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Authors: Lacey Thorn

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Discovering Daisy (3 page)

BOOK: Discovering Daisy
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“Where are you sleeping?” she queried though she was sure she already knew the answer.

“I only have one bedroll,” he informed her as he shifted closer. “You’re my wife and it is too cool a night to try and sleep somewhere else.”

She nodded and moved to slide in turning to her side and trying to make herself as small as possible. He moved in behind her and she trembled as she felt the hardness of his arousal along her bottom.

“Easy,” he murmured. “We’ll just sleep for tonight.”

The sad truth was she wasn’t sure if that was all she wanted or not.

Jacob just might die before the night was over. The way his wife was cuddled into him had his cock screaming in his pants. One long leg was thrown over his and he could feel the heat of her pussy. His shirt had twisted around her waist leaving her lower half uncovered and only the strongest of will power kept his hand from creeping lower to explore her. But the way she was wiggling and stroking him was about to change all that. If she was a virgin maybe it would be better to claim her while she was half in, half out of sleep, when her dreams were still fresh in her mind.

He groaned. He wouldn’t be able to take her that way. Virgin or not he wanted her wide awake and calling his name when he took her. If she moved one more time it would definitely be tonight.

Daisy sighed his name and her knee moved up to rest over his swollen groin. That was it. It was time to seduce his wife awake. She was his wife. That gave a man certain rights, and he was asserting one of them right now. the right to seduce her.

He rolled so that he was on his side and she lay on her back with one leg between his. The other was still up, bent to the side and he groaned as he glanced down at the flushed pink folds of her pussy. He could see the moisture and when she moaned again he couldn’t help but wonder just what she was dreaming. He moved his hands and slowly began undoing the buttons on the shirt she was wearing. It was his after all. The thought made him grin. Somehow he didn’t think Daisy would buy that as an excuse if she awoke while he was removing it.

Finally releasing the last button he tugged the material apart revealing his wife’s naked form to his eyes for the first time. She was gorgeous, everything that a woman should be. Soft skin and rounded curves in all the right places. Her skin was cream and tanned, her breasts high and firm topped with sweet peach tinted nipples. Even as he watched they beaded in the cooler air and seemed to point up at him begging for his touch. He barely held himself in check. But there were other places he truly wanted to touch and explore first.

He bent low and nuzzled her neck and cheek just beside her ear. He had shed his shirt some time earlier and he groaned as his skin met hers and her nipples grazed his chest. Daisy arched into his touch, moaning, and he froze in place as shock moved through him, quickly replaced by a euphoria that had him nuzzling closer to her lips. She had called his name, had moaned it as he touched her. He could only hope that meant she was dreaming of him.

One hand swept down her body stroking her flesh from shoulder to hip and then back up. He caressed the side of her breast growing closer to the turgid point of her nipple with each new stroke. His lips found hers and he licked and nipped at hers before tracing them with his tongue. When she sighed this time he used that unguarded moment to slip his tongue inside and taste her.

She was sweet and hot and more responsive than he could have imagined. She tentatively moved her tongue along his. His hand found her nipple and his fingers plumped and squeezed before zeroing in on the point and plucking it. He tugged and she moaned again and her kiss lost its tentativeness.

He opened his eyes and she was looking at him. He reluctantly pulled from the kiss but kept his fingers stimulating her nipples. He wouldn’t lie to her.

“I want you, Daisy,” he told her and she shyly nodded her head. He could see the beginning of passion darkening her eyes, the flush of desire staining her cheeks. “Will this be your first time?” He had to know, as it would make all the difference in how quickly he claimed her.

She nodded her head and he almost came in his pants at the idea that he would be her first. For a man who had never planned to get married, he was certainly enjoying his wife.

“I’ll be as gentle as I can,” he promised. “But I’ve heard that it can be hard on a woman the first time she sleeps with her husband.”

“I trust you,” she said softly and his heart melted. One day, maybe sooner than he believed, he would whisper to her that he loved her, and he would mean it with all his heart. Daisy would be an easy woman to love.

He moved his mouth back down and let it slide down her throat to her chest. He let his hand glide from her nipple down over her stomach to the nest of curls that crowned her sweet pussy. He nuzzled her flesh letting his tongue taste her as his fingers sifted through the curls. He could feel her body tensing and knew that though she said she trusted him, she was still nervous and perhaps even a little afraid.

He ran his tongue over one nipple and felt her shudder beneath him. He licked and laved at it with his tongue before finally wrapping his lips around it and sucking it gently into his mouth. She seemed to come undone. Her moans filled the air and the hands she had kept so carefully at her sides now rose to twine in his hair and hold him close to her. She arched into him and he sucked greedily at her, tugging and pulling the nipple towards the roof of his mouth.

When she cried out again he used that moment to slip one finger inside her up to the first knuckle. She was tight, so tight around his finger but so hot and wet that it was easy to slide in and out. Soon she was shifting her legs restlessly and he was working his finger all the way inside her. He switched to the other nipple and added a second finger. She tensed but as he worked slowly she gradually accepted him and soon was lifting to meet his fingers.

He trailed kissed down her stomach, loving the soft skin and slight roundness there. He inhaled the sweet musk of her sex and using his other hand opened her to his gaze. She was soft and pink and dewy. The gleaming pearl of her clitoris called to him and he licked and probed it with his tongue. He kept his fingers slow and easy inside her but he could feel her release building.

He took her bud in his mouth and gave it a soft, slow suck before licking at it again. He continued doing this going back and forth between soft and hard until she was thrashing moaning. Finally he wrapped his lips around her clit and sucked greedily at it while thrusting his fingers fast. She exploded with a harsh cry as he worked her, keeping her in the orgasm for as long as he could. When she finally softened beneath him he slowed his fingers and pulled his mouth from her.

She whispered his name and he looked up at her and thought that she was truly beautiful in her passion. Her cheeks were rosy and flushed, her eyes bright and her hair was a golden blanket around her head. Her lips and nipples were swollen from his touch and he wanted to taste her again.

He shifted over her, reaching to undo his pants and let his cock out as he moved between her thighs. He bent to kiss her, blocking her view of his size so as not to terrify her. He would fit but she might not realise that at the moment. He possessed her mouth, claiming every inch of it as he used one hand to guide his cock to her wet pussy.

She tensed at the first probe of his cock but he held her in the kiss, stilling until he felt her relax again. There was only one way to claim her, one way to eliminate the pain as quickly as he could. He slid his hand to her hip and held her in place before tensing and thrusting hard inside her. She was slick and wet and he managed to get almost all the way in but her sharp cry of pain filled the air.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered then groaned as she tried to shift and move beneath him. “Stop,” he urged feeling his orgasm building with each wiggle. “Try to be still while your body adjusts to me.”

“I don’t think that’s possible,” she moaned. “You’re too big Jacob. I can’t take you.”

“Yes, you can,” he did his best to assure her. “Just a little more and you’ll have all of me.”

“There’s more?” she exclaimed and he almost chuckled at the way her eyes got bigger. She was certainly good for his ego.

She shifted again and he used her movement to slide the last few inches into her. She was snug and hot and so wet that it was all he could do not to just take her hard and fast until he came. She was made for him, made to cradle his flesh inside her. But if he didn’t do this right, she would fear sex with her husband and that was the last thing he wanted.

He bent his mouth back to her nipple and slid his hand from her hip over to where his groin rested against hers. He rose just the slightest bit, changing the angle and allowing his fingers to find her pleasure centre again. Jacob plucked the nub then pressed softly against it while tracing circles. He took her nipple hard, sucking greedily once more and she came back to life beneath him. He knew there would be discomfort, knew there would be pain later, but for right now he wanted to try to bring her back into the pleasure with him.

Finally she was moving under him and he slowly pulled out until only the head of his cock remained and just as slowly slid it back in. This would kill him but as she began to moan with pleasure he knew that it would be worth it. Back and forth he went between her nipples, sucking and pulling at each in turn. He pressed his thumb just a bit harder over her pearl and increased the rhythm of his thrusts. He was close, so close to filling her with his seed, to marking her as his and only his.

He lifted his head to look at her once more and revelled in the sight of her. Her head was arched back, her lips parted as she moaned and panted. She was going to come again. He could feel it and he would do his best to make sure he didn’t short her by coming before her. He bent to take her kiss once more to feel her tongue against his own. He loved the way she tasted the way she kissed shyly but eagerly. She lifted her legs to brace his hips and that was all it took.

He thrust hard and fast running towards a finish he knew would leave him feeling like a dying man, one who had finally found heaven. He felt her tense, felt her pussy ripple around him just mere seconds before he found his release. His cock jerked and pulsed as he came and he would swear he could feel it all the way from his head to his toes.

He collapsed on top of her unable to hold his weight from her but she only wrapped her arms around his shoulders and held him to her.

“Will it always be like that?” He heard her whisper and he lifted his head wearily to try to reassure her.

“I’ve heard it only hurts the first time,” he promised. “It should only get better.”

“If it gets much better than that I just might die,” she sighed and this time he did laugh. His life would never be the same now that he had discovered Daisy. And he honestly couldn’t wait to get to know more about her.

Chapter Three

Daisy awoke to a delicious ache between her thighs. She was completely naked and her husband was already deep inside her groaning with pleasure.

“I thought you’d never wake up and join me,” he whispered as he bent closer to kiss her.

She was leery and self-conscious. She must look a dishevelled mess, no bath last night, no brushing of her teeth, and she could still smell the sex they’d shared last night on her skin and his. But as he continued to move, all of that fell away. She was sore and there was a discomfort as he stroked his cock in and out of her. But the ache paled in comparison to the sensations his body awoke inside her.

His lips on her skin, the way his hands stroked over her flesh, and the sharp tug between her legs and he thrust in and out. It was an overload of too many sensations at once. She moaned and he stilled again.

“Am I hurting you?” he queried and somehow she knew that if she said yes he would stop no matter what it cost him. But she didn’t want him to stop.

“No,” she moaned again and lifted her legs to clasp the sides of his hips. It just seemed like a natural thing to do and the way it opened her up to his loving, the way he moaned, made her shudder. “I’ve never felt anything so wonderful in my whole life,” she added in the barest whisper.

He heard her, though, as he stilled deep inside her and bent to taste her lips again. “I’ve never either,” he swore and she believed that he meant it.

Words became too hard as he used hands, mouth and the hard thrusts of his body into hers to take her closer to orgasm. Her nipples were beaded points that seemed to call to his mouth. He sucked and nipped at them and the sensation seemed to travel a straight path to her womb. His strong hands cradled her hips and helped to lift her up to his thrusts. She was pure sensation, pure emotion.

She was on the edge of the pleasure she had felt for the first time last evening. He slid one hand between their bodies and rubbed the tightened pearl that seemed to trigger her release. It ripped through her like an explosion of thunder and lightning. She had always loved a good storm and this one that raged inside her was the best she had ever experienced. She cried out and wrapped arms and legs around him, holding tightly as if in fear that she might fly away.

He held her to him and in moments she could hear him reach his pleasure, could feel the spill of his hot seed deep inside her. It seemed to trigger another smaller yet just as intense orgasm inside her. She shuddered and felt as if the world spun away, as if she floated on a soft breeze. She felt him collapse to her, the slide of his flesh against hers and she shuddered again.

BOOK: Discovering Daisy
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