Read Dangerously Yours: 2 (Loving Dangerously) Online

Authors: A.M. Griffin

Tags: #Erotica

Dangerously Yours: 2 (Loving Dangerously) (3 page)

BOOK: Dangerously Yours: 2 (Loving Dangerously)
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Sa’Mya lowered the stretchable fabric of her gown below her breasts. The harness crossed her chest, making her breasts stand up in perfect mounds. Yazmine whimpered again as Sa’Mya trailed one red, manicured nail in a circular path from one golden globe to the other.

“Lick them.”

“Lick them?” Sa’Mya asked. Yazmine’s finger slipped deeper into Sa’Mya’s slick valley. “Umm.”

“I won’t disappoint. I never disappoint.”

The smell of Yazmine’s sweet scent of arousal mixed with her own began to fill the small space.

“You may.”

Yazmine groaned and leaned forward, pulling her nipple between pouty, pink lips. Sa’Mya cradled her head closer, scraping her nails across Yazmine’s scalp. Yazmine’s tongue swirled and prodded, lapped and licked.

Sa’Mya opened her legs wider and rotated her hips in slow, circular motions. Yazmine’s fingers played on Sa’Mya’s
, her pleasure spot, teasing the highly sensitive, ridged area just inside her pussy.

Yazmine twirled her tongue, teasing, before grazing her teeth over Sa’Mya’s ultra-sensitive nipple.

Sa’Mya hissed. “Do not bruise me.” She gripped Yazmine’s hair.

A smile played on Yazmine’s lips as she let go of one nipple to graze her teeth across the other. Sa’Mya hissed again. The sensation of pain mixed with pleasure intensified the heat and wetness coming from Sa’Mya’s pussy.

When Yazmine massaged her
again, Sa’Mya arched her back. “Ohh, I will make you pay for being so naughty.” In disregard of the undignified position, Sa’Mya swung her other leg over the adjacent armrest, opening herself fully.

Sa’Mya rolled her hips, meeting Yazmine’s fingers. Yazmine probed farther, sliding in and out of Sa’Mya’s dripping sheath. Sa’Mya palmed Yazmine’s full breast, massaging and tweaking her nipple. Yazmine flicked her eyes up to Sa’Mya’s and twirled a sinful tongue around her nipple.

After a throaty giggle, Yazmine latched on to the other nipple, making sure to give both equal attention.
This is exactly why I brought her from Sonis
, Sa’Mya thought with a satisfied moan. Nothing felt better than Yazmine’s fingers…or tongue.

Grabbing a handful of Yazmine’s hair, Sa’Mya plucked her from a swollen bud.

“Princess?” Yazmine asked.

Sa’Mya angled Yazmine’s head so that she looked directly up to her. “You will now lick my pussy.” When Yazmine smiled, Sa’Mya gripped her hair tighter. “You
make me come.”

Yazmine’s eye’s sparked with lust. “As you wish.”

Sa’Mya pushed Yazmine down her abdomen. Yazmine nipped and licked as she descended. Finally reaching her treasure, Yazmine placed light kisses on Sa’Mya’s soft folds. Sa’Mya held Yazmine’s hair away from her face, wanting nothing to get into Yazmine’s way.

Yazmine watched Sa’Mya with heavily lidded eyes. She used her thumbs to spread Sa’Mya’s plump folds and swipe a sinful tongue across Sa’Mya’s wet pussy.

“Yazmine,” Sa’Mya whimpered. A thin line of pearly fluid ran from her pussy to the tip of Yazmine’s tongue. Sa’Mya shuddered and her pussy throbbed.

Yazmine used a finger to scoop the trailing liquid into her mouth. “Umm…sweeter than the juice of
, Princess.”

Sa’Mya’s shallow breathing was now audible. Her stomach quivered in anticipation. Sa’Mya wrapped her legs tightly around Yazmine’s shoulders. Yazmine would make her come as promised.

Without warning, the vessel slowed abruptly. The safety harness constricted, locking Sa’Mya in place. As it bit into her torso, air was forced from her lungs and Yazmine tumbled from between her legs.

Sa’Mya’s eyes flew open as she began to gasp for air. Her vision swam in front of her, pain coursed up her spine. They had stopped.
What’s going on?
Tracking beam.
Uncle Umar?

Sa’Mya’s heart slammed against her chest as she fumbled for the harness release lever. She grasped and pulled. Nothing happened. Strangling, she struggled for another breath. None would enter her gaping mouth.

She tried the release lever again. Her lungs were on fire. In total panic, Sa’Mya yanked with all her might.

Finally, with a click, the lever released. Sa’Mya fell forward to her hands and knees, gasping for air. Her hair framed her face. She tried to focus. Alarm bells rang in the background.

Sa’Mya closed her eyes and fought the blurriness. She inhaled and her lungs burned. The second breath cooled the sensation of the first, but not by much.

A throbbing pain magnified across her skull. Her head spun slightly.

With a shaky hand, she stabilized her arm against the seat. Even though her harness no longer restricted her, she still struggled to breathe. Her gaze darted around the compartment. Yazmine slumped, unconscious, by the wall.

Lead filled her limbs as she crawled to Yazmine. Sa’Mya pushed aside locks of Yazmine’s hair to check the side of her neck for a pulse. It was there, but weak and thready. Yazmine’s breathing was too slow.

“Wh…what happened?” Yazmine murmured as Sa’Mya leaned her against the wall.

“I don’t know. How do you feel?”

Yazmine placed a shaky hand on her chest. “I’m having trouble breathing.”

“Stay here. I’ll be back.” She focused her attention to the front, where yelling voices sounded distant although they were mere steps away.

Sa’Mya staggered to her feet and pushed the privacy screen to the side.

“Princess, stay fastened.” Nebin snapped his head to look at her. His gray eyes scanned her from top to bottom before turning.

She ignored his command and entered the cockpit. Nebin could scold her later. Her legs threatened to buckle underneath her more than once. Sa’Mya made the last wobbly step with outstretched hands and grabbed the back of Moira’s chair for support. She made it by sheer determination.

“What in blazes is going on here?” Sa’Mya dug her nails in the leather headrest. She feared her legs would no longer support her weight.

Preoccupied with tending to the lights, sirens and beeps that filled the control console, neither Nebin nor Moira answered her. Sa’Mya opened her mouth to ask them again, but nothing came out.

Sa’Mya gripped the headrest as her vision swam. The contents of her breakfast crept up her throat. Her lungs still burned. With every breath she took, she fought for air.

Moira whipped around. “Princess, we are losing air pressure. Sit down.”

“Don’t you dare speak to me that way,” Sa’Mya mumbled.

“We can’t get away from them.” Nebin’s voice seemed far away.

Get away from whom? Uncle Umar?

Stumbling, Sa’Mya reached out, but caught empty air. She tried again. Her mind clouded and her vision closed in. She thought she heard the distant sound of Moira’s scream before everything went dark.

Chapter Two


“What are we going to do with them?”

“Kill them.”

Justin Blake, or JB, didn’t react. Kane hadn’t expected him too. They had been through too much for JB to ever be surprised at what came out of his mouth. JB continued to follow him through the dimly lit empty corridor to his cabin. JB’s long strides met his own. Their boots hit in hard clunks on the metal floor.

Kane raked a gaze toward JB, who stared ahead, ignoring his retort with a look of sarcastic annoyance on his face.

“What? Why are you looking that way?” Kane snapped. He didn’t want to play any games. The argument he just had with Jess already put him in a piss-ass mood.

As the door to his cabin opened, the lights illuminated the room and cold air smacked him dead in his face. Entering, he bit back the urge to cuss. It was
fuckin’ cold.

JB leaned lazily against the doorframe. “I’m not looking any kind of way,” JB drawled.

JB’s Southern good looks made most girls swoon back on Earth. While everyone else’s skin color, besides Ryan’s, had long since turned pasty and white, the twenty-nine-year-old’s days as a construction worker had gifted JB with a never-ending tan. JB’s black hair hung in unruly curls over his blue eyes.

Kane broke eye contact with his longtime friend. If JB wanted a staring contest he wouldn’t find one tonight.

Kane crossed his spacious captain’s cabin to the bed and kicked off his worn leather boots. He wanted to hit the sack. The negotiations with the aliens on Xenaris had worn him out.

He hated dealing with them. The Xenarians haggled over every single item. But since theirs was the only planet who took the goods he and his crew of six “acquired” without asking too many questions, he had no choice. The Xenarians also didn’t have a problem with trading. The universal credit system everyone else used didn’t apply to him and the crew. To have credit, you had to have a history, background and freedom. All the things runaway slaves lacked.

Kane grasped the bottom of his shirt but stopped short. “What? Are you going to watch me undress? Have you been without a woman for that long?”

JB’s mouth turned up in a smirk. “In your dreams, Captain.”

“Then for the love of God, tell me why you’re staring at me.”

“Waiting for your orders to change, is all.”

Kane didn’t find anything wrong with his orders. As far he was concerned, JB should have left his cabin and fired his blaster into some alien brains. Besides, humans faced worse fates than death every day.


Why should he care about a few aliens? None of them had used their high technology to save Earth. None of them had come to help fight against the Loconuist invasion. None of them had come to the humans’ defense when they were being sold into slavery all over the universe.

Fuck ‘em all.

Kane’s gaze darted from JB to the bathroom.

JB crossed through his cabin and pulled up a chair. “Go ahead, I’ll wait.”

Kane nodded and went to the bathroom without a backward glance. He’d almost run to his cabin to do this one thing.

Only after the door closed behind him did Kane have the urge to grip the sides of the bathroom sink for support. Sweat coated his palms, causing his grip to slip from the fine metal. He gripped tighter.

In the mirror he barely recognized the man staring back at him. His green eyes seemed darker…harder. Instead of high-end suits, he now wore leather outfits and galactic travel skin-suits. Once a week, he shaved his hair into a Mohawk. A far stretch from his days of upscale barber salons.

He closed his eyes as the memory of Anna caressed his thoughts.

She smoothed both sides of his hair back. “I always wanted to see you with a Mohawk,” Anna said. She snarled her upper lip. “You’ll have a Billy Idol look going on.”

“I’ll tell you what,” he replied. “When we get out of this mess, I’ll go punk rock for you.”

Of course the “mess” had been the alien invasion. He planned to wear his hair this way until the day he died.

He opened his eyes and focused ahead to begin his nightly mantra.

My name is Kane Epps. I am from New York. I am the son of Margarine and William Epps. Mia and Myles are my sister and brother. Anna is my wife. I am from Earth. I am human.

Every night for the past year he had chanted this in his head. Trying to hold on to something he felt slipping away—himself.

Although he was close to everyone, only JB knew of his nightly ritual. As Kane left the bathroom, he pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it to the side. JB lingered, using the sharp tip of a knife to clean his nails. Kane ignored him as he worked the ties down his pants. If JB wanted to stay and watch him undress, then fine. Kane was tired.

“Sooo…about these aliens,” JB said.

“What do you expect me do with them? If we let them go they’ll probably report our position to the fuckin’ Galactic Council.” Kane stepped out of his pants and left them crumpled at his feet. The cold air bit into his bare-naked ass as he crawled into bed. “Some casualties can’t be avoided.” He rubbed his legs together as the heating blanket worked its magic.

Heat was hard to control in a vessel the size of a small city. Especially since three-fourths of the power had been cut off and diverted to the engines. So far, their vessel named
The Vengeance
could outrun any other vessel it came up against. This came in handy since they were currently being pursued by the Galactic Council.

Finally feeling the heat surround him, Kane started to relax. Unfortunately, JB hadn’t budged. JB was stubborn as a horse. Born and raised in Alabama, he still had many of his Southern characteristics. The Southern drawl and the easygoing temperament were just a few. JB could outwait him any day of the week.

“I think they may be important,” JB said nonchalantly, flicking the knife closed. “Ryan heard the guard call one of the females ‘Princess’.”

Hot damn.

That sparked Kane’s interest. Business had been drying up. In the beginning, it had been almost too easy to seize vessels and steal their goods. Apparently these aliens were trusting and had never encountered pirates before. Now, after a year in the same business, they were wanted men. The Galactic Council had increased their patrols, and other vessels had become much wiser.

BOOK: Dangerously Yours: 2 (Loving Dangerously)
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