Read Embraced By Passion Online

Authors: Diana DeRicci

Tags: #Erotica

Embraced By Passion (10 page)

BOOK: Embraced By Passion
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“Do you realize you were speaking telepathically earlier, on the plane?” Slone asked her gently.

Brigit blinked. She had been? Her eyes widened. “Oh my God! I did, didn’t I?” She stuttered. “How? Why?”

“Remember those talents and gifts I told you we had? Like the telepathy?” Ja’Rol said.

A stream of light sliced through the curtains of the window, the rest of the never sleeps strip nightlife hidden from view. It struck the carpet where he stood, creating a crescent moon of red. It seemed to form around him, cradling him in the deep color. Her room was a mirror image, with the full living room suite, couches and chairs. Crystal and flowers adorned the room. Elegant but understated, this was the type of room they shot for those travel magazines.

Coming back to the question, when all she could do was nod, he continued. “Slone and I are…different. We don’t consider ourselves gay because in our kind, there is no gay. You can love whomever, you can be with whomever, if the attraction is mutual and your souls respond to each other. We are responding to you, the same way you are to us. We feel what you feel.”

“The part that is important to you is the attraction and how we are drawn to each other, to the both of us. You are attracted to us, yes?” Slone asked with a very slight questioning hesitation.

Brigit glanced toward the wall of windows, unable to look right at either of them. “You kind of know that already.”

“Yes, we both know,”
Ja’Rol purred, his lashes lowering to make his gaze sizzle. “
This is another sign for us, for you. This would not be happening if your soul were not responding to ours, reaching out to us.”

“You mean the telepathy?” she squeaked.

“It is why you
hear us, why you can talk to us with only your thoughts. It is proof of what is drawing us all together. Even now, your body is warming, craving, because you’re here. We three are more together than we are alone.” Ja’Rol’s eyes were growing more heated, as though a spark of desire lit them from within. “It isn’t uncommon for a couple to find a third, especially if they are the same sex. Not with us.”

She took a step back. Brigit had no idea what the hell he meant by the ‘us’ part. Were they a sect? A religion?

“Okay, this is going way off track. I don’t know the game you’re playing. I just wanted you two to know I’m sorry for letting you get the idea that I was that damned easy by letting the sex happen.” She took another step toward her room. “I’m not usually like that, and fainting notwithstanding, I shouldn’t have. I really appreciate you bringing me here for my mom, and giving me a room to stay.”

“You can’t deny you want us,” Slone said.

“I can,” Brigit retorted, suddenly feeling like her only option was to escape. “Watch me.” Just because she was attracted didn’t mean she had to act on it. Again.

She spun on a heel and aimed for the room door. There was enough light to see, and plenty of quiet to hear.

“Wait,” Ja’Rol called, very softly, and she stopped at his breathed plea. “Why are you running?” Before she could move another step, he was standing behind her. She felt his body heat along her spine. “I told you earlier. We want you, for more than sex, but we’ve been trying to explain things slowly especially since we’ve had so little time to explain anything. We want you for us.” He dipped and pressed his lips to her shoulder. “We want you because you’re beautiful.” Ja’Rol delivered another delicate kiss beneath her ear. “We want you because you complete us, because we need you. Do you think the telepathy happens with any woman? That any woman could drive us insane the way you do with need, with a desire so thick even now, we’re doing our best to remain gentle because you’re scared, when we want to love you?” He placed his palms at her waist. “When we want to be so deep inside you, we all scream with pleasure?” He nibbled at her ear.

Brigit’s heart was pounding a rushed tattoo within her chest. “I make you feel like that?” His touches were making her sound breathless.

Slone slipped to stand in front of her, once again caging her, though less intimately than before, between their bodies. “Like that and more.”


Slone pressed a finger to her lips. “Never again will you say anything about being fat. Do I make myself clear? You are beautiful, lush, and perfect for us. Believe in what we see, and you will see it too.” A taunting smirk rose on his lips. “I do believe Ja’Rol and I will be having a talk with your father. You should have your family, however, neither of us will allow his conduct toward you to continue. He will respect you, whether he feels he should, or not.”

It took Brigit a second to grasp that. “Wait. You’re going to
for me?”

Slone shrugged, unconcerned. “In a manner of speaking. We protect those we care for. And make no mistake, we care for you.”

“But you barely know me!” she almost wailed. Were they disillusioned? She didn’t feel like she was in danger, even being outnumbered and overpowered by the two. They’d been nothing but gentle with her in everything.

“Not true. Your mother always spoke of you, of your exploits, your accomplishments and of your character.” Ja’Rol refused to let her stray far, his caring hands rising to rest on her shoulders. “If we had even a hint that you were the one after knowing your mother for so long, we would have come and found you, but before now, at least one of us three hasn’t been ready. Slone and I discovered we were lacking what we needed within weeks of each other. It took us time to admit that because neither wanted to hurt the other with this wanting for a woman that hasn’t happened to us in all the years we’ve been together. It complicated things that we had no idea who she was, or what she looked like, only that we both needed her.”

Slone nodded in his agreement. “Everything he says is true.”

Ja’Rol circled her to stand with Slone in front of her, wrapping an arm around the other man’s waist. “We’re asking again, just give us a chance.” He tilted to look into Slone’s eyes, then told her, “We do know you, and we want to know you even better.”

“This is insane, you know that?” Was she considering this? A…three-way…relationship? “Wait, you’re talking permanently, aren’t you? This isn’t a weekend fling?” Her mind was slowly unraveling, taking ages to come to grips with this whole situation.

Slone reached for her hands, and drew them to press flat to his chest. “If you’ll have us.”

She blinked. Brigit was a knot. She’d take them in a New York minute, but… They really wanted

“With every cell of my being,”
Slone whispered into her mind.

“Come to bed,” Ja’Rol ordered tenderly. “Just let us hold you.”

“But the room. That’s a waste,” she said.
That’s my best objection?
Brigit felt like she needed to slap herself to make sure she was even paying attention.

Slone neared to whisper into her ear. “We own the hotel. I think the room is fine.”

Brigit gulped. “You
the Golden Era?”

“How else do you think we got the owner’s suites?” Slone had the nerve to smile with a jaunty arched eyebrow for the first time since she’d come into their room, appearing completely relaxed.

Her mouth popped open, then shut with a gulped snap.

Ja’Rol walked toward the bedroom. “Come on, I’m tired and if I couldn’t sleep before, the only way I will now is with the both of you here. So get your butts into bed already,” he tossed in a laughing voice. Then as if to prove it, he yawned, smiling sheepishly.

“Can’t argue with the voice of reason.” Slone shrugged and sauntered into the bedroom too, in plain view, both giving her space to make up her own mind to join them, or leave. Glancing at the door out of their suite, she could envision her bed, large and empty. Swinging to stare at them, they stood at either side of theirs, waiting. A bed with two caring men who wanted her for
, or a large empty bed and a ceiling?

Expecting some kind of beckoning remark from at least one of them, she hesitated longer with indecision when neither pushed her. They were giving her every opportunity to make her own choice.

Ja’Rol faced Slone across the white expanse of their bed and for just an instant, she felt a wave of pain, tearing and brittle, coming from him. Then he dropped his chin, his gaze falling to the bed, as his eyes closed. And something inside of her melted completely. They really wanted her. They believed they needed her. And for the moment, she didn’t have it in her to hurt them more.

She walked to the foot of the mattress. The gleam in their eyes brightened when it became apparent she’d made her decision. Brigit would make the choice, and have to live with the consequences, regardless of if she left or stayed. Though looking at them both, seeing their desirous wants starting to flicker over their features, she discovered she’d begun to touch their thoughts—thoughts she was suddenly very aware of, even though she knew deep inside, they weren’t projecting.

Oh my God! I’m feeling
And none were trying. It only added weight to their argument, which for a split second, made her waver when the facts of their truth overwhelmed her. Firming her resolve, she shrugged out of the flannel and let it fall to the floor at the foot of the bed. In just her long sleep shirt, she crawled onto the bed and dug herself into a pillow.

“Funny shirt,” Slone chuckled.

Brigit smiled, knowing what was on it. It was the Happy Bunny saying ‘cute but kind of evil’. Both slipped into bed beside her. Slone pressed against her as Ja’Rol curled her into his shoulder, letting her head rest in the curve of his body. There wasn’t anything sexual in their touch, both stretching out to get comfortable. Slone tugged up the blanket and Ja’Rol covered them all.

“Goodnight, pet,” Slone whispered before pressing a gentle kiss to her lips.

Ja’Rol followed him, brushing his nose to hers, then he laid down with a relaxed sigh.

“Goodnight,” she murmured and closed her eyes. The heat of their bodies engulfed her, comforted her, and within minutes, she felt the dragging weight of sleep pull her under.



Chapter Eight


Ja’Rol shifted and Brigit moved with him, her head on his chest. Shivers rocked his spine when she absently tapped the bar piercing his nipple. He loved it when she or Slone teased him with the twinge of pain. Ja’Rol knew Slone had loved it since the first time they’d come together. He was glad Brigit seemed equally fascinated and not repulsed by it. He curled an arm around her, enjoying her closeness.

She drew a breath. “Seriously? He watches cartoons in the morning?”

Ja’Rol chuckled, able to hear the TV in the front room as well. “He has a few favorites, guilty pleasures.”

“You two amaze me,” she murmured, rocking her head to rub her cheek over his chest.

Sunlight was blocked by the thick curtains, leaving the bedroom in a gray, pre-dawn dimness. By the theme music playing, and knowing Slone, he knew it was after nine. He sighed in pure contentment, and found it impossible to move.

“Do you watch them?”

“Sometimes, but I think he likes the quiet and sheer innocence involved.”

“You’ve never asked him?” Big and sparkling blue, her eyes opened, her lashes fluttering as she regarded him, waking up about as quickly as he was—as in as slow as possible.

“No, because he knows I love him, cartoons and all. He’s not the only one with quirks,” he told her, a single snicker on the end of his words.

“Oh?” She lifted to rest her chin on the back of her hand to watch him. “What are your quirks?”

“I love caffeine,” he whispered, as if it were a national secret.

She giggled. “Don’t we all? I couldn’t live without it when I was working. I’m not a good morning person.”

BOOK: Embraced By Passion
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