Double Chance Claim [Badlands 3] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) (7 page)

BOOK: Double Chance Claim [Badlands 3] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)
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Was it because someone beautiful was sleeping upstairs?

Wyatt climbed carefully up to Wade’s bedroom, hoping for a better surprise in his brother’s bed. Easing the door open silently, the scent of her luscious perfume greeted him with a punch to his libido. Moonlight filtering into the room cast light on a sleeping figure tucked under the sheets of Wade’s bed.


Wyatt took a deep breath, filled his lungs with her luscious scent, and entered the room. He just wanted to sleep alongside her and be available in case she was still saddened over her loss. And he wanted to hold her in his arms.

Undressing completely, he slid between the sheets of the bed where Maggie rested. He slipped his arms around her, and she snuggled closer. She didn’t seem to be awake, so he squeezed her tight and buried his face in the soft strands of her hair. With her unique scent tickling his lungs, Wyatt relaxed, and enjoyed the closeness of her body.

He drifted in and out of sleep at first and wondered if he only dreamed of being in bed with Maggie. He imagined this exact scene several times during the past week. Would he wake up in the cave on their property in a few minutes? He inhaled deeply, and her scent came again. No. Not dreaming. His rock hard cock readied for action, but Wyatt wasn’t interested in accosting Maggie while she slept. Once she woke up on her own, he’d see if luck was on his side.

The memory of her coming into the saloon for the first time entered his mind. He’d probably fallen in love with her in that moment.

She sighed in her sleep, and the breath from her lips brushed along his collarbone. His dick pulsed against either the sheet or her night gown. Some part of him knew this wasn’t a very gentlemanly thing to do.

If there had been any other place to sleep in the entire saloon, he might have abandoned her and left his conscience untroubled. However, they really
have any available beds, just several empty rooms.

The choice between sleeping with Wade or Maggie wasn’t a difficult one. Plus, Wyatt wanted her with an unimaginable need he hoped she might share. Would she be interested in another liaison tomorrow morning? One more question circled his brain. What had happened between Wade and Maggie in his absence?

Had they formed a bond? Were they involved? Had she fallen for his easygoing brother? Would she consent to be involved with both of them?

Maggie stirred in her sleep and snuggled up closer to his side. His cock pulsed with impatient desire, but he would never do anything until he was sure she was completely awake and gave consent.

Stripping naked and sliding into bed with her, however, might make that hard to understand. Wyatt just wanted to hold her. He’d knocked back a few shots on the way home from the property, and as the buzz faded from his satisfied brain, he dozed off into a restless sleep.

Her seductive voice came in his dreams. “You’re back. I missed you.”

Wyatt responded sleepily. “I missed you, too.” It was the truth, but a nagging alarm went off in his head.

Seconds later, she shifted on top of his body, her thighs bracketing his unruly cock, now pulsing against her hot center, and his mind went blank.

* * * *

Maggie moved onto Wyatt’s naked form and reveled in the taut ridges of his torso pressing into her thinly clad body.

Waking to a man in her bed had initially shocked her, especially given the conversation with the other man the night before which had landed her this soft bed.

Now that the first man she’d met had returned, her suspicions were confirmed. He asked her to come back in a week, and as it worked out, she ran out of money to stay in the hotel after exactly one week. Sadie offered to pay for her room several times, but Maggie declined knowing what she expected in return. Each and every day for the past week, Sadie had found a way to corner her in the hotel lobby or dining room to pitch the same business deal. Maggie ran out of polite ways to say no mid-week. Sadie then reminded her of her dwindling funds. Maggie didn’t need reminding. Nor did she want to go into business with the madam.

Last night, she’d come in just before midnight and begged for a place to sleep. The “Wyatt” from last night hadn’t hesitated in agreeing to let her stay. His happy-go-lucky demeanor was inviting, and they’d spent a lovely few minutes talking before he closed up. He was very sweet. And the man beneath her was also very sweet.

They must be twins since they looked remarkably alike, however, she could tell they were different. Partly in their eyes. Not the blue-gray color, which was identical, but the way they looked at her. The first Wyatt had stared at her with a quiet intensity the second man lacked.

The second man she’d met gazed at her with a silent curiosity. Obviously with interest, but not quite the same power as the first Wyatt.

Regardless, she liked them both and wanted to spend time with each of them to discover other similarities and differences. Making a choice would be too difficult. She wondered if they had ever considered sharing a woman.

Until this trip with Caleb, she’d never considered that such wicked things took place. Her sincere desire to participate in such an event was more shocking still, as was her desire to instigate a threesome.

The farther away from Philadelphia society she got, the more she grew up. She had become very worldly on this unexpected trip out west. She and Caleb had shared much, and Caleb was a fountain of information regarding sexual practices. He told her very lurid tales of the varying types of sexual contact between men and woman and men with men, as they traveled from Philadelphia across the country to a new life.

Right this moment she wanted to put some of his information into practice. She was about to incite a man into sexual intercourse. And if his twin were here, she’d invite him into her bed as well. Scandalous. A word she was fast becoming very aware of in her thoughts and actions.

Maggie broke the kiss and snuggled her face into his neck, inhaling the masculine scent of his skin. How did anyone believe they were only one man?

With his cock resting between her thighs and only her thin nightdress as a barrier, Maggie tried to think of a way to “accidentally” get him to make love to her.

Her insides ached for him to fill her just like they had a week ago before he’d satisfied her and left her aching for a more intimate taste. She was no virgin and not because she’d been married to Caleb. She and Caleb never shared a bed or an intimate encounter.

A disgraceful interlude with Edgar, a suitor who had lied about his intentions, ruined her for any others in the high society of Philadelphia. Once Edgar abandoned her, Caleb stepped in and saved her from complete ruin.

The sexual act had hurt at first when Edgar’s cock had entered, but up until then, all the sensations he’d evoked from kissing her, touching her everywhere, and sucking on her breasts had been lovely.

When his cock finally pierced her for the first time, she cried out in partial pain and partial surprise at the unusual feeling. It wasn’t unpleasant, but Maggie felt something was missing after the act was complete. She and Edgar had hurriedly dressed and shared one last kiss as he fondled her breast beneath the fabric of her day dress. And then they’d been discovered by none other than her father.

The laughable part was that she’d been found alone with Edgar and still fully clothed. If they’d been seen a mere twenty minutes earlier, they’d have been caught completely naked and in the throes of passion. Well, Edgar’s passion was clearly expressed in the groaning and contorted facial expressions during their lovemaking. Her level of passion ended with his final thrust.

The crimson shade of her father’s displeasure was displayed clearly on his face as he ordered them out of the conservatory. Then the shouting ensued. Later, in the discontented company of her mother, the blood on her thighs from their coupling was all it took to seal her fate.

Unlike in Regency England, during which gentlemen were forced to marry the lady in trouble, Maggie was deserted by Edgar and banished from her home without a dime. Her one-time lover was thrown from her house where very little else happened to him at all. After the incident, Maggie went to Edgar’s home to smooth things over and determine their next course of action. Edgar wasn’t inclined to help her. Without Maggie’s dowry, he was no longer interested in courting or marriage.

Her father had been correct. Edgar only wanted her money. Caleb warned her about Edgar’s intentions well before the incident in question. She hadn’t listened, and in the end, Caleb rescued her from the being cast out of her home.

Similarly caught in his own compromising position, Caleb’s lover hadn’t been a woman. His family hadn’t been kind to him regarding the discovery.

Maggie and Caleb met up in an abandoned cabin on the outskirts of town and planned and plotted while they waited to discover if she carried a child. Luckily for her, she wasn’t pregnant. She’d never been so happy to experience her monthly courses, ensuring she could travel without the scare of birthing a child on the trail.

Luckily for Caleb, he gained access to his limited fortune and had withdrawn some of it before being asked to leave town forever.

Maggie and Caleb had married at a small church on the edge of town and set off for Montana a week later with the wagon train. That dream ended with Caleb’s death.

After spending half of her remaining coins on a place to sleep at the hotel, Maggie returned to the saloon exactly a week later and begged the bartender still claiming to be Wyatt, for a room in exchange for helping to clean up the bar.

After declining her offer for a barmaid, he pointed to the room upstairs and said they’d talk in the morning after she had a good night’s sleep.

Now, a few hours later, she was in the very arms of a man she desired. A man she wanted to join with in the most intimate of acts. It was time to wake him up and convince him.

“Where were you all week?”

Wyatt’s eyes opened. Maggie was poised above him, her lips a breath away, and she wanted desperately to taste him.

“What?” He gazed at her in surprise.

“I’m not sure I understand why you are trying to keep the fact that there are two of you a secret, but I promise I won’t say anything.”

He blinked a couple of times as if astounded to find himself in a conversation. “I’m not quite sure what you’re talking about.”

“Then just kiss me.” She lowered her lips to brush gently against his. The firmness of his mouth sent a pulse of desire straight to her pussy. Her breasts pressed into his chest, and her nipples hardened and tingled. She parted her lips giving him access if he wanted it. By the way his tongue shot into her mouth, she assumed he did.

She broke the kiss. “Are you really Wyatt?”

“Of course. Who else would I be?”

Maggie smiled as any number of other responses occurred to her. “Are you going to tell me your brother’s name?”

“What brother?” he asked without missing a beat.

“I see.”

“I doubt it.” His murmur held a note of sarcasm.

Maggie decided to stop aggravating him. “I promise not to give away your secret, although I’m not sure why it is such a huge confidence that you two are obviously twins.”

He sighed in response, and Maggie decided not to press her luck. “I’m sorry. I won’t ask again. I simply wish for a place to stay.”

“For how long?”

“As long as possible until I figure out what to do. Last night,” she paused and sent her gaze to his, “
told me we’d discuss this in the morning. Is it morning yet or would you rather talk about something else?” She pressed her hips against his and rubbed her center against his hard cock. The sensation made an ache form deep in her body. She wanted him with a quiet desperation she’d never felt before.

“I certainly wouldn’t want to presume.” He pushed his cock against her with a decided thrust. “What did you have in mind?”

BOOK: Double Chance Claim [Badlands 3] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)
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