Read Desperate Measures Online

Authors: Rebecca Airies

Desperate Measures (6 page)

BOOK: Desperate Measures
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fleeting buss before licking his cheek clean.

He loved how she seemed to be prepared to meet any challenge he threw at her. He

picked up a wedge of fruit and gave it a bit of sauce. She opened her mouth and took the fruit.

He leaned forward and kissed her. She opened her mouth immediately. He took the opportunity

and kissed her. The flavor of the fruit she‟d just eaten filled his mouth, but underneath that was

her taste. Like her scent, there was something not right about it. It wasn‟t bad, just wrong and he

didn‟t have the inclination to analyze it at that moment. Her tongue stroked along his and her

teeth scraped over his tongue aggressively. He felt the determination to draw her deeper into

desire fading as he began to get lost in his own arousal.

Her hand brushed over his chest. He thought for a moment that she was going to push

him away, but her hand slipped under his shirt. It felt hot as it smoothed over his stomach. He let

her explore while he kissed her and drew his hand down her back. He didn‟t want to push her too

fast and have her back off from him. He almost lost that intention when her fingers plucked at his

nipple. He drew in a hissing breath and felt the sizzle go through his body. She didn‟t seem to

care that she was pushing him. He wasn‟t planning to ask her anything during sex. Afterward

would be more conducive to getting any honest answers from her. She‟d be relaxed and

hopefully her mind hazed by pleasure enough to drop her guard.

“That feels good. Would you like me to do the same to you?” he asked. He drew his hand

up her side. Before this went any further, he wanted her full cooperation. He didn‟t want her

putting any distance between them because he‟d seduced her. This had to be her decision.

She blinked at him. She obviously hadn‟t been expecting the question. He wondered if

she‟d play it safe or if she‟d follow the dictates of her body. He could see the hardened nubs of

her nipples through her shirt. He didn‟t know what she was wearing underneath it, but he could

clearly see the stiff points. He was tempted to slide his hands up to find out if he could feel the

outline of any kind of undergarment, but waited. She‟d relax more if this was her decision.

“Touch my breasts.” She took his wrist and guided his palm to the small mound.

He wasn‟t going to think too much about what was behind her plan. There would be time

to analyze and plan for the next battle after she‟d gone to her duty. He drew his thumb over the

hardened tip. The barrier of her shirt frustrated him, but the way she drew in her breath through

her teeth almost made up for it. He lavished attention on her breasts, squeezing and flicking at

the nipples. He knew she‟d want that shirt off soon.

She groaned. He grinned as she pulled the top off before going back to work on his. Her

mouth slid down his jaw. She nipped at his neck. The action sent a surge of heat down his spine

and straight to his cock. He wanted to grab her and press her down onto the couch and barely

caught himself. The woman seemed to know what to do to make him wild. He wondered if she

knew how much that aggressive move pushed at his own need to control and dominate.

He drew his thumb over her nipple, adding just enough pressure to push her need a little

higher. She rose and swung her leg over his, straddling him. His eyebrows rose. He hadn‟t

expected that. He felt the warm skin of her thighs even through his pants. He kept his hands

above her waist even when he wanted to run them over her thighs and find out what she was

wearing under her skirt.

“Don‟t go shy on me. Touch me, undress me.” She leaned down and took his lip between

her teeth.

Shy? She thought he was shy when he wanted to rip her clothes off? He took the

invitation because he wanted nothing more than to touch her. He swept his hands down her sides

and cupped her hips for a moment. He pulled her against him, letting her feel the hard ridge of

his cock. Her hips rocked slightly. His eyes nearly crossed at the delicious friction. He slid his

hand under her skirt and tugged at her panties. His hands slipped inside and over the smooth, soft

skin of her buttocks.

She wriggled against him and his fingers tightened. He wanted to rip the barriers between

them away and lift her onto his aching cock. He found the catch to her skirt and began undoing

the three fastenings. As the last one slipped free, she reached back and removed his hands.

“Let me get this and you start on your clothes.” She stood and pushed the fabric over her

hips, taking a sheer blue pair of panties with it.

It fell to the floor in a puddle. His gaze locked on her slim hips and her pussy. His mouth

watered. He wanted to taste, touch and feel her moving beneath him.

Shaking his head, he tore his eyes away and rose to strip out of his clothing. His cock

pressed against the fly of his pants, straining to be free of the confinement. He ripped at the

fastenings and they finally came open. At that moment, he didn‟t care if he‟d ruined a pair of

pants. His only thought was to get rid of the barriers and finally feel Raine against him skin to


As soon as he was naked, he moved back to the couch and sat. She walked over and stood

beside him. He could see that she was wavering and wondered if she was going to grab her

clothes and make a run for it. He wanted to reach for her, but knew that would be the wrong

move. He had to give her the decision and let her take them to the next step.

He held out his hand. “I want to kiss you. What do you want?”

She hesitated for a moment and he thought he saw something close to panic in her eyes,

but then it was gone. She pushed him down onto the couch. Her fingertips skimmed over his

chest and her head lowered. She pressed kisses across his chest. He ran his hands up her back.

Her skin was so soft and warm. Part of him wanted simply to touch and caress her for hours even

though he knew that he wouldn‟t last that long. He nibbled at her neck. She hummed softly and

her teeth grazed across the skin just above his nipple. He tensed as her mouth moved over the

hard flat nub. Her hot moist breath sent a jolt of electricity shooting through him as she scraped

her teeth across it. He clenched his jaw to hold back a groan.

He‟d had enough of playing softly. She obviously had no qualms about this. He slipped

his hand between them and stroked his fingers over the skin of her mound. His fingers

encountered a small patch of soft hair, but the lips of her pussy were bare and coated with her

juices. He pressed his finger between the plump folds. Drawing his fingers down to her slick

opening, he teased her by circling the entrance with just enough pressure to excite her. He

resisted the urge to stroke his fingers into her tight channel and drew them up to the hood of her

clit. He could feel the hard little nub beneath the fold of skin. She moaned and her head fell to his chest.

“Do you like that?” He brushed her hair back, trying to see her face.

“What woman doesn‟t? The only thing better is the feel of a tongue.” She lifted her head.

He could see the heat in her eyes.

The mention of the word tongue sent a picture through his mind and he couldn‟t help

thinking about kneeling between her thighs and running his tongue over her pussy. He didn‟t

know about every man, but he loved tasting a woman, driving her to her pleasure with his mouth.

An impossible feat in their positions, but he‟d like to do it.

“Do you want me to lick you now?” He dropped a kiss on her cheek. He wouldn‟t take

over. Not this time. This had to be her choice, her decision.

She looked up and met his eyes. “Maybe another time. I‟m having too much fun like


She nipped at his nipple. The sting shot through him and his cock jerked. The woman was

lethal. It was as if she knew just how much her aggression was exciting his own and she wanted

to push his limits. His hand tightened on her hip. He drew his finger across her clit. He felt the

shudder go through her. Her tongue flicked over the flat, hardened tip of his nipple. He wanted to

flip them over, drive deep into her. He wanted to feel her pussy wrap around his cock and draw

him deep. He had a feeling she‟d hold him tight.

“Do you know what you‟re doing to me?” Her hips rocked into his hand.

“What you‟re doing to me.” He slid his finger down and swirled it in her juices.

She laughed. “And I‟m enjoying it. I want to feel you inside me.”

He pushed two fingers into her pussy. Her muscles clenched around them and a rough

sound escaped her lips. She rocked on his fingers. Her cheeks were flushed and she looked

gorgeous. She lifted her hips and his fingers slid free of her pussy. He didn‟t know how much

longer he could let her set the pace. This felt too good and every move she made threatened to

take away the last of his control.

“I‟m going to ride you.” She remained poised over him.

His eyes nearly crossed and he gritted his teeth to stop the growl building within him. She

seemed to know just what to say to trigger the urge to dominate. He waited tensely for her to

make her next move and each breath took him closer to the edge. She lowered her hips. He held

his breath as she joined them together. He wanted to roll her beneath him and drive into her. He

forced his thoughts away from that determined to enjoy what she was doing to him.

“Move.” The word came out on a harsh growl, but he was beyond caring if the word

sounded inhuman.

Her slick channel clenched around his cock as she slowly lowered her hips. His hands

closed around her waist. He slowly guided her down until her pelvis pressed against his. She

didn‟t remain still for long. Her hips rocked and then she rose. He wanted to grab her, pull her

against him and take them both to the floor. Once there and on top of her, he ached to drive into

her and watch the pleasure wash over her as he seized his. She seemed completely unaware of

his torment and rode him. Her pace soon quickened and her fingers dug into his shoulders. The

bite of her nails into his skin stirred the primitive in him. Letting her lead was ripping away the

last of the restraint he possessed. He longed to take control and let her see who was leading this


“Slow down.” He didn‟t really want her to hold back or even worse stop, but it would

give him time to regain some control. He didn‟t want to come before she did.

Her lips slashed across his in a hungry kiss, her tongue dueling fiercely with his as if it

was a battle she was determined to win. He tried to slow her pace and soften the kiss, but she

nipped his lips. She didn‟t want sweet and slow. Soon her fever overtook his control. His hips

punched up to meet her descending hips. He could feel his balls drawing tighter and knew he

wouldn‟t last much longer.

She tensed and her body shook. Her mouth pressed against his neck and he felt the

vibration of a low scream against his shoulder. He drove his hips up against hers as he moved her

against him. Sizzling current slammed down his back. He groaned as he came. She pressed

kisses on his neck. After a while she stirred and languidly rose to a full sitting position. Her

hands stroked over his chest and she looked down at him with a smile curving her lips. She

looked sated and happy. He liked that soft look.

She moaned softly and then met his eyes. Her hand smoothed over his chest one time,

before she slowly rose off him. He let her go reluctantly.

“That was fabulous, but unfortunately, I have to go. I need to go back to my quarters and

take a quick shower. I can‟t go to work smelling like sex and sweat. Do you mind if I use your

bathroom for just a moment?” She gathered her clothes into her hands.

“Of course.” He slowly sat up, a little surprised.

She certainly didn‟t take time to bask in the pleasure. If he hadn‟t felt and seen her reach

orgasm, then he‟d doubt that she‟d found any pleasure at all. He frowned. This wasn‟t going the

way he‟d planned at all. He‟d expected to ask her questions while they were both savoring the

feelings. She‟d bounced up like she‟d just taken a refreshing nap. He hadn‟t gotten a hint of what

she was doing on this ship or what she planned.

She came out of the bathroom fully dressed and walked over to the couch. She trailed her

hand over his arm. “Thanks. We‟ll have to do that again some time. I have to go if I want to

make sure I‟m at my post on time.”

“Oh we‟ll definitely be doing that again,” he said as she breezed out the door. He‟d make

sure the next time they were together went very differently. Even if he had to pin her down

physically to get some time with her.

* * * * *

Raine hurried into her quarters and waved to Gianna on her way to the shower. She really

did need to get cleaned up for duty even if it wasn‟t going to take as long as she wanted the

captain to believe. She cleaned up quickly and wrapped up in a robe to go get some fresh clothes.

Gianna was lounging on the bed but was dressed and ready for her upcoming shift. Raine knew

her friend had probably been waiting around to see what had happened. She pulled out some

clothing and began dressing.

“So did everything go as you wanted?” Gianna asked.

“He made it easy for me.” Raine smiled. She hadn‟t expected the seductive play with

food that had taken up some time. She‟d thought she would have a harder problem keeping him

BOOK: Desperate Measures
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