Read Eria's Ménage Online

Authors: Alice Gaines

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Science Fiction, #Romantic Erotica

Eria's Ménage (8 page)

BOOK: Eria's Ménage
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He bent and pressed a kiss at the base of her throat, just over the pulse. Behind her, the other man brushed her hair over one shoulder and nibbled at the spot where her skull met her neck. Their breath caressed her skin in front and in back. They’d enveloped her in body heat.

What would it feel like to sleep like this every night for the rest of her life? A hard, male body on each side. Her hands free to explore each of them, teasing first one cock to hardness and then the other. Fucking each of them before falling back to sleep surrounded by the scent of them. Once she’d known that, how could she bear to lose it?

Not now. She wouldn’t think of that now, while she had them both with her.

Later, she’d find some way to face the loss. Now, she’d take what they offered.

They moved lower as if they’d orchestrated the encounter. One man traced the furrow between her breasts with his tongue while the other did the same along her spine. A pair of hands toyed with her nipples and kneaded the flesh around them while another pair massaged her shoulder blades. Damn, he’d made a touch on her back erotic. She moaned her pleasure and stretched her arms out from her sides to give them access to her ribs.

As her heartbeat sped up, lips closed over one rigid peak and drew it deep into his mouth and sucked. His eyes drifted closed, the lashes black against his skin, while his cheeks worked for suction. Behind her, the other placed his palms over her buttocks and kneaded them. The action pressed her legs together and then apart, creating friction at the folds between her thighs. Already, she was getting wet there. Her body knew what was coming, and the greedy thing wouldn’t wait.

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Both men dropped to their knees. The one in front slid his arms around her while he pressed little caresses over her belly. The other man reached up to cup her breasts.

Her head lolled to the side. She’d expected her mating to set her body on fire.

More than a simple fuck, this meeting of bodies created new life. She hadn’t anticipated her men to capture her heart with their tenderness. Such attention to her pleasure, such care with every inch of her, could only come from men dedicated to her happiness.

She’d find some way to reward them. As soon as the haze of arousal lifted and she could claim her mind again, she’d give them their hearts’ desire. Right now, she could only take the joy they offered and revel in it.

The man at her front parted her legs and placed his mouth over her mound. He ran his tongue over the lips and then teased between them to find her clit. Already distended, it caught fire immediately. She gasped and swayed. A strong arm held her from behind, or she would have fallen. The graze of the tongue on her most sensitive flesh, the heat of the body behind her. Every nerve throbbed, craving more. She’d have more soon. She only needed some patience to prolong the joy as long as possible.

The man behind her bent her forward and ran his hand over her buttocks and between her legs. While the other continued teasing her clit, he slid a thick finger between her folds and up into her pussy.

Now her whole body sang with delight. One man still held her up while the other licked at her clit and reached up to cup her breasts.

Tad and Brath. Brath and Tad. Her lovers. Each so perfect. She could spend a lifetime getting to know them until she could tell one from the other. If only they had that much time together.

The finger continued probing while the tongue kept pushing her higher. She could climax like this and be the most fortunate woman who ever lived, but she needed their cocks inside her. First one shooting his seed inside her as she came, followed by the second one. Their combined sperm would bless her with a child.

She stood, supported by the man behind her, as they both played her body like an instrument -- as if they’d spent their lives studying how to pull the maximum
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response from her. She moaned, her voice rising on the last note in a song that told of a woman near her limit. Her clit ached with unspent need while her pussy muscles grasped at the finger inside her. Moisture spread over her thighs as the orgasm drew closer. She had to stop them if she wanted a cock inside her when the madness came.

She would stop them, but her throat would only form little cries as her control slipped away.

Stop! Oh no, don’t stop. Don’t

Her pussy contracted around the pressure inside it, and he withdrew his hand from her sex. She rested back against him -- in truth, her legs wouldn’t have supported her -- while the other man rose. For a moment, they stood in silence with Eria between her two lovers, while her heart hammered in her chest. She’d come so close to losing herself. She could climax forever with these two, but this time, more mattered than her pleasure. When she went into that other reality, she needed to take them with her. Only their skill had let her forget that -- if only for a moment -- and only their understanding of her body had let them know when to hold her back from the brink.

She leaned against the man in front of her and took several shallow breaths.

“Thank you.”

He kissed her temple and then bent to scoop her up into his arms. She couldn’t have walked, and he’d known that too. He carried her to the bed and held her while the other one removed his gown.

She’d seen them both naked before. She shouldn’t have been surprised at his beauty -- the sleek muscles and smooth skin. The huge erection that jutted away from his body. Still, the sight of him stole her breath away. Were there ever two more perfect men in the universe?

He stretched out on the bed -- his head resting at the near end. When he stretched his arms outward, her other lover lowered her to her feet and guided her onto the first man. He, in turn, burrowed his nose between her legs and took to lapping at her sex again. His arms went around her hips to hold her against his face, and his tongue found her clit to continue making her wild.

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Surely, she would go mad this time. Already pushed past endurance, the bundle of nerve endings went into hyperdrive.

“Please,” she gasped. “Inside me. A cock. Now.”

Hands grasped her hips and pulled her back against powerful thighs, also naked.

He must have shed his own robe while his twin feasted on her pussy.

Her labia tingled, craving penetration. He parted them, and soon the tip of his erection pressed against her entrance.

“Yes!” she cried. “Now. I… can’t… wait.”

He pressed forward, burying himself so deep, her ass met his body. He withdrew and surged forward again, and her pussy throbbed all around him.

She didn’t have to hold back now. With his rod inside her and the other man sucking her clit, she could surrender. The man behind her would come when she did.

His moans and the frenzy of his thrusts testified to that.

Tad or Brath would spill his seed inside her at the right moment. And then, Brath or Tad would follow with his.

Another powerful movement of the cock, another slide of the tongue on her clit, and they’d climb to the peak together. Already, he was pounding into her. Faster.

Harder. Trembling violently.

The force of destiny hit her as her body coiled in on itself and then exploded into a climax so powerful it tore away all reason. Her vision went to black as her whole being centered on the spasms inside her. Her pussy grabbed at his hardness over and over. He shouted and stiffened on one last thrust. His seed spilled into her, drawing out her own response, and she came and came and came.

The orgasm didn’t end. Even when he’d finished, she still hung suspended in a supernova of need.

her mind shrieked. There had to be more.

Hands moved her. Not gentle now, but urgent. They shoved her forward, guided her off the firm male flesh still inside her. Other hands pushed her upward until she somehow sat upright.

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Then another cock slammed up into her, stretching her, almost splitting her in two. The convulsions continued, even her womb pulsating. She would have screamed, if her lungs had held any air. All she could do was let it take her while her pussy milked the cock in her depths.

Then he roared, and his semen flew from him in hot waves, giving her every bit of bliss she’d imagined and more. Every scrap of heaven she could have hoped for and much, much more. The three of them had united in perfection, and her existence would never be the same again.

Finally spent, she slumped forward as her breathing returned. Hands reached for her again, guiding her onto the sheets between her mates. More hands found blankets and pulled them up to cover their bodies.

She lay between her mates as her heartbeat slowed to normal. Each touched her now as one sighed and the other made his purring sound. Something fluttered below her heart, sending a signal to her belly. Another tremor there, and her egg released. In an hour or two she’d carry her heir.

The second part of the riddle. They’d created life, but part of her would die when they left.

* * *

On the day her mates would leave her forever, Eria had to approve a dozen or more marriages. Grim irony, that. She had to sit between the two men who’d shown her a combination of ecstasy and tenderness sweet enough to make a stone weep -- men she would now lose -- and she had to look at young faces fresh with hope for the future.

What fiend had thought up this cruel trick?

An influx of new suitors always ended in multiple marriages. The same had happened when her mother had mated. The former queen had instructed her daughter, Eria, in how to endure the ordeal and then the long years of celibacy after her mating.

Think of your duty, your people, your world. Think of the benefits of so many intermarriages with other civilizations. Concentrate on that and take pride.

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Her mother hadn’t loved her fathers, though. Never mentioned them, as if they had no identity beyond the contribution of their sperm. Her mother couldn’t have had lovers like Tad and Brath. Brath and Tad. Identical and uniquely precious.

Deities, how could she survive the loss of them?

The next couple approached. Their hands clasped together, they bowed low before the dais.

“You want to marry this outworlder?” Eria asked.

The young woman lifted her head and smiled shyly. “With all my heart, Excellency.”

“And will you take good care of her?”

“I will.” The man glanced at his intended with eyes full of adoration. “Mine is an old and noble house. We have grand estates on my planet.”

“You’d take her from her family here?”

He grasped his intended’s hand in both of his and squeezed. “She’ll live wherever she wants. Anything to make her happy.”

Brath stiffened beside Eria. No one else would have noticed, but she knew his body so well now. He gazed over the crowd with eyes that registered nothing. On her other side, Tad merely looked away. They hurt as much as she did.

“Excellency?” the young woman said.

“Yes, yes.” Eria waved her hand. “You have my permission.”

The happy couple rose and walked away, the man’s arm circled around his fiancée’s waist. The next pair approached.

Enough. She didn’t have to take any more of this. Besides, this wasted the precious minutes she still had to spend with her mates.

She stood. “You all have my permission. Now, get out of my sight.”

A murmur of surprise went up, but they’d seen her anger often enough to find urgent business elsewhere. Only Kapt hesitated, but she glared at him until he left too.

The strength went out of her legs, and she sat between Tad and Brath again.

None of them spoke for a moment. What did you say in this situation? “Have a nice trip
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back?” “I’ll invite you to our daughter’s wedding?” The sooner they forgot about each other, the better.

Finally, Tad cleared his throat. “You’re sure you’re with child?”

“As sure as the last time you asked.”

“You haven’t seen a doctor,” he said. “How can you know?”

She covered his hand with her own. “I know.”

Brath didn’t say anything or even move. He might have been carved from the mountains surrounding the castle. His silence fairly screamed of emotion to someone who knew him.

“I don’t like leaving you,” Tad said.

She pressed her fingertips to her forehead and massaged at the pain just over her eye. “What we like doesn’t matter.”

“Damn it.” Tad rose and paced in front of her. “You’re going to have our child.

What sort of lout would leave you to face the birthing yourself?”

“That’s what you agreed to when you came here,” she said.


“You agreed!” she repeated. “You know our customs.”

“I don’t give a fuck for your customs. You’re carrying my child, and I won’t leave you.”

“By the deities. Brath, make him see the sense of it.”

A disapproving rumble came from Brath’s chest.

“Not you too,” she said.

“We killed two of your suitors.” Tad stopped and glared at her. “A devious and violent pair. A government that would send two bastards like them will retaliate.”

“I can defend myself.”

This time, Brath growled. More disagreement. What was wrong with these two?

Oh, hell. They cared what happened to her. They’d shown that in dozens of ways. If she were an ordinary woman, she’d accept that concern -- even hope it developed into
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more. She’d keep them with her, let them see the birth of their daughter and share in her life. The queen couldn’t share anything with them.

“No,” she said. “You have to go.”

Tad recoiled as if she’d punched him in the stomach. Brath let out a sound full of pain.

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