Read Difficult Lessons Online

Authors: Tammie Welch

Difficult Lessons (4 page)

BOOK: Difficult Lessons
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They both laughed once Sara regained her composure. They spent the rest of the afternoon talking, swimming and soaking in the sun’s rays. It was a wonderful.  Sara had forgotten how good it felt to be that comfortable with someone. She was quite content with Cynthia.

“How about some dinner?” Cynthia asked as the sun was beginning to set.

“I would need to go home, shower, change clothes, and it is getting kind of late. I do have to work tomorrow.”

“Okay. I have a shower that you are welcome to use. The clothes you wore over are just fine. I wasn’t thinking anything fancy. And lastly, I promise not to keep you out too late, Ms. Carson.”




“You are welcome to use anything you need in there,” Cynthia said as she pointed to the bathroom. 

“Thanks. I will only be a couple of minutes.”

Sara closed the bathroom door and leaned against it. The coolness of the door was refreshing on her hot body. Was it heat from the day in the sun or her feelings for the woman on the other side of the door?

Confusion took over Sara’s mind. Everything about this situation seemed so wrong. They had just met so there was no time for these feelings to have grown. She was also going to be working with Cynthia in August. A relationship with a colleague would be difficult. On the other hand, Sara knew that she could not fight the attraction that she was feeling.

Sara showered and dressed quickly. She had to open the door and let some cool air into the bathroom before she could dry and comb her hair. She saw Cynthia lying on the bed watching television. Sara admired again how sexy she was. 

Cynthia turned and saw Sara standing in the door. “Finished already?”

“Yeah. I just need to dry my hair and I will be done.”

“Take your time. I am in no hurry.”

Sara finished and Cynthia went in to shower.

“Make yourself at home while I shower. I won’t be long either.”

Sara sat on the bed and scanned the television channels to see what was on. She settled on a documentary on the rain forest. She was so interested in it that she did not hear the bathroom door open.

“I saw that the last time it aired. It is really enlightening.” Sara jumped at the sound of Cynthia’s voice. She turned to look at her and was held speechless. Cynthia was standing in front of her in nothing but a towel. All Sara could do was stare at her beauty.  “Does this bother you?”

“No, not at all.” The truth was it bothered her more than she even wanted to admit to herself. The more she fought this attraction, the stronger it grew. Sara knew this was a losing battle, but she could not let Cynthia know how she felt. 

“I can step outside for you to get dressed,” Sara stood up and offered.

“Nonsense!” was the immediate reply from Cynthia. “I have no modesty left. Changing in locker rooms and sometimes on buses has removed whatever I did have.” 

Sara stepped closer to Cynthia and looked deep into her big brown eyes. Neither spoke. Sara reached for Cynthia’s arm and pulled her closer. Sara closed her eyes and gently placed her lips on top of Cynthia’s. They were warmer and softer than she had imagined. She expected Cynthia to resist, but there was no resistance at all. Sara opened her eyes after she pulled her lips away. 

“I’m sorry Cynthia. I should not have done…”

Cynthia interrupted Sara’s sentence with another kiss. Placing her arms around Sara’s waist, she pulled her even closer. There was more passion from both of them this time. Cynthia ran her hands the length of Sara’s back. Her tongue gently invaded Sara’s mouth.

Sara could feel her knees becoming weak. She placed her hands on Cynthia’s shoulders and guided her to the bed. Her skin was soft. There was a hint of the jasmine soap. Sara gently pushed her onto the bed. Their lips never parted until Sara pulled back from the kiss.

“You are so beautiful. I have been attracted to you from the moment that you sat down beside me at Mel’s.” Sara’s voice had become deeper.

“Me too. I could not resist you that night. That is why I introduced myself to you.”

Sara gently forced Cynthia to lie back on the bed. She climbed on top of her and lightly kissed her neck. She moved down to her collarbone. While her lips explored Cynthia’s shoulders, her hands were looking for the fold that held the towel in place. It came loose with a slight tug. Sara moved it to the side so that she could see what had been concealed by it. 

Cynthia’s breasts were firm and beautiful. They were moving up and down with her heavy breathing. Sara allowed her lips and fingers to explore each one carefully. Her tongue playfully teased, first the right one and then the left. She explored farther down Cynthia’s naked body.  Sara could feel her own breath becoming heavier. Sara’s right hand found its way between Cynthia’s strong thighs. There was no doubt at that moment that Cynthia wanted Sara just as much as Sara wanted her.

Cynthia’s hips rose to meet Sara’s touch. Sara gasped as the warmth enveloped her fingers.





Sara awoke first and gently pulled her arm from under Cynthia. She did not want to disturb the beautiful sleeping woman. She propped on her elbow and stared at her. 

The thoughts raced through her mind.
How could I have fallen so hard and fast for her?  This was not in my plans.
She was leaning over to kiss her forehead when Cynthia opened her eyes. She smiled at Sara and tilted her mouth up.

“I guess we missed dinner huh?” Cynthia whispered.

“I think so. It is late. I hate to leave, but I need to get home. I have to work tomorrow and you have a busy day yourself.”

“I don’t want this to end.” Cynthia was almost pouting.

“It’s not ending. Let’s just say it is on hold until tomorrow. I would love to cook dinner for you tomorrow night, if you will allow me to do so.”

They made plans for the next evening as Sara slowly dressed.

“I will call you tomorrow evening and give you directions to my house. Make sure that you bring a big appetite. I love to cook.”

Cynthia walked Sara to the door and kissed her goodbye before opening it.

































Chapter 6


Sara checked her mental shopping list as she rushed through the supermarket.
Wine, salad, chicken, Parmesan cheese, heavy cream, fresh broccoli, and garlic bread. What else do I need?  Dessert!  I hope the bakery has tiramisu. Oh, and some flowers.

Sara was out of the market and on her way home in record time.

The blinking light on the answering machine caught her attention as she opened the door. She pushed the play button on her way to the kitchen.

“Hi, Sara. It’s Cynthia. I just wanted to let you know how much I am looking forward to tonight. Give me a call when you get home.” 

Sara unpacked the groceries and picked up the phone. She was shaking so bad she could hardly dial the number.


“Hi Cynthia. I just got home. I had to stop by the store and pick up a few things. How has your day been?

“It’s been okay. Not as hectic as I thought it would be, thanks to you.”

“I am glad it went well. I need to get started on dinner so let me give you the directions to my house,” Sara said as she started opening cabinet doors looking for pots and pans.

“Great,” Cynthia responded after writing down the directions. “It should be easy to find. I’ll see you about seven.” 

Sara had to hurry. Everything that she did was a blur. It was a good thing that she remembered how to make the
lfredo and did not have to look for the recipe. Once the sauce was ready, she poured it over the chicken and turned it down to a slow simmer. After putting the pasta into the boiling water, Sara ran down the hall to shower. 

Fumbling through the closet for the perfect outfit, she nervously picked out white pants and a baby blue button down shirt. She dressed quickly, slid on some sandals, and headed back to the kitchen to check on dinner.  Everything was just fine. She slid the breadsticks into the oven and drained the pasta. 

The table was perfect. She had placed the flowers in a vase in the center. Two pink tapered candles were on each side of them. Her grandmother’s china had not been used in quite some time until now. It had an elegant pink and lavender pattern that matched the candles. A dinner plate was placed in front of each chair. A salad plate was placed gently on top of each dinner plate. A wine glass was placed above and to the right of each plate.  The linen napkins were the final touch. The silverware was placed on each one. The wine was chilling in the ice bucket on the side of the table.

Taking a deep breath, Sara pulled the breadsticks from the oven.  She placed them carefully in a basket and wrapped them in cloth to keep them warm. She set them on the table and lit the candles just as the doorbell rang. 

Cynthia was cradling a bottle of wine. She looked radiant in her faded jeans and white shirt. “You are right on time.” Sara said as she motioned for Cynthia to enter. 

Sara closed the door behind them. She reached for the bottle of wine and leaned in to kiss Cynthia on the cheek at the same time. Cynthia turned just a little and their lips met. Flashes of the night before consumed Sara for minute.

“Make yourself comfortable. I already have a bottle of wine chilling. I will pour us a glass and we can save this one for later. I hope you are hungry.” Sara disappeared into the kitchen as she spoke. When she returned she saw Cynthia looking at the pictures on the fireplace mantle.

‘That’s my mom,” Sara said handing Cynthia a glass. “That handsome fellow in this one is my dad. This one is the three of us at Christmas this past year. That was one of the few times that we have all gotten together since their divorce.”

“Are you close with them both?”

“I guess so. I am the only child. They know as well as I do that I will be the one to take care of them, should they ever need it.”

“Do they know?” Cynthia asked shyly.

“About me being a lesbian? My mom does. She’s cool with it. She is constantly trying to fix me up. She is terrified for me to be alone. I have never told Dad. I don’t think he would be too accepting of it. Since they don’t see each other often, I don’t worry too much about Mom telling him.”

“Neither of my parents handled it too well when I came out. They don’t speak to me unless they are forced to do so.” Cynthia paused and changed the subject. “Dinner smells terrific.  Is that Italian?” 

“It sure is. Why don’t you have a seat and I’ll get the salad from the kitchen?”

Small talk about the town, school, and other unimportant things was all either could muster. Neither one mentioned the night before. When Sara emerged from the kitchen with the main course, Cynthia closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

“It smells fabulous. You made this?” 

“I hope you like it.”

“Alfredo is my favorite. I could devour both of those plates, but then you would have a bad impression of me.” Cynthia laughed as she tasted the pasta. “Oh my! This is amazing!”

“There’s more in the kitchen if you want it, but you must save room for dessert,” Sara warned. “I have a terrific tiramisu in the fridge.”

“You have outdone yourself. You shouldn’t have gone to so much trouble, Sara.” 

“It wasn’t any trouble, “Sara said taking a bite of her pasta. I love to cook. Besides, I bought the dessert. I didn’t have time to make it.”

After dessert was finished and the plates were cleared away, they moved to the sofa.

“So, tell me more about your day,” Sara prompted.

“Very productive. I have all the utilities scheduled for when I move in. That took a while, having to go to several different places to take care of all of them.  Back in Alabama, we have one central office that takes care of everything except phone and cable.”

“Yeah. We have everything separate around here. It can be time consuming when you have to go to each place. So you are all set for moving in to the house?”

“Sure is.” Then she dropped the bomb that Sara did not want to hear. “I have even checked out of my hotel. I’m leaving after dinner tonight to head back. I have to get everything in my old place packed. That’s going to take a while. I haven’t done anything yet because I didn’t expect things to move so quickly here.”

“You are leaving tonight?” Sara was greatly disappointed, although she knew that Cynthia would be leaving at some point. She just did not want it to be so soon.

BOOK: Difficult Lessons
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