Dream Trysts: A Sleeping Beauty Story (Passion-Filled FairyTales Book 4) (15 page)

BOOK: Dream Trysts: A Sleeping Beauty Story (Passion-Filled FairyTales Book 4)
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“Goodbye, Eldred,” she said as he watched.

And suddenly he awoke, in the dark, in the forest, with Dwennon, James, and Bayard lying nearby. He squinted in the moonlight at Prince James. The boy had a smile on his sleeping face, and he surmised he had probably traveled in dream sleep to Rose. The boy had already gotten his power. He’d suspected as much, but hadn’t been sure. But in the moonlight, James cast the faint aura of fairy power. Eldred stared a moment more at the boy, then laid back down and closed his eyes. Tomorrow, he would be done.

Chapter 26


James was in wonderful spirits when he awoke. He felt stronger than ever. His heart sang, he felt power coursing through him, and it was something unlike he’d ever felt before. Perhaps it was how he had stayed alive those two weeks when he’d been kept with Briar Rose in the dream sleep unknowingly. Yet, this time was different. Even though it was dream, it had felt more real than any of the other dreams.

He was merging, somehow, melding the physical and mental layers and getting the physical benefits without being there. And it was such a benefit. Rose had explained to him the hatred of this wicked fairy, Maurelle. And now he understood. He understood too well what the great King Errol must have felt. The energy that surged through him made him feel strong and undefeatable. He could see why Errol might have an urge to conquer when he felt this powerful. When he felt as if he could crush any enemy beneath his fingers. Even now, he could see further than he’d been able to yesterday. Things way off in the distance were crisply visible. He could hear better.

He felt invincible, though he knew he wasn’t. He was still very vulnerable to magic. While he knew Maurelle had magic, he still liked his chances with Eldred and Dwennon by his side in battle.

Well, no, it would only be a battle if Maurelle made it one. Despite the power surging through him, despite his feelings of invulnerability, his feelings that he could conquer anything, he didn’t want to conquer anything. Nothing but this journey. He simply wanted to free Rose from the curse so that he could marry her.

For a kingdom would mean nothing without her. Not to mention, he already was due a kingdom. He would rule after his father passed on, and that would likely not be for a while. In the meantime, he and Rose could rule each other’s hearts and spend many happy years doing in the real world what they did so well in the realm of dreams.

“You seem happy this morning,” Dwennon said as they took a break from their ride to let the horses water.

“I am,” he admitted. “I feel good. You were right. Seeing Rose in her dreams helped me. And with us both understanding the consequences, it was easy for me to leave her.”

“Easy?” Dwennon said, his old eyes falling squarely on James’ face. “Really?”

James nodded. “Shouldn’t it have been?”

Dwennon rubbed his chin between two fingers. “I thought it might be hard, given how deep in the dream sleep she is.”  Dwennon’s eyes traced the form of James’ body as if examining him thoroughly. “You’re different,” the old man said, finally.

“I know,” he said. “I feel stronger.”

Dwennon shook his head. “It’s not just that,” he said. “You’ve got an air of magic about you.”

James couldn’t help but snicker at that. An air of magic about him? Whatever could that mean? “I’m just energized by Rose,” he said, staring at the old man who squinted at him as if trying to see something more. “You said it yourself.”

Dwennon shook his head. “There’s more. It’s why you were able to reach her so easily. It’s not a power to manipulate the physical world. It’s a gift of the mind, similar to that of a seer. But it is not the gift of sight you have.”

James’ smile faded. The old man seemed certain, and though a moment ago he’d been sure he was no different than last night, he was now beginning to wonder. The way the man looked at him, as if he were seeing something. And while James felt different, he wondered briefly if it could be true that he was now imbued with magic. “Being with Rose,” he started. “That can fill me with magic as well as strength?”

Dwennon shook his head. “No, but there is magic available to humans,” he said, sighing. “Fairies and humans aren’t that different, and if there are humans devoted to a worthy cause, humans unduly persecuted by a fairy, magic may come to them.”

James squinted at him. “So you think I now have magic?”

Dwennon nodded.

“What does the magic do?”

“I don’t know,” Dwennon said. “You will have to figure that out for yourself.”


* * *

They travelled the entire day, moving more quickly than they’d anticipated. If things continued to progress this easily, they would get to the castle before the sun set on the third day, rather than well into the night. He’d get to see a real sunset with Rose.

Tomorrow they would get to Rose in real life. But now, for tonight, he would get to her himself, in his own way. He lay down for the night, closed his eyes and traveled to her.

He found himself in their meadow, near the crystal pond. He called out her name, wondering where she was. She was almost always waiting for him when he arrived. He turned on the spot, searching for her in the distance.

Then, from the center of the clear water, there was a splash, and he saw Rose’s head emerge from the water. He grinned as he watched the water drip from her flaxen hair. “What are you doing in there?” he asked.

“I had been swimming,” she called out. “Then I thought I’d search on the bottom for pretty stones.”

That was so Rose. She liked pretty things. She was still in the water, her body submerged from the shoulders down.  Only, she didn’t seem to be emerging from the water.  “Are you coming to greet me?”

She shook her head and her lips quirked into a coy smile.  “Why don’t you come join me?”

He raised a brow and thought about it for a moment. Why not? He disrobed quickly, leaving his clothes in heap on the shoreline. Rose was staring with a huge smile on her face as he stepped into the water. “What has you so happy?”

“The view,” she said. “It’s absolutely perfect from here.”

She was devilishly taunting. Wasn’t she? He waded into the cool water until he was almost fully submerged himself and standing right next to her. She grinned at him and said “So nice of you to join me.”

He slid his arms into the water, grabbing hold of her and pulling her close. She felt silky smooth in the cool water. “Nice of you to invite me.”

She giggled, and it reminded him of a mating call, a promise of good things to come. “Has your journey been well? I’ve been worried.”

Shaking his head, he leaned in and kissed her lips. “I’ve been focused on you. That makes the journey the easiest, most natural thing I’ve ever done.”

“You flatter me too much.”

“I think I fail to flatter you enough, my love.” He leaned in, and his lips pressed against the soft skin of her neck and her whole body tremored. Here in the water, pressed so close, he could think of nothing more he wanted to do than to take her. Her skin was soft and supple pressed against hers, and he had already stiffened in her presence.

He glided his hands along her bare flesh beneath the water. Her hands caressed him, too. Her fingers cupped his butt cheeks and gave a little squeeze, pulling him closer. “I want you,” she whispered in his ear.

Not as much as he wanted her. “I think we linger longer here,” he said, his hand finding its way to her bosom. Her nipples were thick and hard and calling to him. He lowered his head to meet her chest, his tongue rimming her areola, and the rest of her body squirming involuntarily, a moan of delight. He lifted her into his arms, and she was light as a feather in the water, and walked with her to the shallow end of the cool pool.

As he lifted his head from her bosom, he delighted in watching the droplets of water that ran down her body, from her neck to her bosom, to her beautiful, charming belly button, then down to the fuzzy mane of hair that adorned her womanhood.

“What are you staring at?” she asked, an eyebrow raised in mischief.

“Those lucky droplets of water who have landed exactly where I wish to be.”

Rose stroked his cheek with a wet finger, and he turned his head in time to scoop the digit into his mouth, sucking it lightly. “You’re a prince,” Rose said, her voice playful. “You shouldn’t let another invade your domain. You must oust those wicked, wicked, droplets.”

He sat Rose in the shallow of the pond and she lay her head back, her body just barely kissed by the water. It all seemed to have receded away from her, leaving him simply his beautiful princess, ready and waiting for him. He didn’t question the physics of things here in the dreamscape, for he didn’t care about the water or the pond or anything else besides being with her.

He spread her legs and kneeled between them, leaning forward, blowing a breath across Rose’s belly and watching her skin tremble ever so slightly. “Water,” he said, looking at her gorgeous muff. “It is time for you to be gone. The true ruler of this dominion has come to claim its prize.”

Rose laughed and ran her fingers through his hair. “You are very commanding,” she said proudly.

“Only, it’s not working,” James said. “I may have to send in my army to attack.”

Rose affected a look of perfect fear. “An attack,” she whispered. “I’m not sure I can endure such a thing.”

“Oh,” he whispered, blowing on the blond curly hair between her legs. “You must have the strength to endure such things, princess.”

With that, he plunged his face in between her legs, licking the opening to her insides, as she wriggled and gasped and he put his tongue to use, tasting her sweet insides and trying to bring her to a state of pure rapture. Her fingers ran through his hair as he caressed her insides, and when she was sufficiently dripping, he withdrew his head, and smirked at her. “See, all it takes to get rid of those intruders was a skilled army.”

Through labored breaths, she croaked out, “Very skilled indeed.” She smiled at him, and her delicate hands found his inner thigh slid up it, stopping at his balls, which she lightly stroked, forcing all thoughts to leave him, and he could only focus on the pleasure she afforded him as she played with his cock and balls, enlivening him. He was thick and hard, and the silkiness of her touch made him feel truly powerful.

He couldn’t take another moment without fully joining with her. He pulled back slightly and slipped a hand between her lips below, caressing them gently, feeling her wetness. She was ready for him and he was overdue for her. It felt as if it had been an eternity since he’d lain in the joy of her sweetness. He slipped himself inside of her, and felt the instant connection. It was like coming home after a long absence. He sucked in a breath, inhaling her scent, her essence, her love for him, all in that one gentle gasp.

She moaned in pleasure, a sound bewitching to his ears. And he pressed himself closer to her as he thrust inside her, each lunge filling him with pleasure, and leaving her trembling with ecstasy. Her soft moans thrilled him ever more, and as they came closer together, he sped his pace to keep time with her pleasure. Every gasp or shimmy that told the story of her pleasure increased his tenfold.

“You are divine, Rose,” he said, as his mouth found her perfect pink nipple, large and hard, and suckled it as her breast bobbed succulently.

He thrust himself deeper into her and he could feel the power of their connection, the deep, rich way in which their linked bodies brought them closer, the way she seemed to make him better with every lunge, with every touch. He breathed out as he steadied her hips and exerted light pressure, moving faster inside her. Her body’s rhythmic shudders and her coos of joy told him she was ready. A new fervor overtook him as he pushed deeper, faster, feeling the spark of heat between them growing. He felt like they were a single being, like she couldn’t be separated from him or vice versa. He clung to her as he climaxed, feeling her come beneath him.

He leaned forward, breathless, and kissed her cheek. “I love you, Rose.”

“I love you, too.”

Chapter 27


Eldred watched as the prince slept, peaceful and content. They were all asleep — Dwennon, Bayard and James. Now was the time. Now was when he had to do it. He felt the dread rising in him as he faced what he must do. He used his magic to silence the air around himself and James so the others wouldn’t awaken. Maurelle had commanded him to take the young prince’s life, and no matter what his own heart desired, he had to bend to her will in this act. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and pulled a knife from a pocket deep inside his cloak.


* * *

James and Rose had found a blanket on the shore to lie on. Now, he cradled Rose in his arms, the top of her head just beneath James’ chin. He tipped forward slightly to kiss her soft, yellow mane, and breathed in her wonderful fresh scent. It reminded him of sunshine and kindness.

But as he did, he got an uneasy feeling in his gut. Something was wrong. Something was urging him to leave her, to awaken. Right now. He wasn’t sure what this strange force was that urged him to leave her. But whatever it was, it chilled him to the core and told him he must heed it. “I think Maurelle is near,” he whispered as he sat up. Rose turned to him, alarm on her face.

“How do you know?”

He shook his head and looked skyward. “I’m not sure,” he admitted. “I just know I must awaken, right now. But I’ll be back.”

He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, it was dark. Only a sliver of moonlight crept through the clouds to illuminate the forest clearing. In that moment, James saw the knife in the fairy’s hands. The knife was raised high above the Eldred’s head, and he looked prepared to plunge it straight down into James’ heart.

“No,” James called out.

Eldred shook his head. “I mean you no harm, but my mistress controls me now and she wants you dead.”

Eldred sliced the knife through the air and James rolled away, barely avoiding the blade as it ripped through the blanket he’d been lying on and jammed into the dirt. Adrenaline coursed through James as he stood and took a step back. “Don’t do this,” he said to Eldred.

Tears ran down Eldred’s face. “If I could stop,” he whispered as he wiggled the hilt of the knife to free it from the ground, “I would, but I am bound to do her bidding. Forgive me.”

With that, Eldred charged toward James, knife pointed at his target. It was late, and while James should have been groggy from the dream sleep, or even the sudden turn of the situation, he didn’t feel so. He felt like he could see, really see everything around him, and that was to his advantage. He feinted right, away from the lunge, leaving Eldred to stumble past him, and then try to regain his footing

The fairy turned toward the man, and smiled. “You will defeat me,” he said. “It’s not your fault. If I could stop now, I would. But I must see it through.”

James stared at him, unsure he wasn’t dreaming now. Did Eldred just say James would defeat him? And smile about it? That made no sense.

Before James could puzzle out the strange statements, Eldred was running toward him again, his knife held aloft, ready to strike. This time, James decided to face him, sliding just to the side so Eldred missed when he stabbed at him. Eldred sailed past James and then forced himself to stop. When he turned back, James punched the arm holding the knife, hoping Eldred would drop it. He didn’t. He seemed to have a tighter grip, realizing his only hope was to hold onto the knife.

James held Eldred’s knife arm with one hand and punched the fairy with the other. Eldred grunted and pushed James away, but he didn’t seem to be fighting vigorously.  His heart didn’t seem to be in it.

James shoved the fairy away, and said, “I know you don’t want to do this.”

“It matters not,” Eldred said.

“Run into the woods,” James said. “Just leave.”

“You do not understand fairy oaths,” Eldred said, his voice shaky with sorrow. “I must do her bidding, for I have given her my oath.” Eldred lunged at James, and the prince dodged to the side. But this time, Eldred came at him with more force, the knife outstretched in front of him, with a clear intention of striking. James feinted right this time, but Eldred seemed to anticipate it, and grabbed James, dragging them both to the ground. Eldred was strong, much stronger than James had realized. Until now, he’d thought there was a chance that Eldred would win the war against Maurelle’s oath. But it was clear that wasn’t going to happen. Eldred now had a determined gleam in his eye. One that said he would succeed at his mission, no matter how much he desperately wanted not to.

James’ heart thumped in his chest, and for the first time felt afraid of Eldred, afraid of his determination. Eldred was on top of him, holding him down with inhuman strength, fairy strength, and James saw the knife held aloft, ready to take him if he didn’t muster resolve or strength or something.

He thought of Rose, of how horrified she would be if she could see him now, of how he was not just her last hope, but her only hope. He had to survive this so he could rescue her.

Eldred brought the knife toward James’s heart, but James used his bent arm to block the progression of Eldred’s hand. James arm seemed to be doing the job temporarily, keeping the knife at bay, poised just inches above James’ torso. But Eldred was stronger, and James’ heart knew this was a losing battle.

The knife inched closer and closer to James chest, so he bucked at the waist, causing Eldred to lose his balance and fall to the side. Eldred swung his arm around, trying to clip James with the knife, but James smacked his hand, knocking the knife from it. Finally, a lucky break. Eldred didn’t have any fairy powers that would be of danger to him, James thought. If he could just get the knife, he could stop him, and perhaps awaken Dwennon to talk sense to him. James scrambled for the knife fallen in the dirt, and wondered briefly why Bayard and Dwennon weren’t already awake.

James’s fingers were about an inch from the knife’s hilt when it flew into the air and floated into Eldred’s hand. “I don’t have a lot of physical fairy magic, but I can bring things to me.”

The fear welled in James’ gut as he saw the knife with the fairy again. This time, James didn’t wait for the fairy to charge. He decided instead to take the battle to him. He ran toward Eldred, hoping to dislodge the knife again, to do something that got this fairy away from him.

The charge seemed to surprise Eldred a little, but he adjusted quickly, widening his stance, lowering himself in preparation to stand his ground. As James rounded on his adversary, he girded his resolve and charged ahead, toward Eldred, toward the knife.

Though smaller than James, Eldred was agile, and he seemed prepared to stab the second James was close enough. James dived to the side just as he got near, kicking out his feet to knock Eldred over. He felt his shins connect with Eldred’s legs. The fairy toppled forward, falling on James’ legs, then yelping.  James wiggled his legs out from beneath Eldred’s weight and backed away, sliding across the ground, facing the prone fairy. James stood, keeping his eyes on Eldred, who wasn’t moving.

James, his breathing heavy from the exertion, edged toward the fairy who was trying to kill him, wondering why he lay so still, wondering if it was possible he’d fallen on his own knife. He looked at Eldred, lying flat and breathing slowly. On the ground, a dark blue liquid was spreading.

A wave of simultaneous relief and guilt washed over James. He approached Eldred more quickly and slowly rolled him over to find the knife plunged deep in his gullet with blood seeping from the wound. Shallow breaths escaped the fairy’s pale lips. His eyes opened and he stared at James.

“I’m sorry,” was all James could think to say. He hadn’t wanted it to end like this.

“Not your fault,” Eldred whispered. “I foresaw.” Eldred coughed, indigo blood spraying from his mouth when he did. “You will save Rose.”

Then Eldred closed his eyes, and James took his hand, holding it tight as the shallow breaths faded to nothing.

A moment later, Dwennon was standing over them both, staring at Eldred. “My God,” the older fairy whispered. “We must go now. Maurelle will be on the warpath once she finds out.”

BOOK: Dream Trysts: A Sleeping Beauty Story (Passion-Filled FairyTales Book 4)
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