Read Deception Online

Authors: Amanda Quick

Deception (3 page)

BOOK: Deception
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“You and that bloody watch of yours,” Thaddeus grumbled. “I’ll wager you’ve got your appointment journal with ye, too.”

“Of course,” Jared assured him coolly. “You know I depend upon it.”

His watch and his appointment journal were the two things he valued most in his daily life, Jared thought. For years they had provided him with a means of establishing order and routine in a world often made chaotic and unstable by his wild, unpredictable family.

“I cannot believe it” Magnus shook his head in sorrow. “Here ye be about to sail off in search of the secret to a grand treasure and you’re consulting your watch and checkin’ your appointment journal like a dull man o’ business.”

“I am a dull man of business, sir,” Jared said.

“It’s enough to make a father weep,” Magnus growled.

“Try to show some of the Flamecrest fire, lad,” Thaddeus urged.

“We’re on the brink of recovering our lost heritage, son.” Magnus gripped the edge of the quay wall and gazed out at the night-darkened sea, the very image of a man who can see beyond the horizon. “I can feel it in me bones. After all these years the Flamecrest treasure is almost within our grasp. And you have the great honor of recovering it for the family.”

“I assure you, sir,” Jared said politely, “my excitement at the prospect knows no bounds.”


“I have another book which you might also find very interesting, Mr. Draycott.” Olympia Wingfield balanced one slippered foot on the library ladder, wedged her other toe onto the edge of a shelf, and reached out to pluck a volume from the top of the bookcase. “This one also contains some fascinating information on the legend of the Island of Gold. And I think there is still another one you should examine.”

“Have a care, I beg you, Miss Wingfield.” Reginald Draycott gripped the sides of the ladder to steady it. He gazed up at Olympia as she leaned out to fetch another
book from a high shelf. “You will surely fall if you do not watch yourself.”

“Nonsense. I promise you I am quite accustomed to this sort of thing. Now, then, I used this particular work when I wrote my last paper for the quarterly journal of the Society for Travel and Exploration. It’s extremely useful because it contains notes on the unusual customs of the inhabitants of certain South Seas islands.”

“Kind of you to loan it to me, Miss Wingfield, but I am really growing very concerned about your position on this ladder.”

“Do not fret, sir.” Olympia glanced down at Draycott with a reassuring smile and saw that he had an extremely odd expression on his face. His pale weak eyes had a glazed look and his mouth was hanging open.

“Are you feeling ill, Mr. Draycott?”

“No, no, not at all, my dear.” Draycott licked his lips and continued to stare.

“You’re quite certain? You look as though you might be nauseous. I shall be glad to fetch these books at another time.”

“I wouldn’t hear of waiting another day. I vow, I am quite well. In any event you have whetted my appetite for every scrap of information on the legend of the Island of Gold, my dear. I could not bring myself to leave here without more material to study.”

“Well, then, if you’re quite certain. Now, this volume relates some fascinating customs of the legendary Island of Gold. I, myself, have always been fascinated by the customs and habits of other lands.”

“Have you, indeed?”

“Oh, yes. As a woman of the world, I find such matters quite stimulating. The wedding night rituals of the inhabitants of the Island of Gold are particularly interesting.” Olympia flipped several pages in the old
book and then chanced to glance down at Draycott’s face again.

Something was definitely amiss, she thought. Draycott’s expression was beginning to make her a trifle uneasy. His eyes were not meeting hers; rather they appeared to be fixed somewhat lower.

“Wedding night rituals, did you say, Miss Wingfield?”

“Yes. Very unusual customs.” Olympia frowned in concentration. “Apparently the groom presents the bride with a large gold object shaped rather like a phallus.”

“A phallus, did you say, Miss Wingfield?” Draycott sounded as if someone were throttling him.

It finally struck Olympia quite forcibly that in his present position at the foot of the ladder Draycott had an excellent view straight up under her skirts.

“Good heavens.” Olympia lost her balance and grabbed the top rung of the ladder. One of the books that she had been holding fell to the carpet.

“Is something wrong, my dear?” Draycott asked quickly.

Mortified by the realization that she was exposing a great deal of her stocking-clad legs to his unimpeded gaze, Olympia turned very warm.

“Nothing’s wrong, Mr. Draycott. I have found the volumes I wanted. I’m coming down now. You may step aside.”

“Allow me to assist you.” Draycott’s soft, pudgy hands brushed against the calves of Olympia’s legs beneath her muslin skirts.

“No, please. That’s quite all right,” Olympia gasped. She had never before experienced the feel of a man’s hands on her legs. Draycott’s touch sent a chill of alarm through her.

She tried to climb back up the ladder to escape
Draycott’s hands. His fingers closed around her ankle before she could get out of reach.

Olympia tried and failed to jerk her leg free. Embarrassment turned to annoyance. “If you will just get out of my way, Mr. Draycott, I shall be able to climb down safely.”

“I cannot let you risk a fall.” Draycott’s fingers slipped higher up her leg and squeezed.

“I do not need any assistance.” Another of the books Olympia had been holding slipped out of her arms and fell to the carpet with a thud. “Kindly let go of my ankle, sir.”

“I am only trying to help you, my dear.”

Olympia was outraged now. She had known Reginald Draycott for years. She could not believe that he would not do as she asked. She kicked out wildly. Her foot struck Draycott on the shoulder.

“Umph.” Draycott staggered backward a step. He gave Olympia an injured look.

Olympia paid no attention to the accusation in his eyes. She scrambled down the ladder in a flurry of muslin. She could feel her hair coming free of the knot in which she had secured it. Her white muslin cap was askew.

When the toe of her slipper touched the carpet, Draycott’s hands closed around her waist from behind.

“My dearest Olympia, I cannot hold back my feelings any longer.”

“That is quite enough, Mr. Draycott.” Abandoning any further effort to deal with the situation in a ladylike manner, Olympia rammed her elbow into his midsection.

Draycott groaned but he did not release her. He was panting in her ear. She could smell onions on his breath. Her stomach churned.

“Olympia, my darling, you are a woman of mature
years, not a green girl fresh out of the schoolroom. You have been buried alive here in Upper Tudway all of your life. You have never had a chance to experience the joys of passion. It is time you

“I believe I am going to be ill all over your boots, Mr. Draycott.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. You are no doubt a bit nervous because you are unfamiliar with the pleasures of physical desire. Have no fear, I shall teach you everything you need to know.”

“Let me go, Mr. Draycott.” Olympia dropped the last book and clawed at his hands.

“You are a lovely woman who has never known the taste of
. Surely you do not wish to deny yourself the ultimate sensual experience.”

“Mr. Draycott, if you do not let go of me at once, I shall scream.”

“There is no one home, my dear.” Draycott wrestled her over to the couch. “Your nephews are gone.”

“I am certain that Mrs. Bird is somewhere about.”

“Your housekeeper is out in the gardens.” Draycott started to nuzzle her neck. “Have no fear, my sweet, we are quite alone.”

“Mr. Draycott
. You must get hold of yourself, sir. You do not know what you are doing.”

“Call me Reggie, my dear.”

Olympia made a wild grab for the silver statue of the Trojan horse that stood on her desk. She missed.

But to her amazement Draycott suddenly yelped in alarm and released her.

“Bloody hell,” Draycott gasped.

Free at last, but off balance, Olympia stumbled and nearly fell. She caught hold of the desk to steady herself. Behind her she heard Draycott cry out once more.

“Who the devil are you?” he began in an outraged voice.

There was a sickening sound of flesh slamming into flesh and then there was a sudden thud.

Cap dangling over one ear, Olympia spun around. She pushed several tendrils of hair out of her eyes and stared, astounded, at Draycott. He was lying in a crumpled heap on the floor.

With a strange sense of inevitability, Olympia’s gaze went to the pair of black boots that were planted on the carpet beside Draycott. Slowly she raised her eyes.

She found herself staring at the face of a man who could have walked straight out of a legend involving buried treasure and mysterious islands set in uncharted seas. From his long, wind-whipped black hair and velvet eye patch to the dagger he wore strapped to his thigh, he was an awe-inspiring sight.

He was one of the most powerful looking men Olympia had ever seen. Tall, broad-shouldered, and lean, he radiated a supple sense of strength and masculine grace. His features had been carved with a bold, fearless hand by a sculptor who scorned subtlety and refinement.

“Are you, by any chance, Miss Olympia Wingfield?” the man asked calmly, just as if having an unconscious person at his feet were an everyday occurrence.

“Yes.” Olympia realized her voice was a mere squeak of sound. She cleared her throat and tried again. “Yes, I am. And your name, sir?”


“Oh.” She gazed at him blankly. She had never heard the name. “How do you do, Mr. Chillhurst.”

His riding coat and breeches fitted him well enough but even she, who had lived in the country all her life, recognized them as being sadly out of style. A man of modest means, obviously. Apparently he could not even afford a neckcloth because he certainly was not wearing one. The collar of his shirt was open. There was something
a little uncivilized, even primitive, about the sight of his bare throat. Olympia realized she could actually see a small portion of his chest. There appeared to be dark, curling hair on it.

The man looked dangerous standing here in her library, Olympia realized. Dangerous and utterly fascinating.

A small shiver went down her spine, a shiver that was not at all akin to the unpleasant sensation that had gripped her when Draycott had taken hold of her ankle. This shiver was one of excitement.

“I don’t believe I know anyone named Chillhurst,” Olympia managed to say smoothly.

“Your uncle, Artemis Wingfield, sent me.”

“Uncle Artemis?” Relief rushed through her. “You met him somewhere on his travels? Is he well?”

“Quite well, Miss Wingfield. I encountered him on the coast of France.”

“This is wonderful.” Olympia gave him a delighted smile. “I cannot wait to hear all the news. Uncle Artemis always has such interesting adventures. How I envy him. You must dine with us this evening, Mr. Chillhurst, and tell us everything.”

“Are you all right, Miss Wingfield?”

“I beg your pardon?” Olympia stared at him in confusion. “Of course I’m all right. Why shouldn’t I be all right? My health is excellent. Always has been. Thank you for inquiring, Mr. Chillhurst.”

The black brow over Chillhurst’s good eye rose. “I was referring to your recent experience at the hands of this person on the floor.”

“Oh, I see.” Olympia abruptly recalled Draycott’s presence. “Good heavens, I almost forgot about him.” She saw Draycott’s eyes flicker and wondered what to do next. She was not particularly skilled at handling difficult social situations. Aunt Sophy and Aunt Ida had
never concerned themselves with teaching her such niceties.

“This is Mr. Draycott,” Olympia said. “He’s a neighbor of ours. Known him for years.”

“Has he always made a habit of assaulting ladies in their own homes?” Chillhurst said dryly.

“What? Oh, no.” Olympia flushed. “At least, I do not believe so. He appears to have fainted. Do you think I should call my housekeeper and have her fetch the vinaigrette?”

“Do not concern yourself. He’ll awaken soon enough.”

“Will he? I have not had much experience with the effects of pugilism. My nephews are great admirers of the sport, however.” Olympia gave him an inquiring look. “You appear to be very well versed in it. Have you studied at one of the London academies?”


“I thought perhaps you had. Well, never mind.” She looked down at Draycott again. “He was certainly making a nuisance of himself. I do hope he has learned his lesson. I must say, if he continues to act in such a manner in the future I will no longer allow him to make use of my library.”

Chillhurst looked at her as if she were slightly mad. “Miss Wingfield, allow me to point out that he should not be permitted to enter your home again under any circumstances. Furthermore, a woman of your years ought to know better than to receive gentlemen callers alone in her library.”

“Do not be ridiculous. I am five-and-twenty, sir. I have little to fear from gentlemen callers. In any event, I am a woman of the world and I am not easily overset by unusual or extraordinary circumstances.”

“Is that a fact, Miss Wingfield?”

“Certainly. I expect poor Mr. Draycott was simply
overcome with the sort of intellectual passion that is frequently engendered by a keen interest in ancient legends. All that business about lost treasures and such has a very inflammatory effect on the senses in some people.”

Chillhurst stared at her. “Does it have an inflammatory effect on your senses, Miss Wingfield?”

“Yes, indeed.” Olympia broke off, aware that Draycott was stirring. “Look, he’s opening his eyes. Do you suppose he’ll have a headache because of that dreadful blow you gave him?”

“With any luck, yes,” Chillhurst muttered.

“Bloody hell.” Draycott mumbled. “What happened?” He gazed blearily up at Chillhurst for a moment. Then his eyes widened in astonishment. “Who the devil are you, sir?”

BOOK: Deception
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