Dalakis Passion 3 - Stefan's Salvation (11 page)

BOOK: Dalakis Passion 3 - Stefan's Salvation
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on the bed and driving his cock as hard and as deep into her pussy as he could go. He
didn't know if he'd be able to survive having her sweet mouth on him without coming.
He could smell her arousal with every breath he took. Her musky scent drew him,
making his cock throb and ache to be inside her. He could hear her heart fluttering in
her chest in a combination of excitement, fear and nerves as she knelt between his
spread thighs. The pulse at the base of her neck throbbed as her sweet blood rushed
through her body.
Wrapping his hands around the edge of the mattress, he held on tight. No matter
what, he was determined to allow her the time to touch and taste him. It would help her
to relax and become more at ease with him. He knew she was aroused, but he wanted
more. He wanted her to want him so desperately she would hold nothing back from
Her hands glided up the inside of his thighs. Her touch was firm and sure, her
fingers gently kneading the muscles as she moved up the length of his leg. Stefan could
feel the hair on his body stand on end as anticipation filled him.
Using her thumbs, she traced the crease at the top of his thighs, her short nails
barely scraping his skin. His cock flexed toward her, demanding her attention. She
laughed and he felt her pleasure straight to his soul.
Her tongue darted out to moisten her lips and she took a deep breath before
wrapping her fingers around him. Stefan closed his eyes and tipped back his head,
praying for divine intervention. The skin of her hands was slightly rough, a testament
to her days of hard work, but he found even that arousing.
Ever so slowly, she slid her hands up and down the length of his cock, starting at
the base and moving to the very tip. "Harder." His voice was little more than a harsh
whisper, but she responded immediately. He could feel her fingers closing around him,
tightening her hold. "Yesss," he hissed as she continued to stroke him.
Keeping his eyes half closed, he tipped his head back down and watched her. All
her attention was focused on his cock. She looked enthralled as she moved her hands
over his length, squeezing him carefully. Her long braid had fallen over her shoulder
and the end rested in her lap. The blue of her eyes seemed even darker and more
mysterious as she watched him with undisguised pleasure. Her skin was lightly tanned,
making the scar on her cheek more prominent, but it in no way diminished her beauty,
which came from within her and shone like a beacon in the night.
Her breasts swayed as her breathing deepened, their tight pink buds pouting for
attention. His gaze swept down her slender torso and over the gentle flare of her hips.
There was nothing remarkable about this woman and yet everything about her was
remarkable. Fashioned specifically for him, there was nothing about her that didn't
please him.
He sucked in a deep breath as she leaned forward. Her mouth opened and her lips
closed over the head of his erection. Stefan felt her warm breath on his cock just before
her mouth enveloped him. The heat was incredible as she swirled her tongue around
the tip before releasing him.
Laurel Rose looked pleased with herself as she leaned down further and nuzzled
his testicles, which were swollen with need. Opening her mouth, she sucked on the
heavy sac before releasing it and stroking her tongue up the length of his erection from
root to tip and back down again. Her fingers cupped and massaged his scrotum as her
tongue continued to taste him.
"Enough," he growled. Gripping the sides of her face with his hands, he drew her
mouth back to the tip of his cock. She eagerly opened her mouth and took him as deep
as she could.
His fingers tightened around her skull, cradling it in his large hands as he fucked
her sweet mouth. With one hand, she continued to finger his balls even as she wrapped
her other hand around the base of his cock and squeezed him on every downward
stroke. His hips flexed forward, driving himself deeper into her mouth.
He could feel his balls pulling up tight against his body. A bead of sweat rolled
down his temple, but he ignored it. Nothing mattered but the woman kneeling at his
feet. His blood pumped through his veins as the need for completion gripped him. He
murmured his encouragement as she continued to suck. Damn, her mouth was hot and
moist and perfect.
His skin felt as if it were stretched taut over his frame and every muscle contracted
with need each time she took him deep. He went rigid as he pushed his shaft into her
mouth one final time. His cock exploded and he came. Instead of pulling away, she
gripped him tighter, taking all of him and sucking him dry. His entire body jerked as
she swallowed and he shuddered when she gave the tip one last flick of her tongue. His
fingers slid over her hair, falling back to his sides, as she sat back on her haunches.
Stefan closed his eyes and took a deep, cleansing breath. He was amazed, not so
much by what she'd done for him, but by the fact that she seemed to genuinely enjoy
doing it. He should have been spent after such an explosive orgasm, but instead, he still
felt unsatisfied. The familiar sensations of arousal were already beginning to stir. His
cock, which had started to soften, began to harden once again.
Nothing would satisfy him but claiming her in the manner of his kind. He wanted
her to give herself to him, body, blood and soul. She might not be ready to commit her
life to him, but right now, he would settle for her body and her blood.
The time had come to claim Laurel Rose.
Laurel Rose sat back on her haunches and stared up at Stefan. His eyes were closed
and his chest expanded and contracted with every deep breath he took. She licked her
lips, still able to taste his essence. She couldn't believe that she'd had the courage to take
him into her mouth and make him come. But more than that, she hadn't known just
how much she would enjoy doing that for him. It wasn't something that she'd ever
really thought about doing, but now that she'd done it, she planned on doing it again.
There was something very erotic and exciting about having Stefan come in her
mouth. All that leashed power was under her control as she'd pleasured him. She
shivered, remembering the feel of his hands on her head, gripping her tight as he
pushed himself deeper into her mouth.
Squirming slightly, she tried to ease the ache that was throbbing between her legs.
She was so incredibly aroused that she'd almost come when he had. Swallowing a
moan, she eased her hands up to cover her breasts. The hard nubs stabbed at her palms,
demanding attention.
Laurel Rose hardly knew herself anymore. She'd never thought of herself as being
very sexual or sensual until Stefan had appeared in her life. Her body thrummed with a
need that she didn't quite know how to appease. It went beyond sexual, even though
that was a huge part of it. Her entire body ached and there was a deep need within her
to give Stefan whatever he wanted from her. To appease his appetites no matter what
he demanded.
Her eyes widened when she realized that his shaft was growing harder. But that
wasn't possible, was it? She didn't think that a man could recover that fast, but the
proof was right in front of her eyes. He was seriously aroused. Laurel Rose rolled her
hips in anticipation of his hard cock slamming into her body over and over again until
she came.
This time she couldn't swallow back her moan of desire. His eyes shot open and
their lustful glow scorched her. He stared down at her, determination stamped on his
"It's time." Butterflies fluttered deep in her belly. She sensed there was a deeper
meaning to his words, but when he cupped her chin in his hand and tipped her face up
to his, she forgot everything else, losing herself in his eyes.
She tried to nod, but she could barely move her head as his fingers wrapped around
her chin, holding her steady. "There is no going back. Once I claim you, you are mine."
His words gave her pause, but she knew she would deny him nothing. Her answer
must have shown in her eyes, because he gave her a curt nod and released her. He
stood abruptly, towering over her where she sat at his feet. Once again, she was
reminded of just how massive a man he was. But instead of frightening her, it aroused
her almost unbearably. Shifting closer to him, she rubbed one of her swollen breasts
against the rough hair covering his leg. It felt wonderful, but it made her want even
Stefan stepped back from her and crossed his arms over his chest. Spreading his
legs wide, he stared down at her. "I want you on the bed on your hands and knees. I
want to see your hot cunt, wide open and begging for my cock. I want you to offer
yourself to me with nothing held back. I want you to give me everything without
hesitation." He paused and stared down at her, cocking a quizzical eyebrow. "Will you
do that for me, Laurel Rose?"
His erotic words made her quiver with desire even as his cold detachment made
her shiver with fear. His cock jutted out in front of him. There was no doubt in her mind
that he wanted her, but his actions and words left her shaken. Automatically, she
opened her mind to him, trying to get a sense of his emotions. Immediately, she was
bombarded by his need. It was huge and almost overwhelming as she was swamped by
wave after wave of his deep yearning for her. She slammed up a wall between them
and looked down at the floor, gasping for breath, shaken by what she'd just felt.
"Laurel Rose?" His voice was softer now as he crouched in front of her. He reached
out as if to touch her but stopped himself, his fingers curling inward. She could sense
the enormity of his desire for her still roiling inside him, but he gave no physical sign of
it. She was amazed by the control he exerted over himself in his concern for her. It was
that care for her that enabled her to do what she did next.
Evading his touch, she climbed to her feet. The tension in the room was palpable as
she turned from him. Kneeling on the mattress, she maneuvered until she was in the
center of the bed. Taking a deep breath, she leaned down, supporting herself on her
forearms as she spread her legs wide.
It was the hardest thing she'd ever done, to lie there on the mattress, totally exposed
to Stefan. She could feel his gaze on her as she positioned herself on the bed as he'd
asked. The very air seemed to whoosh out of the space, taking with it the tension that
had permeated the room. Hot male satisfaction took its place. She could sense Stefan's
pleasure as he watched her.
Her pussy was dripping with desire and she pushed her legs even wider and
arched her ass toward him. She could wait no longer. "Take me, Stefan. Make me yours.
The mattress dipped behind her as he climbed up onto the bed. She held her breath,
anticipating his touch, but again he surprised her. Instead of mounting her quickly from
behind, he trailed his fingers along the backs of her legs. The unexpected light touch
tickled her skin even as it aroused her.
"Your skin is so soft." His hands continued to stroke over her behind and he traced
the line of her spine all the way to the nape of her neck. "So beautiful."
She'd never thought of herself that way before, but there was no mistaking the
sincerity behind Stefan's words. He truly meant them. To him, she was beautiful. The
butterflies in her stomach fluttered wildly as he continued to do nothing more than
stroke her body. The rough pads of his fingers were hot against her already feverish
"Stefan," she moaned.
"Will you give yourself to me? Will you trust me?"
His large body was curved around her, covering but not touching her except for the
occasional brush of his fingers. She could smell him all around her. His scent was
intoxicatingly male, hot and exotic. Laurel Rose was too far gone to reply any other way
but, "Yes."
Even though she was expecting it, the feel of his hands on her behind made her
jump. Spreading his fingers wide, he kneaded the supple flesh before sliding his
thumbs into the crease. One of his thumbs brushed against the tight puckered opening,
making her gasp. It felt strange and yet pleasurable at the same time. His hands
continued downward as he spread her sex wide.
"So hot and pink and mine." She could feel him shifting behind her and then she
felt the opening of her body stretch as he inserted the blunt tip of his penis inside her.
She tried to shove her hips back, wanting more of him, but he held her captive with his
hands. "You are mine, aren't you Laurel Rose?"
"Yes," she cried as his fingers dug into her ass and he drove himself deep in one
single stroke. Pain and pleasure combined to make her lightheaded. She was tight and
he was so big that taking him was difficult. But she wanted him anyway. Wanted the
closeness and the pleasure she knew would follow.
He sucked in a deep breath, but he held himself still. For that she was grateful. But
her body quickly became accustomed to his and just having him inside her was no
longer enough. Pulling her hips slightly forward, she then pushed them back against
Growling, he grabbed her hips and began to fuck her. Hard. The feel of his rigid
cock sliding almost all the way out of her pussy before slamming back in again was
absolutely incredible. Laurel Rose bit her lip to keep from screaming out her pleasure.
Every time he pulled away from her, she clenched her inner muscles, not wanting him
to leave her. Then he rammed his cock into her so deep she was surprised she didn't
She lost all power to think, focusing only on the intimate connection between them.
Both of them moving in a rhythm, a dance older than time, reaching for completion. His
hand fisted around her braid and the slight tug arched her neck back. She could feel the
sweat on her skin and hear the slap of their flesh as their bodies came together over and
over. The bed squeaked and groaned with every thrust. Her right leg began to ache,
protesting being in such an unnatural position for so long. She tried to straighten it,
hoping, praying it wouldn't cramp. She was so close to coming.
Stefan moved suddenly. One of his arms wrapped around her waist and his fingers
covered her mound while his other hand covered her breast. Her cry of pleasure

BOOK: Dalakis Passion 3 - Stefan's Salvation
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