. “So responsive, so soft.” His finger enters me and moves in and out slowly. “Move with me. Make it feel good.”

I lift my hips, and he slips a second finger in to fill me more. Hooking one of them, he finds my G-spot, and I flex my core around him as I moan.

“That’s it, Ruby, I want to make you scream for me again.”

Boy, do I. When I’ve recovered, I say, “Your work ethic is admirable.”

Neal chuckles as the condom wrapper tears. “I’m not done yet.”

I reach for the small, greasy disc and place it on the weeping head of his cock. Rolling it down his thickness, I say, “Thank God, because I’m not either.”

He enters me slowly, and I welcome the fullness when he’s in me completely. As I grasp his butt, the muscles are hard in my hands, and I lift my hips to settle him deeper.

His movements draw out my pleasure and bring me slowly toward climax. Neal quickens when I begin to flex and moan. Our panting is sweet music to my ears as I revel in the sensations and the knowledge that he’s feeling it too. He tenses and cries out, “Ruby!”

We crash together and land in a tangled heap of slick skin and rapid breathing. Neal speaks softly, “My fantasies didn’t do us justice. We’re good together.”


Neal rolls off me to deal with the condom. When he lies back down, I lean up on my elbow to gaze into his eyes. He reaches up, twists a strand of my hair, and asks, “Sleepover?”

I smile and lay my head on his chest. “Sleepover.”

Chapter 33

Casey declared another girls’ night, and we’re meeting at Down Under because she’s in the mood for a burger. The fact I can walk to Neal’s apartment when I’m done made it easy for me to go along with her idea. Neal’s working at Stone Soup this evening, but we’ve spent almost every night this week together, and he asked me to stay over tonight too.

I enter the restaurant and inhale the odor of fried food. It makes me crave onion rings. A thin blonde is behind the bar, and I wave to Leanne. She calls me over. “Hey, Neal told me you would be in with your friends and to let you know you should order Neal’s red wine from the waitress. I have what he likes back here.”

I roll my eyes. “I would have been fine with beer.”

She scowls. “It makes him feel good to take care of his girlfriend, let him.”

A male voice calls out. “Hey, where’s Bianca? Isn’t this her night?”

Leanne yells back as she slams a beer mug down. Foam threatens to roll over the top from the impact. “She’s at Stone Soup now. Since that’s too spendy for you, you’re stuck with me.” She mumbles to me. “He just wants to stare at her boobs.”

I flash a sympathetic smile. “Thanks, Leanne.”

I turn to scan the restaurant for the girls. I spy Meagan’s straight hair and make my way over to join my friends in a booth. Lori says to me, “Can you believe Casey’s late? She was so insistent we come here.”

I ask, “Why is that? I thought you liked to do girls’ night at each other’s houses?” The plastic coating of a menu is slippery in my hands when I stack it on top of everyone else’s. I don’t need to look because I have it memorized.

“We do. I think maybe it’s because the guys were going to Tony’s for the football game, and she figured it would be easier for everyone to get safe rides home.” Tony’s Pizza has TVs set up all around the restaurant and is a popular spot for the ski and board instructors to go for sports games.

Nika says, “So what are we drinking? Anyone want beer?”

Lori and Meagan say yes, and I decline. Now that I know I’ll get good wine, I’m in the mood for it. We place a drink order just as Casey breezes in.

I get up to go to the bathroom as she says, “Sorry I’m late. I lost track of time getting ready and then had to get Jason.”

Meagan says, “We ordered you beer, unless you want Neal’s red wine.”

I shrug at the teasing, and Casey asks, “Neal’s red wine? What? Are you two dating yet?”

“I’ll tell you later. I’ll be right back.”

But as I walk away, I hear Nika say, “They’re totally together. It’s adorable.”

I’m in the stall when I hear two girls come in chattering away. One of the voices is Leanne’s. “Yeah, he’s such a snake. I’ll bet she worked hard for that new position.” Two stall doors click shut almost simultaneously.

A different voice says, “She’s been working him hard for months, but I thought he started dating Ruby Raines?”

Oh, crap. They’re talking about Neal.

“Since when did that stop him from screwing around?”

“I heard he’d changed.”

Leanne says, “Yeah, well he gave Bianca the apartment across from his, what do you think?”

A toilet flushes, and the other girl speaks louder. “Whoa. They’re totally fucking each other.”

BOOK: Exposed: New Adult Sport Romance (The Boys of Winter Book 5)
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