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Authors: Ann Jacobs

Enslaving the Master (4 page)

BOOK: Enslaving the Master
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be soon enough, but Shedir had Doreen deliciously helpless. Her cunt clenched,
and her nipples hardened and tingled with anticipation when he opened a vial
and coated the fingers of one hand with some slick, gel-like substance. “What…”

“To enhance your pleasure. And to stretch
your tight rear passage enough to take my cock.” When he worked first one
finger, then two, up her ass, she gasped. A painful stretching sensation gave
way to the burning of arousal, an arousal heightened when he withdrew his
fingers and seated the smaller dildo deep into her ass. The tongue-like
projection of the large dildo in her cunt put delicious pressure on her clit.

She held her breath, savored the full
feeling between her legs as he stroked her feet and ankles and then her calves,
his touch surprisingly sensual. When he moved up and massaged her inner thighs
with calloused fingertips, her cunt began clench. Then he did the strangest
thing. He traced around the dildos with one exploring finger and lifted that
finger to his lips.

His dark eyes black with passion as he met
her gaze, he licked the taste of her off his fingers then continued his
deliberate exploration of her, dipping his finger into her navel, cupping her
breasts then bending to draw first one nipple and then the other into his
mouth. “You are ripe for me, like a peach in the orchard. I want you to taste
me now.”

First he secured the bases of the dildos to
a narrow shelf that he slid out from the wheel spoke beneath her ass. When it
began to vibrate, the dildos mimicked the motion of the shelf, reminding her
he’d stuffed all her orifices but one. A painful pressure built in her belly.
Her nipples throbbed. Her mouth watered at the thought of taking his big, thick
cock between her lips.

The first waves of pleasure overtook her.
Her mouth fell open as the wheel turned, around and up, positioning her upside
down, her mouth level with Shedir’s rock-hard cock.

A milky drop of lubrication oozed around
the thick ring that protruded from his slit, tempting her. He stepped closer,
his hand on his shaft, positioning the thick, ruddy corona between her waiting
lips. When she tongued him, sampling the salty slick fluid, pressure began to
build again. She wanted…

His beautiful cock. All of it. He fed it to
her inch by inch, until she had to tilt her head backward and she could swallow
its thick, purplish head. His dildos vibrated in her cunt and ass. She’d never
felt so full. So taken.

Shedir groaned, a deep, purring sound as he
laid his palms on her upper thighs, adding the brushing of his thumbs on her
labia to the pulsating rhythm of the dildos. Doreen wished then she could wrap
her arms around him—an emotion she’d never experienced with her bots or the sex
slaves she’d rented on Obsidion a few months earlier. His cock throbbed, its
blunt head pulsating with life in her mouth, its slick, salty taste and smooth,
slick texture uniquely arousing.

Gods help her, she was coming again. Waves
of pleasure undulated through her bound body, over and over, and when he came,
the staccato bursts of his hot, salty seed in the back of her throat set off
another, stronger orgasm that left her limp, drained.

Aftershocks of the most intense sexual
experience Doreen had ever experienced surged through her body, overwhelming
her. She barely noticed when Shedir rotated the wheel, retrieved the dildos and
set her free.

He wasn’t
finished, though. Scooping her up as though she weighed nothing, he laid her
over his shoulder and strode out of the dungeon. “I have always wanted to try
out Luna Ten’s famous fucking glade, and I cannot imagine finding a more delightful
submissive with whom to do it.”

* * * * *

The vines
released their intoxicating fragrance, and for the first time since Doreen had
been on Luna Ten they curled around her like
fingers, teasing her wrung-out body back to life while Shedir knelt and tongued
her cunt. Incredibly, arousal curled around her, surrounded her, made her
forget the satiated state of lethargy that had claimed her moments earlier.

“You are wet.
Warm and swollen, as I knew you’d be.” Standing, he rubbed his cock along her
slit, nudging her ass a bit before sliding forward and claiming her cunt from
behind. “So tight. Gods, but your cunt feels like paradise.” He moved in her
slowly, stretching her with his huge, throbbing sex.

The vines
twined around her breasts and back, rendering her deliciously helpless to his
sensual assault. He sought and found her nipples, tugged and squeezed them as
the vines tightened their hold. His hot breath singed the bare flesh at her
nape, and that got her hotter, frantic. “Fuck me harder. Gods, I want to come

He laughed.
“You are very demanding for a slave, are you not?”

“I’m sorry.
Please. Oh, please, I need to feel you come in my pussy.” Doreen was desperate
now, desperate to relieve the intense need in her cunt, her ass, her nipples.

chuckled. “Now you sound like a proper slave. I think I will accommodate you.”
Standing and bracing himself behind her, he slammed into her cunt over and
over, keeping a hand on her clit and jiggling the ring there. With his other
hand, he spread her buttocks and inserted first one, then two fingers into her
rear passage.

He thrust harder, faster, with his fingers
in her ass and his cock in her cunt. The vines caught her nipples, twisted and
tugged them as he’d been doing with his fingers. She gasped at the feelings
that began in her cunt and spread—fiery ribbons of pleasure that came in waves,
over and over, seemingly without end. Until she heard him shout and felt him
withdraw and spurt his seed on the tender skin of her back.

unraveled the vines and carried her to her shelter. He lay beside her, his
handsome face relaxed in sleep, his magnificent cock resting against her belly.

* * * * *

A day and two nights of the hottest sex he
could remember ever having enjoyed, and long hours of getting to know and like
Doreen’s sassy mouth had spoiled him. If he stayed much longer, Shedir imagined
he would start thinking seriously about tossing away his promising future on
Earth and defecting to Luna Ten, as Guy and Brad had done. But his situation was

Because of Guy’s illegal enhancements and
Brad’s imminent castration if he had stayed on Earth, his friends had
compelling reasons for opting to live their lives here. Shedir did not. He
could not accept that any woman, even Doreen, was worth giving up the power and
prestige that would await him back home once he’d put in his time as a Star
Commander, performed a few more feats of daring and valor, and fought off the
challenge of a few more determined sky pirates and rogues.

Shedir looked down at Doreen and watched
her incredibly long eyelashes cast shadows across her skin as she slept. Damn,
he hated to do what Guy had asked—surreptitiously take her to Earth and find
her a likely mate. A Federation breeder willing, for whatever reason, to give
up his privileged life there and come settle on Luna Ten.

Worse, he knew just the man. Conan, his
former captain, had recently run afoul of the Federation and had made up his
mind to leave Earth rather than pay the price for having broken the law.

When he imagined Conan fucking Doreen as he
had been doing with so much joy, Shedir cursed softly. He ran his fingers
through her golden hair, imagined her shorn, those tresses woven into a lash
and offered to her Master for her discipline as Aurora’s had been. If he
stayed, he would be the one doing the shearing, wielding the whip Doreen would
give him to bring her pleasure. He imagined finding all the places on her scalp
that gave her pleasure as she did for him when she caressed his own cleanly
shaved head. He wanted to share with her the incredible arousal of the intimate
contact that fired him beyond reason.

She shifted onto her side, the gentle curve
of her breasts attracting his gaze. He loved sucking those rosy, responsive
nipples—nipples her Master would certainly pierce as traditional signs of his
possession. Nipples Shedir would leave as the gods made them, unadorned by
anything but the chafing from his late-day beard stubble, the light marks he
would make with his teeth, or the clamps he imagined he would use on them.

Tomorrow they would leave for Earth. No
doubt, he would get over this crazy infatuation that had him wishing he could
take Doreen for his own. Stroking her satin skin, tracing the shadows from the
starlight, he memorized the lines of her arresting face, the way her hips
flared from a waist he could span with his hands. He’d find her a Master as Guy
had bade him to do, probably Conan, who’d be easy to entice away from an Earth
that had recently become unfriendly to him. After he did, Doreen would become a
pleasant memory, a memory Shedir hoped would fade in time.

Chapter Three


Once he set a course for Earth, Shedir
would have little to do, Doreen imagined. Unlike the passenger transporter
she’d taken to Obsidion, and Guy’s small sports model that had brought her to
Luna Ten, this luxurious model that practically shouted of its owner’s
importance had every imaginable convenience. Specialized bots performed all the
routine functions of flight, including takeoff and landing. Maybe…

“Yes, my insatiable beauty, I will take
care of you once the ship is programmed. Remove your robe and veil. I would
have you naked until we break through Earth’s atmosphere.” Shedir dragged his
gaze to the console and punched in a series of orders. “Perhaps I will let you
share me with my sexbot. I understand that, in centuries past, my ancestors
kept harems of women to pleasure them.”

“Father taught us we must never allude to
our ancestry, that the only heritage we possess is that of the Federation.”

“Your father was right. My father, however,
held a different view—that the few of us who had survived the conflagration
unscathed by that aberrant gene should pass along the histories of our
divergent pasts.” Shedir flashed a smile as he ran a hand down the front of
Doreen’s now-naked body. “Since I have been flagrantly, and very pleasantly,
violating the Federation’s laws about citizens enjoying sex with Earthling
women, I thought I might share another secret with you. Gods above, but I will
miss this.” He slipped a finger along her slit, made her gush moisture onto his
hand that he brought to her lips for her to lick away. “I will miss
You would have been quite the prize in my ancestors’ harems.”

Doreen’s heart beat faster at that
admission. Damn. She didn’t want the Earthling stranger Shedir had chosen. She
wanted Shedir. Not just as a sex object but as her Master. From the hot look in
his eyes, she guessed he wanted that, too. “Why miss me? Why not chuck all
this,” she gestured at the gleaming console and the bots doing Shedir’s
bidding, “and come be my Master on Luna Ten?”

“I cannot abandon what I have worked all my
life to attain.” Shedir looked away, into the starry red-blue sky framed in the
window of the starship. With the fingers she’d just licked clean, he lifted the
jeweled insignia of Federation Star Command that must never leave its place
around his neck and stared at it, as though its glittering jewels would fortify
his resolve. “We can enjoy this time together, but once we get to Earth, I will
do as I promised Guy and find you a potential Master. I assure you, any
unaltered male Earthling can satisfy you in much the same way as I do. Come
now, let us enjoy the present and not worry about the future. My cock is
already hard, ready to experience what you and my bot can do to ease it.”

Doreen tried hard not to resent the fact
that her lover owed his seed not to her but to Earth Federation, as she walked
two steps behind him toward the owner’s cabin.

* * * * *

Shedir’s sexbot, like his piercings,
smacked of simple, basic functionality. A titanium frame visible beneath its
transparent covering that felt amazingly like human skin and flesh would be
damn hard to break, Doreen decided when she faced her competition for the first
time. Shedir stripped efficiently and lay on his sleeping couch, and before she
could bend to pay proper respect to her lover’s sex, the bot had straddled him
and taken his rigid cock into its mechanical pussy.

“Come here. The bot has only a single
function. It is all I need to gain release, so I saw no point in paying for a
more elaborate model. While it does its job, I will show you another kind of
pleasure. Come sit on my face. I wish to taste your very human delights.”

Her heart beat faster, harder as she
straddled him. When her clit ring brushed his lips, he caught it between his
teeth, gently dragging her lower as he spread her labia with his fingers and
closed his lips around that most sensitive flesh. He flailed her clit with his
tongue until it felt as though it would burst, all the while stroking around
her pussy and rimming her anus with gentle fingers.

Then he lengthened his strokes, dipping his
tongue into her swollen cunt, licking its spasming walls while he worked one
finger into her ass, then two. He began to slide in and out of her ass and stab
her cunt in slow, incredibly stimulating motion. Gods in the heavens, this felt
delicious, nothing like when, in desperation, she had ordered the eunuch twins
to service her to climax in a similar way.

BOOK: Enslaving the Master
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