Read Deliver Me Online

Authors: Faith Gibson

Deliver Me (6 page)

BOOK: Deliver Me
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opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. He nodded at Tag and
began eating. Tag started with the stroganoff. If it tasted half as good as it
smelled, he would be in heaven. “Mmm, this shit’s good,” he mumbled around the
food before he even swallowed it.

blushed not meeting his eyes. “Thank you.”

ate their meal making small talk. Tag asked Erik where he learned to cook, and
Erik responded, “YouTube. There’s so much information on the internet it’s

the time they finished eating, Delilah was ready for her bottle. Tag fed her
while Erik cleaned up the kitchen. The peacefulness of the moment was
interrupted by a text message. He maneuvered the baby so he could hold her and
her bottle in one hand while retrieving his cell phone with the other. It
didn’t surprise him when he read the message from Cade…

are you?

knew exactly where he was. He tossed the phone on the seat beside him without
responding. The next three and a half months were going to be a testament to
their friendship.

okay?” Erik asked as he sat on the sofa next to Tag. He picked up the cell
phone placing it on the coffee table so he wouldn’t sit on it. Before Erik was
settled, the phone pinged again.

just Cade being Cade,” he sighed.

really doesn’t like me,” Erik stated. He was a smart, observant man, but it
wouldn’t take a genius to get that from the rudeness Cade exuded earlier. Tag
didn’t know whether to tell the truth or not.

Tag didn’t comment, Erik prodded, “He seems awfully possessive of you. Is there
something I should know?”

handed the empty bottle to Erik and put Delilah over his shoulder to burp her.
While he patted the baby on her back he told the doctor honestly, “We used to
be lovers.”


Chapter Eight


felt like he was going to throw up. He stood from the sofa, taking the baby’s
bottle to the sink. He didn’t want to, but he could envision Lee and Cade
together. He had seen them at the restaurant. They were beautiful together.


didn’t look at Lee. He couldn’t.  For the last couple of hours he’d let himself
get carried away playing house with Lee and Delilah. The cell phone chimed
again. Knowing it was the man Lee had slept with, spent all his time with,
brought the reality of the situation back where it should be - front and center.
Erik checked the lock on his heart and threw away the goddamn key. Lee was
leaving in two weeks and would be on the road with Cade. Lee came into the
kitchen and stood in front of him with his slender hip leaned against the
cabinet. “Erik, I said used to be. It was years ago. We’re just friends now, I

doesn’t matter. I know what this is,” he said, motioning between the two of
them. “You sucked my cock. I would have returned the favor if Delilah hadn’t
woken up. Just two horny men, nothing more.”

growled and grabbed Erik’s arm. “Okay, if it’s nothing more than two horny men,
what will it hurt to spend time together in the next two weeks? Get our rocks
off together. That way, neither one of us has to go trolling for cock. Besides,
I want to see Delilah as much as possible before I go.”

knew it was a bad idea. He was already falling for the man standing in front of
him. He couldn’t have a sexual relationship without it turning to something
more. Lee obviously could, and that’s what pissed him off. Then again, how many
people, men or women, got to say they had Taggart Lee in their bed? He honestly
didn’t want to think about the number. But the thought brought up another
question. “I have to ask you something. Are you bisexual? You’ve had men and
women, so why me? Why aren’t you out trolling for pussy as well as cocks?”

shrugged. “I only fucked women, because it was expected of me. When we first
got in the business, homosexuality wasn’t as accepted as it is today. Now it’s
almost cool if you’re fucking both genders. Equal opportunity cock. But women
don’t get me hard, and they sure don’t get me off. I like the feel of hard
muscle, calloused fingers, and stubbled skin scratching against my own.”

stilled. Lee had just described Cade.

see the wheels turning. Do you not realize how fucking sexy you are?  Just
because you don’t have rough hands and you keep your face smooth doesn’t mean
you aren’t all man. I’ve walked around with a hard-on for you since the day we
met, Erik. My cock barely has any skin left from all the jerking off I’ve done.
And let me tell you, it’s not Cade I’m thinking about when I’m jacking myself.
It’s you. Those blue eyes, your smile, and the way you smell. Fuck, I want to
bury my nose in your neck and live there. Whatever the fuck that scent is, I
want to buy some of it. I want to take it on the road so I can inhale it every
night when I’m in the hotel room pulling one off to thoughts of you.”

couldn’t believe Lee would be going to bed alone, not for three months. He
wouldn’t think about it until it happened. Right now, he was going to be
selfish and take whatever it was Lee offered. When the two weeks was up, he
would get on with his life taking care of Delilah. He played it cool. “Okay, whatever.”
That answer, however ambiguous, seemed to appease the rock god. He grinned at
Erik and leaned in, sniffing his neck, making a production out of the motion.
Erik rolled his eyes. “You’re crazy.”

for you,” Lee said and broke out into song. The big, tattooed man belted out
Madonna at the top of his lungs. Erik laughed, Delilah cooed, and Duke barked.
Definitely crazy.

spent the rest of the day sitting on the deck, taking turns holding and feeding
the baby while watching Duke chase butterflies and squirrels. He could have
caught several of the small tree rats, but Duke was a lover. He chased the squirrels
to the tree then let them scurry up, living to see another day. When the sun went
down, Lee stood and announced he was leaving. “We have rehearsal tomorrow, and
I have something else to take care of, but I’d like to come back afterwards if
that’s okay.”

If you tell me what time, I’ll have supper ready.” Erik had planned on asking
Sarah over, but he wouldn’t begrudge Lee time with his niece.

five too early?”

that’s perfect. Is there anything you don’t like or are allergic to?” He didn’t
want to put the man in the hospital.

I eat just about anything.” Lee bent over and kissed Delilah on the head.
“Okay, Princess, you be good for the doctor, and I’ll see you tomorrow.” He
raised his head and kissed Erik on the lips. It was a soft, chaste kiss, but it
was filled with emotion, nonetheless. “And I’ll see you tomorrow, too.” He gave
Erik a wink, patted Duke on the head and left through the side door. The
Corvette rumbled to life, and the sound disappeared into the night.

though Erik was a pediatrician, treating a child and taking full responsibility
for one were totally different. While he was waiting on Lee to bring Delilah
over, he had searched the internet about mundane tasks like bathing an infant.
Not only had he bought the most expensive baby tub, he’d also purchased a
couple of snuggies. He’d seen plenty of his patients come into the office
cuddled in one against their parent’s chest. He understood the importance of
contact with the child in the first few months after birth, especially with
preemies. Erik also knew it was good to let them have their own space so they
didn’t expect to be held all the time.

giving her a bath and putting her in a sleep gown, Erik took Delilah to the
living room where he cradled her against his chest while he reclined back to
watch television. He loved to read, but he also loved mindless television shows
about zombies and fallen angels. He snuggled with his girl while he clicked
through the channels. He knew by the time three months rolled around he
wouldn’t be able to give her up. He was already attached to her after less than
twelve hours. When he felt her tiny hand grab at the hair on his chest, he cuddled
her a little closer and said a prayer he would get through the next two weeks
with his heart relatively intact.



was woken by doors slamming and voices yelling. He opened one eye and peered at
the clock.
Rehearsal started in fifteen minutes, and he hadn’t had
breakfast. Or coffee. Or a shower. Fuck if he didn’t need them all. Instead of
going straight home the night before, Tag had enjoyed the power the Corvette
offered. He rode around middle Tennessee, revisiting backroads he’d ridden down
as a teenager. He enjoyed the cool late night breeze blowing through the car as
he let his mind drift to things he couldn’t have.

didn’t have a white picket fence, but he did have the perfect home for a
family. For Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. The back deck was perfect for
having friends over to grill out. Tag’s house was made for rock stars who had
wild parties, not that Tag ever had parties at his house. When he wasn’t on the
road, he wanted away from the crowds, away from those who pawed and clawed at
him, expecting him to always be the man in the spotlight. He was tired of the

few hours he’d spent with Erik and Delilah had been the most peaceful and
relaxing he’d had in years. Even the exotic vacations he’d taken couldn’t come close
to hanging out at Erik’s. Being around Erik had Tag longing for a family, for
the simpler things. Longing for the doctor himself. By the time he got home,
Tag had made up his mind he was going to spend the next two weeks making Erik
Henrikson fall for him.

had blown his phone up all night. He’d been ready to throw it out the window
when Echo called. He talked to her, assuring her he was fine and on his way
home. When he arrived, Cade had been in his bed asleep. Naked. Instead of
confronting his friend, he turned to go sleep in one of the guest rooms, but
Cade must have heard him. He woke up and asked where Tag was going.

yelled and pouted and begged. Tag had no idea what had gotten into his friend
so he asked him, “What the fuck is your problem? You’re acting like we’re
fucking married.”

want you. I’ve missed having you in my bed, Lee.”

you fucking Lee me. You call me Tag.”

goddamn doctor calls you Lee!”

because to him I’m Lee Holloway, the man, not Taggart Lee, the rock star.”

you think you aren’t Lee to me? Fuck, we’ve been friends since high school. I
knew you then; I know you now.”

don’t know me, Cade, not if you think I want you as more than a friend.”

slid off the bed, stepping into Tag’s personal space. “Tag, baby, you want me.
I know you do.” He stepped closer and tried to pull Tag to him.

I’m telling you. Step. The fuck. Back. Do not make these next three months
harder than they’re already going to be.”

the fuck’s that supposed to mean? You dicking the doctor and think you’re in
love?” Cade snarled at him, “You don’t know the first goddamn thing about
love.” With that, he stormed out of Tag’s room and slammed the door. Now, a few
hours later, more doors were being slammed. Fuck.

rolled out of bed and went straight to the shower. His best friend was right
about one thing; Tag didn’t know the first thing about love. Not the kind he
was talking about, anyway. He barely dried the water off his body before
dressing. He prayed someone had made coffee. He needed caffeine and something
on his stomach before he spent the next six or seven hours with his psychotic
best friend.

checked on Delilah, but seeing her room empty, remembered where she was. When he
entered the kitchen, the yelling stopped and all eyes turned to him. He didn’t
bother with his band mates until he had downed half a cup of coffee. He
refilled his cup and added a splash of milk. Only then did he turn to the three
sets of eyes burning a hole in his back. “Would someone like to tell me what
the fuck is going on in here?”

stepped away from Pauly and refilled his own cup. He turned and placed his butt
against the counter, crossing his legs at the ankle. “Cade wants us all to go
home these next two weeks before hitting the road.”

didn’t look at Cade. Instead, he asked Sloane, “Yeah, and how do you feel about

wherever you are. If you need to stay here to be with Delilah a little while
longer, then that’s what we should do. If you’re ready to pack it up…” He

looked at Pauly, even though he knew the usually quiet guitarist would more
than likely go along with whatever Sloane said.  Pauly leaned his arms on the
island and told Tag, “I’m of the opinion that you need all the time you can get
with your girl. Take the time, man. Treasure it,” he said sadly. Maybe one day,
when they retired, Pauly would try to find out where his own kids were.

slammed his hand on the island. “She’s a fucking infant for Christ’s sake! She
doesn’t know who you are or that you’ll be gone. In three months you’ll be back
and she might be a little bigger, but she still won’t know who the fuck you are.”

had to rein in his temper. Now he understood what the yelling had been about.
Cade Anderson was a selfish sonofabitch, but never had Tag seen it as clearly
as right at that moment.

was standing in the doorway shaking her head. He’d seen her mad plenty of
times, but the ire in her eyes made it clear whose side she was on. She cleared
her throat and calmly said, “As your manager, it is my recommendation you stay
here. The first show is in Atlanta, so travel time will be minimal. If you go
to L.A., you will lose two days of practice. As your friend, it is my
recommendation you shut the fuck up, Cade. We are all sick of your petty
bullshit, your possessiveness over Tag, and your selfishness. I hope you never
have a life altering event, because if you do, nobody’s going to want to be
there to help you through it.” With that, she grabbed her purse and left.

BOOK: Deliver Me
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