Read Escape to Earth 3: Defending Holy Ground Online

Authors: Saxon Andrew

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Alien Invasion, #First Contact, #Galactic Empire, #Genetic Engineering, #High Tech, #Military, #Space Fleet, #Space Marine, #Space Opera, #Hard Science Fiction, #Teen & Young Adult

Escape to Earth 3: Defending Holy Ground (10 page)

BOOK: Escape to Earth 3: Defending Holy Ground
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“Yes, Supal.” He looked at his monitors and hoped the conduit would arrive in time to provision his ships.

• • •

The Welken Royal looked at the giant Invader Fleet and listened to the transmission being sent. He waited as his computers deciphered the language and after an hour was given a report on its contents. He sent word out to every planet in the Fellowship that if any Invader Ships appeared in their territory, they were to be ignored. He knew the ones at risk were the humans on their home world. He shook his head and felt helpless. But he had to make sure his planets weren’t attacked…this time.

Chapter Seven

ukas, the Invaders have started their search. The Welken Royal has sent us a transcript of their orders.”

“Willow, how long before they reach the spiral arm Earth is located on?”

“About three and a half months.”

Lukas shook his head, “Damn! It’s going to be close.”

“What are we going to do?”

Lukas thought for a moment and said, “We’re going to set up an ambush at a hundred stars and destroy any Invader that shows up. If they stop to go to those planets, we may slow them down enough to prevent them arriving at Earth.” Jinks nodded and turned to the Officers in the Communications Center.

• • •

“Supal, one of our ships has not reported in.”


“It’s out from the second spiral arm.”

“Gather the fleet and meet at the last reported location.”

Gunny looked at the feed coming from the probe and smiled, “My do they move fast.” He reached over and pressed a button, “Kitch, you’re next.”

“We’re set up.”

“Hit them hard and fast.”

“No communications is the watch word. I’ll keep you posted.”

• • •

The Invader Fleet arrived at the disruption in the void and the fleet spread out and began scouting the planetary system. After two days, it became clear there was no habitable planet that had intelligent life. The Supal resumed the search and a day later another ship was destroyed further out on the arm than the last one. The fleet gathered and once again, nothing was found. The Supal screamed his frustration and his crew trembled. He shook his head, “How much longer before the conduit arrives?”

“A month.”

He shook his head and growled, “Continue the search.”

• • •

Loree saw Jinks appear on her monitor, “It’s time to take out the conduit.”

“Yes Sir.” Loree said, “Gather the fleet and launch the magnets a million light years out from M-87.” The fifty thousand Battleship Scouts gathered and launched a thousand high-powered magnets toward the Conduit. The magnets moved out and accelerated toward the huge orange tube that ran through the void. As they hit the conduit, Lance yelled, “I have a huge number of ships approaching through the void.”

“LAUNCH THE DM ROUNDS AND GET OUT OF HERE!!!” The fifty thousand battleships fired their cannons, turned and accelerated away from the conduit. The giant mass of Invader Warships turned toward them and Loree saw on her monitor that half of them were green in color. The two civilizations were now being used in the war. The Invaders gave chase but they were no match for the Scout’s speed. The Conduit went up in a gigantic disruption that caught the Invader Warships and washed over them. Loree watched the disruption roll in on her fleet and they used their force fields to spring off it and stay ahead of the fast moving front.

• • •

An Invader Warship jumped into the spiral arm and entered normal space briefly. It scanned the planets in the habitation zone and saw a small return. The third planet had a return that suggested high technology. It turned toward it and went into the void to get closer.

• • •

Jinks screamed, “WHERE DID THAT SHIP COME FROM!?!”

“Sir, it came from further out on the spiral arm. It must have lost its way or something.”

Jinks cursed under his breath. This was probably that damned Sentinel’s doing. Get the fleet in here and take it out.”

Gunny saw the transmission from Fleet Operations and pressed a blue button. The klaxons began wailing and every one began running to battle stations. He skipped his fleet and arrived at Earth just as the Invader Ship arrived. He fired on it but not before it got a message out. Gerome’s fleet arrived a moment later and Gunny appeared on his monitor, “Get your ships in formation inside the gravity limit. The main invader fleet will be arriving momentarily.”

• • •

The Supreme Supal looked at the message sent from one of his ships and saw thousands of ships skipping in around a blue and green planet. He started to order the fleet to the planet and heard, “Supal, the passage has just been destroyed.”

The Supal was silent. He was past the time limit he set for making it back. If he took the fleet in for an extended battle, none of his ships would make it back. He should contact the Great Leaders but he was not going to allow all of his ships to die of starvation. Mark the location of that planet and order the fleet back home.”


“DO IT!!”

The millions of Invader Ships turned and headed out of the galaxy. Gunny waited and finally heard from the Welken that the Invaders were leaving the galaxy. He breathed a sigh of relief and Gerome said, “They know where we live.”

“Yes, but they’ve got to make it back. We’ve bought some time.”

“Gunny, we don’t have enough ships to stop them.”

“Perhaps we’ll be able to replace them before they come back.”

Gerome shook his head, “We’ll see.”

Both of them heard Loree’s message. “Another Invader Fleet has launched from M-87 and it’s just a large as the first one. It appears the two civilizations have combined their forces and are coming together!”

Gunny shook his head, “They’ll meet those ships from the first fleet half way and provision them. You’re right, Gerome, they’re coming here and there’s no stopping them.”

Suddenly they heard Jinks say, “The Invader Fleet has turned around and is coming back.”

Gunny took a deep breath, “Why would they do that, Sir?”

“It appears they know that the fleet leaving M-87 will have provisions for them. They’ll only have to have enough to meet them halfway and I think they have enough to do that. We’re evacuating all essential personnel and I expect you to make sure we don’t lose your fleets. Move outside the gravity limit and open fire as soon as they arrive; then get the flock out of Dodge.”

“Is there nothing we can do to save Earth?”

“You’ve done an outstanding job and you’ve come close to making it work. I think the discovery of Earth is what caused that second fleet to be launched. Get some shots in and leave, that’s an order.”

Gunny looked at Earth hanging like a beautiful jewel and saw the colony ships blasting off. They screamed outside the gravity limit and skipped away. Hundreds of pods began appearing as they came off Earth’s surface and boosted toward the gravity limit. Gunny stared at Earth hanging in space and pressed his panel, “Jinks.”

“Yeah, Gunny.”

“Would you have run in Mosul if you could have fought for the women?”


“Kitchens can leave but I’m not leaving.”


“I’ll pass it on to my fleet but my crew and I are staying. Make them pay for this, Jinks!”

The message was sent to the two fleets but none of them moved out of formation. Jinks looked at the monitor and saw the feed coming from the void probe. He saw the giant mass of ships moving through the void and felt sick to his stomach. He looked Lukas, “I’ve got to go back!”

Lukas shook his head, “I can’t lose you, Jinks.”

Sarah walked over and put her arms around him. Jinks stared at the monitor and slowly shook his head. “Lukas, that damned Sentinel is making them stay! It probably directed that ship to Earth!”

Lukas took a deep breath, blew it out slowly, and then nodded. Jinks wanted to kill that Sentinel but knew the Invaders would probably do it for him. A giant swarm of Orange Warships appeared in normal space and Jinks felt his tears as Gunny’s and Gerome’s Fleets opened fire. It was too little and too late. The fleets had rearmed and the missiles and DM rounds went out into the mass of ships and the explosions were massive and across a wide front. The number of destroyed Invader ships was incredible but they kept on coming and eventually they overwhelmed the defenders. Then the carnage began as the Orange Warships moved into orbit and began firing on the surface. Fires raged around the planet and still the invaders fired on the planet.

Jinks watched the monitor and refused to look away. It was only after Earth was completely covered by black clouds of smoke that he finally looked away. He looked at Lukas and they shared a message without speaking a word. This wasn’t the end and the Invaders were going to pay for this blasphemy.

Everyone on the battleship was weeping and continued all the way to Andromeda. The last thing Lukas saw on the monitor was a brilliant white flash as the Invaders opened fire on Pat. He closed his eyes and blew out a breath again. He looked at Jinks, “Recall Admiral Barber’s Scouts to Andromeda.”

Jinks nodded and said, “Later.”

Lukas nodded and left the bridge with Salud.

• • •

They arrived in their quarters and Salud feel in his arms. “Why did he do it, Lukas?”

“If he didn’t, they would return with a fleet and go after the Fellowship.”

“They’re doing that now!”

“No, I think he knew they would turn around once they provision the first fleet.”

“Why would they?”

“Because they had to strip two galaxies of warships to do this. They’ll have to restore order before they worry about coming back and that could take some time. He made Gunny and Gerome’s fleet stay to make sure the Invaders knew they destroyed the right planet.”

“He used us like we were nothing!”

“No, he did all he could to save as many of us as possible but what he did at the end was necessary to buy us time.”

Salud wept, “So many good people…” Lukas nodded and held her close.

• • •

Chad and the crew on the Troy watched the destruction of Earth and their anger was palatable. Jason watched on Astro’s panel and felt immense sorrow. “Do you wish you were there?”

“I don’t know, Piper. I would have died with all the others in a lost cause. I want to make a difference and dying isn’t it. It’s not smart to fight an uneven fight.”

“In your planet’s case, they had no choice but to fight.”

Jason shook his head, “I’m frustrated by a universe that is filled with aggressive civilizations. What’s wrong with peace?”

“That is the question.”

“Blessed are the peacemakers.”

“Sometimes it takes a little war to bring peace.”

“This is not a little war. You saw the numbers that were attacking.”

“Numbers aren’t the issue. It’s being able to handle them. If you could destroy every one of the invaders, would you?”

“The way I feel right now, I would but I know that would really weigh on my conscience. I think I would beat on them until they called uncle and agreed to leave us alone.”

“And if they didn’t?”

Jason sighed and shook his head, “I know this sounds bad to you but there are consequences for our actions. That also holds true for others as well. If the invaders can’t live in peace then they need to be removed as a barrier to making it happen.”

“You are showing wisdom my friend. You’ve come a long way.”

“I still want to fight.”

“Because you are being attacked. Your species didn’t start it but you should work hard to end it.”

“Thanks, Piper. If you don’t mind, I’m going back to the Troy to grieve with my crew.”

“I understand.” Piper watched the small ship move away and replayed the recording of the planet’s destruction.

“This is not our fight.”

“I know.”

“We can’t take on every problem we encounter.”


“You like this species.”

“Why don’t you come over here and try to dislike them.”

“Piper, they have to find their own destiny. We’ll stunt their development if we get involved in this.”

“I know. I just dislike species like that one.”

“I suspect your friends will ultimately teach them a lesson.”

“They’re also your friends as well, Clipper.”

“I know. They really remind me of what we were once long ago.”

“Thanks for calming me down. I appreciate it.”

“Do you want me to replace you?”

“No. I’m ok.”

“There is a young human child that arrived from their planet and he can hear us.”


“It appears he has telepathic skills that are starting to develop. Keep that in mind.”

“Thanks for letting me know.”

• • •

Christopher sat in his quarters and smiled. They were on to him. He laughed. This was going to be fun. “Not as much as you think!”

Chris sat straight up. His eyebrows came together and he thought, “So you can hear my thoughts.”

“You can hide them unless I deliberately look at your mind. That’s a pretty clever plan you have.”

“Drat! I didn’t want you to see it. Oh well.”

“No, no, don’t get the wrong idea. We don’t interfere unless our security is an issue. I think you’re on the right trail. I do see you getting some pushback from your father.”

“Which one?”

Piper laughed, “It’s good you know you have two. Admiral Stone will not agree to you doing this without your revealing who your real father is and I know your mother doesn’t want that known.”

“May I use you as an excuse?”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’ll tell him I’m going to attend one of your schools.”

“We don’t have schools; we live in space.”

“But he doesn’t know that.”

“I won’t deliberately deceive him.”

“Why not? You deceived us with the remote control ship you used.”

“My, you are the tricky one. I will agree to say that you’re going out to learn from some of us.”

“I must say that hybrid brain of yours is interesting. When did the telepathy start?”

“About a month ago. I seem to sense there are some remarkable changes taking place as I grow older.”

BOOK: Escape to Earth 3: Defending Holy Ground
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