Read Dr. Daddy Dom (Little Lake Bridgeport 2) Online

Authors: Breanna Hayse

Tags: #Domestic Discipline, #Marriage, #Romance, #Forever Love, #Single Woman, #Bachelors, #Adult, #Erotic, #Spanking, #Anal Play, #Ménage, #BDSM, #Urban Cowboys, #Marshall Brothers, #Lake Bridgeport, #Adult Little Girls, #Rebellious Nature, #Bare-Bottom Spanking, #Submission, #One Year, #Family Trio, #Old Friend, #Counseling, #Counselor, #Family Help, #Second Chance, #Callous Father, #Harrowing Ordeal, #Marriage Reconciliation, #Emotional Pain, #Friendship, #Tragic Secret, #Mulit-Couples, #Multi-Story

Dr. Daddy Dom (Little Lake Bridgeport 2) (7 page)

BOOK: Dr. Daddy Dom (Little Lake Bridgeport 2)
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"Fuck!" he shouted into her back as his hot, fragrant juice shot like a cannonball into her tightly contracting womb.

May buried her mouth in her pillow as she cried out, lifting her ass higher to take in every long, pulsing centimeter of his talented cock. She jerked several times, her body covered with a fine layer of sweat, growling through clenched teeth as the orgasm consumed her.

Caine crumpled on top of her, spent and exhausted, and crooned into the crook of her neck as he rolled to one side and pulled her down beside him. "That felt so good," he whispered, kissing her eyelids. "I'm sorry I woke you up. I just can't resist a hot, naked bottom."

"Mmm, there is no better way to be woken up." She kissed him and then brought her hand down to his tired cock. "Wanna go for round two?"

"I want to sleep. Put your head on my chest and close your eyes. We've got a long day tomorrow."

"We do? What's going on?"

"You'll know in the morning. Sleep."

"I want loves," May stated, tracing her finger around his nipple.

He snatched her hand and held it firmly against his stomach. "I just gave you loves. Sleep."

"I want cuddles."

Caine inhaled deeply, tightening his arm around her shoulders. "Maybelle Corinne, what you want and what you going to get are two different things. Now settle yourself down and go to sleep."

"Excuse me, but
the one who woke me up in the first place. Remember?" she said snippily as she tried to turn away from him.

"I remember very well, thank you. I also remember what enticed me. Should I get the hairbrush and give you a reminder, as well?"

"You're becoming as mean as Layton. 'Night."

"Thank you and good night," he said with a tiny smile. He reached over to turn off the lights and fell asleep, the smile still on his face.




Chapter 5


"That was so much fun. Thanks for taking me out," May said, hopping off her horse. "Can I let her swim? Huh? Can I?"

"Just for a few minutes to cool down, and then come right back. We have a lot of things to do today." Caine crossed his arms and nodded, eyeing her as Layton removed the animal's tack before the girl led the horse to the edge of the lake.

"I have to admit, I've never seen a horse that likes water enough to swim," Ian said several minutes later as they watched the animal swim alongside the little blonde. "Aren't you worried that she's going to accidentally kick May?"

"That's not going to happen. May! Time to come in!" Caine called.

"I hate when she does that," Layton lamented as the woman climbed on the horse's back and directed it to swim to shore. "I'm more worried that she's going to fall off right when they get to the beach. That mount is slippery and—May! Baby! Are you okay?" he shouted, breaking into a dead run.

"She's fine! Layton! He's such a mother sometimes," Caine groaned, following Layton to where May sat on the sand. Her legs were stuck straight out in front of her, her arms crossed at the chest, and she had an annoyed scowl on her face as Layton covered her with kisses and checked her for injuries.

"Are you hurt? Should I get Owie Bear?" he asked worriedly.

"No. I'm fine and I don't need Owie Bear," she said.

"What's an Owie Bear?" Ian asked, watching her slap Layton's hands away.

"It's her favorite teddy bear that gets the same bandages that she does if she gets hurt. May? Are you all right?" Caine said.

"Yeah, except for him. You're annoying me. Layton, leave me alone," she said, trying to stand.

He pulled her to her feet and hugged her tightly. "I just worry, babydoll."

Screwing up her face, she pushed him away. "And this is why I don't want you going to my races. You're embarrassing me in front of Ian. Stop!"

Caine calmly stood between them. "Enough, you two. We need to get cleaned up and run over to the house for the deliveries. Layton? Are you going to go with us?"

"Actually, I need to get a case ready for Monday. Before anyone argues—and yes, I'm talking about you, Maybelle," Layton held up his hand to stop her protests, "if I do it now then I will have the entire day on Sunday to spend with all of you. That also means that I won't have to hurry through your punishment book that night."

"There's nothing in my book." May folded her arms again.

"Didn't I tell you to put the door slamming in there?"

"That's not fair! You already spanked me for that! Caine! That's double jeopardy!" She stomped her foot.

"She's got a point," Ian said, holding back a laugh as May stared up defiantly at her tall husbands.

"I agree." Caine nodded. "The door slamming temper tantrum was dealt with already."

"No, I dealt with her defiance, not the tantrum," Layton argued.

Caine shook his head. "I have to disagree. May, put down the pinecones."

"Take it back, mister, or these are going to be used," she threatened, aiming at Layton.

Caine held out his hands in front of him with his palms facing her. "Easy, girl. Put the pinecones down and nobody gets hurt."

"Take it back! Make him swear that my book is clear." She drew back her arm, her eyes darting back and forth between the two handsome men. She didn't see Ian sneak up behind her before he grabbed her around the waist and freed his friends from the threat of her deadly aim. "No fair! I was ambushed!" she protested.

"Yeah, you were. She's no bigger than a football," Ian said and laughed, tossing May over his shoulder and turning towards the laughing men. "Who does she usually aim for?"

"Layton, and she rarely misses. Hold her still," Caine requested before landing a solid swat across her backside.

"You call that a smack? Lemme show you how to do it." Layton repeated the swat.

"Stop it!" May tried to kick, but Ian's arms around her legs prevented it. "Ow! That's enough!"

"Keep going, guys; the pounding of her fists on my back feels great. Ow! She bit me. OW!" Ian said.

"Maybelle, take Ian's shoulder out of your mouth," Layton ordered, lifting her from the other man's shoulder and placing her on her feet. "No biting."

"He deserved it. Next time, I'll be watching you closely. Because," she grabbed a pinecone and pitched it at Ian, "I'll be aiming for you. Hear me?"

"Hey! Stop her!" the man yelled, ducking the flying pinecones as they pelted him unmercifully.

"That's enough. Go inside and get ready," Caine ordered, breaking into a laugh after she had raced to the house. "She got you."

"Yeah, she did," Ian said. "I would do anything to see Savannah be able to play like that."

"We will all do our best to bring it out. You have my word. Now, let's get your new home in order."


"What time is it?" Ian asked, looking out the window.

"It's five minutes since the last time you asked," Caine said.

"Sorry, I'm a little nervous. What if I screw up? What if—"

"What if you just do your best? There's the ambulance," Caine said as the vehicle pulled into the driveway. "Let's get this started."

An hour later, the young woman was lying back in bed, with Caine stroking her shoulder-length red hair as he spoke gently to her, explaining where they were and what would be occurring. Tears streamed down both sides of her face as she spoke through her wired jaw, growing frustrated when she couldn't lick her dry lips or significantly increase her volume to emphasize her frustration. She looked frantically at Ian and then back to Caine, and then shook her head.

"Savannah, I wanted to do this for us, not just for you. Caine and Layton are going to try to help us so that maybe we can heal our marriage and help us both be happy. I love you, but things have gotten out of control and we've both been hurt. Do you want a divorce?" Ian asked gently.

Savannah looked away and then gave a slight shake of her head.

"Then let's give us one last try," Ian urged. He glanced up at Caine and received a firm nod. With a deep breath, he continued. "Things are going to be different from now on. You're going to be dependent on me, and I expect you to treat me with respect. I'm going to do everything I can to make you comfortable and help you regain your strength, but I'm not going to tolerate any more abuse or nastiness from you. There will also be no more alcohol. You're done drinking, at least while we are still together."

She protested weakly between her wired teeth and then looked at Caine with a questioning expression.

"You heard him, darling. You have no choice right now, and it's either staying here or going to a rehabilitation facility. I trust that the care you receive here will be so much better, which means that you will heal faster." Caine stood up and placed his hand on Ian's shoulder. "I've got to get back home. Her dressings are to be changed before she goes to bed, so don't forget to give her pain medication. It will help her sleep through the night, as well. Also, keep an eye out for infection, get plenty of water in her, and have her up and walking as much as possible. The last thing we want is for her to develop blood clots or pneumonia from a lack of activity. Savannah? I expect you to be a good girl and mind Ian. He is following my instructions so you are to cooperate. I'll be back tomorrow and check on you."

"Thanks, Doc. Wish me luck," Ian said.

"You don't need luck. You just need time and determination."

After Caine had gone, Ian turned to his wife and placed his hands on his hips. "Well, here we are. Are you hungry? We stocked the fridge with protein shakes, juice and anything else that you can drink through a straw."

"No." Her answer sounded like a growl from between clenched teeth.

"I'll try to keep to yes and no questions, okay? I can understand you just fine if you speak slowly." He dipped his finger in a small pot of lip balm and ran it over her dry lips. A bottle was raised to her mouth and he steadied the straw. "Drink."

"Not thirsty," she forced out.

"Drink," he ordered firmly. "Caine said that you need water to help heal your wounds and keep you from becoming constipated. Things are already going to be uncomfortable in that area, so there is no need to make it worse."

Savannah's eyes widened, acknowledging her humiliating situation. "No! You can't!"

"Until your wrists heal, you need me to handle everything. Your body is in my hands and I intend to do whatever I have to, to help you."

"Fuckin' asshole!"

"Now, now, we aren't going to have any of that. No little girl of mine is going to be disrespectful," Ian said.

"I'm not a little girl!"

He took a breath, prepared to deliver the lecture that he had rehearsed with Layton. "Quite the contrary. I stood back and took a good, long look at how you've behaved over the years, and I've decided that you have shown a dire need for proper discipline. Your parents didn't do you any favors by letting you have free run without any responsibility, nor were you ever taught respect. I know that wasn't your fault, but it's time that things change so you can learn how to be happy and function without the need to drink or act out. As time goes on and once Dr. Marshall feels that you are healthy enough, there will be consequences for inappropriate behavior."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Her face registered shock.

"You heard me. Your first rule is that you will not call me any more names. Your father insulted you all your life and it hurt you. I feel the same when you do it to me. So, no more. Got it?"

She narrowed her eyes and then looked away.

He waited patiently until she slowly nodded. "That's my girl. Let's get you comfy and then you can take a nap. Do you need some pain medication? No?"

Ian bit his lip as he carefully removed the hospital gown and replaced it with a soft, cotton tee shirt and then produced a pair of adult diapers. He sighed as she violently shook her head. "These are only temporary for when you are sleeping, in case you can't alert me in time to use the bedside commode. Your wound didn't close up like it should have, so we need to keep it from getting dirty."


"Honey, listen to me. Your surgery was intense and your body didn't respond well. Moreover, without your spleen, the doctors said that you are super susceptible to infection. You've had a catheter in for over ten days and there's a strong likelihood that you are going to be messing the bed, especially with the antibiotics, pain medications, and all the IV fluid that's been pumped into you. So, like it or not, you're wearing the diaper until we see that you've regained bladder control. I'm going to roll you over. I'll be gentle. I know everything is tender."

"Ow," she whimpered as he moved her to one side and rubbed powder over her bottom, thighs and back. "This is so embarrassing."

"I know, baby," Ian said, sitting down beside her with his big, warm hand on top of her left wrist cast. "This has got to be humiliating for you, but we have little choice. How about if we play a little game?"

"Like what?" She narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

It was now or never. Caine had given him ideas about how to introduce the lifestyle and this one was as good as any. He dabbed the angry tears from her face and smiled softly. "Let's play house. I'll be the uncle and you are my little niece."

"That's sick."

"Why did you say that? There will be no sex and I'll be caring for you like a parent would. I just thought it would feel more natural if we did uncle and niece instead of Daddy and daughter. Caine and his wife do that and it's really sweet. I want to take care of you like he does with May. She loves it," Ian said.

"It's stupid and I don't want any part of it. You can be a pervert with someone else."

"There is nothing perverted about it, Vanna. I want us to have the same type of loving, respectful, and giving relationship they have. When you see it, I think you will want that, too. We're both broken and fucked up, but it's not too late. Please, let's try it my way until you get better. After that, I will leave it in your hands regarding our direction, okay?"

"What if I refuse?"

"You really don't have much of a choice, but I'd prefer that you understood and consented."

"I still think it's ridiculous."

"We'll never know until we try. Drink this up and rest. I'll be right here when you wake up."

The sound of crying alerted him to Savannah's bedside later that evening. She had once again refused his help, including taking her pain medications. Frustrated, he called the Marshall home.

"Hi, May. It's late. Why are you still up?" he asked, glancing at his watch. "I thought your bedtime was at ten."

"Layton and I are finishing a puzzle. Are you okay? I hear crying," May said.

"I'm fine, honey, but Savannah isn't feeling well. Is your daddy there?" he asked, amused about how easy it was to fall into the role of uncle with this woman/child.

"Yeah, hold on. Daddy! Uncle Ian's on the phone! Savannah's sick!"

"Please, lower your voice. You need to go get ready for bed."

BOOK: Dr. Daddy Dom (Little Lake Bridgeport 2)
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