Read Everything You Need Online

Authors: Melissa Blue

Tags: #romance, #beach, #interracial romance, #vacation, #contemporary romance, #melissa blue

Everything You Need (4 page)

BOOK: Everything You Need
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His hands had moved to the seams of her dress and she
felt them give at his strong embrace. His manhood pressed firm and
hard against her stomach reminded Hazel this kiss could turn into
so much more than mouths meeting together in the night.

At the thought, another moan escaped and her body
obeyed the silent command. She let her tongue lave each hot, wet
crevice of his mouth until the taste of him took over the remnants
of vodka still there.

He tasted of wet dreams she was sure to have later,
because this kiss couldn’t turn into more. No, it couldn’t turn
into deep, satisfying fulfillment because she wasn’t like every
woman. She wanted more than his body would give her. She had wanted
like this before and it had ended for her in bitter tears and a
broken heart. Not again.

But, oh, how she wanted to be like any woman if what
he was doing with his mouth…She groaned and stepped back.

“Thank you for dinner.” Her voice surprisingly
sounded smooth and calm, unlike the erratic beating of her

She licked her lips and tasted him again. That taste
would forever be branded on her tongue.

His hands relaxed against the smooth material of her
dress. “We’re outside your door.”

She couldn’t decipher his thoughts because his eyes
were still dark as the night surrounding them. The instinct to
raise her pelvis to meet the hard length, flooded through her.
Hazel took another step back and her foot hit the doorstep. “We
can’t do this again.”

“I know.”

“So it’s been fun.” She tried for a flippant tone,
but the words came out husky and breathless.

“I know,” he repeated.

Hazel let out a breath that sounded too full of
regret to her own ears. “Good night.”

She unlocked the door and didn’t bother to turn
around. God knows, she would have changed her mind if she had.


Brice stood outside the door long after Hazel had
slammed it in his face. His intentions hadn’t been to touch her.
Hell, his intentions hadn’t been to go any further than smiling
sweetly, then hitting her between the eyes with his

He’d kissed her. He’d liked it. Now she didn’t want
anything to do with him. Brice was worse off than when he sat in
the stifling trailer to get fired. Or finding out his big plans
were for the birds unless he hauled ass for the next month to fix

He ran an unsteady hand over his face, not letting in
the thought of how much he’d really, really enjoyed the kiss. LL
Cool J started to rap “Mama Said Knock You Out” from his

Brice didn’t want to dwell on what just happened. He
wasn’t even sure what had happened. Bottom line it couldn’t happen
again unless he had a few condoms handy and no will left to stick
to the lifelong dream of creating his own business.

Women like Hazel didn’t settle for strictly sexual
relationships. They asked for your all, without saying a word. Yes,
it’d been a simple kiss, but if Brice went down that road he’d fuck
it up eventually. How many times had he before now? And nothing had

LL Cool J started up again. Turning his back on
Hazel’s door, Brice answered. “Yes, Tony.”

“Where in the hell have you been? I’ve been freezing
my butt off in the car for the past hour.”

The sigh rumbled deep in his chest. This is why he
didn’t turn around to knock on the door. Different name, but the
same road to go down. “I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

“All right. I’ll be in the house.”

A smile broke across his face. Tony’s past wasn’t the
most honest. “You should have done that a long time ago.”

“Didn’t know if you had company. Your car’s parked
out front.”

Brice kept putting one foot in front of the other,
putting more distance between him and that door.

“Yeah, well, no one’s in there. Go ahead and do your
thing.” He hung up the phone, knowing his brother wouldn’t be

Hazel had been his one chance. Well, had to figure
out another one, because he sure as hell wasn’t about to trap
himself into a relationship, even a short term one. He wasn’t built
for relationships.

He stuffed his hands into his pockets to hide the
erection still showing through the pants. But damn, he wanted

Chapter 4


Hazel glared at the vanity mirror. The high back
blocked the light and the view through the bayside window. She
shifted on the edge of the bed and wiggled her fingers.

It wouldn’t be decorating per se if she moved the
mirror to the other side of the room, where the light from outside
could reflect in the mirror. Even if it meant she had to move the
dresser to where the bed now sat. It did not mean she wasn’t
enjoying her vacation.

She narrowed her eyes at the bare spot above the
dresser. Or she could find a nice little painting to go there. Not
a seascape. Seascapes were overdone in beach houses, but something
with color that would play off the tan and peach color scheme.
Hazel closed her eyes.
No, I’m on vacation

She’d already painted her toenails, trimmed the split
ends of her hair, and considered getting a breast lift after
getting a good look at them following her shower. If she sat in the
room any longer that vanity would be moved, along with the dresser
and the bed.

She tried not to let the thought of going to see
Brice settle in. Their kiss last night… Her eyes went back to the
beige vanity. It could use a coat of paint, maybe in the shade of
sun-dusted seashells.

Okay, it was decided. Hazel changed into her workout
gear, took a chilled water from the fridge and hit the beach. This
time she didn’t even make it as far as Brice’s porch before her
legs gave out.

Music blasted from the direction of the house, but
her legs refused to make another move. Sprawled on the beach, her
lungs desperate for air, Hazel threw an arm over her eyes to shade
them from the sun.

Later she might find sand in every crevice, but in
the moment she didn’t care. Hell, Hazel wasn’t decorating, so who
was she to complain? The music lowered and the sound of footsteps
reached her ears.

“I’ve got some muscle rub if you need it,” a man

This man’s timbre went an octave lower than Brice’s,
so it couldn’t be him. She moved her arm a smidgen and took a peak.
His eyes were the same shade of green, but they had flecks of gray
in them. Although he shared the same strong jaw line, and pitch
black hair.

“Your parents have very strong genetics.”

He shadowed the sun, but she could still see the
frown. “Excuse me?”

She stayed in the sand, not trying to sit up. Her
body might give out on her completely. “I’m guessing you’re related
to Brice.”

The smile turned into a mischievous grin. “Oldest
brother. Tony Creed.” He offered his hand. “From the roof I saw you
collapse here on the beach and thought I’d come to help.”

“Do you have a new pair of legs? That’s the only
thing I need right now.” She took his hand and used the force to
stand upright.

“No, but I do have an ice chest full of beer.”

“Sounds tempting.”

“I can also use you to irritate my brother, so if
you’ll let me sweeten the deal I’ll even give you a foot

They had started up the walkway. Hazel bit her lip to
keep from laughing. “Sounds like a very loving family.”

“If love is suffocating, then yes.”

She did laugh this time. “I’ll take the beer and pass
on the foot massage.”

She’d been touched enough by Creed men. Hazel did
note he wore a shirt, but the same type of expensive equipment hung
from his tool belt. Creed Construction lined the top of the belt in
black lettering. She might have been too busy to notice, but she
was pretty sure Brice didn’t have the same engraving on his

On the porch sat four lawn chairs, by the glass
sliding door, along with a propped open ice chest. Brice walked
through the door and stopped. The boom box hung from his hand, and
Hazel feared he would drop it.

Tony gestured toward her. “Found this beauty washed
up on the shore. Decided to bring her here.”

Brice placed the boom box on the ground and reached
for a beer. “Really?” He gazed roved over Hazel. “How many times
has he hit on you in the past ten minutes?”

She pretended to count. “About once every two.”

He tossed a beer to Tony with a little more force
than necessary, adding, “You’re getting soft in your old age.”

“I blame her exhaustion for not falling for my charm.
I haven’t lost my touch. You, on the other hand, need your head

“Am I not standing right here?” Hazel spread out her

Tony patted the seat next to him. “He started it and
he’s in a grumpy mood. You can sit next to me. He might try to bite

Not too bad an idea, she admitted to herself. “I’ll
sit in the middle, since it seems like sibling rivalry hasn’t
outgrown the two of you.”

Brice grunted as he popped the top of a beer, and
handed it to her. “Here, and he started it. What brings you my

Their fingers brushed and she remembered where they’d
been last night and where she wished they’d gone. She cleared her
throat. “I was tempted to decorate, which includes repainting the
vanity mirror in my bedroom.”

He frowned. “I thought you were renting.”

“Worse, I’m staying there for free. I don’t think the
company would appreciate my efforts.”

Tony said, “You’re a decorator?”

“Interior designer. Same difference, depending on who
you are asking.” She took a sip and afterward checked the label.
“Why am I not surprised this is an Italian brand.”

“Our dad would disown us if we didn’t. He has eyes
and ears everywhere, and no, we don’t call him The Don,” Tony
added, smiling that mischievous smile at her again.

“Oh, wow.” She turned to Brice. “Can he turn it off
or is it constant?”

Brice popped the cap on his beer. “My mother has an
ultra sound picture with him smiling like that.”

Tony only shrugged. “Interior designer.” He stuck his
tongue in his cheek and gave Brice a look Hazel didn’t understand.
“Interesting. Are you any good?”

“Tony,” Brice warned.

“No, it’s fine,” Hazel said. “Yes, I was.”

“Past tense?”

“Tony,” Brice said again, steel in his tone. Tony
raised his hands and then took a sip from his beer. Brice said,
“He’s charming, but has no manners.”

“Oh, like the first day I met you?” She said.

Tony chuckled and raised his beer to her and took
another swig.

Brice leaned forward, his thigh brushing hers. “I’ve
since made up for my behavior.” Those emerald eyes met her gaze and
reminded her exactly how he’d made it up.

Heat suffused her cheeks at the innocuous wording.
“You have.”

She concentrated on her beer, trying to forget. It
didn’t help that he refused to wear a shirt. Sweat had curled his
straight locks. Streaks of plaster and dirt marred his chest.
Taking another healthy gulp of beer, she pulled her gaze from him
and focused on Tony. His head was tilted, watching them. She really
had to learn not to stare.

“I was just thinking…” Tony said.

“No,” Brice replied though there wasn’t any venom in
his tone.

“We should go to lunch. All we have are sandwiches
and chips in the fridge. Isn’t there a restaurant or bar nearby
that serves food?”


“Brice took me to one last night. They have

Tony took stock of her again. “Not on a diet?”

“I was running to clear my mind. I probably pulled a
shin in the process.”

A slow smile peaked from the corner of Tony’s mouth.
“I told you I could massage you—”

“No,” Brice said.

Now there was the venom. When Hazel looked at Brice
he was placing his beer next to the chair. His movements weren’t
hurried. If for a moment she thought he was jealous she might not
be offended by his answer.

“Well,” Hazel said, “I guess I’ll head home.”

“To get dressed for lunch?” Brice asked.

The words stilled her. The choruses of “No” made her
think he wanted her gone. It wasn’t like she’d welcomed him with
open arms after their kiss. Most men would have expected her to get
naked, not slam a door in their face. “I thought you wanted

She sipped the beer instead of answering. Tony picked
up on the discomfort and stood.

“I’m going to freshen up.” He pulled a phone out of
his pocket.

Brice watched the movement with a scowl.

“We’ll see you there in an hour?” Tony asked without
looking up.

Hazel glanced at Brice. He answered for her. “She’ll
be there.”

One hand on her waist, Hazel waited until Tony was
out of earshot. “And last night?”

“I don’t know.” He shrugged and brought the bottle to
his mouth. “It was a kiss.”

She remembered how his mouth felt against hers—hot,
wet and soft. Her face flushed again at the memory. “So, you don’t
mind if I go to lunch with you and your brother?”

It felt like territory neither one of them had
prepared to enter, but they were unable to avoid it. He took a drag
from the beer before he answered.

“As long as you’re ready?”

She frowned. “For what?”

He let out a short laugh. “To meet my family. My
brother is probably texting the whole lot of them to meet you.”

Hazel’s frown deepened. “I don’t get it.”

Why would Tony want his family to meet her? She and
Brice had dated once and it ended with both of them being
frustrated and…horny.

Brice shook his head. “I’ll pick you up; that way
we’ll have an escape plan. Dress comfortably in case we have to

She wanted to laugh, but Hazel could tell he wasn’t
kidding. “It’s just lunch.”

He finally met her gaze head on. She sucked in a
breath. Hazel couldn’t pinpoint the emotions swirling behind his
eyes, but she wanted to comfort him. The urge to hold him
overwhelmed the need to kiss him. She took a step back from him and
from the nameless emotion.

BOOK: Everything You Need
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