Embracing Fate: A hot paranormal shifter book (Hidden Hills Shifters 4) (9 page)

BOOK: Embracing Fate: A hot paranormal shifter book (Hidden Hills Shifters 4)
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“I won’t.” She wasn’t stupid.

He nodded and traipsed down the steps. She waited until he’d driven away before stepping inside then locking the door. Now that the whole issue of repairing her window had been taken care of, and her brother was safe, it was time to work on breaking down Cord Triggert.

It was already after ten thirty, which meant she had less than two hours to prepare before his return. She loved the fact that he’d suggested she wear unflattering clothes and a bag over her head. To her, that meant he was having trouble keeping his hands off her. Piper carried her suitcase into the only bedroom and sorted through her things. While he seemed to enjoy her bra and undies, she saw no reason to wear them. If she had her way, he’d be taking them off right after lunch.

She debated what to put on, but in the end, she honored his joking request of a sweatshirt and baggy sweatpants. Wouldn’t he be in for a surprise when he lifted her top and found her naked underneath?

If it had been evening, she might have searched for some candles, but she seriously doubted he would have any. She could have driven into town and bought some, but if he came home and found his place empty, he’d have gone ballistic. The best she could do was turn on a romantic music station.

Shortly after twelve, the key turned in the lock. Cord was back! Instead of jumping up, Piper stretched out on the sofa, not wanting to appear too eager.

He stepped inside, carrying a bag from the Hidden Hills Café and set the food on the kitchen counter as he passed through. “Hey,” he said.

“Everything go okay at the station?”

“If you’re asking whether I found the names of the scum who attacked your brother, the answer is no. I did a scan of the first names but nothing came up. It would have been a lot more helpful if I’d known the last names, but most likely they’d have been made up.”

Darn. She was hoping those three would be in a cell by tonight. On the other hand, spending another night with hot Cord Triggert held a lot of appeal. She eased off the sofa. “Need help with the food?”

He ran a gaze up and down her body and actually smiled. “Nothing to do.”

She’d already set the table, knowing they’d be eating lunch. “How about I make some coffee then?” She would have been satisfied with water, but since Cord had stepped into the kitchen, probably for some silverware and plates, she wanted to be near him.

“Only have instant.”

Really? That was a bit of a surprise but then again, he had said he pretty much only came here to sleep. He located the utensils while she boiled the water for their coffee.

“Spoke with Dram and everything is calm in the fishing world.”

“I’m glad, though I believe Brody. No one is going to find him out by the lake.”

“Can’t be too cautious.”

Once the water heated, she took the two cups of coffee over to the table and sat down. Something about having lunch with him excited her. She didn’t know if it was because they were doing something ordinary together or because he seemed more relaxed around her now. He’d looked a little haggard when he walked through the door, but as soon as he saw her, his face had lit up.

“So what’s next?” she asked. He could take her comment to mean the case or their relationship.

“Not sure what we can do until they make their move.”

Apparently, his mind was still focused on his job. After lunch, she hoped to alter the direction of those thoughts. Because he hadn’t been able to find their names, her anxiety increased with the knowledge her brother was still in danger. It didn’t matter that Brody had been in the wrong. He never should’ve gambled in the first place, especially when he didn’t have the money, but such was the life of a desperate man.

Piper felt that her brother had been constantly searching for approval ever since Dad and Mom split. Brody always claimed that if he were ever rich, people would respect him. She wished he’d understand that people respected those who were honorable—like Cord.

Not wanting to dwell on all those negative thoughts, she turned her attention to what was going to happen once they finished their meal. She’d loved it when Cord had taken her against the wall. It had been so primal and hot. This time, however, she wanted to spend her time exploring and savoring every delicious inch of his body.

The question was whether he had the patience to let her. She’d heard that shifters had stronger urges than humans, and that their need to possess created a desire so strong that they could barely control themselves. Piper wanted to push him past that point. Having a man desperate for her would be such a turn on.

She quickly ate so she could begin her seduction. Cord seemed to sense something was going on, and he, too, wolfed down his meal. Once they finished, Piper pushed back her chair, picked up both plates, and carried the dishes into the kitchen. Cord followed. She didn’t miss the spark in his eyes and hoped that meant he was interested in another sexual foray.

But their intense lovemaking wasn’t just about the sex. The more she was around him, the more she wanted him. Cord Triggert was a good man—a noble one, in fact. He liked helping people, and he was someone she trusted. It had been a long time since she’d experienced that level of confidence with anyone.

“It’s really hot in here, don’t you think?” she asked fanning her face, hoping he’d understand her not so subtle hint.

“It is indeed.” When his gaze dropped to her chest, his eyes turned a smoldering black, and her nipples hardened under his intense perusal. “Perhaps you ought to take off your sweatshirt,” he suggested.

Her pussy moistened. “I could use a little help.” She wanted to make certain he understood her intense desire.

“I thought I made myself clear about what would happen if you tried to seduce me.” He kept his face unreadable for a few seconds before his lips lifted.

Piper stepped closer and planted her palms on his chest. “Who said anything about seducing you? I was merely making a statement about the temperature in here.”

He tapped her nose. “There are a lot of things you don’t know about me, Miss Capshaw.”

She undid the top button of his shirt. “Like what?”

“I can tell what you’re feeling and what you want.”

She looked up at him and smiled. He was fishing. “That so? I’m thinking of a number from one to ten. What is it?”

He slid his hands under her sweatshirt but didn’t move them above her waist. Even so, his warm fingers made her skin sizzle. “There’s a difference between knowing what you’re feeling and what you’re thinking. I can’t read minds, but from the moment I walked in the door, I could sense you had sex on your mind. Was I wrong?”

She didn’t lie. “No. What gave it away?”

He raised his hands and cupped her naked breasts. “The fact that you didn’t wear a bra was the first clue.”

She looked down, but realized she couldn’t tell if her nipples were poking out or not because his hands were covering her tits. “I didn’t think the material was that thin.”

“It isn’t, and before you ask, I don’t have X-ray vision.”

“How did you know?”

Dimples creased his cheeks “I didn’t until I touched you, though I suspected it when you walked toward me and your tits bounced.”

She laughed. “What are you going to do about it?”


He pressed her against the kitchen counter, and the moment their lips touched, a flood of hormones surged through her veins. It was as if he’d pushed some hidden
button that she’d never known existed. Everything Cord did excited her. Her need escalated with each passing second, but if she let him take control again, they’d be naked in a heartbeat and fucking hard before she had a chance to taste and enjoy him.

Piper leaned back, her breath ragged. “I have an idea.”

He lifted a lock of her hair, brought it to his nose, and inhaled. That one action had her engine revving.

“Does it involve us getting naked?” he asked, his lids half closed.

“Kind of. I thought it would be nice if I could take off your clothes and enjoy you first.”

His groan came out loud. “You do realize that if I become too excited, I might shift in front of you.”

She hadn’t really thought this through, but if he did change form, it would be proof he really wanted her, or so Chey and Tasha always claimed. “Then what would happen?”

His brows rose as if he couldn’t believe she’d asked. “It might take me a few seconds to compose myself before I shifted back to human.”

“That doesn’t seem so bad.”

He chuckled. “You wouldn’t freak?”

She might have a few days ago, but she was becoming used to the idea. She dragged a finger down his lapel, taking her time as she reached each button. “I don’t think so.”

She thought he’d be happy, but he looked away. “Here’s the thing. Your brother was right. I am a freak.”

“Don’t listen to him.”

He clasped both of her hands in his. “I’m not. When my mother was young, she wanted to have another child, but she couldn’t conceive.”

Piper slipped out of his grasp and placed a finger on his lips. She wouldn’t last if she had to sit through his life story right now. “Can your true confession wait? I want you so badly I’m about to die.”

He grinned. “Me, too. It’s why I was talking—to gain some control before you wedge your way under my skin.”

Piper grabbed his dick and squeezed, but the thick material of his jeans didn’t afford her the feel she was looking for. “Too bad. It’s where I want to be.”

She stepped back, lifted off her top, and stepped out of her pants. In a flash, Cord turned into a hulking bear and growled, causing adrenaline to slam into her. Piper freaked and fled to the living room, not even thinking.

He was beside her in a heartbeat. “It’s okay. I’m back. See? I’m sorry.” Cord gathered her in his arms and kissed her, more gently this time.

Her heart slowed. “I’m good. I wasn’t sure if when you’re in your animal form, if you’re the same person.”

He smiled. “Same person might be a stretch, but if you mean are my feelings for you the same, they are. I could never hurt you.”

That was all she needed to know. Not wanting him to change his mind about making love, she reached out and unbuttoned the rest of his shirt. More hair had sprouted. “You’re furrier.”

“It’s what you do to me. As soon as you’re near, I want to possess you. My body automatically begins to change, and it takes effort on my part to stop it.”

All of this shifter stuff was so new. She opened his shirt and ran her hands up and down his chest. “Is your cock bigger after you’ve changed?”

He laughed. “My cock is always big when I’m around you.”

He’d given her the perfect opening. “I’d better check.”

As she undid the button on his jeans, he slipped a hand in his pocket and extracted a condom. “Had to buy some more.”

How sweet. “I’m on the pill.”

He grinned as if she’d given him a present. “I’ve been tested and am clean. You good with that?”

She slipped the foil packet from his fingers and dropped it on the floor. “Yes. Now, where was I?”

“You were in the middle of being careful. Remember what happens when you tempt me too much.”


They were standing between the dining room and the living room, but their location didn’t matter. Piper dropped to her knees, and as soon as she dragged down his pants and briefs, her breath caught at the sight of his vein-pulsing cock. As much as she’d planned to suck on him right away, his girth intrigued her. She tapped the side of his leg. “Step out of these.”

He laughed. “Hold on. They won’t fit over my boots.”

Wow. She’d been so intent on his dick that she’d forgotten about his feet. He removed his boots then slipped off his pants. “There.”

“I would have thought when you shifted, your clothes would have split apart.”

“Good thing they don’t or I’d not only be broke buying new ones, I’d be rather embarrassed after changing forms in a back alley. Hidden Hills might not be too pleased to have naked men and women running around.”

She huffed out a laugh. Tasha would never chance shifting if that were a possibility. “True.”

As much as she wanted to find out exactly how the clothes reappeared after he returned to his human form, there’d be time later to discuss it. Right now, she had a cock to attend to.

Cord grabbed his long shaft and waved it at her. “Someone mentioned sucking on it?”

She’d never said what she planned to do, but her kneeling position implied it. “I did.”

Before she began, she ran a finger up and down his length, thrilled she could make him groan with each pass.

“Watch it,” he said.

Before he decided to put a stop to her actions, she leaned over and engulfed his thickness, his slightly salty tang nearly melting her pussy.

“Jesus, girl.” He grabbed her hair on both sides of her head and tugged.

His thighs bunched as she swirled her tongue around his hard shaft. With each stroke, his growls quickened, and when she swallowed to open her throat, he stepped out of her grasp.

Stunned, she leaned back and clasped a hand over her mouth. His body was alternating between human and what she thought looked like a large black cat. She blinked to clear her vision, and he was once more all man.

“You’ve had your fun,” he said, lifting her to her feet. “Now it’s my turn.”

Chapter Nine
BOOK: Embracing Fate: A hot paranormal shifter book (Hidden Hills Shifters 4)
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