Read Deadly Intentions (Blood Feud - Volume 2) Online

Authors: David Temrick

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Deadly Intentions (Blood Feud - Volume 2) (39 page)

BOOK: Deadly Intentions (Blood Feud - Volume 2)
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“I see no reason why Tristan can’t continue
to rule in Terum.” Dion stated.

Tristan looked up at his father, though they
shared moments such as these, he rarely thought of them or dove
into the unsaid words that followed these proclamations. He was
proud to be a part of this family and proud to have done his part
in safeguarding it. The truth was though, that he was tired. So
very tired.

“I can.” He said.

All eyes snapped towards him around the
table, though he felt little discomfort. He cleared his throat
dramatically before continuing.

“I’m ceding lordship of Terum to Princess
Alison until Prince Nathan is of age to take the throne.”

“Why?” Euri asked with concern.

“I’m tired of death little sister. I’ve seen
all the killing I can stomach, and suffered enough at the hands of
our enemies for five lifetimes.” Tristan admitted, turning to his
grandfather in human form. “If it would be acceptable to you, I’d
like to build our home on your mountain and help to train and raise
the younglings.”

Drake looked hard at Tristan, and the young
Prince could feel the pressure of his grandfather probing around in
his mind. Typically he would lock out intruders, but he wanted to
show how serious he was, so he allowed his mind to be freely
explored. After a time Drake closed his eyes and looked down at his
human hands.

“I would like that very much.” He said,
looking up at Tristan and then at Dion and Annadora.

“Well I wouldn’t.” Dion interjected. “I
wanted to retire damnit.” He said in mock outrage.

Turning slightly more serious, he looked at
Tristan and asked; “What would you like to see happen?”

Tristan knew it was a test before the
question was completed. His mother regarded him with a look he’d
never seen on her face before. He knew she and his father were
tired too, tired of the mantle of royalty, everyone depending on
them to solve their problems. He could empathize.

“Eurydice should serve as Queen until
Jonathan is of age. I can perform magic, but I can’t control it.
He’s likely to have the same difficulty and she’s the most likely
to teach him well. Oceana is lost to us until we have a youngling
powerful enough to control the elements there.” He began.

“Alison should be Queen of Terum, Euri the
Queen of Vallius. When the boys are of age we’ll find them
appropriate wives and perhaps we can have some peace for a

“Ye sure ye don’ wanna be King lad?” Neran

Tristan looked up at him questioningly.
“Ye’ve the knack.” The dwarf Prince said with a wink.

Everyone around the table laughed as food was
brought out. Tristan sat back, enjoying having his family near to
him and happy. He only wished his older brother could have been




Binos floated in a black void. The darkness
was impenetrable and oppressive. A small beacon of light began to
form in front of him and it drew him like a moth to a flame. Slowly
the beacon began to light its surroundings. He was inside a large
citadel and the beacon was in the highest tower.

A thunderclap overhead signaled a life
nourishing rain.

Tin roves clanged with the tempo of a heavy
rainstorm and he drew his cloak tightly around himself to keep
warm. A robed figure walked through a doorway into the beacon
tower. It was tall and slim, though its hood was up. Slowly the
figure made its way around the battlements to stand before him. Its
hood was deep, obscuring all of its features in shadow.

Feminine hands reached up and grasped either
side of the hood, pulling it up and casting it backwards just as a
lightning strike hit the beacon tower. Light as bright as the sun
illuminated Veronica Rhodes’ face.

“Hello my son.” She said.

The 7 Kingdoms &
The Isle of Deus







– a peaceful large kingdom,
primary businesses include shipbuilding, forestation and fine jewel


– a country with rich soil
unused in recent years as the former King called all sons to
service in the army.


– a kingdom of quiet
introspective people, heavy into art of all kinds, music and


– a kingdom with a vast mountain
range to the north they mine heavily for arms and armor production,
they also protect Guis who make magically endowed jewelry for


– no King, just a loose
alliance of farmers and peasants who live in a Clan structure, each
clan takes its turn administering one of the four cities for three


– the best navy on the
continent, in an alliance with all of the countries south of the
Great Expanse.


The Great Expanse – East
; nomadic
tribes of savages who only band together to fight the west who have
been trying for 200 years to bring the entire Expanse under their


The Great Expanse – West
; a kingdom of
rich farmland and bountiful forests, largely a wild area with
villages and cities built like Forts to keep the animals and
Eastland Savages at bay.


– an island of sorcerers and a
rather large school devoted to the magical arts, not much is known
about the island or its inhabitants.

Patron Dragons


In olden times each country paid homage to
their patron dragon. Not a King or a ruler, just a dragon
benefactor of each nation. Each country reflected the splendor of
their patron dragon and went to war as the dragons warred. For over
1,000 years there was peace between the mighty dragons, and thusly
there was peace between their nations. These are the dragon patrons
of each nation.


Silver Dragon
– Draconis (Drake) -
patron of Vallius, oldest of the dragons and their King, lives in
the mountainous region near Teris Pass.


Bronze Dragon –
Lesariu (Lesa) –
patron of Guis, a large golden serpent-like dragon, lives in the
great dunes to the southeast.


Blue Dragon
– Raithia (Ruth) – patron
of Oceana, a large powerfully built dragon with a horn protruding
from the center of its head, lives in the caves on the islands
surrounding the Oceanic coast.


Red Dragon
– Kumanius – patron of
Terum, second only in size to Draconis and similar in appearance,
though possesses a shorter neck and smaller wings, used to live
along the west coast in the cliffs looking out into the sea. –


White Dragon
– Socolis (Otis) – patron
of Sutten, smallest of the great dragons but very quick and cunning
in warfare, lives in the vast forests of Sutten.


Green Dragon
– Ryanite – patron of
Malus, has long green snout like an alligator, large wings and able
to fly vast distances, used to live in a vast cave beneath a
waterfall that fed The Great River into the Careless Sea. –


Black Dragon
– Henjis (Ben) – patron
of The Great Expanse, most knowledgeable of the dragons, often
pilgrims would travel for years for the chance to learn from him.
He used to live inside the cliffs to the south of the Eastern
Expanse. –

Cities and Villages


Metao, Vallius
–a harbor city of over
200,000 people, housing a large navy and construction facilities
along the harbor. A large portion of the population serves in the
military, work in the castle or tends the fields and ranches around
the city.


Kenting, Vallius
– Kevins’ border keep
town, 20,000 soldiers and 30,000 citizens.


Irudin, Vallius
– the “Crossroad of
the Kingdom”, all main roads run through Irudin, which is overseen
by the brother of Kevin’s deceased mother, a very experienced
patrician and leader. Over 100,000 citizens including the soldiers
and nearby farmers, Irudin is the commercial capital of


Durshire, Vallius
– eastern border
town, large trade centre from Guis to Vallius.


The Great River
– a violent rapids
that runs from the Great Sea out to the Careless Sea. A few
sections along the river are calm enough for bridges to have been
built, but the raging waters make it very dangerous to cross
through it.


Delhi, Guis
– a majestic sprawling
city, the palace is a huge affair with spiraling spires pointing up
to various star formations. Large ponds, some filled with plants
and fish, others kept immaculately clean. Large courtyards and
flower gardens litter the middle of the palace.


Heatherington, Sutten
– defendable
fortress town near the border with Terum & Oceana. Brisk trade
with Oceana and a tumultuous relationship with Terum.


Kumia, Terum
– the capital of Terum
and the seat of its power. Kumia is a fortress, built by elfish and
dwarfish hands shortly after the construction of the Terious Wall.
It rises high up on a lone mountain; the walls are carved stone
from the mountain itself and rivers of elfish creation run from one
end of the fortress to the other.

BOOK: Deadly Intentions (Blood Feud - Volume 2)
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