Read Deuce (Swamp Desires Book 1) Online

Authors: Caissy Boudreau

Deuce (Swamp Desires Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Deuce (Swamp Desires Book 1)
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“Goodnight, babe. See ya tomorrow.”

I walk away and head home. Once I am home, I fall in my bed and just lie there recalling tonight’s conversations. Everything is out in the open between us now. There are no secrets. It felt so good to just lie back in the lounge chair with her in my arms. My body and beast were content with that. My heart is beating to a new beat tonight. One of love. I am falling head over heels in love with Adele. I have to say, it feels so damned good, too. She will be mine one day. Mine for forever, if she will have me as hers.

I can hear my brothers are home from the hunt. From the sounds of it, it was a quiet night for them. Damn. We need to find those women. I can feel the tension in our house. My brothers are on edge, and it is not going to end well if we do not find these women soon. I hear them each close their bedroom doors. Good, they are going straight to bed. As I lay here thinking, I cannot help but fall asleep with a smile on my face. Today was a good day.

Chapter Nine

3 months later


We still have no leads yet. This is becoming a very frustrating project. We are all so very stressed. No one is talking about this in town. You would think getting some alcohol into people would help loosen them up, but they are still tight lipped. Something has to give, and soon, damn it!

I am bringing dinner to Adele’s tonight. It is my turn to cook. I made fried catfish and white beans and rice, with homemade cornbread. I get over to her house and unload the truck. We immediately start eating. As usual, while we are eating, we are silent. I think it is because we both love food too much to talk while we are eating. After we are done, I help her put the leftovers away in her fridge and clean up the dishes. Tonight, there is no dessert. But that’s okay with us. She makes a pot of coffee, and when it is ready, we each fix a cup and go sit on the deck in our favorite chairs.

“Deuce, that was simply amazing. I still cannot get over how much of an amazing cook you are,” Adele comments.

“Thank you. It is one of the things I take great pleasure in each day. Even if it is just making breakfast for everyone. I love to cook.” I pull her over onto my lap. “Baby, what’s wrong, you are quiet this evening?”

“I was just thinking about our differences. And if we can overcome them.”

“Well, what differences are you talking about, baby?”

“For one, our animals are way different. You are a white alligator and I am white wolf. I know so far we have worked well together in animal form, but what if it isn’t enough?”

“Yes, we do work very well together. I think it will always be that way. Just because we are different creatures, does not mean that we cannot love each other. There is no law that says that we cannot be together. And if there was, I sure as hell would not follow it. Our animals recognize each other. We complete each other, or at least, I feel we do.”

“I believe the same thing, Deuce, but what if we have children one day? Will they be wolf shifters or gator shifters? Are we upsetting the balance of things by being together?”

“Whatever our children will be is fine with me. It does not matter, as long as they will be healthy. I don’t think we are upsetting the balance. We are meant to be together. Skylar said so herself, and she would know. She knows everything.”

“I honestly do not know why I am beating around the bush here. Trying to find a reason why we shouldn’t be together. In my heart and soul, I know we are supposed to be together. I am tired of fighting what I feel for you. I have let you in, and I do not let anyone in. I just pray that you do not break my heart in the process, Deuce. I don’t think I could survive that.”

“Baby, I don’t plan on ever breaking your heart. I plan on showing you each and every day how much you mean to me. You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. I do not want to ever lose you. You are my light. You keep me and my beast grounded. It warms my heart that when my beast needs to tear shit apart, you let him, and it does not scare you. We work so well together. We have become a team. You fit perfectly with my brothers and me. They adore you. And would gladly give their life to keep you safe. I understand what it is like to be scared to trust this thing between us. We were put in each other’s paths for a reason. Fate never makes a mistake. She may delay it for a while, but in the end, she will have her way.” I sigh. “We have both seen so much tragedy in our lives. We deserve to be happy, just like a normal person does. Just because we are special, does not mean we cannot have a chance at love. We both long for that love that we each saw our parents have. Together, we can have that happiness and love.”

“I know. I guess it is just too good to be true. I have always wanted this, and now that I have it, I am scared something will go wrong and I will lose it,” she admits.

“As long as we are honest with each other, and work together on any issues or problems that may come our way, we will be fine. Our love will grow more and more each day. There is nothing we cannot overcome together, as long as we have each other,” I say honestly.

I run little kisses along her neck, just soft caresses with my mouth. She leans her neck closer to give me better access. She traces little circles with her fingers on my arm. We sit in silence for a while, just basking in each other’s touch. 

“Baby, there is something I need to tell you. Since you have come into my life, you are all I think about. You are under my skin, in my heart, and my soul. I love you with every fiber of my being. You are my forever. Fate has made you just for me. I am so glad that you are a part of my life. Will you be my forever?”

“I feel the same way about you. You are everything to me, Deuce. I love you so much that it hurts. I love waking each day, knowing that I will get to spend time with you. I am finally ready to admit that. I love you, Deuce Monroe. Yes, I will be your forever,” she exclaims.

I hug her closer to me. She is the very breath I breathe. I will never let this woman go. Never! I will always fight for her. We will save the innocent together. She has made me the happiest man alive right now. I know there will be rough times, but we can work though them.

She turns herself around so she is now straddling my lap. Hmm, now we’re talking. “Deuce, I love you. Make love to me,” she whispers.

“Your wish is my command,” I whisper back to her.

I press my lips to hers in the barest of kisses. She pulls my head back and demands more. Our kisses start out slow. Each one more passionate than the one before. I am not rushing this. She will know how much I love her. I will show her body how truly beautiful she is. I grab onto her butt and stand up from the chair with her straddled around my waist. I carry her like that into her houseboat and make my way to her bedroom. She wraps her arms around my neck and places slow, torturous sweet kisses on my ear as I am carrying her to the bedroom.

I slowly lower her down to the bed, keeping her underneath me, but not putting my full weight upon her. I gaze into her soulful eyes. Her hair is spread out underneath her and fanned out around her head. God, she is magnificent. And she is all mine. We will complete our mating bond. Tonight, we will truly become one. Our souls will be complete.

I place my elbows around her head and take her face into my hands and kiss her with every fiber of my being. I pour everything into that one kiss. Love, laughter, everything. She wraps her legs around my waist and pulls me closer to her. She moans in my mouth as our kisses become more and more passionate. My desire for her is evident. My engorged cock is pressing up against the zipper of my jeans. I move my hips up against her in an effort to create some friction. She throws her head back and moans.

“Too much clothing; need to feel you skin to skin, Deuce, and now!” she moans.

How can I say no to that? I move off her just long enough to remove my clothes. She stands up next to the bed and starts undressing herself. Piece by piece, she teases me with her striptease. Once she is completely naked, I pull her up against me and ravish her some more. My hands roam all over her body, committing every single inch of her into my memory. I take a nipple between my thumb and finger and pinch. She moans into my ear, which she has taken to nibbling on, which is driving me insane. I move my kisses to her neck and run my tongue in slow circles around the base of her neck. Moving lower each time, I move to her breasts paying each one special attention with my tongue and mouth. She takes her hand and wraps it around my cock. She starts a slow stroke up and down.

“Oh God, baby, that feels so damn good,” I say.

Once I am done with her breasts, I move lower to her sweet pussy. She opens her legs wide for me. Man, she is a stunning woman. I will never get enough of her. I could spend each and every day with her like this and never go anywhere. I run my tongue slowly over her nether lips, tasting her in all of her naked glory. Her juices flow into my mouth and I moan in pleasure. Finally. I knew she would taste of cinnamon and honeysuckle.

I run my tongue in slow circles around her clit, paying close attention to the sensitive nub. Her legs jerk in response to each swipe of my tongue on her sensitive bud. I nibble on her bud and suck it into my mouth. She grabs onto my head and screams her release. As she is coming down from her orgasm, I place kisses along the inside of her thighs and move back to her clit and give it a deep kiss.

“I need you inside me now!” she moans.

I raise up above her and place my cock at her entrance. “Is this what you want, Adele? Do you want our bodies to become one for all time? Are you ready?” I ask.

“Yes, I am ready,” she replies.

I slowly enter her, inch by slow inch. Once I am in to the hilt, our hands connect and electricity runs throughout my body. I nearly lose it. The electricity is lighting every nerve ending on fire. Our souls have emerged.

“Oh God, Deuce, please.”
Did she just speak to me in my head? I raise my eyebrow in question and she just laughs. “Did you not know that would happen once we merged fully, Deuce?”

“No, I did not know that.”

I slowly move in and out of her in slow strokes. She wraps her legs around my waist and meets my every thrust. I pick up the pace, not being able to control myself anymore. I place our joined hands above her head and increase my pace, faster and faster. I can feel her walls tightening around my cock. She is close to another orgasm. I move faster and faster until we both come apart at the seams of our joined orgasm. We scream each other’s name as we climax together. We stay joined as our bodies shake through the aftershocks of our orgasm. The best orgasm ever.

We spend the entire night making love. I lost count after four times. We finally are spent and sated. She is curled up against me with her head on my chest. I place a kiss on the top of her head. This woman is everything to me. And the electricity we felt when our bodies joined is proof that we are soul mates.

“Baby, that was beyond anything I ever experienced. Now I know we are meant to be together. I did not know that after souls merge that we would be able to speak to each other in our heads,” I say.

“We will now be able to talk to each other like that even when we are in our animal forms. The only time we will not be able to if someone spells us that way. They would have to cast a strong spell that would knock one of us unconscious.” She pauses, seemingly deep in thought. “Deuce, there is something I need to tell you. A few months ago, I received a threatening letter. It was from a secret Catholic society of witches. The letter said that they knew what I was and why I was sent here, and that they would do everything to end my existence if I stayed here.”

“What the hell? Who are these people? Why didn’t you tell me this before now?”

“Well, I honestly did not think anything of it. But lately, the letters have been coming almost every day. I want you to know that this group of fanatics are after me for whatever reason. They want me dead. But they cannot stop me, Deuce. I am not leaving here. This is my home. I will not be chased from my home. Ever.”

Who do these people think they are? They will never kill my angel. They will have to get through me first. Why would they want to kill a gift from God? She is not a threat to anyone, unless you have done wrong by God and your fellow man. Then they need to worry. I wonder if this group of fanatics have anything to do with the sex trafficking of the supernaturals in this area. It would make perfect sense; they fear anything that is different from them. They want to eradicate all un-natural creatures from the world.

“I am sorry, Deuce. I should have told you about it a long time ago. I never thought it would become an issue. I thought after the first letter, that it was done and over with. But, I guess I was wrong. I think they are planning something. They are getting very ballsy. I wanted you to know in case if we are not together for whatever reason and if I go missing. I fear they would put a spell on me, so you would not be able to mind speak with me.”

“When I am not with you, someone will be watching you, in case, from now on. Nothing will happen to you, my sweet. I will not let anything happen to you. If I am not with you, then one of my kin will be. You will always have protection. What do these witches want?”

“They want to break me, to bend me to their power. To use me for their own purpose. I have a bad feeling that this group is behind the kidnappings of those women, especially the shifters. They feel that they are above everyone and that they should rule over the world. We should all bow down to them and do whatever they say. They are insane with jealousy of anything supernatural. If they come across a vampire, they just kill it, unless it is a female vamp. They have a purpose for women. They want a world ruled by women. They are not in any way, shape, or form Catholic witches. There is no way. If they were, they would not be doing the evil things they are doing. To them, I am not a gift from God, but a curse upon this Earth that needs to be eradicated like the rest of the un-naturals in this town.”

“They really are a bunch of lunatics, aren’t they? I am surprised that Skylar and Sandra have not picked up on their evil yet. I remember Skylar saying that she can feel these women’s pain, but cannot pinpoint it. They have only been living here for almost a year now. Or is it over a year? I have lost track of time since they gave birth to the girls. We need to have a meeting with Skylar and them very soon. We all need to be in the same room and put our heads together to figure this out. With each of us working on different aspects of this, it is not working. We need to all be working on the same thing. Trying to connect with these women. We are going to need something that belonged to these women. An article of clothing, or something personal from their homes. If we have something of importance of theirs, it may help us find them quicker,” I say.

BOOK: Deuce (Swamp Desires Book 1)
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