Etoile (The Mannequin Series) (6 page)

BOOK: Etoile (The Mannequin Series)
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"I have my own place now, you know," Tyler said as he ran his finger up and down Elodie's bare arms. "Bought it a few months ago. You should come by and check it out. It's got a killer view." He smiled suggestively at her.


The towering crew of beautiful people had moved the party over to the chic rooftop lounge of a nearby hotel after finishing the bottles at SP. After she had gone back to her table with Tyler and his gang, she found that could no longer spot James in the crowded club. So she had stopped trying eventually, and now she and Tyler were perched in a corner booth on the roof together.


Oh well. She didn't even know why she cared. It wasn't like they would have gotten along anyway. He was probably just an overworked nerd, and she belonged with the other mannequins.


"Maybe," she said coyly as she reached for her champagne flute.


He grinned at the challenge and nuzzled at her face again. After seeing that Elodie wasn't going to fight his advances, he began to nibble her ear. She felt herself quiver ever so slightly.


"Come on," he whispered ever so quietly. "I know you want to fuck me."


She gave him a peeved look. Normally, comments like that wouldn't have bothered her. Hell, she might have even liked it a day ago. But now she was slightly bothered, though she couldn't put her finger on the reason. Why couldn't he just act like a gentleman?


"Oh come on," he laughed. "Don't be a little baby. I was just joking. Do you want to get out of here or not?"


Elodie looked around for her friends but only saw Tatiana making out with Soren on the other side of the roof. Jelena and the younger girls were nowhere to be found.


Tyler continued to brush his face against hers and she succumbed to his persistent prodding. Even if she was still slightly upset about earlier, she couldn't help but give in to his charm. "Maybe for a drink," she said innocently. He grabbed her hand with a triumphant smirk on his face, and the two headed into the elevator to make their way back to his place.


"I missed you, you know," Tyler murmured into her neck as the elevator began its descent towards the lobby.


"You hardly know me," Elodie responded in a shaky voice, her shoulders trembling as his voice tickled the sensitive skin of her collarbone.


"I think I know you pretty well," he said with a small laugh as he pulled away. The bell dinged and the doors opened to let them out, and Tyler slipped her hand into his as he led her through the busy lobby and out of the hotel's entrance.


"Oh, do you?" she asked flirtatiously as he began leading her down 14


Tyler wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close as they continued to walk. "Your name is Melody with a silent M. You have a fake French accent. Your favorite word is 'maybe'. And you're relatively cute, I guess," he said as he stopped walking, turning to look at her with a smirk on his face and a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I'd say you're an... 8."


She shook her head with a laugh and pulled away. "Why waste your time on an 8 when you can surround yourself with 10's?" she asked with a fake pout. God, she was drunk.


"I only knocked off points because you're misbehaving," Tyler told her as he gently poked her nose. "If you stopped messing around, you'd be an 11."


Elodie's heart began to thud as he grabbed for her hand and started walking again. “What am I?” he asked as he turned and gave her a typical male model stare. “A 20?”


“More like a 6,” she pretended to grumble as he scrunched his nose up at her.


“Don't they teach you how numbers work in France?”


He squeezed her hand as she laughed and continued on in a softer voice, “I was waiting for your responses every time I contacted you, you know. I figured that you must've lost your phone or something. Someone up there must have really wanted us to have playtime again.”


Elodie giggled nervously, racking her brain to come up with a way to change the subject. Clearing her throat, she looked around curiously. “Where is your place?”


“Right here,” he told her as they walked up to a tall red brick building. “How did you know? You're like a wizard. Or a stalker.”


She rolled her eyes at him and thanked the doorman as he held the door open for them, quickly scampering inside.


“Can't wait to get upstairs, huh?” he asked, playfully wiggling his eyebrows at her as he pressed the elevator button.


“Just for a drink,” she reminded him with a small smile. God, he really is cute, Elodie thought to herself as he squinted his eyes at her.


“Just a drink,” he repeated as he gave her a mischievous smirk as they boarded the elevator. As the doors slid closed, he held her palm up to his face with a pensive expression.


“What?” she asked curiously as her heart pounded in her chest.


“Did you know I can read palms?” he asked nonchalantly as he traced one of the deep grooves ever so gently.


Elodie gulped and shook her head no. He gave her a teasing smile as he held her hand up. “This line,” he said as he dragged his fingertip across her skin, causing her to bite her bottom lip as it tickled. “Says that you're not even thirsty. And this one says,” he continued as he traced another fold and looked into her eyes. “You missed me too.”


“Did you learn that from a drunk gypsy?” she joked as the elevator landed on his floor. She could feel her cheeks flushing as he watched her with amusement. He let out a snort as he grabbed her hand and led her to his door. Once he unlocked it, he motioned for her to enter.


"See? Told you."


His condo did indeed have a killer view. The living room was wide and airy with floor-to-ceiling glass windows that showcased the glittering lights of the city that never sleeps. The room was bare and minimal, a far cry from the messy model apartment that had housed their first encounter.


As she turned around to make a comment on the view, her lips were forcefully met with his as he pushed her into the windows. She gasped out in surprise as he held her against the cold glass with his hard body, lunging into her mouth with his sweet tongue.


"I meant it when I said I missed you," he whispered as he quickly unbuttoned his shirt. Tyler held her wrists up high above her head with one hand as he groped at her breasts with his other, all the while never letting their lips move apart. She moaned against his mouth in pleasure as he began to aggressively rub against her as he stiffened.


He kept her hands pinned in place as he maneuvered his jeans off and pushed the skirt of her dress up. She let out a sharp breath as her bare ass cheeks made contact with the chilly glass.


"See?" Tyler grinned. "You did want to fuck me."


After gloving up, he proceeded to slam into her against the window as she cried out yes. Tyler fucked her so intensely that she feared the glass would shatter behind her. He finally let her hands free and she held onto his broad shoulders as she straddled his waist, screaming out in joyous agony. Tyler, being the arrogant bastard that he was, got more turned on as he watched his dick enter the beautiful girl over and over again, becoming more ferocious with each thrust.


Elodie's pleas echoed throughout the quiet room hauntingly. Tyler's panting and the squeaking of her moist back against the glass were the only other sounds that could be heard. Her long hair hung over both of their faces, encasing them in a muggy fog of sweat and longing. He began to drill her more slowly and deeply as she leaned her head back against the cool window.


"Deeper," she demanded in a shaky voice as he obliged. The feelings of joy were thick and heavy as they made their way up to her brain. Tyler's thrusts became increasingly long and probing, causing Elodie to shudder as she nuzzled her face against his. They held each other tightly as they finished and collapsed onto the floor in an exhausted heap. He let out a small laugh as he pulled her frail body towards his own, tucking her hair behind her ear and kissing her eyelids.


"We make a great team," he informed her quietly. They lay together for a while, staring at each other with stifled laughter.


When they finally had the energy to get up, Tyler put on a pair of sweatpants and gave her one of his worn in tee shirts to sleep in. Elodie climbed into the cool bed with him and he held her for a while, playing with her hair and telling her about his Gucci exclusive until his eyes fluttered with sleep.


His body completely encased her own in heavy protection, and she could feel each rise and fall of his chest. She watched his face as he slept, surprised by how long and thick his eyelashes were and by the presence of stray freckles on his cheeks.


Elodie turned around in his arms to stare out the window at all of the twinkling lights. And, with Tyler right there with her, she couldn't help but feel something that hadn't stirred inside of her for a very long time.








Elodie slowly stirred awake the next morning, bathed in the warm sunshine that was streaming in through the window.  Her head was pounding, courtesy of the generous hangover that had decided to make an appearance. What had happened last night?


Her eyes slowly flitted open to the sight of Tyler's piercing green eyes lazily staring at her face. He gave her an unapologetic smirk as she shyly smiled back. "What?" she whispered.


"Nothing," he continued to stare and he softened his chiseled cheeks. His rockabilly haircut was now mussed like a child's, and she was sure that her hair probably wasn't looking great either. He leaned in to kiss the tip of her nose ever so lightly before drawing her body closer to his with his toned arms. His morning wood sharply stabbed at her thigh and he gave her a sly smile.


Tyler stroked her bare bottom gently with the back of his right hand. "Your skin's so soft," he mumbled as he began to nuzzle her neck. "You smell like a fucking baby."


She lightly outlined his shoulder blades with the pads of her fingers while he slowly kissed her neck. When he began to nibble on her earlobe, she felt her body involuntarily shudder. Seeing her reaction, he focused on the newfound sensitive spot a bit more before moving on to her tiny pink lips. He pulled Elodie on top of him and they kissed slowly and sensually as she moved her petite body rhythmically against his bare chest and sweatpants.


"You look better in my shirt than I do. Now, we can't be having any of that," he joked as he ripped it off of her and flipped her onto her back. She squealed and he playfully spread her legs open and laid the weight of his body over her before pulling the heavy blanket over them. He then proceeded to hold her face in his hand as they made out some more, like two hormone-crazed teenagers away at summer camp.


Elodie gave in to the delicious kisses and slipped her hand into his sweatpants, which he seemed to thoroughly appreciate. She felt him throb and grow bigger against her smooth palm as his hot tongue began to vigorously massage her own.


The warmth of the sunlight only added to the suffocating heat that was growing underneath the heavy blanket. As they continued to moan and explore each other's mouths, Elodie thought she might faint from lightheadedness.


As they rolled over and she lay across his heaving chest, she began to move her kisses southward. Tyler eagerly rolled off his sweatpants and grinned at her with hunger in his eyes. She took her time leaving a trail of soft kisses across his salty skin as he aggressively ran his fingers through her damp hair.


"Fuck, do it now," he ordered in short, hushed tones as he threw a condom towards her.


She gave him an innocent look and proceeded to expertly roll it on using only her mouth. His response was a stream of expletives as he pulled tighter at her hair. Elodie enthralled him by alternating between long and short, soft and deep. She swirled her tongue around his bulging cock and sucked it hard while lightly caressing the velvety skin of his inner thighs. He continued to mumble nonsense as he writhed in delight.


"Oh, shit. Oh, fuck. You're so fucking good. Do that, yea that."


Her whole body was vibrating with him at the thought of his pleasure. Every pull to the roots of her tangled hair sent sharp currents down her spine.


"Faster. Deeper!" Tyler ordered as he was about to come. "Fuck, grab it hard."


Elodie felt her body shake as he pulled away from her mouth and threw her onto her back, kicking the blanket off of them in the process. The sharpness of the cool air hitting their burning skin felt like a merciful gift from the gods.


Tyler pried her legs open and entered her so savagely that the air got knocked out of her lungs for a brief moment. Elodie grabbed onto his tense arms and stared at his handsome face through half drawn lids. She could stare at him in his entirety forever, he was so good looking.


The headboard banged against the wall loudly as they shook the mattress like rabbits in heat. The skin on her back was raw from the vigor of his movements. "Oh my god, more! More!" Elodie yelled out as his skin rubbed viciously against her own. Just for the hell of it, she added in some nonsense French for his enjoyment, to which he moaned in agreement as he let his body fall onto hers.


Elodie could hardly focus her eyes on Tyler's as he stared directly into them. His quick breaths slowed as he wrapped his arms around hers and they rocked together as his thrusts deepened. She dug her fingertips into his ass cheeks and guided his pace as he panted against her neck. The heaviness of his chest against her vulnerable nipples aroused her even more as they continuously rubbed together with rough abandon.


Feeling her breathing quicken as she was about to come, she let go of his perfect butt to signal that she was ready. He moved his face back to hers and kissed her lightly, softly whispering, "You're so fucking beautiful."


A sense of urgency filled the air as he lifted her legs up and began to fuck her hard. She cried out in rapture as his body bashed against hers and waves of euphoria overtook them both. With clenched eyes and teeth, he cried out as he finished and collapsed onto her.


Tyler buried his face in her hair while holding her body tightly to his own. They lay in that position, heaving in exhaustion, until he finally rolled over and maneuvered his lifeless body over to his nightstand. He offered her a cigarette and joked, "Probably burned at least 300 calories, right?"


She laughed in agreement as she ignored her grumbling stomach. Tyler heaved himself off of the bed and walked over to his mirrored closet doors, where he proceeded to examine his perfect body in the mirror while all was bared for the world to see. Elodie rolled her eyes. He was such a tool.


"What are your plans for today?" he asked in a disinterested tone as he checked out his pores. She stretched out her body like a kitten and checked her phone. "Just waiting to hear from my agent about any castings. I'm optioned for a catalog shoot, but who knows how many of us there are. I should get going though."


He made a small noise of acknowledgment and continued to examine his eyebrows and nose hair. She walked over to pick up her dress, which had been flung into a corner the previous night. She threw her hair into a messy ponytail after squeezing back into her dress and wiping the bottoms of her raccoon eyes. In an attempt to play down her morning-after look, she dug through Tyler's closet and borrowed a slim button-down shirt and aviators.


"Cute," he said approvingly as she gathered her belongings. "But are you just holding my things ransom so you can see me again?" He gave a haughty snort as he pinched her side.


She rolled her eyes at him dismissively before she really thought about it.


Hm. Maybe she was.



BOOK: Etoile (The Mannequin Series)
10.99Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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