Read Draven Devils Angels MC Book 1 Online

Authors: Erin Trejo

Tags: #love, #mc, #hurt and comfort

Draven Devils Angels MC Book 1 (2 page)

BOOK: Draven Devils Angels MC Book 1
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I head back out to the main room and find
Duke. “Hey Duke you hear we are partying this weekend?” I ask him.
He turns around to look at me. “Naw man no one tells my old ass
shit around here these days.” He says smiling. “Well hell. Prez
said let everybody know he’s firing up the grills. Bout to have a
good ass time man.” I say and slap his back. “Sounds good to me.”
Duke says and grabs his beer. I sit at the bar next to him for a
while. I decide I'm hungry and head to the kitchen. “You cooking?”
I ask Bell when I walk in. “Yea but not for you.” She says rolling
her eyes. “Damn girl you nasty.” I say and walk around her. I grab
the bread and some lunchmeat. I make a sandwich and grab some
chips. “You gonna be around the party this weekend?” I ask Bell
while I take a big bite of my food. “Yea I’ll be there. Gonna bring
some friends too.” She says taking a bite of her food. “Skank
friends?” I ask wiggling my eyebrows at her. “You one horny bastard
ain’t you? Why you need more skanks? Don’t you have enough of them
wandering around here all night?” She says sounding a little angry.
I finish my food and walk back out. I yell over my shoulder to her.
“Nope sure as hell don’t have enough.”

I walk out and find Tracker in the corner
smoking. I walk up to him. “Give me one of them.” I say with my
hand out. “Thought you quit?” Tracker says pulling out a pack of
cigarettes. I grab one and the lighter out of his hand. “I did.” I
say as I light one up. I walk over to the bar and grab another beer
before returning to the corner. “You hear about the party?” I ask
him and he nods. “Heard Bell is bringing some friends.” I say and
take a drink of beer. “Yea heard that too.” He says smiling. “Maybe
we can get a new bitch around here.” He says laughing. I see Prez
come down the stairs and hurry out the door. “Where’s he going in a
hurry?” I say mainly to myself. “Who the hell knows?” Tracker says
and we talk about our last job. A few minutes later Prez walks in
with the prettiest little thing I have ever seen. She’s a small
little thing. Jet black hair that hangs damn near to her ass. “Who
is that with Prez?” I ask Tracker. “Don’t know never seen her
before.” He says going back to his beer. I can’t keep my eyes off
her. Next thing I know she is laughing and screaming and rolling
around the floor with Bell. “Holy fuck man. Now that has got my
dick hard. Two hot bitches rolling around the floor.” Tracker says
grabbing his junk. “Fuck yea.” Is all I can say. I can’t keep my
eyes off her. A few minutes later that fine ass girl is standing on
the bar mouthing at Garrick. Damn she is hot. I turn back to
Tracker and talk a little more. After a few minutes he slaps my
back. “Come on man I'm about to go get some of Bell.” He says and
starts walking towards where the girls are dancing. He slaps Bell
on the ass and she rounds on him. They talk and Bell introduces us
to her friend. “Didn’t know Prez had a daughter. What’s up?” I ask
her in a tone that was a little too harsh. “The sky is up and
apparently so is your dick. You may want to take care of that.” She
says a little snappy back at me. Damn this girl and her mouth. I’d
like to close that little mouth for her. I take a step towards her.
“Nice meeting you too funny girl.” I say and walk past her. Damn
she got my dick doing all kinds of things. I head outside to cool
off a little and take a break.


“All you have to do is put this on and take
orders and deliver them.” The ugly old man says to me handing me a
half pair of shorts. I take them and hold it up looking at it.
“Where is the rest of this?” I say and he laughs. He walks past me
and closes the door. I hold up the half pair of shorts and sigh.
“Well at least it covers some.” I say to myself as I start to
change. I finish getting dressed if that’s what you can call it in
this thing and pull my hair up. I walk out to the main room. I walk
over to the bar and talk to the bartender. “Hey I'm starting
tonight what should I do?” I ask the hot guy behind the bar. “You
should do me.” He says smiling. I start to be a smartass and give
him a nasty look. “Kidding. I was kidding, Sorry. Most of the girls
here smile when I say that.” He says wiping out a few glasses.
“Apparently I'm not most girls then.” I say looking around. “No
you’re not. I'm Terrance. Sorry about that.” He says extending his
hand. “I'm Casey.” I say shaking his hand. “Nice to meet you. Hey
are you Shelly’s daughter? I heard her say her daughter was
starting tonight.” Terrance says and he picks up more cups. I nod.
“Well welcome aboard. If you need anything let me know.” He says.
“Where do I start?” I ask him. “It won’t get busy for about another
2 hours so if you want to just set chairs down and then come back
over here and help me that should be good.” He says and smiles. I
nod and turn to go take chairs down. Well this is going to be a
long night.

After I set all the chairs down and help
Terrance at the bar for a while the other girls start coming in.
Terrance introduces me to them. They all seem pretty nice. “You’re
Garrick’s sister right?” One of the girls asks me. Darcy I think
her name was. “That’s me.” I say loading a tray of drinks. “So you
hang around at the Devil’s Angels club house?” She asks looking at
me. “Yea just came back though. I haven’t been there in a long
time.” I say and walk off to my tables. When I come back to get
more drinks she starts talking again. “I have dated a few guys in
the club. I’ll be at the party this weekend. It will be nice to
know someone for a change.” She says. I look up at her. “Yea it
will. I should be there.” I say and go back to work. I didn’t come
here to make friends. I came to work and go home. Where ever that
is. AS I walk past a table someone grabs my ass. I spin around.
“Hey fuckwagon touch me again and I will shove your drink up your
ass.” I snap at him and he backs off. I walk back up to the bar and
set my tray down. “Let boss know if they do that again. He doesn’t
allow that here.” Terrance says. “Are you kidding me? We are in a
strip club.” I say looking at him like he lost his mind. “Maybe but
if they aren’t paying they can’t touch. His rules not mine.” He
says laughing. I roll my eyes and grab more drinks. I'm so happy
when this night is over.

I get back to the clubhouse at 3 am. Dad gave
me a key and all the codes to get in. I push in the code at the
gate and it opens. I drive up and park. There are a few bikes out
here but Garrick said for the most part no one stays here. I walk
up to the door and unlock it. The alarm starts to buzz letting me
know I have 7 seconds to get the code put in. I punch in the code
and it says invalid. I do it again and the same thing. What the
fuck? I know I'm using the right code. It’s my fucking birthday. I
try again and the alarm starts screaming. This is great. I keep
punching in the code and get the same stupid message. I'm really
getting pissed and the noise is so fucking loud. I'm about to hit
the damn thing when a big hand comes around me. I jump back and
look up. It’s Draven and he doesn’t look happy. He types in the
code and bangs it a few times and the alarm stops. “Thanks.” I say
looking up at him. “Yea you too.” He says and turns to walk off.
Damn he isn’t wearing a shirt and I can see every muscle move in
his back. “What the fuck did I do?” I snap as I walk towards the
back. “Oh nothing. Just set the fucking alarms off at 3 in the
fucking morning when people are trying to sleep.” He turns and
snaps at me. I walk up and shove him hard in his chest. He doesn’t
move. He just looks down at me with a blank expression on his face.
“Done with your fit little girl?” He asks his eyes never leaving
mine. Why do men have to be so stupid? “No. Actually I'm not done.
I didn’t know anyone was here and I didn’t know there was a fucking
trick to the god damn alarm.” I yell at him pushing his chest
again. “Now?” He says again. What the hell is his problem? “NO
actually I'm not. Since we are on the subject. I have had the worst
fucking night of being grabbed on by nasty fucking men and then
come home to a big gorilla ass hateful motherfucker!” I yell and
push him again. This time he grabs me by the shoulders and pushes
me against the wall. I try to move but he has my legs pinned with
his hard body. My heart speeds up. I can smell his cologne. He
leans down close to my face. “ I am every fucking word of what you
just said plus some more. Now the next time you put that pretty
little hand of yours on me.” He says in a soft voice as he grabs my
hand and pulls it to his stomach. “You better be ready for what
happens.” He says as he pulls my hand from his stomach further down
until it’s on his dick. I can feel how hard he is right now. That
only makes my heart beat faster. He doesn’t move he stands there
leaning down in my face. I call his bluff and I grab him and
squeeze. A moan escapes his mouth as he looks me in the eye. “You
couldn’t handle it.” He says as he releases me and walks off down
the hallway. I stand there for a minute trying to catch my breath.
I need a shower.


I wake up at 8 am. My night fucking sucked.
After everyone left last night I couldn’t deal with going home. I
decided to stay at the club. No one else was here that I knew of so
I thought it would be a quite night. I hung out watching the replay
of the football game and drinking until I decide to go try to
sleep. I lay in my bed for hours. Since the accident I haven’t been
able to sleep more than a few hours at a time and that was fucking
5 years ago. I lay in my bed just thinking. If I would have been a
better man this wouldn’t have happened. I should have been a better
man. I should have been a better person. But I wasn’t and now there
is nothing I can do. She’s gone now. I don’t get a second chance.
That was the end of every chance I ever had. I grab the bottle of
Jack off my night stand and drink. When I drank all I can I finally
fall asleep. An hour later I hear the fucking alarm going off. It
pisses me off since I just fell asleep. What fucking dumbass is
coming in here at 3 am anyway? I get up and pull my sweatpants on
and head out to the main room. I stop in my tracks when I see that
pretty little ass hanging out in a pair of super tiny shorts. Casey
is standing in front of the alarm system typing in the code over
and over. Prez must not have told her there was a little trick to
that damn thing. I stand there and watch her ass for a few minutes
until the alarm is so annoying I can’t stand it. I stalk across the
room and she never heard me. I reach around her and bang the shit
and the alarm shuts off. She thanks me and I thank her. She starts
going into a rant and I let her. She seems like she needs to get it
out. She goes off about people grabbing her at work and shit. When
she starts to put her hands on me I can’t take it. My dick is hard
and her hands on me are killing me. I finally pin her against the
wall and make her a little promise. I grabbed her hand and put it
on my stomach and made her feel me as I drug her hand down to my
ever hardening dick. I thought that would scare her off but it
didn’t. She squeezed it and damn it if I didn’t moan. She liked it
I could tell by how her breathing sped up. I told her she couldn’t
handle it and walked off to my room before I did something

I head out to the front and into the kitchen.
Nobody will be in for a few more hours so I decide to make some
breakfast. I'm not sure what Prez has in mind today but I know I
have shit to do out in the garage. I make some pancakes and eggs. I
make extra since I know Casey is here if she wants to eat. I finish
up and stand at the counter eating. When I'm almost finished I hear
the door open behind me. Casey walks in yawning in only a little
t-shirt. I can see her little panties hanging out of the bottom.
Damn if I'm not hard already. I turn back to my food and finish up.
“Don’t you own a shirt?” She asks as I hear her open the fridge.
“Don’t you own anything that covers your ass?” I say without
looking over at her. She laughs a soft little laugh. “I happen to
like sleeping like this thank you.” She smarts off as she grabs a
glass and pours herself some juice. “Well I happen to like walking
around like this.” I retort. I walk over to the sink and wash my
plate and fork and put them in the drainer. I grab a glass and get
some juice. “Made food if you want any.” I say as I chug my juice.
“Oh my god you can cook? I'm so shocked. I thought all you could do
was fuck and ride.” She says in a very fake shocked voice. I
chuckle at that. “There’s a whole lot I can do baby.” I say into
her ear as I walk out of the kitchen. I don’t know what it is about
this girl but damn she is getting to me.

I'm out in the garage when I hear bikes
rolling in. Sly, Drake and Jimmy come walking in. “What are you up
to Draven?” Sly says as he walks in yawning. “Getting some work
done man. How was your run?” I ask as I take the tire off the bike
I'm working on. “Shit was pretty messed up man. We ran out of west
Texas and had a little run in with an old member. He didn’t seem
too damn happy to see us. We had to deal with a load of shit from
him and his crew. Need to talk with Prez when he gets in.” Jimmy
says as he walks by. “Sounds like a fun time.” I say and Drake
laughs. “Yea Prez isn’t going to like who it was and what he was up
to.” He says helping me pull a part off. “Who was it?” I ask. “Some
little prick that used to be in the club. Spike. You weren’t here
when he was.” Drake says. “You aren’t missing nothing either.” Sly
adds. I nod and go back to what I was doing. I stay out in the
garage working when I realize its lunch time. A lot of the guys
came in already and some of the woman too. I head back inside and
see what everyone is up to.

I come in the side door and I know Josey is
here because I can smell that chicken cooking. Josey is Jimmy’s
wife and she comes in a lot. We always know she’s here because she
cooks and she’s damn good at it. I walk down the hallway and into
the main room. I see a lot of the guys are here. “Hey Duke you
smell that?” I say as Duke comes in. “Oh shit Josey’s here huh?”
Duke says and I laugh. “Damn sure smells like it.” I say as I walk
towards the kitchen. I open the door and go in and I'm shocked when
I see Casey is standing at the stove. She turns around and gives me
a small smile before turning back to what she was doing. Josey is
sitting on the counter with her legs swinging and smiling like she
is having the best time. “Hey Josey.” I say as I walk over and kiss
her cheek. “Draven! I'm so happy to see you. Haven’t seen you go
home in a while. You ok?” Josey says sweetly. “Yea I'm good. You
know how it is.” I say. “So you do actually own a shirt huh?” I
turn to see Casey looking at me. “Imagine that.” I say looking at
her. “And you seem to actually own pants.” I finish and walk to the
fridge. “Um you two ok?” Josey asks and I nod. “Ok then.” Josey
says as she jumps off the counter and walks out. I grab a beer and
turn around. “You can cook?” I say to Casey. “Imagine that.” She
says mocking me. “Try it.” She says holding out a piece to me. I
walk over and she puts it in my mouth. “Damn girl that’s good.” I
say as I chew it up. She smiles and goes back to cooking.

BOOK: Draven Devils Angels MC Book 1
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