Read Deliciously Dangerous Online

Authors: Karen Anders

Tags: #Romance: Modern, #Contemporary, #General, #Romance, #Adult, #Romance - General, #Romance - Contemporary, #Fiction, #Fiction - Romance

Deliciously Dangerous (3 page)

BOOK: Deliciously Dangerous
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Once he knew she was Callie Carpenter, a Watchdog agent sent here to discover the identity of his boss
and arrest them both, this delicious
between them would be over.

She’d have to be disgusted with herself later.

“You smell incredible,” he said as he let her slide down his fully aroused, heavily muscled frame. Much later.

Her face was closer to his, his own smell intoxicating. Her knees went decidedly wobbly, and she knew she should be ashamed at how easily he could seduce her into putting everything important in her world on hold. But damn the man, he made it really hard to concentrate. And it wasn’t like there was anything she could do to further the investigation in the next fifteen minutes, anyway. Or the next hour. Or two. Or three.

“So it’s clear which proposition you intend to take, but couldn’t it be an all-inclusive deal?”

“Business is important, Gina, but I have some investigations of my own to conduct, right here and right now. Fuck, I missed you.”

“I’m serious about the offer, Jammer.” The reprimand was aimed more at herself than him. But if she hoped to enlist some of his control in the matter she was going to be sorely disappointed. Except disappointment wasn’t really what she was feeling at all when his eyes went dark and he reached up and released the strings on her halter top.

“What you do to me,” he murmured as he walked her backward toward the bed, without ever once actually touching her, but staying so deep in her personal space she felt intimately connected to him.

“If you’re trying to distract me, that’s not a bad way to go,” she said, hearing the thread of need in her voice, even as she tried valiantly to keep from slipping under his spell without a sign of struggle. He wouldn’t be around long, and she was warring between giving in to her inner sex kitten, which was purring for indulgence, and preserving some sense of willpower over wanting too much. Certainly she would end up wanting more than she was ever able to keep.

His only response was to slip out of his suit coat, loosen his tie and unbutton his starched white shirt to reveal a chest that was fashioned by the gods for women to worship.

“Jammer? Throw me a bone,” she said, although the words weren’t much more than a hushed whisper as he leaned in and slid the zipper of her mini down.

“How about a boner?”

She laughed and her breasts brushed his chest, her nipples tightening into hard, taut peaks begging for more.

His face tightened into hot sexual hunger, his eyes zeroing in on her breasts. He grabbed her around the waist. Sliding her skirt off, he lifted her, his biceps bunching into rock-solid knots of power.

He pressed his lips to one aching, tingling crest and opened his mouth over it. He sucked, and she felt the tugging, pulling sensation all the way down to her sex. She couldn’t stop the whimper of need that escaped her lips. She braced herself on the concrete bulges of his biceps, her head dropping back as he shifted and took her other throbbing nipple into his mouth to suckle.

She shuddered and held on to his arms, her need for him becoming a tangible thing, strong and powerful and nearly devastating in its intensity.

He lowered her to the floor and reached for his belt buckle. It wasn’t until he started pushing his pants off his hips that a self-satisfied smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. “You’re talking way too much about business, Gina.”

“I’m just trying…” She’d been so caught up in watching, she’d forgotten what she was going to say. “Oh, never mind.” She sighed, smiling herself, shamelessly enjoying the rest of Jammer naked.

He tugged the halter off, undid the garter belt and slowly rolled the stockings down her legs, which put him in a convenient crouch in front of her. She let out a gasp and balanced herself by gripping his strong shoulders as he took a wicked detour with his tongue. “We’re so completely shameless,” she groaned.

“A beautiful thing, wouldn’t you say?”

“Yeah,” she said, torn between a laugh at how freeing it was to be with him, and a quiet moan at how deliciously good the things he was doing with his tongue made her feel. The soft moan won as he continued his very focused, tender assault on her most sensitive little bundle of nerve endings. “It’s overwhelming. Have I mentioned that your foreplay technique is more than I can resist?” She groaned when he slid his tongue away from the place she wanted him to be, up over her stomach, gasping again when he captured one erect nipple for a brief, luscious moment, then moved up to kiss her neck. “You stopped,” she said, pouting just a little.

“I hate doing the expected,” Jammer said with a twinkle in his eyes. “That gets boring.”

“I’ll have to remember to keep my big trap closed.”


just the way it is,” he said, “Clever mouth and all.”

“Clever mouth?” she asked with a tiny smile that spoke volumes. With all her might she reared up, her hands planted firmly on his oh-so-broad shoulders. She startled him, and when he landed flat on his back on the bed with her straddling him, he laughed out loud.

Callie felt every inch of his erection, and every inch of her throbbed from the inside out.

Without warning, she covered his mouth in a swoop of heat and put every seductive nuance into it. She teased, withdrawing and making him chase her, then erotically licking the line of his lips before she pushed her tongue between. A hot, desperate need went down to her pores as she kissed him. When she broke the kiss, she smoothed both palms over his skin and dragged her tongue across his nipple, then suckled.

He groaned deep in his chest, his body trembling beneath hers. He gripped her hips, wedging closer. His hand slid upward, along her ribs, teasing the underside
of her breasts, cupping her and massaging her engorged nipples.

“You certainly aren’t predictable, Gina.”

Her lips quirked. “I would rather not be remembered as being boring. When you think about me down the road, I want you to smile.”

“Ah, you’re not going to be like Cinderella and leave the ball too soon, are you?”

“Cinderella? I’m no one’s lackey.”

“Of course not. Didn’t mean it that way.”

“What did you mean?”

“The prince was so in the dark about who she really was. To him, she was mystery and intrigue. So much so, he had to find her and make her his.”

She looked away, hearing way too much meaning in his voice, the slant of his mouth, the banked need in his eyes. She didn’t know what her eyes would give away at that moment, but she didn’t dare risk it. So she went for flirtation, dropping further into her Gina persona to hide the feelings that Callie harbored for this man—a man she was planning on destroying.

“Awww, does the prince need a plaything for just a little bit longer?”

“Mmm-hmm, and he has a glass slipper he wants to try on for size.”

She breathed a mental sigh of relief when he moved with her into this lighter, teasing banter. It allowed her distance—and distance with this man was the only thing that was going to save her from falling under his very seductive spell.

“From this vantage point, I think it might be just a
mite too big. Maybe it’ll fit the ugly stepsister.” It took all her willpower to lie on his hot, muscled body and chitchat with him as if the volatile energy between them wasn’t jolting every atom and air particle in the room.

His laugh was deep and genuine as it vibrated through her torso.

“No, I think this slipper was custom-made for you.” She felt his stomach muscles ridge like sculpted granite as he bowed toward her and latched on to her nipple, giving it a nip. She groaned softly.

Then he suckled her once more, his mouth warm, wet and skilled. Her hips moved in restless thrusts against his pulsing groin.

She slid down his body, slow and gradual, alternately tasting him with her tongue and kissing his smooth chest, down his rigidly defined abdomen and across all his taut, honey-toned skin to his groin. “I’ll have to check out this glass slipper for myself,” she breathed, and he moaned.

But there was nothing transparent or fragile about him or his…slipper.

Jammer was a big man, broad through the shoulders, thick through the chest. He looked like he belonged in a bar, in the role of bouncer, or in the ring as a larger-than-life wrestler.

And the man was more well endowed than Callie had ever seen. He knew how to fill a woman up.

“What are you doing down there?”

She chuckled. “Admiration comes to mind. Hey, aren’t you supposed to be charming?”

“Are you kidding? With you keeping me on erotic tenterhooks, how am I—”

She chose that moment to take him fully and deeply into her mouth, and his words were cut off in a sensual gasp.

He was hot and pulsing in her mouth as she curled her fingers around the base of his cock and sucked.

“You’re killing me, woman.”

She licked and sucked her way to the head of his erection, and Jammer moved his hips restlessly. She looked up at him, to find his eyes riveted on her, filled with a pleasure that transcended the word. And…something more. Something that Callie didn’t want to see and was sure Jammer hadn’t wanted to reveal as his eyes shuttered and he closed them.

A woman’s power over a man in this situation was absolute. She should exploit it, but the reluctance to use him in any way was so firmly ingrained, she couldn’t do it. She knew he worked for a ruthless gunrunner, one who had wreaked havoc on more than one agent from more than one agency, but Jammer was different from the Ghost. He had integrity.

He’d saved Allie’s life and he’d also had a hand in rescuing her brother Max’s new love, DEA agent Rio Marshall, from Fuentes’s stronghold in Hawaii. Max had received a phone call from the Ghost telling him exactly where he could find Rio, but Callie suspected it hadn’t been the Ghost who had made that call. Were the reasons for what Jammer had done altruistic or just a means to further his own plans? Callie didn’t have the answer.

She worked him hard and brought him closer and closer to orgasm.

But she didn’t get the chance. He grabbed her under the arms and jerked her up his body, his eyes alight with a fire and a desire that consumed her.


. The power of it sped down his body and fought for escape. Instead, it built, a need like sucking in a lungful of air that wouldn’t come. It almost scared him, opened up feelings he’d buried so he could do what he had to—but fighting it was impossible. Gina made him
Just by her very existence. She was her own adventure, her own ruler, and the thrills of putting together a high-risk buy didn’t compare to the ecstasy of Gina naked and pressed against him, her mouth moving savagely over his.

His hands swept up her tight ribs, cupping her breasts, and the contact was electric, her kiss stronger, hurried. He thumbed her nipples in slow circles, and her shudder tumbled into his mouth. Strong thighs clamped him and he broke the kiss and held her gaze as he bent her over his arm and closed his lips on her nipple.

She threw her head back, moaning beautifully, then watched him take her deep into the heat of his mouth. “Now you’re being more than charming,” she breathed.

He smiled against her skin, lifting her higher, his tongue sliding wetly over her breasts, his teeth deliciously scoring the plump underside. But it wasn’t enough. He wanted her screaming. He wanted her weak and panting and vulnerable—only for him.

Her fingers dug into his shoulder. “Now, right now, Jammer.”



He smiled, then grimaced as she skimmed her hand over his rock-hard erection. He was a man who prided himself on his staying ability, but Gina was sorely testing him. The pleasure that rippled up through him from her clever fingers blindsided him.

His erection flexed in her hand. “Now you’re killing me,” she said. She pushed his penis down, gliding wetly across him, teasing him.

“Now that would be impossible, because you’re so alive!” He tossed her on her back, grabbing the headboard and thrusting into her. He left her completely and slid back, loving the flare in her blue eyes, the smile that never seemed to fade.

She reached up and smoothed her fingers over his jaw, let them flutter down his body as he plunged into her once more.

It didn’t get more erotic than this,
he thought, and then she proved him wrong. She locked her legs around him, her hands on his chest as she shoved him back, never stopping. Her hips curled in a rhythmic wave, letting him feel every inch of his erection sliding in her. For a moment Jammer was mesmerized by her stomach muscles contracting, her spine bending and pushing her hips into his. His hands closed over her breasts, thumbs circling slowly, and her eyelids lowered, their tempo increasing with her breathing.

He let her keep control. She seemed to need it. She
gripped his arms, holding on and riding, faster and harder. She called his name, an expression almost like fear in her eyes. Jammer cupped the back of her head, forced her to look directly at him as his fingers skated over the bead of her sex. Her eyes glazed.

“More, please more,” she whispered, and he laid her down and hammered into her, felt the claw of her body on his, the rage of passion sweeping over him. He was uncontrollable with the mindless need to drive harder, and their momentum pushed her across the bed.

Yet she matched him, her hips pistoned to his. Then his world split, his climax burst, and she gripped him, moving faster as his body tightened and rocketed with exploding thrusts.

Gina arched, her spine bending so far he thought she’d snap. She clutched his hips, grinding him into her. “Kiss me, now.”

It was a primal directive and he took her lips like a man starving. She came, her scream muffled and shuddering into his mouth, her molten core jerking. He slammed into her, the rip of pleasure tearing over his skin, pulsing with her. They strained, held on, and let the sweep of it take them.

Jammer groaned, the waves of pure ecstasy crackling though him. She collapsed on the bed, and he’d barely caught his breath when she said, “I guess that slipper fit, after all.”

He chuckled and looked at her. Gina touched his face, pulled him down on her, and he rolled with her to his side, drawing her leg over his. For a long moment they just stared, damp, a tangle of legs and arms.

“You’re under my skin, Cinderella.”

Her eyes danced with a snappy comeback, but instead, she said, “Anywhere near your skin is fine with me.”

He leaned in and rubbed his mouth softly over hers. She snuggled closer, her eyes still caught in his.

“Think the whole hotel heard us?”

“Do you care?”

“There’s little that could embarrass me, Jammer.” She shifted on top of him, and Jammer reveled in her soft, lush, completely sexy body on his, sweeping his hand up her behind. They stayed like that, sinking into the sensations, the tenderness, then Gina braced her arms on his chest, her chin on her hands. He smiled.

“Let me know when you’re ready to do that again.”

Jammer laughed, clamping his arms around her and flipping her to her back. “No time like the present.” With his knee, he nudged her thighs wide.

“Ah, now you’re just showing off.”


, his cell phone rang.

“There better be coffee on the other end of the line,” Gina said sleepily.

“I’m going to beat the hell out of whoever’s calling,” Jammer groused, reaching down and snagging his pants.

“Don’t answer it,” she muttered.

“I have to.” He smoothed his hand through her hair. “I’ve got too many irons in the fire.”

“I like the way you use your iron and your fire.…”

Her voice faded as he glanced over. She was sprawled
on the bed, half-asleep, every inch of her beautiful skin exposed. The ring came again, incessant and jangling.

“This had better be good,” he snapped into the phone.

“Sorry to bother you, boss, but I’ve done as you asked, contacted everyone you told me to contact. There just aren’t any weapons out there for purchase. Not the kind we need or the volume.”

“Talk to Romanoff. See what he’s got.”

Jammer ended the call and swore softly under his breath. “What’s wrong?”

He said nothing. He wasn’t going to drag her into his business. She could screw up this deal, a deal he’d staked his career and his life on. The situation was too dangerous and too volatile, and he liked Gina alive.
alive, as a matter of fact, especially when she melted all over him like warm chocolate. She had to get away from the shit before it hit the fan, because when it did, it was going to be ugly.

“Okay, be silent and deadly,” she said.

He rose and got dressed, and Gina watched him with her bright blue eyes.

“Your contacts have dried up. You’ve called everyone you know and there are no weapons to be found. You need a big, big shipment, but you’re already behind deadline and you’re getting pressure from the man who wants those weapons. He’s not being all that patient. You’re in a bad bind. You need me.”

In more ways than one. Another reason why he had to shut her out. “Think you’re pretty slick, slick?”

She rose and he got lost in all those moving curves and jiggles. She sat on the edge of the bed totally naked and crossed her legs as if she was at a garden party social.

“The way I see it you need my help, and I’m more than willing to cash in on this deal.” Her tone turned serious. With gunrunners, weapon buys were always serious.

But it reminded him of why she was really here—another twist in an already intricate maze that was his life.

“Yeah, because the deal we put together last time went so well.”

“That wasn’t your fault, Jammer. But you made sure it worked out in our favor.”

“I hated leaving your sister and her right-hand guy holding the bag.”

“You didn’t. My sister is very resourceful.” Callie couldn’t believe how resourceful Allie had been. She was extremely proud of her. Allie had been a tame interior designer when Drew Miller had mistaken her for Callie. Then he had embroiled her twin sister in an undercover mission, where she had posed as “Tina” to complete the deal Gina had made with Jammer in Paris before the hit-and-run had taken her out of commission. Despite the scare with Miyagi, it had turned out well, and Drew and Allie were now completely in love.

“Good, you got your cut.”

“I always get my cut.”

“Then you understand when I say that I have a business to run.”

“Right.” She rose and started to dress. As she pulled up and zipped her skirt, she turned to search for her boots. He was standing there with them in his fist.

She snatched the boots out of his hand and put them on. “It was always about the weapons, as it should be,” she said, turning her back to him. “Miyagi was my own personal problem.”

BOOK: Deliciously Dangerous
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