Read Demon in Disguise (Masters of the Incubus - Part One) Online

Authors: Roxie Lee

Tags: #Erotic Paranormal Romance

Demon in Disguise (Masters of the Incubus - Part One) (3 page)

BOOK: Demon in Disguise (Masters of the Incubus - Part One)
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“Yes, and so will you be, but I’m sensing a certain uneasiness in your demeanor, old friend. You can’t fool me. Nobody knows you better than I do, Kurt.”

Willem spoke the truth.

“I’m not sure she’s here for the auction at all, Will. I think that’s just a smoke screen. I believe she may even be trying to find out the real truth about Incubus. Maybe even expose us for what we really are—demons in human form that live forever. It’s too early for me to be certain, but I can’t shake the feeling that she’s a journalist of some description.”

Willem’s eyes sparkled with an intense white fire as he concentrated his power on the stage, and the girl waiting nervously behind the curtain. Willem’s sheer power and presence sometimes intimidated even other demons. However, Kurt had gotten used to his towering influence over the years, and had never once felt afraid of his lifelong friend. Apprehensive and wary yes, but afraid, no.

Kurt knew what that look in Willem’s eyes meant. He was angry. After all, he’d nurtured Club Incubus into life with his bare hands, and he wasn’t about to have it destroyed by a nonbeliever of the female variety. Willem leaned forward in his chair, his voice a deep menacing growl. “You need to contain her, Kurt. I don’t have to tell you what will happen if she gets her way, and I will not have anyone jeopardize the Dominion. Not even you, my friend. The whole of humanity depends on these portals being run properly and efficiently.”

“It’s not a problem, Will. The changeling process is already underway, albeit in its preliminary stages. A short time from now she won’t remember any of her old life, and she’ll become completely absorbed into our world. She will become my soul mate. I guarantee it.”

Will patted his shoulder. “Then I suggest you work your magic, Kurt. After all, I taught you well, so I know you can do it.” He pointed to the stage, just as Lacey emerged from behind the thick velvet curtain. “I suggest you start bidding immediately, because a woman as beautiful as her won’t remain available for very long.”

Kurt’s loins pulsed with pure sexual arousal. His cock was rock hard and pushed uncomfortably against the inside of his leather pants as he studied the woman destined to become his soul mate. Subtle lighting emphasized her gorgeous, long brown hair, creating a halo effect. As she stood there, Lacey looked completely edible in her skimpy leather skirt, and those sexy thigh-hugging leather boots clinging to the creamy flesh of her legs. This incredible woman had tits to die for too, and Kurt felt an almost irresistible urge to mount the stage, rip them from her blouse, and then suck the goodness from them. Lacey was certainly curvy. The sort of woman any man or demon with red blood coursing through their veins would dream about.

The bidding soon reached five thousand dollars for the highly desirable sub, and rather than waste more precious time, Kurt shouted authoritatively from the rear of the auction room. “I bid two hundred thousand dollars for the lady.”

Fuck it. It is only money, and as a demon that can never die I have all the time in the world to make some more. Right now, nothing else matters except claiming beautiful Lacey as my soul mate.

An audible gasp of astonishment rippled around the auction room, but he didn’t bother to check it out, because his laser stare was concentrated exclusively on Lacey. The fledgling female demon was clearly as shocked and surprised as everyone else.

Kurt watched entranced as she instinctively touched perfectly manicured fingers to her mouth as if to say, “Two hundred thousand bucks for me? How the fuck did that happen? Exactly what the hell is going on here?”

But there was something else he stole from her thoughts too—relief. Yes, that was it. Relief that he’d been the one who’d actually made the bid.

The auctioneer’s voice came out as a tight squeak. “I’ve just been bid two hundred thousand dollars for this beautiful lady. It may be a big ask, gentlemen, but are there any more bids out there from the audience?”

Silence. Total silence ensued.

Kurt felt confident that Lacey now belonged to him, because with the exception of his old friend Willem, none of the other demons in the auction room were able to compete.

Kurt could have heard a pin drop as the hushed silence remained for what seemed an eternity before the shell-shocked auctioneer finally banged his gavel against the wooden sounding block.

Pandemonium instantly spread like wildfire throughout the auction room. “Sold. Sold to Kurt Samuelsson for the incredible sum of two hundred thousand dollars.”

He’d done it. He’d defeated all his demon adversaries, and had won the prize that would make his life complete—Lacey.

Kurt patted Willem on the arm with affection, but also as a way of letting him know that he now considered himself to be on equal terms with his former mentor. “Like you say, Willem, I have to sort this out, and that’s exactly what I’ve done.”

That need to conquer and take control had suddenly been ignited. Lacey Michaels with her beautiful brunette hair and lush sensuous curves was now his to do with as he pleased. His to mold, guide, love, and direct. She now belonged to him—Kurt Samuelsson.

He felt his cock harden in his pants again as he imagined possessing her silken body for the first time. He’d fuck her in every way and manner that pleased him, knowing that Lacey would get as much pleasure from their blissful union. Now he’d purchased her, this beautiful woman would be his for the rest of eternity.

Chapter Three


Lacey almost had to pinch herself, because she found it nigh on impossible to get her head around what had just happened. Some gorgeous guy who she’d met and spoken with for barely five minutes had just spent two hundred thousand dollars to win her at a charity auction. How crazy was that? She’d expected her limit to be more like one hundred bucks, because the charity auction was just for fun, right?

Her heart beat worryingly fast, because the incredibly sexy Dom, who had just secured her company for an amount of money that could buy a new apartment, stared intently at her as she stood bewildered on the stage.

Then, almost in a godlike way, the crowd obediently parted, and he strode purposefully toward her, making her wonder exactly who this guy really was, and why he had such influence over her. He took the steps two at a time, bounding onto the stage with undiluted energy before closing in on her. His penetrating blue gaze never once wavered from her for a single second, letting Lacey know this was no ordinary man.

His dominating closeness meant that she had access to his alpha-male scent, and her whole body responded accordingly, releasing large amounts of adrenaline.

“So we meet again, little one.” His voice dripped with raw sex appeal, sending her body and mind into a spiral of desire that felt divine, yet at the same time unnerved her. “I’m Kurt. Kurt Samuelsson. You belong to me now, little one. You’re mine.”

His uncompromising words worried her, but they also turned her on. Lacey struggled to convince herself that everything was perfectly normal, and this really was just a harmless charity auction. However, deep down she knew it wasn’t, and she instinctively understood that her time at Club Incubus would have a far more profound effect on her life than she could ever have envisaged.

He smiled, showing perfect white teeth, and she knew, just knew that this guy possessed otherworldly qualities that she couldn’t as yet understand.

Even with all the excitement in the Grand Salon, and the cacophony of people talking in the background, she fancied she heard the trace of a slight accent, possibly European in origin. With dark wavy brown hair, and arresting good looks, she figured he could be Austrian or possibly Hungarian. Wherever he originated from, Lacey felt his presence almost burrowing into her, as though trying to extract every secret she ever had.

Without him even asking, she found herself slipping her hand in his. There it was again, that feeling of an electrical charge passing from his body to hers. It unsettled her slightly, but it also made her feel incredibly sexy and aroused. For some unknown reason, Lacey was acutely aware of this enigmatic man, almost as though their meeting had been preordained by a higher power. But that was impossible, because although he seemed incredibly familiar, she knew deep down they hadn’t met before.

I mean, wise up, girl. If you’d met this fucking drop dead gorgeous guy before, you’d remember. Jesus, you’d remember.

He’s impossible to forget.

He wrapped his arm around her waist and led her from the stage. “Come with me. There is nothing of interest for us here now.”

Lacey tried to find her old self within herself. The woman that was naturally confident and assertive, and as far away from being the submissive female as possible. Only, God help her, she couldn’t seem to find that girl anymore. It was almost as though she’d gone forever. Almost as though she’d never existed. Lacey was a black belt in karate, but try as she might she couldn’t think of one single defensive move at this moment, and she was sure it was all down to Kurt Samuelsson’s influence. Just who was this guy, and how did he exert such control over her?

He frightened her. He excited her. He turned her on.

In a bid to get a grip on reality, Lacey forced herself to remember that she was a journalist—a journalist with a job to do. She needed to focus on that fact.
Focus. Focus. Focus, Lacey
Try to block these mind games he’s playing with you. But I can’t. I can’t. I just can’t. He’s too strong for me. I feel his towering presence every time I look into those perfect blue eyes. I feel it every time his hand so much as touches mine. Pull yourself together, woman.

The invite to the auction is the opportunity of a lifetime. The opportunity to find out what really goes on here at Club Incubus. Never forget that. That’s the reason you’re here in the first place. However attractive Kurt is as a man, you are still your own woman. A woman capable of making her own decisions, no matter how much he tries to bend you to his will with these mind games he insists on playing.

When he assertively cupped her elbow in the palm of his hand, and then guided her down the small flight of steps that led from the stage, she still couldn’t shake, no matter how much logic she applied, the feeling that she’d met Kurt Samuelsson before.

Quit torturing yourself, woman. Get it into your thick skull. You. Don’t. Know. The. Man.

He stopped abruptly at the bottom of the steps, before roughly spinning her around and staring unashamedly into her eyes. She felt it again—that intense electrical charge, followed by his overwhelming physical presence. Such was the effect he had on her, Lacey really had to convince herself that this beautiful man couldn’t read her mind.

He smiled. A triumphant smile that told her he knew things she didn’t. “Don’t look so scared, little one. I don’t bite. That is, unless you want me to.” Further control came as he dragged his thumb across her parched lips, making them separate with the pressure, causing her clit to zing immediately into life. Dear God, she didn’t know how he did it, but Lacey wanted him to rip her clothes off, spread her thighs wide, and then pleasure her pussy lips in exactly the same way he caressed her mouth right now. Jesus Christ, it would only take a few strokes of that magical thumb against her sensitive nub to bring her to explosive orgasm.

Oh. My. God. Please. I’m so wet with longing. I need you. In her imagination Lacey slapped her own face, hard. Then for good measure slapped it again in order to get the message across. What am I saying? Why the hell am I thinking this way? I barely know the guy for God’s sake. Control yourself, woman, you’ve never acted so wantonly, so quickly, with a guy before.

When Kurt removed his wondrous touch from her lips, she stood staring breathlessly at him, desperate to know how he created such carnal need within her—a gnawing sexual need that made her long to have Kurt thrust his huge cock deep inside her. Huge cock? How the hell could she possibly know something like that?

Disturbed and startled by her overtly sexual response to this powerful man, Lacey wondered if Rebecca’s prophecy would come true. Her friend’s words echoed ominously in her ear. “You have absolutely no idea how persuasive some of these Doms can be.” She was a grown woman, and up until now had always been in control of her destiny. Why was that changing tonight? Why was she finding it so fucking difficult to focus and stay in control? Deep down she knew she was losing it big time.

Lacey steeled her resolve again. This assignment was a once in a lifetime opportunity—an opportunity that demanded her full attention. Instead of filling her head with wanton sexual needs and desires, she needed to fill her head with fighting talk. If she put her mind to it, there wasn’t a man in this whole fucked-up world who could control her, the way Kurt Samuelsson seemed to be doing with such consummate ease.

A striking man with dark hair and swashbuckling good looks strode purposefully across to them. With an engaging smile to his face, he held out his hand. “Good evening, I’m Will, the proprietor of Club Incubus.”

She immediately noticed that Will was blessed with the same towering presence as Kurt, causing her to fluff her words a little. “G–good to meet you, Sir,” she blustered, as she felt the warmth of his masculine hand envelop hers. “I’m Lacey Michaels.”

Will laughed. “I know. I know who you are. I make it my business to know exactly what goes on in my club. Welcome to Incubus, Lacey. What brings you here tonight?”

BOOK: Demon in Disguise (Masters of the Incubus - Part One)
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