Dominate Me: A Devoured Club Novel (8 page)

BOOK: Dominate Me: A Devoured Club Novel
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You ready?” I asked Kieran as I finished loading the bags into the Tahoe. It was roughly six o’clock, and we were due at the airport in forty minutes to catch the flight to Heathrow.

Yup, as I ever will be,” Kieran responded, walking to the back door of the SUV. Marcus barreled out of the front door to the office. He had offered to drive us to the airport, that way the Tahoe wouldn’t be stuck there for the time I was gone. I got into the passenger seat and put on my sunglasses. Marcus hopped in, and we were off. The twenty-minute drive to Logan International Airport felt like an hour. In less than two hours, I’d be on a flight back to London. I didn’t know how to feel about it. All I know is that Aiden was in trouble, major trouble, and if he was in fact hooked up with Ashworth - I might be his only chance of survival. I still didn’t know what he had done, but it was bad if Ashworth was looking to kill him.

What’s on your mind, my friend?” Marcus asked from the driver’s seat, pulling me from my thoughts. I glanced into the back seat to see if Kieran was paying attention, which he wasn’t - his earphones plugged in.

Just thinking about what he could have gotten himself into.” I responded. Marcus nodded. There wasn’t anything else that needed to be said. We drove the rest of the way in silence, cliché, I know.


The airport was busy, considering it was seven o’clock. Kieran and I made our way to the British Airways terminal and checked in. Part of me was relieved when the passport passed inspection - every time I used an alias I held my breath. Sloane manufactured them so quickly…or at least, gets them done quickly. Once through security, sans my sidearm, Kieran and I settled into a small bar near our gate. We each grabbed a beer, again sitting in relative silence as I scrolled through emails and sent a message to Mac. Kieran did whatever it was that he did on his own laptop. He was my back-up, my right hand man since Mac was not available. This would have been a job I would have chosen Mac for, but Kieran was my second choice - strong on computer, intel, and anything else I needed, including another shooter.

I had arranged for a delivery to the hotel that would be waiting for us; two .45 caliber sidearms, burner phones, and everything else I would need. I really didn
’t know the extremity of the situation we were walking into, and I figured I would get in touch with some of my contacts when I had a better idea. I was hoping that the trouble Aiden had got himself into I could easily get him out of…but I really didn’t have a clue what the fuck he had done.
d had a call into the head of Kelsey’s father’s security team, Bennett, with no real luck. If anyone could figure out what Ashworth wanted, it would have been him.

I looked next to me
, and found Kieran watching a movie - some action flick. I turned my attention back to my own screen, attempting to put any thought of my past out of my head. What the hell was I going to tell him about why I’d left? How the hell was I supposed to confront Ashworth about Aiden, when I hadn’t even atoned for my own sins? With me returning to London, I was putting not only myself in danger, but the lives of all of those I cared about - including Ally. I’d only been safe because no one knew I existed. Devon Walsh had become Devlin Fitzpatrick… other person, another entity, a world away…


The plane landed a just over six hours later, roughly ten in the morning local London time. I had a car service waiting, and Kieran and I were ushered to an hotel on the outskirts of London. I planned on setting up base camp there, so to speak, as I gathered information, contacted the people I needed to. But the first priority was sleep. I hadn’t rested much on the plane, as the anxiety of the situation compounded. I was usually calm, methodical, but today I felt nervous and out of place. We reached the hotel in a short amount of time - it not being too far from Heathrow. I stepped out of the car and breathed in the English air. A feeling of home rushed over me, as I allowed myself to remember all the good that had happened here. I’d missed what I considered my home, after settling in London when
d turned eighteen - an attempt to rid myself of the life
d lived in Northern Ireland. It always seemed as if I was running from something. I wasn’t too much of a man to admit it.

Boss, what’s the plan?” Kieran asked as we settled into the room.

Sleep, and then some intel gathering. You up for it?” I pulled the package out of my carry-on. I had stuck it in there during check-in. I inspected the sidearms, making sure everything looked good, and pulled out the extra ammo. I loaded the magazine and placed the safety back on. “Here,” I said, handing one to Kieran. “We will probably need these.”

Kieran nodded and took the gun, doing his own double check before placing it under his pillow.
“Sleep, food and then we’ll see what information we can uncover.”

Sounds good.” I walked into the bathroom, carrying one of the burner phones with me, and placed a short message to Kelsey, stating I had landed, and would contact her later in the day. From the information Bennett had provided, Kelsey was starting to take over more responsibility in her father’s business - specifically the Fish Tank; a popular nightclub. I walked back to the main room, undressed and jumped into bed - attempting to gain some sort of strength and energy. I had a feeling that this would not be an easy trip.


∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


I woke up hours later, to the sound of Kieran typing away on his laptop. “What time is it?” I asked, rubbing my eyes.

“Just after two local time. I’ve been doing some research
, see what I could pull from my contacts on Ashworth besides what we already know. You know, see what he’s been up to since you left.”

“Anything yet?” I asked
, pulling a pair of jeans on.

“Not too much. Drug trafficking, running a couple more clubs than before…but nothing that would explain why he wants your friend so much.” Kieran shut the laptop and
got up from the bed. “So, where to now?”

“A little lunch while I make a few calls. I want to scope out these new clubs you found.”

“No problem, boss.”

We got ready, grabbing light coats,
iPads, handguns, phones, and anything else we would need. I made a quick call, and had the car service pick us up to drive us into the city. From there, I figured I would rent a car, and we could properly scout out the clubs, and whatever else we uncovered.

An hour later
, Kieran and I had eaten, and were sitting in an Italian restaurant while I waited to hear back from one of my contacts that I had called on the way. I wanted to know what was going on with Ashworth, and how the fuck Aiden had got messed up with him. Kieran was still working the security information and intel on his iPad, when my phone began to ring. Picking it up, I cautiously answered.

“Smith.” The alias that I was currently using.

“It’s me, sugar lips, no need for hidden names.” Kelsey.

“Ah, how can I assist you now, Kelsey?” Annoyance spread throughout my body. I knew I had to deal with her eventually, I thought it would
have been a few hours or days, at least.

“I have unfinished business with you, and I have a package I need to deliver to you tonight.”

“Tonight isn’t going to work. I need to figure out what the hell the package got itself into first.”

“You could always ask it.” The response was short, curt and snotty. Typical Kelsey.

“I could, but you have been keeping it safe up until now. Give me a day or so.”

“Wish I could
, sugar lips, but I want my life back. Meet me at The Playground tonight at ten. I will deliver your package, and we
conclude our business.” I could hear her strumming her fingers across a table or desk.

“I don’t think so. I told you that I need time
, and I will get the time I need. Keep the package safe. I will meet you tonight, but I don’t want the package just yet. Do you understand?” Kelsey was a Dominant in her way. Part of me knew that she would fight me on it.

“Sugar lips, I’m not quite sure you understand the importance of the delivery.”

“I understand perfectly. Now if the package is to stay alive, you will keep it another day or so. See you at ten.” I hung up the phone quickly, and looked up to see Kieran starring at me.

“Who was that?” he asked.

“An old acquaintance. Got anything else yet?” I took a sip from my beer.

“Still nothing. He seems to run the business as clean as a whistle, but
, as we know, the drug trafficking is done underneath the veil of the clubs.”

“What are the clubs we
’re are talking about?” I asked, another sip of my beer sliding down my throat.

“Two are just regular night clubs
Heaven and Hell
Lucifer’s Curse
. Apparently, he has an infinity for good and evil?” Kieran smirked and continued. “He also has two more, one being a strip club, and one a BDSM club;
Leather and Lace

Just as I was about to respond to him, my phone rang again. I excused myself and walked into the foyer to take the call from my contact.


“Smith, it’s Ty. I have that information you needed.” The voice
on the other end was deep, almost muffled.

“That was quick. And?”

“Apparently, he is engaging in a few illegal activities in a few of his clubs.”

“I already know about the drugs, what else?”

“Prostitution, sex auctions, you name it. A contact at the police station claims there has been an increase in missing person reports; ex-employees going missing. Oh, and your boy there was involved as well.”

What the fuck!
“Thanks Ty. I owe you one.”

“Happy to help. Let me know if you need anything else.”

“Will do. Oh, any idea when the next auction might be?”

“Two weeks from tonight. Police are still trying to get an undercover in there…no luck yet
- very exclusive and high bidders.”

, man.” I hung up the phone and ran my fingers through my hair.
What the fuck was Aiden involved in? How did he get messed up in this shit?
I walked back to the table that Kieran was at, and he looked up.

“Everything okay?”

“No. Things just got really bad.” I gave him the quick low down on what was going on, and sent a quick email to Marcus and Lucas as well. Kieran and I settled the bill, and walked to the rent-a-car company to pick up the car that I’d requested when we sat for lunch. We picked out a non-conspicuous Ford SUV - blending in to the atmosphere.

Kieran and I began to drive around
, searching for the locations of the clubs that Ashworth was now running. The guy had been bad news four years ago, and he was worse now - gaining power and money from his illegal dealings - and now sex auctions, prostitution and sex rings.

Kieran was typing away on his
iPad, searching for any other information that we could use to bring this asshole down. Granted, I needed to remain out of sight - if he saw me or knew I was back - all hell would break loose. Or at least the element of surprise. I still didn’t have a plan - but I needed to know what Aiden knew, what had happened, and why he was being hunted with a price on his head.

“Have a plan
, boss?” Kieran asked.

“Not yet. I need to talk with a few people. Figure out what has happened, why he hasn’t been caught.” My thoughts trailed of.

“Okay, boss, but you realize that you can’t bring this guy down, right?”

“That’s not the purpose, Kieran. I need to make sure someone is safe. I need to secure his safety anyway I can.” I watched as Kieran nodded in understanding. The situation was not going to be an easy one
- especially if Aiden was wrapped up as deep as I suspect he was. We drove back to the hotel in silence - a pattern lately. I placed a call to Kelsey when we got back, and requested that Aiden be brought to the club. We had business that we needed to discuss.

BOOK: Dominate Me: A Devoured Club Novel
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