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Authors: Kate Allenton

Declan (2 page)

BOOK: Declan
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Chapter 3




Olivia woke the next morning at five thirty a.m. and cursed Operation Man Hunt. What the hell had she been thinking? She enjoyed her easy jogs, but that was as much exercise as her body was used to. She arrived at the park right on time to find Flynn waiting and his shirt already soaking with sweat.

“Did you already run? Am I late?” she asked as she approached.

“I normally do five miles, but I stopped at four so we could do the last mile or two together.”

“Great.” Olivia put her foot on the bench and started stretching as Flynn guzzled water from his bottle. When he was done, he wiped his lips with the back of his hand.

“So I’ve been thinking…”

“You ready to back out?”

“What?” He looked at her incredulously. “Not a chance. I was thinking I need to see you in action to see what I’m working with. You need some dates.”

“Excuse me?” She pulled her foot behind her, stretching her hamstrings. “And where do you expect me to find a date?”

He grinned. “Leave that part up to me. For now, we run. We’ve gotta build up that body and stamina for the marathon sex you’re going to have.”

She chuckled. Flynn was crazy. She’d known that coming into it, and the fact that she was at the park this early in the morning on a Tuesday meant that she was a little crazy herself. “I’ve never had marathon sex. I wouldn’t even know where to begin.”

“Seriously?” He tisked. “That’s a shame. You don’t know what you’re missing.”

“I’ll have to take your word for it.”

They started out in a light jog. Flynn was a natural, whereas after a half-mile, the blood was rushing to her ears. Her lungs gasped for air when he picked up the pace after the first mile, and he pushed her to do a second. They slowed to a walk in the quarter-mile home stretch.

“Don’t look now, but we have company.”

She spun around to find Declan closing the distance behind them, and he passed them without a word.

“Does he always run in the park?”

“Like clockwork.” Flynn’s smile grew. The little shit.

“You did this on purpose?”

“Of course I did.” Flynn smacked her ass. She squealed at the unexpected move. Declan was on the opposite side of the track watching them. “Come on. I’ll race you to the bench. Loser buys coffee.”

“You’re on.” She took off faster than she knew her feet could carry her. He beat her to the bench by a landslide.

The coffee shop filled as customers came and went as they sat at a window table. Flynn was oblivious to the stares they garnered, but she wasn’t. The women in the place were jealous he was with her and not with them. His easy banter and carefree attitude drew her attention back to him and away from the onlookers. When he pulled out his cell and arranged a date for her, coffee spewed from her lips.

He grinned as he watched her while talking quietly into the phone. “Tonight at seven. I’ll give you the directions.”

He hung up and eased back in his chair as if he’d just won a prize.

“Tell me you didn’t.”

“Of course I did. Paul Marks will pick you up at eight.”


“Why the date? We’ve already discussed this. I need to see you in action.”

A blind date already made her uneasy, but having Flynn tag along made her mortified. “You’re coming with us?”

“No, but I’ll be nearby.” He smiled.

She knew everyone on the island and had grown up with most of the people who lived there, and yet, Paul’s name didn’t ring any bells. “Who’s Paul Marks? He can’t be local. I’ve never met him.”

“He’s a friend.” Flynn leaned closer. “And don’t worry.”

Words to live by. If she didn’t worry, then who would? She was going out with a stranger.


After spending the day with her stomach in knots, she showered and changed in record time. Her doorbell rang at six o’clock. She answered the door to find Flynn on her stoop. “What are you doing here?”

“Making sure you’re prepared.” He gave a slow perusal down her body and back up. She fidgeted in her dress pants and silk shirt. “This won’t do.” He turned and waved to the car. His cousin Alexis stepped out, carrying a large container, and walked up the sidewalk.

“Olivia, you know Alexis.”

“Hi,” she answered as Flynn and Alexis pushed their way into her house. “Okay,” she mumbled beneath her breath.

Alexis and Flynn disappeared toward her bedroom, and she was left to follow.

Flynn was in her closet, sifting through her hangers. He pulled out the only black cocktail dress she owned and grabbed the matching three-inch heels and tossed them onto the bed. “Wear that.”

He walked out of the room as Alexis poked her head out of the bathroom. “Get your cute butt in here. I only have two hours to make you into a goddess that all men will worship.”

Olivia glanced at the makeup box taking up all the space on her bathroom counter. “Cute…I’d agree with, but…goddess. I think your expectations are too high.”

“We both know you’ve already nailed the girl-next-door look. We’re just upping the ante.”

Alexis took Olivia’s arms and eased her to sit on the toilet. “If you don’t like it, you can remove it.”

Olivia sat quietly while Alexis took her time working on Olivia’s makeup. Alexis worried her bottom lip and tilted her head as she stared at Olivia’s face as if it were a canvas to be decorated.

“This may be a shock if you aren’t used to wearing this much makeup, but I was right. You’re a knockout.” She gestured to the mirror. “Take a look.”

Olivia rose and moved to the mirror. Her mouth parted as she stared at her smoky eyes. The black and grays on her lids and eyelashes made her blue eyes appear sultry and sexy. Her red lips were finished in an easy gloss. “How did you do that?”

“The makeup was a piece of cake since I already had a great canvas to start with. So adding a few mere touches only brought out the great assets you already had.”

Olivia lifted her hand to her stomach and leaned in closer. “Damn your good.”

Alexis glanced at her watch. “You need to change, or you won’t be ready before he gets here.”

Alexis gathered her things and left Olivia to change into the slinky dress. The black material slid over her curves, cupping her in all the right places. She took her time and pinned her hair up into a messy, yet sexy, updo with a few strands framing her face before slipping into her heels. One final look in the full-length mirror on the back of the door and she barely recognized the woman staring back at her. Was this the kind of woman that Declan wanted?

“Let us see,” Flynn called from the living room.

She let out a final sigh and left the security of her bedroom. Flynn’s eyes lit up when she stood in front of them and did a slow spin in place.

“Do you approve?’

“Fuck yeah.”

“You kiss your momma with that mouth?” Alexis smacked his stomach.

Flynn ignored her. His gaze started at her head and moved slowly down her body. “If you weren’t my brother’s girl, I might have to make a play.”

She waved off the comment. “I’m not your brother’s girl.”

“That’s right. She’s her own woman.” Alexis slowly rounded Olivia and smiled. “You’re confidence makes you sexy.”

“Damn right,” Flynn added before glancing at his watch. “Her strength is probably why Declan never made a move. Too worried he’d get shot down.”

Olivia busted out laughing.

Flynn winked. “We need to leave before Paul gets here.”

Olivia saw them out and closed the door and had moved back into her room to grab a black clutch that matched her dress when she heard a knock on the door.

A quick glance at the bedside clock, and her brows dipped. “He’s ten minutes early.” She inhaled a quick breath and tossed her cell and wallet in the clutch then went to the door. Pasting a smile on her face, she pulled the door open.

Expecting to meet Paul, she came face to face with Declan. He took his time running his gaze down her body and back up. “What did you do?”

Olivia crossed her arms over her chest, and Declan’s gaze zeroed in on her breasts. “What are you doing here?”

He stepped around her and into the house.

“Do all of you Loves just barge in?”

Declan ignored her comment and waited for her to close the door. “You can’t date Flynn,” he growled scanning her dress again.

This was an unexpected surprise. Had he finally come to his senses and figured things out? “Why not?”

“You two won’t ever work.”

Any hope she’d been feeling was squished just like a damn bug on the windshield of her life. She let out an exasperated sigh. “Why? He’s sexy, smart, has a great body and a fun personality. He’s the type of guy any woman would want.”

Declan advanced on her quicker than she’d ever seen him move. She took an unconscious step back, the door stopping her retreat. His palms rested on the door on both sides of her head, caging her like an animal. Her heartbeat doubled, dancing in her chest.

“You’re too good for him.” His gaze searched hers, his brown eyes reading clear to her soul. His gaze dropped to her lips. An inch separated them. One small move and she could claim his lips and finally know what it felt like to kiss him.

She swallowed around the lump in her throat. She hesitated on how much to tell him, hell, what to tell him. “Declan…”

“Call off your date with Flynn,” he demanded pulling her out of her lust- filled haze. The butterflies in her belly quieted, replaced with disappointment. He’d had his moment. He could have done anything, said anything, other than make a demand, and she might have listened.

“I don’t have a date with Flynn.” She pushed against his chest, reclaiming her space and her sanity. “I have a date with Paul Marks.”

As if right on cue, her doorbell rang, and she pulled it open and smiled. The guy standing outside held a bouquet of roses. His dark gray charcoal suit was custom-made, hugging him in all the right places. His black hair and dark eyes made him look like a mystery, which, when she thought about it, he really was.

“Paul.” She smiled. “You’re right on time.” She stepped back and let him in.

Paul spotted Declan and turned to her. “Am I interrupting?”

Declan was quick to answer. “Yes.”

“No,” she contradicted and held the door open. “Declan’s a friend, and he was just leaving.”

Declan grunted and walked to the door. He gave a quick glance over his shoulder before holding her gaze. “This conversation isn’t over.”

She smiled. “Yes, it is.”

He walked out, and she closed the door. Alone with a stranger in her house. Not the best idea she’d ever had, but Flynn trusted the guy.

He held out the bouquet. “These are for you.”

“Thank you. Let me just put them in water and we can leave.” She graciously accepted them before walking into the kitchen and putting them in a vase. She sniffed the roses, letting the lovely scent fill her nostrils and calm her nerves before walking back into the living room.

“Are you ready?”

She smiled and grabbed her purse. “More than ever.”





Chapter 4



Declan grumbled all the way to the car while clenching his fist. Seeing this new jackass show up, he’d wanted to grab him by the scruff of his neck and toss his bony ass out into the lawn. What the hell was she thinking? Olivia didn’t date, and yet she was dressed for sin and going out with some prick that Declan didn’t know a damn thing about. He slipped his phone out of his pocket and punched the familiar numbers before sticking it to his ear.

“I need a background check on Paul Marks, address unknown, height over six feet, dark hair, dark eyes. I need it ASAP.”

“Sure thing, boss,” the deputy on the other end agreed before Declan disconnected the call.

Technically he got what he came to her house for. She wasn’t going on a date with Flynn but with another guy. He hadn’t expected the twist of events. He slid into the SUV and clutched the steering wheel while moving his vehicle to a side road. Someone had to watch out for her, damn it, and if Sky and Flynn wouldn’t, then he damn sure would.

He called Skylar next. When he got her voicemail, he cursed before dialing Flynn. His brother picked up on the first ring.

“What’s up?”

“Don’t what’s up me. You know damn good and well. I saw you leaving her house.”

Flynn chuckled. “Don’t tell me you’ve turned into a stalker.”

“What? No.” Declan’s face heated. “I went over there to talk some sense into her.”

“Yeah? How did that work out for you?”

Declan rubbed the ache in his chest as he watched the pair through his rearview mirror get into a car and pull out. “She blew me off. She’s got a damn date tonight.”

Flynn’s raucous laughter turned louder, and Declan held the phone away from his ear until the laughter receded.

“Good for her.” Declan could hear the humor in Flynn’s voice. “I bet she’ll get lucky tonight. It’s high time someone tapped that ass.”

“Flynn,” Declan growled. “No one is tapping anything.” Declan heard people talking and glasses clinking in the background. “Where are you?”

“LaAmour having a beer. Why don’t you come join me, and you can drown your sorrows at losing the best thing that ever happened to you.”

“Fuck you.”

“I guess you met Paul.”

“How do you know his name?”

“I set her up. Did you know she’s never had marathon sex?” Flynn paused. “I was thinking he could be our third, and we could make all of her dreams come true.”

“Over my dead body.” Declan hung up and gassed the pedal, sending pebbles on the road flying as white smoke peeled from his tires. He was going to kill Flynn. Olivia was headed for disaster, and Flynn’s games ended tonight, one way or another, even if he had to beat his brother and Olivia’s date to a pulp. Neither one of them were touching her.

Declan pulled up outside the restaurant and immediately spotted Paul’s car. His phone rang.

“Boss, Paul Marsh is a male escort from the mainland.”

“Thanks.” Declan hung up and sat in his car, mulling around the new information. Did Olivia know? Hell, had Flynn hired him?

Declan opened the door and spotted Flynn at the bar, only pausing when he noticed Skylar sitting next to him, sipping a glass of wine. He followed their gaze to a table in the restaurant where Olivia was sitting with her date. She glowed. A smile lit her face as she talked to the stranger. She chuckled at something he said, and he laid his palm over her hand. A blush crossed her cheeks. He could hardly tear his eyes away from watching her. He thought she was already beautiful, but seeing her face light up from the words of another man felt like a vise grip tightening around his heart. 

Sky wrapped her palm around Declan’s bicep. “Staring is rude.” She chuckled. “Come sit with us. We have a great view.”

To avoid strangling Flynn, he took the seat on the opposite side of Skylar. The bartender brought over a beer and placed it on a napkin in front of him. He didn’t question how the bartender knew. Declan was too busy watching Olivia across the room.

“She won’t appreciate that you’re here,” Sky whispered, lifting the wine glass to her lips and sipping.

“Someone has to protect her,” he answered.

Flynn leaned across the bar to see Declan. “Maybe she doesn’t want a protector. Maybe she’s tired of being coddled and needs a real man that’s ready to step up to the plate.”

Declan’s blood curdled, and his grip on the beer bottle tightened. “So you think a male escort can do the trick?”

Flynn tossed his head back and laughed. “You did a background check on her date?

“She’s going to love that.” Sky grinned.

“You’ve got it worse than I thought.” Flynn rose from his seat and stood next to his brother, draping his arm over his shoulder. “Look at her.” They both looked in the couple’s direction again. “She could have any man in this place falling at her feet.”

Olivia sensually crossed her legs and dabbled a napkin at her red pouty lips. She was sex on a stick, and his jeans tightened in response. One look when she’d opened the door earlier and he’d refrained from reaching for her. When he’d backed her up against the door, it had about killed him not to kiss and claim her. Declan rubbed his hand over his face.

“She deserves better. Something real and lasting.”

“You’re right,” Flynn answered. “And if she wasn’t totally in love with you, I’d be the one giving it to her.”

Declan snapped his gaze to his brother. “She doesn’t love me.” He pointed to Olivia’s table. “Look at her. Does that look like a woman in love?”

Sky turned to face him. “Declan, how I see it is you have two choices but time is running out.”

He glanced at his sister.

“She wants more, and I can’t say I blame her. Every girl wants to be loved, and it sucks when the person you love doesn’t realize it. I should know, but at least in my case, Luke was smart enough to figure it out. Now you, on the other hand, needed a good kick in the ass, and that’s what Flynn gave you. So you have an option. You can either man up and take a risk and see how things work out, or she could find what she’s looking for in the arms of another man.”

Declan’s mouth parted before he snapped it shut and turned to Flynn. “You did all of this as a game?”

“No.” Flynn’s jovial manner sobered. “I did all of this because you’re my brother and I only ever wanted what’s best for you…and her. Now quit being a putz before you lose her for good. It’s time.”

He returned his gaze to Olivia’s table to find that she was staring at him. He caught a glimpse of the sadness in her eyes before she masked it and looked away. She dabbed her lips and spoke in hushed tones before she stood and headed toward the bathroom hallway.


Paul was a nice guy, even great looking. He’d caught several eyes when they walked into the restaurant. Yet, he wasn’t Declan. Talking with Paul, she’d come clean, telling him her heart wasn’t in it and apologized. When he’d smiled and reached for her hand, he’d told her he was having a good time and to relax.

Olivia walked into the bathroom and straight to the mirror. Her breath came out raggedly as she stared at her reflection. Why was Declan here? She’d seen Sky and Flynn, knew they were watching her, but why Declan? Had he come to watch her fall flat on her face during her date? She closed her eyes as her cheeks heated.

The door behind her creaked, and she opened her eyes to find Declan standing on the threshold. He stepped inside and closed the door, flicking the lock.

Confusion clouded her mind as she spun around. “What are you doing here?” she asked softly. Any fight she’d had earlier fled her body.

Declan kept his distance between them. “I came to beat up Flynn.”

She closed her eyes and dropped her gaze, shaking her head. “Flynn was just trying to help.” She lifted her head. “Why are you in the bathroom?”

He answered without hesitation. “I followed you. I saw my opportunity, and I took it.”

He closed the distance between them and rested his hand on her cheek. The butterflies in her stomach woke to his touch, flittering. Her body vibrated in apprehension. “Dec…”

“I’m giving you what you wanted.”

He lowered his head and pressed his mouth to hers. His warm lips stole her breath as he pulled her closer, tilting his head, deepening his kiss. She fell into his trance as he devoured her mouth, tasting and touching, savoring the desire only his touch could give her. His palm lay splayed on her back, possessively holding her like she’d always longed for.

When he broke the kiss, he rested his head against hers. “Is that what you wanted? Is that why you’re with a male escort?”

What she wanted? Male escort? She stepped out of his hold. Fury coursed through her body when her palm connected hard with his face. Her palm stung as she held it to her chest.

“Why did you do that? So I wouldn’t go home with him?” For the first time in her life, Declan had become the asshole the others had tried to warn her about. The uncaring bastard knew she had feelings, yet he was screwing with her. “Go to hell, Declan.”

She stormed out of the bathroom, exchanged a few words with Paul, and grabbed her clutch. He was quick to drop bills on the table and follow her out of the restaurant.


Declan returned to find his siblings both scowling in his direction as he crossed the restaurant and retook his seat at the bar. He drank the whole beer, ignoring their questions until he was done.

“What the hell did you do?” Sky asked him.

“I kissed her and asked if that was what she wanted and why she was with a male escort.”

Flynn tossed his arms up. “You’re an idiot. No wonder she stormed out of here.”

Sky reached for his red face to touch it, and he turned his head. “Looks like she got her point across.”

“She thinks
the one playing games.” He pointed an accusing finger toward the door. “She’s the one dressed up like she’s looking for action and flirting with an asshole she doesn’t even know for cripes sake.”

“I don’t know what she sees in you, Declan.” Flynn’s tone was angry as he shook his head. He turned to Sky. “She wasn’t the one who needed help. Declan’s the one who needs to get a damn clue.”

Flynn tossed some bills on the bar and stormed out of the restaurant, leaving Sky and Declan alone. Sky cleared her throat in the awkward silence between them. The last thing he wanted was to have a relationship conversation with his baby sister. Skylar spun on the stool.

“Declan, after years of ignoring her, you can’t just act like a caveman and accuse her of things and expect her to fall at your feet. It doesn’t work that way. She needs to feel cherished, wined and dined, and feel the excitement that a new relationship brings.”

Declan grunted and lifted his hand to order another beer. He waited while the bartender flicked off the top and then drank half before answering his sister. “Sky, this is me.”

“No it’s not.” She gave him a sad smile. “You’re the guy that likes to tease her just to see her smile. You’re the guy that went out of your way to make sure she stayed safe when at the hospital when the psycho was running around town. You’re that guy, not this caveman you’re portraying.”

“I’m not the one trying to be someone I’m not. She is. I liked the old her, not this new sex-kitten version.”

Skylar laid her palm on his arm. “Do you know why she wants to change?” Skylar slid off the stool and laid some bills on the bar. “She wants to be happy. She wants the white picket fence and the 2.5 kids. And I’m sure, in the back of her mind, she hopes that you’d want it to. She’s at the breaking point, Dec. She’s ready to give up on the only man who mattered to her and settle for someone else. Is that what you want for her? Because, to be honest, at this point, I just want her happy.” She pointed to the red spot on his cheek. “And right now, you haven’t convinced me, or her, that you’re capable of giving her that.”

Skylar kissed his cheek and left Declan sipping his beer. Her words were hard to hear, but he knew she was telling the truth. The thought of Olivia with someone else made his gut clench. Watching her enjoy herself with the guy had driven in the nail and opened his eyes. He’d wasted years working on his career and keeping any type of relationships at a distance.

BOOK: Declan
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