Read Everything to Him Online

Authors: Elizabeth Coldwell

Everything to Him (3 page)

BOOK: Everything to Him
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“Of course,” Felix replied, “but first, I need to do this…”

He leaned over, and undid the halter fastening of Amber’s top. The paisley print material fell forward, baring her breasts to both men. She made no move to cover herself up.

Josh glanced at Amber’s full, honey-tanned tits, then looked at Felix, as if he was unable to believe what had just happened. Felix suppressed a grin. He hadn’t intended to start stripping his own wife in the middle of the interview, but part of him wanted to show off her beautiful body to their visitor, let Josh know how proud he was of her.

“Wow, you have gorgeous boobs,” Josh told Amber. Like her, he seemed to be waiting for Felix’s permission before he acted on whatever erotic impulse must be coursing through him. When Felix gave a brief nod, he reached out and ran his fingertip over Amber’s nipple. The soft pink bud stiffened at his touch, and Amber let out a little surprised ‘ooh’ of pleasure.

“You like that, don’t you?” Felix’s voice was low, husky, a reflection of his own need. “You like it when he plays with you.”

“Yes,” Amber admitted, as Josh continued to circle his finger over and around her puckered areola. Felix was sure her body must be reacting to Josh’s touch in other ways, heartbeat increasing, pussy swelling, creamy juice trickling into the crotch of her silk panties. He yearned to tug those panties down, revealing her lower lips, unfurling like some exotic hothouse flower, so he could lick up the nectar that poured from them.

“So show him how much you like it.”

Amber reached for the tag of Josh’s zip, pulling it down in a slow, smooth motion. Reaching in between the opened metal teeth, she made a delighted discovery. “He hasn’t got any underwear on, the naughty boy, and his dick’s so warm and hard…”

Felix’s own cock was so hard it almost hurt, trapped in his briefs, and he really should free it. But all his attention was focused on Amber as she brought Josh’s long, smooth length out into the open, and stroked her fingers up and down it. Josh was biting his lip, everything he’d come here to do this afternoon clearly forgotten as Amber toyed with him, easing the velvet sleeve of skin that concealed the rigid core within back and forth, back and forth. Felix knew just how good it felt to be wanked in that way, how Amber knew exactly where to apply a little extra pressure, and how to rub the juice that seeped from its tip over and around the head, making the passage of her fingers even more silky smooth. He envied Josh, experiencing that sweet sensation for the first time.

Judging she’d teased him enough, Amber slid the soft pout of her lips down Josh’s cock. He groaned, closing his eyes briefly as the sensation of being engulfed in her wet mouth registered. When Amber brought her head up again, her coral lipgloss ringed his shaft, almost at its base. Felix marvelled at how much of the guy’s length she’d been able to take.

He loosed his erection from his trousers, feeling it surge up with the desire to receive the same succulent treatment Amber was lavishing on Josh. Moving behind his wife as she crouched on the table, bum thrust back towards him, he cupped her bare tits. They fitted so perfectly in his hands, her pebbled nipples poking hard into his palms, and he winked at Josh over Amber’s head, letting him know that they could both share in the pleasure of fucking this gorgeous, uninhibited woman…


“So what next for Midas? I hear you’re in the market for another radio station.”

It took Felix a few seconds to realise the question had been addressed to him, still lost in the fantasy of Amber giving the young journalist a blow job, of joining in and enjoying his first ever threesome.

He managed to compose his thoughts enough to reply, “Actually, we concluded the deal yesterday, and I’m delighted to welcome Rockplanet Radio to the Midas family. As for the future, well, no one ever knows quite what’s going to happen, particularly in the current climate, but I hope to be running a highly successful business for a very long time to come.”

Josh clicked off the recorder. If he’d noticed that Felix’s mind had been somewhere else for a good portion of the interview—a place where he’d enjoyed, in his fantasies at least, the sight of Amber pleasuring another man—he didn’t say anything. Instead, he stuffed his notes back into his satchel. “I think I’ve got everything I need, but if there’s anything I’m not clear on, is it okay for me to get in touch?”

“Of course,” Amber assured him, sounding to Felix’s ears as though she relished the opportunity to see and speak to Josh again. “Felix will probably be tied up with meetings, but I’ll be around to answer any questions.”

“Excellent.” Josh pulled his phone of his jeans pocket. “You’ve got all the details on the photo shoot next week?”

Amber nodded. “I’m looking forward to playing dress-up. Not that I don’t have enough clothes already, but what girl doesn’t love the thought of trying on outfits that have been chosen specially for her?” A thought seemed to occur to her. “You’re going to be okay to get back to the station, Josh? If not, I’m sure Felix can give you a lift, right, darling?”

“Of course,” Felix said, trying not to think about the emails that would have been arriving while they’d been talking to Josh, emails he should really attending to as soon as possible.

“Thanks, but I arranged with the taxi driver to come and pick me up.” Josh checked the time on his phone display. “Hopefully, he should be here any time now.”

As if on cue, the doorbell pealed.

“Great timing.” Amber grinned. “Well, thanks for coming.”

“And thanks for giving up your time for me,” Josh replied. “It’s been brilliant meeting both of you, and I think you’re going to love the finished interview.”

Felix stood, and escorted Josh to the front door. His cock was still hard in his underwear, and he was glad the baggy cut of his trousers went some way towards disguising an erection that otherwise would have been all too obvious. Amber followed a couple of paces behind, appearing lost in her own thoughts.

On the doorstep, Felix shook hands with Josh, while Amber gave him a kiss on the cheek. The lipgloss smudge she left there reminded Felix irresistibly of the way she’d put her mark on Josh’s cock in his fantasy, and he wondered again just why he was so aroused by the thought of sharing Amber with this man.

They’d barely waved Josh off in the taxi before Felix had pinned Amber up against the wall and was kissing her with the fiercest of hungers.

Chapter Three




Amber didn’t know where Felix’s sudden show of passion had come from, but she couldn’t deny she liked it. Her husband’s hands were on the hem of her skirt, pushing it up towards her waist, while he nipped at the soft, sensitive flesh at the base of her throat with his teeth. She’d thought he’d been distracted while Josh had been interviewing them, his mind elsewhere even though he was giving perfectly bland answers to perfectly bland questions. Had he been thinking about fucking her all that time?

“Why don’t we take this to the bedroom?” she said, as Felix tugged at the halter tie of her top. “Alison might come to tidy up the coffee things and see us.”

“And what if she does?” Felix asked, not pausing in his actions. The top fell open, and he pushed his chest hard against her naked breasts, the chafing of his shirt on her nipples making the buds crinkle. “Doesn’t it turn you on to think of her watching us? Maybe she’d get so horny she’d have to play with herself while I fucked you up against the wall…”

“Hey, where’s all this coming from?” It wasn’t unusual for Felix to share his fantasies with her, but until now they hadn’t included the possibility of someone actually catching them in the act of making love.

“Tell me what you thought of Josh,” Felix said, changing tack. He was busy with her skirt now, the elasticated waist making it easy for him to pull the garment down and leave her in nothing but her panties and heels. Was he really going to strip her bare in the hallway, and why wasn’t she making more than the most half-hearted effort to stop him?

“He’s a nice guy, very bright. Wasted on a magazine like
, I’d say.”

“No, I mean do you find him attractive, because he certainly had a thing for you.”

“You think so?” The relentless, circling pressure of his hands on her breasts was making it hard for her to think of anything but sex. He slipped his hand lower, skimming the slight curve of her belly, and she caught her breath, willing him to slip his fingers down into the waistband of her panties and touch her where she really needed it.

“Darling, I could feel the chemistry between the two of you from the other side of the room. I’ve never known you react like that to any other man.”

“Okay, so he’s hot, in a scruffy kind of way, I admit it.” She blushed a little, remembering how Josh had smiled at her, how a definite tingle of excitement had passed through them when they’d shaken hands in greeting. Felix, perceptive as ever, had picked up on the attraction between them, and there was no sense in denying it. “It’s not like I’m going to do anything about it.”

“Maybe you should.” Felix had unfastened his trousers and loosed his cock. He encouraged Amber to take it in her hand and begin to stroke it. The heat and hardness of him sent a flood of desire down to her pussy, juice soaking the thin fabric of her panties.

“What do you mean? You’re saying you want me to go after another man.”

“Not any other man. Just Josh. I don’t know why, but seeing you together, it—it just looked right, somehow. And I started to think how much I’d like to see him fucking you, and how I’d like to join in. You’ve thought about having two men at once, haven’t you?”

“Yes.” Of course she had. It was one of the fantasies she liked to weave when the two of them were in bed together, telling Felix all the things she’d willingly let another man do to her, how much pleasure it would give her to have two dicks to play with, two mouths to suck her tits and pussy, four hands to caress her all over. Sometimes, she even got out one of her dildos and sucked it while Felix fucked her, pretending it was the real thing she was taking deep in her throat.

“Well, what if I told you I’d thought of a way of making that happen?”

He yanked at her panties, almost tearing them in his hurry to remove them. Not that he couldn’t afford to buy her a new pair or three if he did ruin them, she reflected. Once the wet scrap of silk was off, Felix hoisted Amber up, her bare back sliding against the wall. His movements were rough, uncoordinated, his obvious need to be buried inside her exciting her all the more. She clung tight to him as he guided himself into place. He paused to shower her face with kisses as she hung, suspended above him, the head of his dick bathed in her flowing juices but not yet breaching her entrance.

“You’d do it?” she asked, in the moment before she slid down on to his upthrust length. “You’d let Josh fuck me? And it wouldn’t change anything between us?”

“Nothing could change the way I feel about you,” he assured her, his words breathed directly into her ear. “I love you, Amber, and I always will. You’re everything to me. That’s why I want to do this, because I’m sure it will strengthen what we feel for each other, not weaken it.”

Then he was pushing up, into the hot, clutching grasp of her cunt. Amber cried out at the delicious penetration, feeling the two of them become one. He gripped her arse cheeks, holding her secure, and she wrapped her arms round the back of his neck. The musk of his cologne, the muskier scent of his body mingled so seductively with it, inflamed her senses. “Fuck me, Felix,” she pleaded. “Show me just what I mean to you.”

His response was to jab into her with short, almost brutal thrusts that slammed her against the wall. The jerking motions sent a dull friction through her pussy, setting her clit pulsing. Her moans filled the hallway and she was sure Alison would come running, alerted by the commotion. If the housekeeper arrived and saw them, Felix still fully dressed, Amber naked, fucking for all they were worth, would they stop what they were doing? She very much doubted it.

She raked at Felix’s back through his shirt with her fingernails, and she tightened her pussy muscles around Felix’s dick, flexing and squeezing with a subtle caress that had him groaning, begging her to stop if she didn’t want him to come.

“But I do want you to. Come for me, Felix. Fill me with everything you’ve got.”

She wasn’t one for using such earthy language, but it obviously did something for Felix. He called out her name and she felt his cum pumping into her. The sight and sensations of her husband caught in such a powerful orgasm swept her into a climax of her own, leaving her clutching helplessly to Felix as her body heaved and shook.

At last, Felix eased out of her, and guided her to stand on legs that still felt weak. His lips quirked in a smile. “Seems you needed that just as much as I did.”

“Yeah, I did. And now I need a shower. Want to join me?”

Felix shook his head. “I have to make a phone call.”

Amber bent to pick up her scattered clothes. By the time she’d retrieved them, Felix had his phone clamped to his ear. “Don’t tell me, you’re checking in with Shona. Business never takes time off, right?”

“Actually, it’s not Shona… Er, yes, hello there.” Amber made to leave, but Felix raised a hand in a gesture that commanded her to stay, as though she’d want to hear what he had to say. “Yes, Josh, it’s Felix Meredith. You made your train okay…? Great. Look, Amber and I have been talking and, well, how would you like to redo the interview?”

Redo it? Amber shot Felix a stunned look. Given how reluctant he’d been to give up any of his time to speak to
, why would he suggest another interview?

“Well, I just think we could give you a better insight into our lifestyle, that’s all… I mean, what the readers really want to know is what we spend our money on and how much fun we have doing it, not how the Midas balance sheet looks. What I was going to suggest is that you spend a week with Amber and me, and we’ll show you how we live. We’ll take you out to our beach house, maybe have a couple of days in New York. Assuming you can swing that with your editor, that is?”

BOOK: Everything to Him
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